Holy texts should be respected by scholars


Hmm just thought of this; if theism is the reason for power and greed, how does that explain the evidence for deliberate murder in the apes?
samcdkey said:
I skimmed through it, I'll read it later, I MUST finish my research proposal today.

Is it on Islam?

It sounds nice, but everything does in theory; I know what you think of religion so I'm not going to flog a dead horse, but if you look at the complete history of the world, no matter what the religion, people have always struggled for power. I don't see how taking away religion will change that.

As the article argues, religious thought WAS the history of the world and directly shaped the concepts of power and greed.

Anyway, that's all. I apologise if I hurt your feelings. It was not intentional.

No need to aplogise, I have no feelings. :p
I still want to know how old you are. I'd pegged you as reasonably older but if you're in your 20s ( which seems more likely now) I'll extend you some latitude.
samcdkey said:
Hmm just thought of this; if theism is the reason for power and greed, how does that explain the evidence for deliberate murder in the apes?

Are you refering to the "Demonic Ape" theory?

It's actually chimpanzees.

The theory suggests that the only two species who kill for pleasure are chimpanzees and humans, and that we are sadistic and cruel because we share these traits from similar ancestry?
(Q) said:
Are you refering to the "Demonic Ape" theory?

It's actually chimpanzees.

The theory suggests that the only two species who kill for pleasure are chimpanzees and humans, and that we are sadistic and cruel because we share these traits from similar ancestry?

You have to admit its interesting that a species we share 98% of our DNA with shares violent tendencies with us.

Besides, there are other animals that kill for pleasure and toy with their victims, sometimes not even finishing the job; leaving them to die in agony as it were.

And you are mistaken that the history of human beings is the history of religion.

Let me put it this way ( I'm going to assume you're 21 unless you tell me otherwise :) ); a married man walks into a bar. He sees a beautiful woman.

He may:
1. look at her and look away
2. continue ogling her
3. want her desperately and do nothing
4. walk up to and talk to her
5. have an affair with her
6. leave his wife for her.

In other words, there's all kinds of men and everyone sets different limits on what they consider right. Its the same for violence or power. Everyone wants different things. There will ALWAYS be men ( and of course some women) who want it ALL. That is never going to change, no matter what you call it. Its only a few men in this world, but they have the drive, ambition, luck and ruthlessness to direct the course of history.
I saw a documentary showing killer whales killing blue whales, and not eating the remains, as if it were for pleasure.

All creation groans on account of the fall of Man.
samcdkey said:
You have to admit its interesting that a species we share 98% of our DNA with shares violent tendencies with us.

It's not interesting at all - the Demonic Ape Theory is complete bunk.

Besides, there are other animals that kill for pleasure and toy with their victims, sometimes not even finishing the job; leaving them to die in agony as it were.

Such as? And of course, please explain how you know they are killing for pleasure?

And you are mistaken that the history of human beings is the history of religion.

One would have to be a creationist to believe that nonsense - wait a minute - you ARE a creationist!

a married man walks into a bar. He sees a beautiful woman.

In other words, there's all kinds of men and everyone sets different limits on what they consider right. Its the same for violence or power.

It has already been shown that violence and reproduction are inherent in all species. Violence due to power and greed is linked to religious/mystic thought processes going back thousands of generations.

Everyone wants different things. There will ALWAYS be men ( and of course some women) who want it ALL. That is never going to change, no matter what you call it. Its only a few men in this world, but they have the drive, ambition, luck and ruthlessness to direct the course of history.

It's interesting where religious thought and decision making processes have brought us over the centuries. It's time for a change.
samcdkey said:
Besides, there are other animals that kill for pleasure and toy with their victims, sometimes not even finishing the job; leaving them to die in agony as it were.

I'm not aware of any mammals that don't.
(Q) said:
It's not interesting at all - the Demonic Ape Theory is complete bunk.

Why ? :rolleyes:

Such as? And of course, please explain how you know they are killing for pleasure?

I haf seeen wid mhy vhery eeice.

One would have to be a creationist to believe that nonsense - wait a minute - you ARE a creationist!

One of these days you'll jump too far.

It has already been shown that violence and reproduction are inherent in all species. Violence due to power and greed is linked to religious/mystic thought processes going back thousands of generations.

I didn't realize all species had mystic thought processes; the plague is worse than you thought (*nodding head in sympathy*)

It's interesting where religious thought and decision making processes have brought us over the centuries. It's time for a change.

Yes, but can you be certain that where you end up will be where you intended to reach?
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(Q) said:
A good example of the thought process I was referring, sam.

You don't cut off your head if you have a crooked nose, Q; you fix the nose.
In the January 1999 issue of Natural History, marine biologists Robert L. Pitman and Susan J. Chivers described an event they had witnessed on the high seas. A pack of about fifty killer whales attacked a pod of nine sperm whales, killing one and maiming the rest.

“All may die from wounds received this morning…” the authors observe. “The killer whales killed more this morning than they could possibly eat: hundreds of tons of flesh are left behind. We are struck by the tremendous waste.”

Waste is normal for killer whales. These predators, “are well known for their habit of eating just the fleshy lips and tongues of minke whales, then leaving their victims to die,” write Pitman and Chivers.

Dolphins are even nastier. They kill for pleasure, without taking a bite.

“Dolphins have been found to bludgeon porpoises to death by the hundreds,” reports the New York Times (July 6, 1999). “Unlike most animal killers, which eat their prey, dolphins seem to have murderous urges unrelated to the need for food.”

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Domestic cats stalk more often than they attack, attack more often than they kill, and kill more than they eat. You can explain this as practice or simply as fun. Mountain lions seem to have the same idea of fun. One of them killed 30 sheep in one night.

My cat ( called Apache because she is very blood thirsty ) kills solely for pleasure. (This is general behavior in cats, you can ask around)

<img src="http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/7413/106d7mu.jpg" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us" />

James R said:
I have owned several cats. I prevent them from hunting the local wildlife as far as possible. For example, my current cat is kept indoors at night. Why? Because my cat doesn't need to hunt native animals to eat. She is already well fed. She only hunts for fun, and that results in cruelty to other animals.
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Crunchy Cat said:
Why even have theology at all? On the pro side it's the bullshit that binds people together and on the con side it's the bullshit that promotes death, ignorance, and suffering.
Damn straight! Religion is understanding and accepting change. That is it..
samcdkey said:
Domestic cats stalk more often than they attack, attack more often than they kill, and kill more than they eat. You can explain this as practice or simply as fun. Mountain lions seem to have the same idea of fun. One of them killed 30 sheep in one night.

My cat ( called Apache because she is very blood thirsty ) kills solely for pleasure. (This is general behavior in cats, you can ask around)

<img src="http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/7413/106d7mu.jpg" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us" />

Some animals have no choice but to kill to survive, they are therefore very good at it. To say Dolphins are nasty is a bit strange coming from a human (humans are guilty of the worst cruelty and needless infliction of death and suffering imaginable). Sure, an animal such as a cat, dog, fox, whatever, will kill more than they can eat if the opportunity presents itself. But animals are never sure where their next meal is coming from (even if they are domesticated), they don't have shops like humans do, so sometimes a large amount of waste occurs. Killing seemingly for fun could be for several reasons, such as a form of practice and keeping the predatory instincts and skills sharp, and protecting it's own feeding ground from animals that share or threaten their prey.
wsionynw said:
Some animals have no choice but to kill to survive, they are therefore very good at it. To say Dolphins are nasty is a bit strange coming from a human (humans are guilty of the worst cruelty and needless infliction of death and suffering imaginable). Sure, an animal such as a cat, dog, fox, whatever, will kill more than they can eat if the opportunity presents itself. But animals are never sure where their next meal is coming from (even if they are domesticated), they don't have shops like humans do, so sometimes a large amount of waste occurs. Killing seemingly for fun could be for several reasons, such as a form of practice and keeping the predatory instincts and skills sharp, and protecting it's own feeding ground from animals that share or threaten their prey.

Please note: The dolphins don't eat the porpoises they merely bludgeon them to death.

Yup, just saying that violence for power is not exclusive to humans; you must be aware of the territorial fights seen among male animals, right? Most male animals, domesticated or wild, mark their territory, to declare sovereignty over it. They fight bitterly to keep it and also fight to extend it. This is also a fight for resources but it proves that the instinct for territory and for hunting are inbred in all mammals. Just saying that religion causes power and greed is ridicuous. A brief study of the animal kingdom will tell you that power struggles are about resources and survival. They are instinctive.
samcdkey said:
Yup, just saying that violence for power is not exclusive to humans; you must be aware of the territorial fights seen among male animals, right? Most male animals, domesticated or wild, mark their territory, to declare sovereignty over it. They fight bitterly to keep it and also fight to extend it. This is also a fight for resources but it proves that the instinct for territory and for hunting are inbred in all mammals. Just saying that religion causes power and greed is ridicuous. A brief study of the animal kingdom will tell you that power struggles are about resources and survival. They are instinctive.

I agree, but you must undersatand that animals fight for feeding territory and breeding rights as a means of basic survival and the instinct to reproduce (I. Humans have this also, but we have distanced ourselves from our wild roots in many ways.
I don't think religion is to blame for all greed (apart from televangalists), I just think organised religion does more harm than good because it promotes fear, hate and irrational beliefs.
samcdkey said:
Yup, just saying that violence for power is not exclusive to humans; you must be aware of the territorial fights seen among male animals, right? Most male animals, domesticated or wild, mark their territory, to declare sovereignty over it. They fight bitterly to keep it and also fight to extend it. This is also a fight for resources but it proves that the instinct for territory and for hunting are inbred in all mammals. Just saying that religion causes power and greed is ridicuous. A brief study of the animal kingdom will tell you that power struggles are about resources and survival. They are instinctive.


Religion can be a powerful tool in this struggle, but it is not the reason for the struggle except to those for whom the tool has been employed. In this context, religion is only a "motivator" or "propaganda" or "mind control device" so to speak. The reason for the struggle is survival, as people come to know it - and the somewhat random distribution of personality characteristics, wherein the alphas claim authority to implement whatever tools necessary to assert their control.

People are nothing more than complicated apes who are pretending to be something more.