Holocaust Denial

I see, only religious people belong to any ethnicity or culture.

Judaism is a religion, not an ethnicity or a culture.

And you're an atheist. Do you consider yourself Middle Eastern? Or religious? Or even as one who follows Judaic tradition?

If a Muslim becomes an atheist, whats his ethnicity? Islam? Whats his culture? Islam?
Jews are most concerned with their story, what's so wrong or unusual about that? They were the majority of the victims of the holocaust, I dare you to prove otherwise.

If the history is summarized or shortened in any way, then details necessarily get left out. I have never seen a thorough or comprehensive history of the war that didn't get it right with regard to the mentally ill, homosexuals, poles, mexicans, gypsies, etc... that also died in the camps.

I have also heard many if not all Jews mention the other victims of the holocaust as well. In my experience, they are very careful not to portray themselves as the sole victims.

I think its fair to say we both have compltely different experiences with this topic and won't find common ground.
I think Poles were the majority of victims. 12 million victims were Polish.

The majority of victims were Russians, though, 20 million dead in the period between WWI and WWII. Now that is a holocaust.
No doubt. The Poles LOST in WWII and didn't even get a shitty stick of effort or reparations for it.

Poland, the polish people(something like 18% killed - the highest percentage death rate), were screwed by Hitler and Stalin, screwed by the Allies(not allowing Sosabowski to drop in Warsaw during the uprising) and then screwed by Russia again for 50 odd years AFTER WWII was over.

It is amazing they survived as a Nation. Even more amazing is, that was not the first time that happened to Poland!(though perhaps the first time for such a reduction in population). Incredibly tough and determined people.

While there is no argument that Hitler abhorred the Jews and caused almost six million to be ruthlessly killed, often non-Jewish victims are tragically forgotten from Holocaust remembrances. Eleven million precious human lives were lost during the Holocaust. Five million of these were non-Jewish. Three million were Polish Christians and Catholics. It would be very sad to forget even one precious life extinguished so ruthlessly. It would be a tragedy to forget five million.


I couldn't agree more, and I think most Jews feel the same way.
I think Poles were the majority of victims. 12 million victims were Polish.

The majority of victims were Russians, though, 20 million dead in the period between WWI and WWII. Now that is a holocaust.

In WWII, yes, but that isn't considered the Holocaust.
I have no real idea about special reparations for "Jews", but only interned, prison camped civilians (and some military) are given a German government cheque every month.

I was talking generally the Nation of Poland suffered without reparations. (because of the Soviets dominating their land after)
I have no real idea about special reparations for "Jews", but only interned, prison camped civilians (and some military) are given a German government cheque every month.

I was talking generally the Nation of Poland suffered without reparations. (because of the Soviets dominating their land after)

If nations would have been given reparations like they were after WWI we would have made definite WWIII. It was one of the great mistakes after WWI.
We have holocaust denial here in South Africa.. mostly from Iranians living here and the other one I know is a militant christian. Now its not illegal here, but people who deny the holocaust are rightfully called lunatics here and are taken to be pathological liars.
I think Poles were the majority of victims. 12 million victims were Polish.

The majority of victims were Russians, though, 20 million dead in the period between WWI and WWII. Now that is a holocaust.
Only 6 million poles died during WW2 and not all of them in the camps.
Oh lord when will the voice of fucking reason ever be allowed to be heard on this forum!

Some people living in the world today are old enough to have relatives who lived through WWII and they had the scars (not all physical) to prove it. Not just Jewish relatives I hasten to add in case I'm dismissed as a Zionist revisionist but of gentiles who were THERE at the time!!

Now yes many, many millions of people died in the World War II of various extractions, religions, politics and nationalities. Dreadful waste of humanity!! No dispute there. BUT the truth of the matter regarding what came to be known as 'The Holocaust' is that Hitler began his victimisation and purge of Jews (yes.....and dessenters, black people, gypsies, the mentally and physically disabled, etc, etc.) well before the war began in 1939. And his main beef was with Jews. Things were getting pretty tough from the mid
1930s onwards which 'culminated' in Krystallnact (Night of Crystals ie broken glass) when Jewish homes and businesses were ransacked and many people just disappeared overnight. Jews had already begun to leave Germany in large numbers as Hitler's regime began to mobilise against them (that's one of the reasons there's quite a Jews few in the US you arseholes!) but in the late 1930s all adult Jews were prevented from leaving. Some children were 'allowed' to leave on the kindertransport (a series of overland trains) destined for England and the USA. These trains were packed to the rafters as families desperately tried to get their children out. I know of one child whose mother made her wear 12 pairs of underpants because they wouldn't fit in the one small suitcase each child was allowed. About 10 000 aged between 1 and 15 escaped. The rest didn't (don't ask about twins; twins were speshul....).

With borders closed and the Jews trapped and ghettoised they were transported to the labour and extermination camps. The allies knew about the camps some time before the end of the war thanks to various forms of surveillance. Documentation and photographs available in the British Imperial War Museums and archives if you care to look. There is documented witness testimony of the allies who arrived at the camps alongside the testimony of survivors and captured camp commanders and camp guards. Aerial photographs, film, war correspondent testimony - you name; it the evidence is available in gory details. The nazis of course kept their own meticulous documentation as they went along and very proud of their work they were too, they say so themselves! Names (each Jew allocated a number), former addresses, occupations, lists of possessions - all carefully written down in volume after relentless volume. notebooks, planners, files. Rooms full of it. They were also very efficient in coming up with clever new ways to exterminate large groups of people all at once using the minumum of resources. The blue prints and planning notes survive, you see.

Of course some of the camps are still standing as well; more or less intact and you can even visit if you fancy a nice little holiday. You will, however, leave with no doubt that the holocaust happened, especially when you wade past the piles of shoes, clothing, spectacles, hair,false teeth, etc. removed from each individual filing into the 'showers' for delousing (gassing).

What all this adds up to used to be known as a 'body of evidence' before the days when you could just state something on an internet site and by osmosis it became a fact. Not just the odd bit of paper here and a blurred photo there but an entire depressingly horrific account which can even be cross referenced between the victims and their murderers. Pleasant reading....if you are that way inclined.

Planned, systematic murder on a grand scale with few regrets expressed by the perpetrators when some of them were finally brought to 'justice' (which also adds an additional layer of evidence to the mix - confession).

As for exact numbers, well what's a few thousand between friends? But if you've got some time on your hands you could get in touch with the various archives that hold the evidence and start counting......

Or do some of that 'questionable witness' research. You could even start by asking a very elderly formerly German Jew what that number is tattood on her wrist.

All the rest herein on who deserves what by whom blah blah I'm a bigger victim hoo ha - Irelevant to the OP so piss of out of the thread.
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So you think the 12 million Poles and 20 million Russians are not so significant because they weren't targeted as Jews?

Planned, systematic murder on a grand scale with few regrets expressed by the perpetrators when some of them were finally brought to 'justice'

Nowadays they call it The Patriot Act.
So you think the 12 million Poles and 20 million Russians are not so significant because they weren't targeted as Jews?

Nowadays they call it The Patriot Act.

And btw they were targetted as 'enemies'. German Jews were from Germany which is like in Germany like within the borders of like Germany like who were then targetted by their own German people like.

Stop being so bloody stupid!
Oh and like Poles are like from poland and Russians from like Russia. Oh and a few frikken British people died to you know like.
And btw they were targetted as 'enemies'. German Jews were from Germany which is like in Germany like within the borders of like Germany like who were then targetted by their own German people like.

Stop being so bloody stupid!

Like Soviet government targeting Russians and throwing them in gulags? Millions of them? Like that?:rolleyes:

Oh and like Poles are like from poland and Russians from like Russia. Oh and a few frikken British people died to you know like.

The Brits starved 30 million Indians to death [because the British army marches on India stomachs], really they had a few coming their way after hundreds of years of occupying other people, don't you think? Amazing they didn't like the prospect of being occupied by the Germans doncha think?
SAM is the post about holocaust denial or not?
Is the OP about who committed the worst atrocities against whom, when and how, or not?
Is the the OP about holocaust denial or not?

If you want to talk about who killed whom, when and how they did it; fine. We'd be calling that genocide and we'd be discussing, amongst other things, the warning signs that lead can up to and 'allow' such atrocities. But be careful you don't preach to the converted on that one cos I am somewhat familiar with the subject being as I've worked with many schoolchildren on the matter.

If however you want to talk about something called Holocaust Denial in a thread called 'Holocaust Denial' in which the OP talks about lack of supporting evidence for said holocaust - without looking like a complete tit - do just go ahead I won't stop you. I will point out that you are being a complete tit, however.
So you think this thread is about denying the holocaust? More power to you. I actually read the OP

No war, no genocide, no other horror throughout time has a law like this applied to it in our modern-day society.

Many people are rotting in prison right now because they have been accused of 'denying the Holocaust in part or in whole'. For example, if it is 'established' that six million died, it is illegal for someone to do some research and then say: "actually, there's no evidence for that, it was probably a lot lower."

How on earth can this be justified? Do you honestly think that contradicting methods or numbers should add your face to the overcrowded prison system? Would this really be a way for Neo-Nazis to take over the world?

It is ridiculous.
Do you think people should be imprisoned for questioning any aspect of the Holocaust?