Holocaust Denial

First of all, you are anti-semitic, Kadark. Secondly, there is nothing legitimate about people who's sole agenda is to deny the historicity of one of the most well-established events ever.
Why can't they deny the Holocaust? Treat it like religion; no evidence= no reason to believe in it. And videos aren't evidence, anyone can create videos. Nor is testimony. So what evidence is there?
Do your own homework, Nazis.

I'm far from being a Nazi. I'm not a racist. The only thing I agree with Hitler about is the structure of society/government and that the will always triumphs.

We can't travel back in time so we can't say if the holocaust happened.
First of all, you are anti-semitic, Kadark.

What I am saying is no different from what Isa said. Was he, too, anti-Semitic? I have nothing against sincere Jews who distance themselves from these bloodthirsty Zionists, which I've announced time and again. My problem is with Zionists, and the Jews who proclaim inherent superiority over all other races due to their unique selection from God.

Secondly, there is nothing legitimate about people who's sole agenda is to deny the historicity of one of the most well-established events ever.

Nobody is saying the Holocaust didn't happen; what is being argued, however, is the severity to which these events occurred. Everybody knows the six million death figure is a blatant lie. Details about the camps are also under scrutiny, although expressing such historical inadequacies can land one in prison. Tell me, should people who deny fragments of the Holocaust, or even the Holocaust altogether, be imprisoned? Rationally, I'd expect you to say "no"; however, the Zionist in you is nodding its head, which I can easily tell.

There are no anti-Semites here, spidergoat.

Except SkinWalker^

Anyway, you missed the mark; spidergoat, who ever said the sole agenda of people who deny the holocaust is to deny the holocaust? It's important to prove or disprove the holocaust, because if we disprove it, there goes the whole basis for the state of Israel.
No one who is legitimately researching the holocaust would ever go to jail.

There is a measure of uncertainty, since the Nazis knew how their actions would be recieved, and they often destroyed the meticulous records they kept, but there is no much evidence about the events that if anything, people underestimate the severity.

Kadark, you are hiding behind the commonly mis-applied accusations of anti-semitism to be truly anti-semitic. In this case, it fits.
Except SkinWalker^

Anyway, you missed the mark; spidergoat, who ever said the sole agenda of people who deny the holocaust is to deny the holocaust? It's important to prove or disprove the holocaust, because if we disprove it, there goes the whole basis for the state of Israel.

It's not the fucking resurrection, it really happened.
It's not the fucking resurrection, it really happened.

Prove it. Testimony? Not evidence. Videos? Not evidence, they can be fabricated. So what is the absolute no-doubt-about-it proof?

I could re write history, fabricate videos and photos, and pay people to testify, and eventually it'd become a "fact" if it's taught and treated as one.
Yes, there's plenty of testimony. No historian doubts this. All historians know that the 6 million figure is just an estimation. Part of the tragedy is that we cannot ever know the exact number, but the scale of the killing was beyond conception.
No one who is legitimately researching the holocaust would ever go to jail.

If that legitimate research led the individual in question to deny certain aspects of the Holocaust, then yes, they could most definitely be imprisoned. This is the type of injustice Zionists use to silence their enemies; perhaps unconsciously, you're doing exactly what they do, spidergoat. When you disagree with valid points concerning Jewish/Zionist wrongdoings, you label the person/group as being "anti-Semitic".

There is a measure of uncertainty, since the Nazis knew how their actions would be recieved, and they often destroyed the meticulous records they kept, but there is no much evidence about the events that if anything, people underestimate the severity.

This is an example of fair debate, spidergoat. You claim that, if anything, the Holocaust is underestimated in terms of severity; I, on the other hand, claim many figures and statistics associated with the Holocaust to be deliberately exaggerated. This is a fair and sensible disagreement, is it not? Yet, I could potentially be jailed for thinking the way I do. Is this fair, or is this unfair?

Kadark, you are hiding behind the commonly mis-applied accusations of anti-semitism to be truly anti-semitic. In this case, it fits.

How am I anti-Semitic? Here is Wikipedia's definition:

"Antisemitism (alternatively spelled anti-semitism or anti-Semitism; also rarely known as judeophobia) is the prejudice against or hostility toward Jews as a group."

I have shown no prejudice or hostility toward Jews as a group. I have only criticized the actions of a few Jews; namely, Zionists.

Wow. So would all this be going on if a thread was started denying the american civil war? Perhaps we should deny slavery while we're at it.
Yes, there's plenty of testimony. No historian doubts this. All historians know that the 6 million figure is just an estimation. Part of the tragedy is that we cannot ever know the exact number, but the scale of the killing was beyond conception.

And when has testimony counted as irrefutable proof?

Anyway, you missed the mark; spidergoat, who ever said the sole agenda of people who deny the holocaust is to deny the holocaust? It's important to prove or disprove the holocaust, because if we disprove it, there goes the whole basis for the state of Israel.

No, the whole basis for the state of Israel is British & US belief that it was promised by god to the Jews. So they stole the land from people who lived there for over a thousand years.
Regardless of the holocaust being legitimate as taught in school or overexaggerated my point is they recieve nearly all the attention of WW2 topics. Movies, books, educational literature, documentaries, biographies. etc etc.

I believe the ratio of jewish related WW2 material to non-jewish related material is so outrageous (jewish WW2 material outweighs non-jewish WW2 material) it is a slap in the face and huge dishonor to the MAJORITY of NON JEW casualties who died fighting or just simply living in europe.

If i didn't know any better it would appear the Jews think the whole entire war was over them.
So would all this be going on if a thread was started denying the american civil war? Perhaps we should deny slavery while we're at it.

Holocaust Denial is not a term to be taken literally; it refers to disputing established 'facts' concerning the Holocaust, rather than saying that no Jew was ever killed or imprisoned by the Nazi Party.

To answer your question - no - because for some strange and hitherto undiscovered reason, it is perfectly legal and accepted to argue and debate certain aspects of the American Civil War and the Slave Trade.

Are we now reading from the same page, meat-head?
And when has testimony counted as irrefutable proof?

That's what you asked about. There is massive supporting evidence too. They aren't talking about a religious or supernatural experience, but real events. You could question some details, but the overall story is irrefutable.