Holocaust Denial

They aren't necessarily more "valued", but they were victimized the most as a group (of civilians), by the Nazis. That's just history. People that try and pretend, in the name of objectivity, to subvert the truth, usually have a hateful agenda, to undermine the percieved power of the Jews. The idea that people pay more attention to the Jewish victims of WWII than others is also a lie. The Holocaust Museum, for instance, concentrates not only on the Jewish story, but actively works against genocides of others around the world.

How many non-Jewish victims of the Holocaust have they helped? Where?
Technically yes but the Semitic species is more than just Jewish people

But address the Russian thing. Loads more Russians died than Jews (or, Russian Jews)

Obviously, but for the most part they were soldiers, that much is expected in war. I'm not making the case that Jewish victims deserve more attention, but their plight was remarkable.

How many non-Jewish victims of the Holocaust have they helped? Where?

They are involved with modern genocides, raising awareness and educating people.

The Jews chose not to fight back.

Now remember, I don't hate Jews and in fact I regard them as brothers, but I'm merely stating facts.
Wiki might say that; but I know of people being arrested in Canada prosecuted by the Jewish Defamation League. Judges usually rule with them so it's practically illegal.

Who? Because I'd love to be their advocate. I disagree with their opinions, the holocaust HAPPENED, but I'd rather be dead than see someone go to jail for not being able to say whatever the hell they want.
That's not true, there was the Warsaw uprising. The sad fact is that no native uprisings were significantly effective against the Nazi war machine. It has been argued that not even strategic bombing was effective.
Who? Because I'd love to be their advocate. I disagree with their opinions, the holocaust HAPPENED, but I'd rather be dead than see someone go to jail for not being able to say whatever the hell they want.

I don't think people should be allowed to say anything at all that they want. Sometimes it can create instability.

Now, that being said, although I do believe in "dictatorship" for its efficiency, it is necessary that the government listen to the complaints and concerns of the people to ensure stability and to ensure that they serve the needs of the people. However, there should be an official "national forum" for this need as opposed to through other mediums.
They have nothing to prove to you or anyone else.

I ask because even the Jewish holocaust survivors are in such a pathetic state. And they never appear to have done anything for the non-Jewish ones either. However, there is plenty of money for propaganda about the Holocaust. And the compensations never stop.
Everyone is in a pathetic state, so what. You can't undo what's been done to them. When my Grandparents talked about the war, they would mention their fellow soldiers and pilots as much as the Jewish victims.

I don't understand why the Jews now have to be saints in order to justify mentioning their own tragedies.
They could stop stealing the reparation made to survivors with as much zeal as they pretend to defend them.

On September 10, 1952 the reparations agreement was signed. The Israeli delegation at the negotiations with the Germans did not include a single Holocaust survivor. The amount, 3.450 billion Marks, was paid mostly in merchandise, fuel and services. Part of that sum was delineated as reimbursement for the expenses related to the absorption and rehabilitation of the survivors.

In their zeal to sign the agreement, the government waived the rights of them and any survivor with Israeli citizenship to sue Germany for the return of property, reparations and any other means of corrections stemming from the Nazi injustice (at the very least reparations for freedom deprivation).

The agreement also exempted Germany from paying disability reparations to those who were injured in Nazi persecutions and had already come to Israel.

“Where is the money that the State of Israel received for me and for the rest of the survivors?” wonders Robinson. “We did not receive a cent. When I wanted to apply to a teacher’s seminary and asked for assistance because I was a Holocaust survivor, they said to me ‘You are European; we only help those from Eastern countries’. The money that was meant for our rehabilitation went to the wrong place, and we did not receive any of it”.

Or doesn't it matter?
Given the Israel was established as a refuge for Jews, I don't see how getting reparations is stealing.
Given the Israel was established as a refuge for Jews, I don't see how getting reparations is stealing.

Israel itself is stolen land and does not defend Holocaust survivors against living on poor rations.

An Israeli government offer of a new $20 monthly stipend for Holocaust survivors provoked outrage Tuesday, with survivors charging the meager allowance will do nothing to make up for years of neglect of the 240,000 Israelis who lived through Nazi horrors.

In fact, it has created 10 million Palestinian refugees.
Again, I don't understand why Jews have to be saints for holocaust denial to be considered offensive. All my grandparents joined the war to end the Nazi regime, is that enough?
And that gives some people who are taking reparations for that Holocaust the right to demand people be thrown in prison for questioning it in any way? Heh. Can we say, nazi beliefs about righteousness?
There is plenty of room for sincere historical research. Holocaust denial is something different. It's an extension of the Neo-Nazi agenda. Anyway, Israel isn't Germany. Germany decided this for themselves.
This is how the Zionists silence their enemies. First, they call you anti-Semitic; if you persist, they arrest you. The Holohoax is the only event in history which is punishable by law to deny or disrepute, which is, for lack of a better word, bullshit. This is the type of Jewish supremacist censorship which ensues when these snakes infiltrate powerful positions in society. Europeans claim they cherish their right to practice freedom of speech when it comes to producing provocative images insulting Islam; however, when legitimate issues are raised about the validity of a historical event, they see to it that you're imprisoned.
