Holocaust Denial

Regardless of the holocaust being legitimate as taught in school or overexaggerated my point is they recieve nearly all the attention of WW2 topics. Movies, books, educational literature, documentaries, biographies. etc etc.

I believe the ratio of jewish related WW2 material to non-jewish related material is so outrageous (jewish WW2 material outweighs non-jewish WW2 material) it is a slap in the face and huge dishonor to the MAJORITY of NON JEW casualties who died fighting or just simply living in europe.

If i didn't know any better it would appear the Jews think the whole entire war was over them.

Jealous? Maybe a little genocide for your people would make up for it.
Jealous? Maybe a little genocide for your people would make up for it.

touchy touchy. you really need to deal with the fact that it is largely ignored in lower education in the states the fact that the jews weren't the only targets of the holocaust.
Actually in most laws holocaust denial (or trivializing it, merely adjusting the number does not suffice in most case, unless you downplay from millions of deaths to, say, a dozen) is not the sole aspect. It is usually tied to some other aspects. For instance, in Germany it is partially tied to the law against disparagement of the memory of deceased, as well as the law against the denial of the deeds of the NDSAP (I suppose that one was at least partially instigated by the allies).
In the case of the Czech republic, for instance approval of genocide, by both, the NS-regime, as well as the communist party is forbidden.

In the majority of cases prison sentences are possible, but afaik mostly fines are given. But as genocide denial is often coupled with hate speeches the cumulative penalties might be higher. And actually in most (German) schools you learn explicitly that Jews were not the only target (though the largest single group) of the NS regime.
That's what you asked about. There is massive supporting evidence too. They aren't talking about a religious or supernatural experience, but real events. You could question some details, but the overall story is irrefutable.

What evidence?
Remain in ignorance then, I wouldn't expect anything else from you.

You fail to address my point, and of course resort to petty insults. All of the "evidence" you are speaking of can be fabricated. With history, nothing is certain.
Jealous? Maybe a little genocide for your people would make up for it.

Trust me I am not jealous of jews. But rather irritated at their self centeredness toward the WWII events. They were NOT the only ones in concentrations camps, they were NOT the only ones to die in horrendous ways, they were NOT the majority of the deaths during the war and they were NOT the reason for the war.

The media, educational systems, and governments seem to think so though and If I had been a non-jewish victim of WWII whos entire family was also killed I would be a little bit pissed off at todays media, governments, and educational system for teaching our children horrible math skills (ie: 6 million > 70 million)
That is merely a popular tidbit of folk-fiction.

Really because i heard jack about anyone else but the jews during the holocaust segment in history in all of my lower education. The only reason I knew about the others was history books about WW2 I had laying about my house. Its not folk-fiction its reality.
Really because i heard jack about anyone else but the jews during the holocaust segment in history in all of my lower education. The only reason I knew about the others was history books about WW2 I had laying about my house. Its not folk-fiction its reality.

I'm having pjdude denial.
What is the meaning of "your people"? You're an atheist. Why is this even an issue for you?

The only sense I can make of the comment is that he is very semetic of jews. So much that he would make a rediculous comment about someone being jealous of a genocide just because they know how to count.
I see, only religious people belong to any ethnicity or culture.

If you guys never heard about any other victims of the holocaust besides Jews, you had crappy teachers. Don't blame the Jews for that too.
I see, only religious people belong to any ethnicity or culture.

If you guys never heard about any other victims of the holocaust besides Jews, you had crappy teachers. Don't blame the Jews for that too.

Obviously I have heard about other victims other than jews otherwise I would not be making my current argument.....

The situation is that the jewish casualties are so overly advertised and publicized in comparison to the non-jewish casualties.

You cannot deny this. Just go and ask any American or especially any German what the first thing that pops into their head when asked about WW2 and I am confident it will almost ALWAYS be jew related.

Documentaries on TV, Biographies, media coverage and obviously educational systems are favoring the jewish portion of suffering in WW2. I’m asking WHY? Also why is the jewish community so accepting of compensation when the rest of the millions who died get nothing??

If you bring up the fact that according to media, education, governments FAVOR jews and VALUE their WW2 suffering MORE than the rest you are called an anti-Semite and depending on location imprisoned?

From my knowledge jews are doing nothing to correct this and are all for it.
Jews are most concerned with their story, what's so wrong or unusual about that? They were the majority of the victims of the holocaust, I dare you to prove otherwise.

If the history is summarized or shortened in any way, then details necessarily get left out. I have never seen a thorough or comprehensive history of the war that didn't get it right with regard to the mentally ill, homosexuals, poles, mexicans, gypsies, etc... that also died in the camps.

I have also heard many if not all Jews mention the other victims of the holocaust as well. In my experience, they are very careful not to portray themselves as the sole victims.