Holocaust Denial

dont shove the palestinians into this, they tried to exterminate the jews in 48.
Yes after the Jews were invading and occupying their land. I can hardly blame them.

the quote is Einsteins, and he wasnt blaming the jews for not fighting back but everyone else for helping the nazis.

The Jews should've fought back.
After the Zionist movement. You're conveniently forgetting that

the zionist movement didnt invade anyone, they bought all of the land legally. it was arabs who started the violence from the start, even when jews offered them jobs.

Yes, now after tons of backup and aid...yet you didn't in the past

who aided us in 48? we hardly had money to buy weapons, most of it was hand made.
the zionist movement didnt invade anyone, they bought all of the land legally. it was arabs who started the violence from the start, even when jews offered them jobs.
The land was purchased legally, yes. However, that wasn't the reason you were invaded. The reason was because of the creation of the state of Israel; I can buy land in a nation without taking it over.
The land was purchased legally, yes. However, that wasn't the reason you were invaded. The reason was because of the creation of the state of Israel; I can buy land in a nation without taking it over.

only there wasnt anything to take over.
Oh Lord! You are either unable to read or unable to understand but I fear most likely both. I tried to make it as clear as possible by posting the articles in full in the hope that you would read and understand them. Let me spell it out again:

The first article is about a libel lawsuit that David Irving brought against another academic who had questioned the historical accuracy and validity of Irving's 'research'. David Irving LOST HIS OWN CASE because HE ACCIDENTALLY PROVED that his work WAS INDEED historically inaccurate to the point of bare faced fabrications. David Irving was cuckolded by his very own libel suit. He showed the world his own arse. He then carried on with his holocaust denials in Austria and Germany before finally being arrested as reported in the remaining articles I posted here. In an attempt to avoid a trial he admitted that he wasn't an expert on the holocaust and that millions of people had indeed been gassed in concentration camps (depite the fact that he'd already seen the proof in that previous libel case trial a few years before).

All this was widely reported by press and media of all persuasions. I just googled it for you.....

Ok, I'm did not and am not disputing that. Pray, tell me what I failed to understand.
I don't blame the Jews for the Holocaust. However, as the quote goes, "evil triumphs when good sits by and does nothing" or something like that.

The Palestinians fought back, the Native Americans fought back. Sure, the situation wasn't the same, but they fought back and the Jews should've as well.

They did fight back when your isolated from the groups who would supply you its hard to get the weaponary to fight.
lock them up and throw the key. one holocaust is enough.

What about all the other genocides of comparable loss of life and atrocities?

I see despite replies by others, you haven't edited your post to amend it.
What impression do you think that gives people? That you only think it matters when its people you care about?

i dont see any reason to edit something i believe in, and i dont edit in general.

i think im not the issue here, i think the problem is you trying to blame me, for not feeling sympathy for the jews who were murdered in the holocaust, and that is very unfortunate.

Ok, I think its fair since this is a thread on "Denial" to state that i'm not a "denier". Who are you saying feels no sympathy?
I certainly feel sympathy for ALL the innocent people killed in WW2, including from the holocaust.
My comment was ONLY in regards to your "one holocaust is enough" statement. Of course there was only one genocide referred to as "the holocaust" and I don't deny it happened, I'm just pointing out that by only referring to one (albeit one of the largest) genocides, some people (e.g. on this forum) get the impression you might not care so much about the others.

Maybe its human nature to care more about the persecution/murder of your "own people" or "tribe" than that of others?
Ok, I think its fair since this is a thread on "Denial" to state that i'm not a "denier". Who are you saying feels no sympathy?
I certainly feel sympathy for ALL the innocent people killed in WW2, including from the holocaust.
My comment was ONLY in regards to your "one holocaust is enough" statement. Of course there was only one genocide referred to as "the holocaust" and I don't deny it happened, I'm just pointing out that by only referring to one (albeit one of the largest) genocides, some people (e.g. on this forum) get the impression you might not care so much about the others.

Maybe its human nature to care more about the persecution/murder of your "own people" or "tribe" than that of others?

All [attempted] genocides are disgustingly vile outbursts of humanity at its worst.

When your grandparents were part of one, you feel closer connection to it naturally.
All [attempted] genocides are disgustingly vile outbursts of humanity at its worst.

When your grandparents were part of one, you feel closer connection to it naturally.

I can only imagine, but that makes sense.