"Hello, is there anybody in there...?" A call to pagans, pantheists, and assorted...

I'm flattered.
You think my story will be told centuries from now?
I ahve created a new God mythos?

I guess that would be the ultimate proof of my idea. :)

Who knows :p

The Christian religion had it's roots in sun worship and the likes, look what it turn into now..
Who knows :p

The Christian religion had it's roots in sun worship and the likes, look what it turn into now..

Don't listen to Medicine Woman and Acharya S.
These are unfounded speculation and far-reaching presumptions. :D
Don't listen to Medicine Woman and Acharya S.
These are unfounded speculation and far-reaching presumptions. :D

I think it makes sense though.. anyway it's not really important here anyway.
For what it's worth I find your beliefs very respectable :)
I think it makes sense though.. anyway it's not really important here anyway.
Correlation does not necessarily imply causation.
Jesus' teachings seem more rooted in Buddhism to me.
But you're right - this is something for a different thread.

For what it's worth I find your beliefs very respectable :)
It's worth a lot, actually, coming from you.
Thank you.
To be honest, calling them God and Goddess doesn't sit entirely right with me either.
I tried for a while to come up with names for the God and Goddess, but I just haven't come up with anything yet.
I tried combining staya and karma with different Sanskrit words for manifest.
I tried combining different Sanskrit and Pali words.
Nothing sounded or fit quite right, and it all seemed very contrived.
Maybe I will come up with someting before all is said and done.
To be honest, calling them God and Goddess doesn't sit entirely right with me either.
I tried for a while to come up with names for the God and Goddess, but I just haven't come up with anything yet.
I tried combining staya and karma with different Sanskrit words for manifest.
I tried combining different Sanskrit and Pali words.
Nothing sounded or fit quite right, and it all seemed very contrived.
Maybe I will come up with someting before all is said and done.

Or maybe you can just hold your beliefs without ascribing them to artificial entities, what's wrong with that ?
Because I'm a writer.
Because I like to share and discuss my thoughts and ideas and like to find ways to make them as undertsnadable and relatable as I can.
Because I'm a writer.
Because I like to share and discuss my thoughts and ideas and like to find ways to make them as undertsnadable and relatable as I can.

Hmm ok but you couldn't have explained it to me using the god and goddess analogy.
You used another analogy that pertained more to reality ;)
Then why did you say that you believe the universe infinite?

I really can't understand you because you seem to contradict yourself often.
Well I had been on the computer for a while and needed to sleep, so I didn't have time to finish my thought. When I endeavor to wrap my mind around either concept they both seem beyond comprehension. But of the two ideas I find the ideas involved with infinity more appealing and satisfying. I was merely trying to convey that I have and do think of these things, and we're all just guessing here when it comes to the nature of the universe and or god. We don't truly know that something/idea will come along and blow all our preconceived notions out of the water. Like the fact that our brain receives billions of bits of information every second but we are only able to process two thousand in that same time. That's a whole lotta shit we aren't getting!!
Maybe you are just having difficulty putting what you believe into words,
I does take me a long time to type a post. Also, as a manifestation of ADHD sometimes I leave out concepts when I type, and since my brain automatically puts them back in I sometimes am not aware that they are not there
...it honestly comes off as if you have no idea what you believe...
See above.

... claim the pantheist, wiccan and pagan...
This has come up before and I don't see why. They don't contradict each other. Also, I have said repeatedly I only use pagan for convenience.
In a way, what he's saying relates to a metaphor I heard once. That the Gods represents force, while the Goddesses represent form. Interaction between the two is necessary for existence as we know it.

I've made comments along these lines a couple times. Only I have said: God= will, idea or mind; Goddess = spirit, "holy ghost" or energy; and together they make existence, form, or matter.
What I meant is: Do you recognize that the described characteristics as a set are unique to things science calls life ?

And I answered. I said: "sounds about right". That sounds like the working definition that science uses.:rolleyes:
And I answered. I said: "sounds about right". That sounds like the working definition that science uses.:rolleyes:

No lol. You don't get it.
I'm asking if YOU recognize that the set is unique in nature, not if you recognize that science says so.
No lol. You don't get it.
I'm asking if YOU recognize that the set is unique in nature, not if you recognize that science says so.
I answered.

And yes, I do get it. You are going to keep asking the same questions over and over until I snap and say something I can be hung* with.
Two things Enmos: 1, My computer is going into the shop (1500 miles away) tomorrow so I'll be off line for a week and 2, I no longer believe you wish to understand, your responses are too contentious, tho polite, for that.
How many times can someone ask the same question over and over?
Look Enmos, I like you and I want that to remain, so until you READ SOME BOOKS on the subject of pantheism I'll hold off on responding to you on this subject.

*Well hung, I might add.;)
Do I agree with it, No*. Or do I agree that that is the definition? Sounds about right.

*That would be a working definition of "alive" as we were talking about a couple pages back.
You used your own definition to disagree with it, that's not what I asked.
I asked you to take the scientific definition (whether you agree with it or not) and tell me if the set of characteristics the definition uses is unique to things called "life" by science.
If it's not unique, the definition kind of sucks.
If it is unique, these objects in nature are unique and form, as a group, a distinct concept, called "life".
I'm not willing to entertain the possibility that you are being deliberately evasive, I don't think you are like that, so I think you didn't understand what I meant.. :shrug:

And yes, I do get it. You are going to keep asking the same questions over and over until I snap and say something I can be hung* with.
No, that's not my intention..

Two things Enmos: 1, My computer is going into the shop (1500 miles away) tomorrow so I'll be off line for a week and 2, I no longer believe you wish to understand, your responses are too contentious, tho polite, for that.
I do wish to understand.
I'm willing to blame my own "spiritual retardedness" for not getting what you have been saying, but I'm honestly trying to understand and experiencing great difficulties along to way.
This apart from the question I asked you about life as defined by science, I'm positive you didn't get what I meant.
Sorry to hear about your computer btw..

How many times can someone ask the same question over and over?
Until I get the right answer ? :D hehe
No, if I feel you did not get the question I'll rephrase the question and ask it again.. nothing wrong with that right ?

Look Enmos, I like you and I want that to remain, so until you READ SOME BOOKS on the subject of pantheism I'll hold off on responding to you on this subject.
I like you as well ThtGy! :)
Maybe I should therefore drop this thread since my questions are apparently irritating to you.

*Well hung, I might add.
Huh ? lol
Hmm yea, at least you described it in terms of "real" events instead of just saying god does this and goddess does that.

The allegory of the boatman..I woinder how well I could develop it.
It might just work.
It is certainly something worth considering.

You have given me something to think about over my next few days away.

You may have just killed a baby God.
How does that make you feel? :D