"Hello, is there anybody in there...?" A call to pagans, pantheists, and assorted...

Oh, I know it's important. When I do something, I'll use a stick lighter. :D
As for why? Well...it's fucking fire. Kinda of self-explanatory. :p

Anyway- so, back on to the subject.
What are you all doing for Mabon/Autumnal Equinox?

Dude, I pet fire. Literally. I sometimes sit beside a moderate sized fire and run my hand thru it. Mind you, I MUST keep my hand in motion while doing this... Kinda like passing your hand over a candle flame. Fire is one of my best friends. Also, I tend fire for sweat lodge, very hot fires. No, a "crippling fear of fire" is not "self explanatory".

In fact, that and me playing the Indian flute, is often what I do as a solitary ritual.

Oft times it's just me and my wife calling the directions, the god and goddess, sitting by several candles or a fire and me playing the flute.
Some times we add the setting of intentions.

I admit, your asking about plans inspires me to finish the sweat lodge project in my back yard for Mabon. I have the space ready. The fire pit is ready. I have the tarps. All that's left is building the lodge itself.
Thx. I've been casting about for focus on this project, and this helps bring that focus. I'll keep you posted. :)
Well, I guess we have two different notions of fire's inherent danger. I am inept, and clumsy, so I guess that's why I'd rather avoid handling fire. I'd rather use a wick-less candle; gets the same effect without the risk of me burning myself. :p
Granted, I do recognize the importance of fire as symbolism, and as I said, if I use a wick candle, I'd likely use a stick lighter.

Anyway- I have been asking others on paganism-related boards what they're doing for Mabon, to try and give me an idea of what to do for it. Since I'm a solitary practitioner, I'd have to modify any ideas for private, single-person usage.
Fair enough. And again I apprecitiate the prompt for my lodge. I've been himing and hawing with it all year, doing it by bits and bats. I meant to have it done last equinox. :eek:

You said you like Scott Cunninham. Have you checked out what he says? I haven't read his stuff. But as I said before, I have only heard good things about him.

Well one way to approach ritual is to follow the "wheel of the year". Which many start on Samhain, I use Yule.
I plan my next year's 'planting' by setting an intention and follow the year with ritual. In this way the main focus for each Sabbat is taken care of, with Mabon being the main harvest. So I use the opportunity to reflect on the progress of my intention. How has the 'seed/s' fared. Then if alone I play flute to raise energy. Chanting, singing, or rune galders, (Edred Thorsson is good for these.) also work well. 'Om' is very good for this purpose. So is drumming. Now I see drumming as a group thing but if you're a drummer...

I hadn't thought of putting my lodge into these terms until just now. Again thx. :)
You said you like Scott Cunningham. Have you checked out what he says? I haven't read his stuff. But as I said before, I have only heard good things about him.
I have a few of his books, and the ones that have influenced me primarily are Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner and Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner. They're very good, to-the-point books, but also have a good amount of his personal experiences tied into it. Though he prefers to be more positive and optimistic, he isn't "fluffy, white-light" kind of Eclectic; he's very informative, rational, and straightforward.
Later editions also provide framework ideas for rituals and rites without making it sound like "my way is the only way", though the guidelines are fairly conventional. Not new-agey at all. That's what I like about it, because I consider myself a fairly conventional Solitary; I agree with many of the established, conventional beliefs in Wicca.

Well one way to approach ritual is to follow the "wheel of the year". Which many start on Samhain, I use Yule.
Same here. It makes it a hell of a lot easier to align with the conventional New Year. Plus, it makes sense, because Yule represents the rebirth of the Sun God and thus the birth of a new year.

Oh, and thank you for some of those ideas for an equinox celebration. Should be interesting.
I have a few of his books, and the ones that have influenced me primarily are Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner and Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner. They're very good, to-the-point books, but also have a good amount of his personal experiences tied into it. Though he prefers to be more positive and optimistic, he isn't "fluffy, white-light" kind of Eclectic; he's very informative, rational, and straightforward.
Later editions also provide framework ideas for rituals and rites without making it sound like "my way is the only way", though the guidelines are fairly conventional. Not new-agey at all. That's what I like about it, because I consider myself a fairly conventional Solitary; I agree with many of the established, conventional beliefs in Wicca.

Same here. It makes it a hell of a lot easier to align with the conventional New Year. Plus, it makes sense, because Yule represents the rebirth of the Sun God and thus the birth of a new year.

Oh, and thank you for some of those ideas for an equinox celebration. Should be interesting.

The wonders of the old gray marble.