"Hello, is there anybody in there...?" A call to pagans, pantheists, and assorted...

The allegory of the boatman..I woinder how well I could develop it.
It might just work.
It is certainly something worth considering.

You have given me something to think about over my next few days away.

You may have just killed a baby God.
How does that make you feel? :D

Heh.. you're welcome :)

Killed baby God ? lol
How do I feel ? I don't know lol does it matter ?
Thanks, I'll bookmark them :)
Could you please point to some sections of interest though, so I won't have to read all of it ?

Not really, just jump around. See what catches your eye. Start with the table of contents...:D
I read it repeatedly twenty five years ago, and a couple of times ten years later. Not since, tho.
Not really, just jump around. See what catches your eye. Start with the table of contents...:D
I read it repeatedly twenty five years ago, and a couple of times ten years later. Not since, tho.

Hmm ok.

Did you read the first section of post 458 ?
If so, do you know what I meant with that question now ? :)
Well, let's bring up a new subject, if we're exhausted through this past one.

What holidays do you guys celebrate, as pagans? I know not all pagans are Wiccan; there are far many more denominations. And I'd like to know what everyone else does for religious celebrations.
I observe the 8 sabbats, Yule in particular. For the past 18 years I have hosted a big party (well, sometimes not so big) and ritual on Yule. Urban pagan Yule anyway. meaning the third Sat of Dec. as sometimes Yule is in the middle of the week and folks can't always make it.
And I allow folks who just want to watch, kind of an outreach program. so folks can see that we are honoring the earth and her cycles, (and NOT worshiping satan :bugeye:)
Here's a passage from the book "The Book of Internal Exercises" by Steven Chang 1978, Strawberry Hill Press, pg 6: "Energy is a dynamic force, in constant flux... Many people plausibly substitute the word life for the word energy since the essential difference between the two words is so subtile that it eludes all but the semanticist...
... Although most people assume that inert matter is completely solid or dense, it is energy which binds protons electrons and neutrons within each individual atom. Inanimate matter, then, is simply energy at a different rate of vibration than that of other forms of life. Energy therefore is the absolute basis for all forms of life and matter in the universe"
Emphasis original
Though Satan's appearance is largely based on Pan.

You Satanist ! :D

KMA:p Well, when the church wanted to take over they demonized the old religion. Duh!

Oh, does the bit from the Book of Internal Exercises help?
KMA:p Well, when the church wanted to take over they demonized the old religion. Duh!

Oh, does the bit from the Book of Internal Exercises help?

To be quite honest I haven't read it yet, sorry.
Thanks for reminding me though :)
To be quite honest I haven't read it yet, sorry.
Thanks for reminding me though :)

No, the "Internal Exercises" bit is a post (#470) from today. It is not a reference to the Kybalion.
No, the "Internal Exercises" bit is a post (#470) from today. It is not a reference to the Kybalion.

Well, I agree with this (of course): "Energy therefore is the absolute basis for all forms of life and matter in the universe".
But I don't agree that energy is a synonym for life, or even something remotely similar.

Oh, does the bit from the Book of Internal Exercises help?
Help with what ? :)
I think he means, does it help clarify his viewpoint.

Well, anyway, on the subject of holidays an festivals- I recognise and celebrate the eight Sabbats, though I don't do elaborate rituals. I'd like to, but I don't have the time nor the finances to acquire various materials. So, rather, I do very simple rituals and prayers, and partake in cultural activities associated with such festivals.
For example, on Halloween/Samhain, I get into the whole spooky atmosphere because it's interesting; on Yule, I get into the whole "Holiday Spirit" of carolling, giving gifts, and etc. Those two examples are, btw, my favourite Sabbats.

Samhain especially so. I always have fun, helping my aunt do the decorations and scare kids, plus watching the History Channel's great documentary on the history of Halloween, which was made back when they were still mainly history stuff, and not an A&E clone.
I think he means, does it help clarify his viewpoint.

Well, anyway, on the subject of holidays an festivals- I recognise and celebrate the eight Sabbats, though I don't do elaborate rituals. I'd like to, but I don't have the time nor the finances to acquire various materials...

Why or how do finances fit into it? A bowl of water, some salt, a stick of incense, a couple of candles, a pentacle (on a piece of paper if needs be) and an athame, (any favorite knife will do). Or you can go 'Crowleyian' and just hold an image of these things in your mind. (They are only stage props after all.)
All that other stuff, is just so much "Show". Nice to have, but not really necessary.
I have no money. Pretty much. :D
Had to spend cash for my tuition at College, and books.
Plus, the nearest store that sells quality items of that sort is, like, a few miles out, and I can't drive.
And we have no real incense or an incense burner. I mean, we have this reed diffuser that diffuses the scent of a sweet-smelling fluid, and I guess that could work.
But, I absolutely refuse to do anything with candles. I have a crippling fear of burning myself.

But, like I said, in time, I'll be able to get stuff, or make time to actually do it with materials around the house. I usually have little time to do anything, because of College and schoolwork.
And it's not like I don't do rituals at all. Just not elaborate ones; very simple- meditation, prayer, and consumption of ritual food while using the reed diffuser as a stand-in for incense.
I have no money. Pretty much. :D
Had to spend cash for my tuition at College, and books.
Plus, the nearest store that sells quality items of that sort is, like, a few miles out, and I can't drive.
And we have no real incense or an incense burner. I mean, we have this reed diffuser that diffuses the scent of a sweet-smelling fluid, and I guess that could work.
But, I absolutely refuse to do anything with candles. I have a crippling fear of burning myself.

Not to criticize, but fire is a rather important part of (most) 'pagan' ritual.

Do you know the why of the fear? No need to reveal it to us, as long as you know it.
Oh, I know it's important. When I do something, I'll use a stick lighter. :D
As for why? Well...it's fucking fire. Kinda of self-explanatory. :p

Anyway- so, back on to the subject.
What are you all doing for Mabon/Autumnal Equinox?