Healthcare (AMERICANS ONLY!!!)

Yeah, sandy's right!!
Those damned poor kids shouldn't be allowed to have children - and when they get sick, let them die!
They deserve it if their parents weren't competitive enough to be rich and have the best insurance money can afford.
Bring back the early days of Planned Parenthood when they were sterilizing poor and Native American women without their knowledge and consent because the poor obviously aren't fit to have children.
And if they DO pass the test and have enough money (and little enough melanin) and have kids, but THEN become poor for some unforseen reason, then their sick kids should just die too, because if they are raised poor, they will obviously BE poor when they grow up, and just be a drain on the system, and I couldn't a new SUV and flat screen TV every year.
This is AMERICA, damnit! It's all about going for yourself and fucking the other guy over before he fucks you over.
It's about competition, not cooperation.
Social welfare, my ass.
Good health and proper medical care is not a RIGHT, it's a privelage, DAMNIT, and if these kids can't afford that privelage, I'll be DAMNED if I lift a finger to help my fellow American because I am a God-loving Patriot!!
Damned leeches and social parasites!
They make me sick.
Yeah, sandy's right!!
Those damned poor kids shouldn't be allowed to have children - and when they get sick, let them die!
They deserve it if their parents weren't competitive enough to be rich and have the best insurance money can afford.
Bring back the early days of Planned Parenthood when they were sterilizing poor and Native American women without their knowledge and consent because the poor obviously aren't fit to have children.
And if they DO pass the test and have enough money (and little enough melanin) and have kids, but THEN become poor for some unforseen reason, then their sick kids should just die too, because if they are raised poor, they will obviously BE poor when they grow up, and just be a drain on the system, and I couldn't a new SUV and flat screen TV every year.
This is AMERICA, damnit! It's all about going for yourself and fucking the other guy over before he fucks you over.
It's about competition, not cooperation.
Social welfare, my ass.
Good health and proper medical care is not a RIGHT, it's a privelage, DAMNIT, and if these kids can't afford that privelage, I'll be DAMNED if I lift a finger to help my fellow American because I am a God-loving Patriot!!
Damned leeches and social parasites!
They make me sick.

Well, damn, Raven, I'm glad ye're finally beginning to see the light! I was worried about you and your lilly-livered, doo-gooder attitude for a while, but you're comin' along nicely. Good for you!

Baron Max
What can I say, I guess someone had to show me the light.
Hey, let's start putting sterility drugs in government cheese!
Hey, let's start putting sterility drugs in government cheese!

Why? We shouldn't be givin' them the fuckin' cheese in the first place!

Starvation is nature's way of controlling populations. It works exceedingly well all over the world in animal populations, it will work with humans, too, if we just give it a chance instead of meddling.

Baron Max
Why? We shouldn't be givin' them the fuckin' cheese in the first place!

Starvation is nature's way of controlling populations. It works exceedingly well all over the world in animal populations, it will work with humans, too, if we just give it a chance instead of meddling.

Baron Max

But all those "liberal do-gooders" will feed them - you KNOW they will - government sanctioned or not.
If you sterlize them, they can't...

I can't even do this joking.
It turns my stomach the way reading sandy's posts turns my stomach.
Why? Is self-responsibility that foreign to you? That repulsive? That nauseating? Put me back on ignore then.:rolleyes:
Another huge cost involved is salaries (salaries of the researchers, executives, marketing department, auditing department, etc etc) which will also be mostly eliminated by having students do the work.

You have got to be kidding me??? Up to this point you've made some decent points, but then you jumped the shark.

Are you seriously suggesting that a college student is just as qualified to perform pharmaceutical research as a professional? Are you saying you would swallow that drug, if it were your life, or your child's life on the line?

From there I suppose your next step is just let interns perform surgery?

People who diminish professionals, in whatever field is up for discussion, really frighten me. I fear a world where someone like you has any real say-so over who performs what job, and what they get paid.
Why? Is self-responsibility that foreign to you? That repulsive? That nauseating? Put me back on ignore then.:rolleyes:

I've never had you on ignore, I've never had anyone on ignore - I just ignore most of your repulsive posts.

If you read what I said above when I was parodying you, you should know what I mean - I don't think you are that stupid.

Yeah, sandy's right!!
Those damned poor kids shouldn't be allowed to have children - and when they get sick, let them die!
They deserve it if their parents weren't competitive enough to be rich and have the best insurance money can afford.
Bring back the early days of Planned Parenthood when they were sterilizing poor and Native American women without their knowledge and consent because the poor obviously aren't fit to have children.
And if they DO pass the test and have enough money (and little enough melanin) and have kids, but THEN become poor for some unforseen reason, then their sick kids should just die too, because if they are raised poor, they will obviously BE poor when they grow up, and just be a drain on the system, and I couldn't a new SUV and flat screen TV every year.
This is AMERICA, damnit! It's all about going for yourself and fucking the other guy over before he fucks you over.
It's about competition, not cooperation.
Social welfare, my ass.
Good health and proper medical care is not a RIGHT, it's a privelage, DAMNIT, and if these kids can't afford that privelage, I'll be DAMNED if I lift a finger to help my fellow American because I am a God-loving Patriot!!
Damned leeches and social parasites!
They make me sick.

How can a poor, starving, sick 6 year old take care of themselves?
Regardless of why they are poor, regardless of whether in your divine judgement you deem their parents as worthy of children, how could you deny them the simple compassion it takes to offer them the basic necesseties of life?
You wonder why I refer to you as a hypochristian??

Should a child suffer in pain because that child's father lost his job?
Should the child suffer if the parent is a drug addict?
Should the child suffer if the father dies and the mother is now poor?

And you bitch about where your taxes are going?

It doesn't matter to you that if we offer basic mediacal care and preventative medicine to everyone it would cost a LOT less in taxes and be LESS of a strain on the system, what matters to you is that "they are leeches".
It doesn't matter to you that a child can not be responsible for their parents' actions, what matters is that they "want a free ride".
It doesn't even matter to you if the parents are honest, hard working people, what matters is that you don't want to help.

It's fairly simple.
Those without any compassion for people disgust me.
Those who lack humanity, are less than human.
Those with a lack of compassion and humanity who refer to themselves as "Christians" and judge others based on "Christian values" are repulsive liars and hypocrites.

You claim to be Christian, but lack compassion and understanding. What does being "Christian" mean to you, other than a shiny badge to wear and the promise of your own personal salvation as you look down at all others in disdain?
You claim to be a patriot, but you don't give a shit about your fellow Americans. What does Patriotism mean to you, other than a weapon to wield against those who disagree with the ideology to which you currently subscribe and serve to cleave this Nation apart?
You have got to be kidding me??? Up to this point you've made some decent points, but then you jumped the shark.

Are you seriously suggesting that a college student is just as qualified to perform pharmaceutical research as a professional? Are you saying you would swallow that drug, if it were your life, or your child's life on the line?

From there I suppose your next step is just let interns perform surgery?

People who diminish professionals, in whatever field is up for discussion, really frighten me. I fear a world where someone like you has any real say-so over who performs what job, and what they get paid.

First of all, a good deal of the research IS being done by college students doing projects for corporations.
So you ARE taking these drugs.

Second of all, what really is the difference between a post grad research student and an researcher employed by a corporation?
The post grad probably has a better education, he is not under the same deadline prssures as someone who need to answer for his time financially, he is not vying for the big promotion, he is being judged by his results, not speed, he is not answering to miles of red tape.

I'd prefer the post grad researcher.
i don't know how you americans aford it evrytime when you need to go the doc.

We can't - so we are beholden to insurance companies and big business.
That's the problem.
Land of the free, my ass!
lol england is meant to be a free country too, but if you say one thing it asian prison but if an asian or a black man says anything about a white man it's not racist what the fuck!
Psychotic rantings/twisting of words/posts are not interesting. They're juvenile.:rolleyes:

Compassion my @ss. Put your money where your mouth is. How many people did you/your church send on missions to Africa? None? No surprise. How much money/food did you/your church give? None? No surprise. How many inner-city people did your church help? None? No surprise.

How much do YOU give to charity? 30% of your gross? Nah... I didn't think so.

I find socialism and bleeding-heart liberalism disgusting. And hypocritical. You don't get it. You never will.
I am not one of those spiritual morons who goes around with their heads so high in the clouds they can't relate to anyone. And everyone just thinks they're weird/freaky.

I'm an awesome child of God. He has no problem with what I say on here. I'd know it if He did. It would bother me and I'd have no peace about it.

If you can discuss an issue without insulting (even indirectly) then do it.
The psychotic rants are old.