Healthcare (AMERICANS ONLY!!!)

Socialistic systems basically come about so people stay "happy", when they do not get the wonder drug that only rich people can afford, not only do they get mad, they get even.
Take away the companie's ability to make money on "wonder drugs" and there soon will be no new wonder drugs.

All the latest wonder drugs will eventually go generic and be available at a low price. Of course by then a whole new generation of wonder drugs will have been developed that is even better. That is, unless the profit motive is removed. Then we'll all get the same level of crap.
Now we're getting somewhere! ... I completely understand and relate.

No, we're not! You've twisted my words and the meaning of my posts to suit your own twisted logic. I hardly think that anyone would call that "getting somewhere".

Having decent medical care should be considered a basic human right - which you seems to agree with, since you make no arguments against supporting fellow Texans, correct?

Where do you get that decent medical care is a "basic human right"? Did you just make that up, then begin believing it a new religion or something?

As to agreeing with you, NO ...we're still as far apart as we were before you twisted my words. And no, I don't support handouts and free medical care to "my fellow Texans" ....I don't know all them fuckin' Texans!

But I will and do help those Texans, and anyone else, that I happen to know and care about. That, Raven, is a helluva long way from "my fellow Texans", wouldn't you say?

What you're doing, Raven, as far as I can see, is setting us up with your ideal of helping all Americans because of some silly idea that they're "my fellow Americans".

But, Raven, with your high ideals, you can't just stop at Americans, or else your "ideals" are all fucked up from the start! If you can argue about me, in Texas, paying for the medical care of someone in New York, then how can you deny that same care for someone in, say, India? And if you do, your ideals ain't so fuckin' ideal, are they????

Baron Max
But, Raven, with your high ideals, you can't just stop at Americans, or else your "ideals" are all fucked up from the start! If you can argue about me, in Texas, paying for the medical care of someone in New York, then how can you deny that same care for someone in, say, India? And if you do, your ideals ain't so fuckin' ideal, are they????

Who said I wanted to stop with America?

I guess this conversation with you has gotten as far as it will.
I tried.
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I declare myself God... other than that I must say your thread concept is meaningless... should I be found to have a terminal illness I won't give a damn, and certainlY i won't try extending my lifespan. Weakness cannot be tolerated even in me... and so therefore I would choose to live shortly rather than longly.

I read something very interesting in Berserk, a manga from japan... this weird creature that was like a monkey man said "It's not how you live or die, lifes worthless anyway." Muhahahahha!!!!!!!!! That said it all!

As I said to you months ago...

What I find most interesting about cynicism is that the cynics often complain about the world and how self-serving people are - yet when someone DOES attempt to perform an act of simple kindness, they automatically recoil to their standard cynical posture, thus cynicism becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
It is the bitter cynics, themselves that cause the world to be a place that turns people into those they are so bitter about - namely, people like themselves.
He's like "Don't worry about whether you live or die, life is a waste anyway."

Life isn't a waste, it's fun! But to make oneself out to be so important to the world that his death would be catastrophic is the height of arrogance and egotism. Ain't no other way to view it.

If you died tomorrow, how many people in the world would even notice? And what's that percentage? Be honest, now, don't fudge the numbers don't have to post your findings, but many people in the world would even notice your passing?

Baron Max