Healthcare (AMERICANS ONLY!!!)

Ok, let the poors without jobs rot in their own sickness!! is that better?

Most nations of the world do exactly that. People die, yet you act like it's some kind of horrible thing. It's isn't horrible, thousands of people have died while you read this message.

Baron Max
My point is, what is the deal with denying any one healthcare, specially if you have the money. I find that inhumane, but that is just my humble opinion.

If that's your opinion/stance on the issue, why are you limiting it to only healthcare? Why don't you just include anything and everythign that people could possibly need or want?

The reason people have money is because they don't waste it on useless, idiotic things that are nothing but drains on money.

I can see why you chose the name "Wisdom_Seeker"'s 'cause you're seeking wisdom, but ain't found any of it yet!

Baron Max
Sandy said:
But how's this for an idea: How about not having kids unless you can afford them? How about not living a stupid, dangerous lifestyle that lands you in the hospital? How about some self-responsibility? How about eating properly so you don't end up with food related illness? How about I getting an education so you don't end up poor? How about having some ambition instead of expecting the rich to pay your way?

I disagree....

I never have expected anyone to pay my way, but it would have been nice for my employer not to have waited over 6 months to get me my insurance benefits package together prior to someone causing me life threatening trauma. I am and was "self-responsible" but there are many situations that can easily cause land you in hospital situations and cause financial issues regardless of education or healthy lifestyles. It would have been a bit easier on my family financially had I not had to miss a years worth of work due to the neglect of someone else, and the legal system takes years to resolve lawsuits without offering you any assistance during these situations. I actually used Medical Assistance during this time, and paid the bill after I settled my lawsuit but had no income and had to use all my savings to support myself, not impoverished but damn close to it. Compassion and understanding is a benefit many people in society lack these days.
LOL yeah, like Britney or her home girl Paris.

Well, it's their money, they can spend it however they deem appropriate. But see, that's the main difference don't want people to spend their money as THEY see fit, you want to tell them how to spend it and on what. That ain't very nice of you, is it?

Baron Max
I never have expected anyone to pay my way, but it would have been nice for my employer not to have waited over 6 months to get me my insurance benefits package together prior to someone causing me life threatening trauma.

Yes, it would have been nice.

But you don't seem to get it ....if you'd have died, it wouldn't have made even a tiny bit of difference to anyone except those close to you and close friends. And even some of your friends might not have noticed your death for days, weeks, perhaps months!

People pump up their own importance, and by extension, they feel the need to pump up the importance of all humans. But that's just silly and ego-centric, nothing more. You ain't important ...and that's something difficult for humans to accept. But the fact is're just like a tiny drop of water in the endless ocean of humanity.

Thousands and thousands of humans have died while you read this post. How did you feel? Did it change anything in your life? If so, what?

Compassion and understanding is a benefit many people in society lack these days.

One can be compassionate and understanding without give away all of their money to others. Or else you have a strange idea of compassion and understanding.

Baron Max
Health care in the U.S. is a screwed up mess, but where isn't it a screwed up mess?

This system has problems, and they are about to be compounded by the retiring baby-boomers, but I'll take my chances with this plan over anything that starts with the word Social. Health care is not universal, it's not a right, and that's too bad for some, but that's the reality of our economic system.

I really think you misunderstood my post, my point is at any moment regardless of planning you could be poor and that maybe some people should take this into consideration prior to making generalizations about the low-income/working class population.

I probably have dealt with more death in the past few years than most people see in a few lifetimes, I understand it better than most.
Baron- I really think you misunderstood my post, my point is at any moment regardless of planning you could be poor and that maybe some people should take this into consideration prior to making generalizations about the low-income/working class population.

And? Why do you think they don't consider that?

I probably have dealt with more death in the past few years than most people see in a few lifetimes, I understand it better than most.

Ever been on a battlefield? Ever seen dead, mangled, shredded, bloody bodies and pieces of bodies lying around all over the ground? If not, then your understanding of death might not be so great as you think.

Baron Max
No Baron, no battlefields for me, but I do see whats left of the troops after they are mangled and shredded (which is much harder as there is much suffering) as I work for the VA Medical System as well as a university hospital, watched and assisted in autopsies (some from automobile accidents, fires and my favorite the ID cases), and generally have done 6-7 death certificates per week from patients that have expired that I had direct contact with them and their families, nothing like a quick easy death it is much better than the slow painful death many endure.... I deal with it on so many levels that I have a clearer concept than most.
The capitalist model, for a system that functions on selfishness and greed, works suprisingly well. Under capitalism, we have seen great advancements in virtually every part of everything. It's widely agreed that, if you want something done, let the market take care of it. Capitalism ends up working efficiently and with the greatest good for everyone, though it is based on selfish principles. Counter-intuituve, but, fundamentally, greed appears to be the best model yet.

Yes, America works on Capitalism which is based on the idea of free market and which Smith and Rand expounded. The thing is, it is the American corporations that are providing the message that greed works more and more. Oftentimes, enterprises only expand because they can no longer think of any use for energy and resources. This is the problem when greed is left to fester, it becomes mindless and morally insensitive. So overall the argument looks good. I believe that there is a need to understand better whether greed is the major reason for its success. I am encouraged to do so at present, but am unable to at the moment.
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i know you said not to post but just wondering is america gona get a nhs like britian and canada?
Because this is America. And people who CHOOSE to work and become successful should NOT have to support those who won't.

Yes there may be exceptions. But how's this for an idea: How about not having kids unless you can afford them? How about not living a stupid, dangerous lifestyle that lands you in the hospital? How about some self-responsibility? How about eating properly so you don't end up with food related illness? How about getting an education so you don't end up poor? How about having some ambition instead of expecting the rich to pay your way?

Poverty in America is a choice. No one has to be poor here. Hell, even most of the criminal aliens are not poor.

Rock on Sandy, same goes for UK, i am sick of paying my taxes to idle breeders, that is the way to get an easy life in the UK, just so do not work and have loads of kids, heck our lousy do gooders will bend over backwards
to make sure they do not want.
..., heck our lousy do gooders will bend over backwards to make sure they do not want.

Yep, but they don't give one shit about you, do they? And it's just a worldwide, western trend that's gonna' do nothin' but cause major problems in the world ...the lazy just hold out their hands, and someone piles on the money ...YOUR money!

Baron Max
Yep, but they don't give one shit about you, do they? And it's just a worldwide, western trend that's gonna' do nothin' but cause major problems in the world ...the lazy just hold out their hands, and someone piles on the money ...YOUR money!

Baron Max

No, no one cares about my struggle to keep my head above water, i have to work six months just to pay my taxes, this six months goes to the drop outs, the ones that think we owe them a good life, well we do not owe them one single penny, send them to the work houses of old, take their right to hand outs away, but this nanny state will call me cruel for suggesting such a thing,
You know what i would like to do with these____________, bang.
Well, you could almost apply that same logic with most any other goods and services. There's a "high cost" of producing meat and vegatables; the peope have to eat, there's a limited number of producers; people have to pay what they charge.

The thing that people fail to take into account is the basics of supply and demand in capitalism. But by the same token, they often exaggerate the slowness by which supply and demand work. For example, farmers and ranchers could just stop supplying food to the public ....sure it cause a major upset in the system, but it would also put those farmers and ranchers out of business! And, in a short time, others would see the profit in it, and begin producing the food at a reasonable cost. But it takes time, right?

Capitalism works ...but it's not and never has been an immediate system of economics. The government tries to smooth out those harsh spikes in the system, but the government oversteps it's authority by keeping "some" checks and balances in place.

National healthcare, national insurance is just one more step towards socialism, which is basically giving to the poor, the unemployed, the sick, the disabled, etc, by taking from those who work and have money! I don't see how anyone can see that as "fair". What if everyone who could work, just said, "Fuck it, I ain't workin' no more!"

If someone needs cared for, then let the family members care for them ...that's what families are for. It's not the governments place to pay for such people.

Baron Max

so um dying because you can not afford some super overpriced medical care is fair to you?
I'm with Baron. And I take it one step further. I, my friends and family, and everyone in my church family use faith healing. We are never sick. If something does try to get us, we just believe/pray it away.

just because praying helps doesn't mean you shouldn't see a doctor
so um dying because you can not afford some super overpriced medical care is fair to you?

I've read through this entire thread and don't recall anyone saying anything even close to that. But I will say that it's wrong to take MY money to pay for the 'super over-priced medical care" of someone I don't even know. It might even be you and I don't want my money wasted that way. I will personally pay "super- da da da " for any member of my family that needs it - and I suggest yours should do the same for you. Otherwise, your - or anyone else's dying is perfecty fine with me.