Have you seen U.F.O.'s?

This is going to be the begining of a new dawn for our civilization.
Any and all skeptics, do not view this.
Enjoy the safety of your present views.
There is no need to change.
You do not belong in our crazy ways.
For any who beleive that there is something bigger to our existence,a peice of the puzzle unrealized or or yet discovered,...
Enter....... http://www.topsecrettestimony.com/npcc_full.wmv
We our not alone.

You can thank Fluid 1959 for digging this up.
The last place you would find this is on any major media.
Peace Out
well, I've seen them, and what I saw was real and NOT manmade. the first time was at dusk dark and my parents and I watched them in space for about twenty minutes doing all kinds of fast zipping manuvers and doing deadstops and them blurring from horizon to Horizon and back, never arching or curving, simply defying all known laws. that was in the Sixties when there were a rash of sightings.

The last time was last year at about 3 am in the riverbottoms of missouri at a canoe rental camp. I was driving in when a huge ball the size of the moon came down with Flames trailing it. I thought it was a meteor at first but it was Huge and the Flames were greenish color! It was coming down at an angle and kinda fast, then it slowed to almost a stop and slowly went into the trees about a mile distant. I stayed for a while and no fires shot up from the woods. If it had of been a meteor I would be history.. It was exciting yet scary, so I didn't camp there.:bugeye:
do a search for STS 48 Space Shuttle mission.. Download the video.

heres some links to check out.




My last experience was the closest i've ever been.. I sometimes wish I had the chance to meet or try to comunicate with them. Its obvious they are much more advanced and It wouldn't surprise me if they knew our languge already. They have long studied us and our airwaves I'm quite sure. Maybe they like our music...ZZ Top..YEAH!.. Elvis... Yo...They most certainly are much more advanced than us and I firmly believe they have tried to contact us in peace, but our savage ways have discouraged them, no telling how many farmers have hit them with Buckshot and I'm sure they have dodged some missiles, unreported of Course! I have Friends that barely talk of what they have seen in Broad daylite.. like the "White Blimp" with strange markings over the Field, that left out of sight in a slit second. Tourism maybe? ..lol.. Tour the Savage Planet Earth for two hundred Uni-Dollars..Enter at your own risk!
.. like a sideshow..

Knowledge and technology must be fed to our race rather slowly. too many people fear radical change.. the inner fear of UFO acceptance is a personal thing. there may be races out there that are violent towards us, but I believe we are under an umbrella of protection from them by Stronger ones.. even though we have tried to destroy them..

Its about time we looked to the stars as a community..Like it Really is..

During the 9/11 trade center disaster UFO's were trailing the airplanes that flew into the center.. maybe they wanted to help.
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Originally posted by slim
During the 9/11 trade center disaster UFO's were trailing the airplanes that flew into the center.. maybe they wanted to help.

Poppycock. There were no "ufo's" trailing the planes. It amazes me the bullshit people will attach to 9/11.... isn't it bad enough that it was the single worst instance of terrorism in the world?

Take that line of garbage somewhere else.
This is a Thread about UFO's..I live in Texas Asshole....YOU take YOUR Garbage Elsewhere.. ya wanna get shitty?
You guys, please.
I do not want this thread to take on this type of level.
I know both of you are better than that.
You guys can both bash me if you want to.
Peace Out
Sorry moe... It is my intention to add to this thread, whether anyone believes my thoughts or not, that is up to them. I'm open minded about learning or discounting things. I suppose its the fear factor in certain people. The inability to entertain a thought without accepting it.

I hate a PRICK that comes into a discussion with the intent to not even think, with no knowledge and proceed to call everyones thoughts garbage and fake. those are the traits of a twelve y/o who is insecure. Knowledge is Power, not the ability to kick sand in the face of it. He needs to Grow up.
Thanks Slim,
I suppose that it is the 9/11 issue itself that has upset Skin,thus anything related to it.
I can understand how many are skeptical;that is healthy.
But to be irrationally skeptic is another thing.
With all of the tens of thousands of witnesses and confirmations that have been documented on video,air radar,ground radar,and so on around the world,it only takes one of these claims to be true for this matter to take on great significance.
With all of this I do not believe that it is in ones best interest to completely block off any and all possibility of this phenomenon.

I agree that his comments could have been phrased differently,but hey.
The reason this subject is riduculed as much as it is,is BECAUSE of the seriousness of the subject.
It is a very life altering view.
Kind of like realizing the world wasn't flat.
I still have to take everyone elses word on this,I myself have never seen the world from a distance.Only videos,pictures and books.
Of course I am being some what fascitious on this but I think you get my point.
Peace Out
Slim, have you been able to watch the video shown in the"witnesses at the U.F.O conference?
If you haven't,check it out and let me know what you think.
I started watching the video earlier today and heard two of the witnesses testify so far. I'll go back and see the rest. All I can say is that its about time people with credentuals stood up to denounce the coverup, All the hidng facts and debunking the existance of UFO's has done a great deal of Damage to many people over the years. I mean when you SEE something and KNOW it is there and people call you crazy and a lier simply for seeing, THATS more irrational than the Thought of UFO's.

How can it be feasable that we ARE the only intellegent beings in the universe? that is nieve and preposterous to me. Big Deal, so we are not alone.. its something I've known for sure somewhay silently for over 30 years now. the question is, how can we welcome them now after so much has been done to deny them? we habit a wonderful planet that they have been visiting since before Christ. Maybe they are the ones who destroyed the Dinosaurs so we could exist without being T-Rex food. Maybe they MOVED them to another planet and we only find some skeletal remains. perhaps it is they who the Bible speaks of, the Angels who are beyond anger, who are beyond war.. the Bible speaks of wars in the Heavens and lucifer was cast down to dwell the earth, Not killed, but cast down. Lucifer was said to be an Angel himself! Maybe he is real? The way the UFOs move about, one wonders if the occupants are effected by gravity. there are many truths in the bible if one can grasp the meaning of them, Ezekials Wheel is said to be a UFO, Daniels dreams were supposedly inspired by Visitations.. Jesus Decending in a Cloud? UFO maybe? The ten commandments are said to be the word of God.. Good rules for Heathens to live by. When God made Adam and Eve, it didn't exactly say how long it took. He did walk with them in the garden, and until they sinned, he looked upon them with pride like a father. When he cast them out of Eden, he told them to Go Forth and "Replenish" the Earth. I take that as a meaning that there WERE other's before them. I think the various religions sprang from UFO visitations. Why wouldn't they be there watching the World Trade Center disaster? Angels From Heaven? Read in Revalations in the Bible about the New Jerusalem decending from Heaven, a City with a Golden Dome, and all around it were precious Stones, rubys, jade, amethists, and beryl.. Landing lights? a Huge Mother Ship? they have been seen before, like in ET... but people for Obvious reasons are Reluctant to talk about them... We KNOW why, don't we? if a little UFO causes such a stir, imagine one the size of New York, then, Imagine the size of the Universe. it makes sense that they have Large ships and use the small ones as scouts. These beings may have the key to everlasting life!

Imagine what the Astronuats and cosmonauts have wittnessed in space.. They are sworn to silence also. The live camera feeds from the shuttles have shown a LOT of activity! usually someone on the Ground sees this and the camera is shut down before the public can pick up on them or tape it. But not always!

the site www.Alienjoes.com was the best I've ever found, but the site is down. there are some amazing things that happen near the Sun, SOHO has caught many oddities cruising by.. Space is a thriving community it would seem and we are left out pretty much. We may find that Star Trek is closer to the truth than ever thought possible. I for one am not afraid to know more. Imagine the Knowledge they possess!


Sleep Paralysis

To become conscious. To become conscious of one's self. To become conscious of one's self in one's body. To become conscious of one's self in one's body in one's bed. To become conscious of one's self in one's body in one's bed without access to one's will.

To become conscious of one's inferiority.

...I have experienced that many times. to be aware but it seems the mind is not attached to the body.. I have had to MAKE my muscles work and Wake up.. it does accompany a feeling of helplessness and panic. I don't like it!
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I get excited every time someone else is able to view that conference.
I want to say congratulations.
And I have had many of the same insights to the connections you mention above.
Respond again after you finish watching it,the rabbit hole gets a little deeper.
Peace Out
Originally posted by slim
This is a Thread about UFO's..I live in Texas Asshole....YOU take YOUR Garbage Elsewhere.. ya wanna get shitty?

What does your geographic location have to do with the validity of your claims.

If you found the comment I made about your 9/11 remark offensive, so be it. My intent wasn't to attack you personally, but rather to attack the idea that it is okay for people to make unfounded, unconfirmed claims that center around an already tragic event. For an extraordinary claim such as "UFOs were tailing the planes" that impacted buildings full of people, some of whom died painful deaths, there should follow some extraordinary evidence. Otherwise, the dead and survivors of the dead deserve to be honored and not potentially taken advantage of by someone who may be inventing evidence or claims (I'm not referring to you, so no need to threaten me with your geographic proximity).

What I'm saying is that, even you, must agree that there is a fair possibility that photos and videos can be doctored by anyone wanting to create a sensation on the internet. It's done all the time. The motive would be similar to the idiots who create the viruses and worms that are emailed to Microsoft mail users the world over. Photoshop editing is simple compared to the coding that these guys do.

Having said that, wouldn't it be prudent to leave the issue alone unless some compelling evidence is presented?

All I can say is that its about time people with credentuals stood up to denounce the coverup

What evidence is there that there is a coverup? This is a common belief among the UFO enthusiasts, but the plain truth of the matter is that there are secrets within the government... that is the nature of government. But there is no evidence that they include UFOs. There's a propensity of anecdotal evidence, and people who will cite the "radar analogs," etc. But this is nothing more than a rumor mill-turned-belief-system. The civilized world was convinced that witches were common among us in the dark ages, hence the Inquisition and witch trials of Wurzeburg and Salem. We have since shed ourselves of this silly, albeit deadly, belief system.

All the hidng facts and debunking the existance of UFO's has done a great deal of Damage to many people over the years.

That's assuming that there are "facts" to be hidden regarding UFOs... more likely, the things that are being hidden from us that create the paranoia are related to on-going national security secrets, such as Aurora. As to "damage" that has occurred to people, what are you referring to? Reputations?

How can it be feasable that we ARE the only intellegent beings in the universe?

It's quite improbable. It's also improbable that we are being visited by them. Not impossible, but improbable.

how can we welcome them now after so much has been done to deny them?

It would be simple if they (assuming we're talking about aliens) would merely say, "hello." If aliens are visiting our little bubble of existance, why haven't they let us know? Why do they, according to those who believe, only speak to those among us that the rest of us are least likely to listen to? Why not abduct the UN Secretary General and convince Mr. Annan that they have a message that humanity needs to hear. Why not simply hijack the airwaves and tell their message to the world?

we [in]habit a wonderful planet that they have been visiting since before Christ. Maybe they are the ones who destroyed the Dinosaurs so we could exist without being T-Rex food. Maybe they MOVED them to another planet and we only find some skeletal remains.

Maybe. All possible. All improbable as well. These are merely examples of wild conjecture, but they demonstrate your ability for abstract thought. If you would only apply reasoning and critical thinking to your brainstorming, you might be of value to the field of UFO investigation.

Don't take that as an insult. It wasn't. The problem with UFO research is what you already mentioned: its about time people with credentals stood up. There is little serious research occurring in this field. It is FULL of people who make wild conjecture, fabricate evidence, sensationalize what little real evidence exists, and cite the fabrications of others as fact. The latter is done unwittingly, of course. People tend to believe what they read and the internet is given FAR more credibility than it deserves.

The preponderance of fabricated evidence and evidence taken out of context and sensationalized has tainted the little actual evidence that exists to the point where it is next to impossible to find. The fact of the matter is that there are many, many faked visual records of UFOS (faked outright or misrepresented anomalies with alternative explanation).

Until now, you and a couple others in this thread probably thought of me as a "non-believer" in UFOs, which is essentially correct. I don't see it as a concept to have a "faith" in, which is what "belief" implies. Rather, I see it as an idea to explore. To look at with a skeptical eye in order to find the truth. If the truth is that alien beings have visited us and are still doing so, then I'll be happy. This is what I hope is happening!

But the people who perpetuate the pseudoscientific lines of thought are the ones who "Damage" the process of discovery. Not the skeptics. The word "skeptic" isn't synonomous with "non-believer." It refers to one who looks at all sides of an argument; one who asks more questions than the ones to which answers are desired; one who tries to falsify a hypothesis, because if the skeptic fails to refute it, then the hypothesis is probably true.

Sleep Paralysis: Narcolepsy is a disorder of impaired expression of wakefulness and rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep. This manifests as excessive daytime sleepiness and expression of individual physiological correlates of REM sleep that include cataplexy and sleep paralysis (REM sleep atonia intruding into wakefulness), impaired maintenance of REM sleep atonia (e.g. REM sleep behaviour disorder [RBD]), and dream imagery intruding into wakefulness (e.g. hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations). (Chakravorty, 2003)

I'm not suggesting that this is what's occuring with either of you, but only that there are medical reasons for the occurance of sleep paralysis.

Chakravorty, Sangeeta S., et al,(2003). Narcolepsy in the Older Adult: Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Management. Drugs & Aging, Vol. 20 Issue 5, p361, 16p.

Knowledge is Power, not the ability to kick sand in the face of it.

When the knowledge is actually pseudoknowledge, a little sand is warranted. This is the SciForums and many of the people who post/read here are actually involved in the sciences as students or researchers. It is part of the scientific process of peer review to scrutinize the claims of others, sometimes brutally. But again, my intent wasn't to attack you personally, but the idea that it is okay to take advantage of 9/11 or other tragic situations of humanity with pseudoscientific claims. And I certainly wouldn't have implied any threats (loose though it was) or called you a prick. But as to growing up.... perhaps we could both do a little.
this may be a dumb question, and you all know I'm a believer, but .... do UFOs usually leave a contrail? Is that normal?
Ok, skin.. I agree and thanks for explaining futher. What I meant by being from Texas was to let you know that I am a Rather Patriotic American and I took the 9/11 Disaster very seriously and am not trying to chase shadows or take away from the event.

If you will go visit the link http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/wizardfl/MainVideoPage.html

you will see why I made the statment I did..It was on the net rather quickly and I don't think it was doctored..

the UFO or whatever it was nearly hit a helocopter.. the occupants reported being caught in the wash of something. Ther is a notion out that our own Government planed and executed 9/11. I find this to be a vicious lie, or I think it is. It was largely started on the Basis of wittnessess seeing a Large white plane in the area at the time.. Do Large planes Hover Motionless?

The Video that Moe speaks of is on the same page at that link. the disclosure.. go see for yourself..
Originally posted by janeelsa
this may be a dumb question, and you all know I'm a believer, but .... do UFOs usually leave a contrail? Is that normal?

Not unless they've reverted to Jet Engine technology. Contrails develop when hot, humid fumes from a jet engine meet the cool air of the upper troposphere. Water vapor in the exhaust and atmosphere freezes to create tiny cloud particles, much like the mist that forms when a person exhales on a cold winter day. As turbulence in the upper atmosphere tears contrails apart, they can spread into wispy sheets essentially identical to natural cirrus clouds.
Originally posted by slim
If you will go visit the link http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/wizardfl/MainVideoPage.html

you will see why I made the statment I did..It was on the net rather quickly and I don't think it was doctored..

That video was shot prior to 9/11 and aired on the SciFi Channel originally. Think of the source (SciFi Channel) and ask yourself if they have anything to gain by hyping aliens? Marketing.

The Space Shuttle video was interesting and I can see why people would question whether something was being kept secret. But skeptical reasoning is important here. We have to question the evidence: where did the producer of the "documentary" on TLC get the audio track for what was heard? We hear a female voice saying, "we have an unidentified flying object" and see a female in the porthole;

Is the term "unidentified flying object" being used in it's technical context? this is very relevant on a shuttle mission, particularly one in which a space walk is concerned. There are many things which can become orbital from the current and previous missions (shuttles often go into previous orbital paths for various reasons).. bits of shielding and ceramic tiles, etc. Because of this, NASA uses the term "unidentified flying object" as a means to describe flying objects that are not readily identified. It is also, undoubtedly used in tounge-in-cheek fashion... I know I would.

Of course, Cathrine Coleman may have seen an alien craft. It is possible. Just not probable when there are many other possible and plausible explanations and little data to examine.

But that's the goal of shows that air on mass media such as SciFi or TLC... to sensationalize and "hype" facts whilst taking them out of original context and placing them desired context. At least, that's how I would do it if my bottom line was ratings.
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