Have you seen U.F.O.'s?

From my perspective, the simplest answer is that the account is concocted.

But assuming that he actually observed something, the simplest answer is certainly not "alien craft." There's a whole range of complexity that arises with that hypothesis.

To answer the question, I think life, even intelligent, outside of our solar system is probable, not just possible.

Attempting to determine alternate hypotheses for his observation is next to impossible based upon the data presented. All that one can say is that he:

1) he observed something that can be explained by known phenomena, yet the observations he made were not sufficient or sufficiently recorded to make viable hypotheses;

2) he observed something that was not within the parameters of known phenomena, and insufficient data exists to make hypotheses;

3) the entire event was hallucinated (unlikely, but possible); or

4) the entire event, or parts of it, were contrived, concocted or otherwise invented.

Therefore, it remains an UFO (unidentified flying object).

To assume anything more than that last statement is as short-sighted as the medieval thinking that correlated unusual occurances to witchcraft.

Forgive me if I seem overly skeptical, but I'm assuming you decided to post this observation for discussion.
*Forgive me if I seem overly skeptical, but I'm assuming you decided to post this observation for discussion.*

Absolutely Skin.

Thanks for maintaining a mature stand point as well.
Can anyone explain why people awesume right off that any "ufo" they see is alien? It would also appear to be odd as to why some people call flyingsaucers "ufos" and then say they are alien in origin. I could see an airplane for the first time in my life and call it a UFO because I didn't know what it was, but good heck, that doesn't mean it is alien made!

I have seen many "sightings" in my life, and Im not a delusional man. (unless there is such thing as a "contagious hallucinations") So I think that rules out the notion that flying saucers don't exist. And to say that they are of alien origin seams a bit illogical because EVEN IF the nearest star had life around it, you still have to consider the distance between here and there. I believe that flyingsaucers are man-made because it would seam to be the most logical explanation.

Seeing the sightings I did in the past I didn't know what to make of them, whether they were alien-made or man-made I didn't know. Then I got thinking about what was most logical. I decided to believe that they were man-made. Of course if some one wanted to debate this, no one could win either way, for there isn't enough proof to prove either way. (man made or alien made)

Now let us believe what is most logical, and not what we "want to believe".

"The facts of reality are what they are, irrespective as to whether we know them or not." -Ayn Rand
Well said Man.
I think instantly naming objects that appear very advanced as these ,in my own case anyways probly comes from T.V.,other peoples accounts and so forth.
It is the only references I have.

Plus I beleive in the possibility of other life being easily advanced enough to have developed the technology to not only travel but be able to detect whatever is neccessary to find other life.

Back in the days of B.C. if you told someone that you could talk to someone on the other side of the earth through this little hand held thingy majingy, you were crazy.Not only was the technology so far beyond conception at the time but I mean come on.
That would be impossible.
Yet today,........exactly.Where would the level of our technology be in say another 100 years,......1000 years, or even 10,000 years which is not hard to conceive of giving the age of the physical universe,but thats a whole other story.Accepting we don't kill ourselves off or something stupid like that in the mean time.

Either way, manmade or other made,no big deal.
I am just going to continue doing what I am doing until whatever happens.
Peace Out
Now let us believe what is most logical, and not what we "want to believe".
In other words let us have "faith" that they are man-made, it's the same argument as ET "believers" make. Where's the logic?
Assuming they're man-made, why have we not seen the technology publicy? Sure there has always been secret aircraft like the SR-71, Stealth Bomber etc but they are not even close to the technology people have been reporting for some years. If people found out the US goverment has had spacecraft for any amount of time what do you think the result would be, I think most people would be really pissed especially the families of the shuttle disasters. What defence would a goverment have for covering up such technology? IMO absolutely none.
So I'm going to say my logic implies that a significant amount of sightings can't be man-made.
191 posts
I was just thinking about hyper space.Or how one could travel faster than the speed of light.
Well what if there is something faster than the speed of light.
Like one of the other waves of light that exist.
I beleive there are many different waves of light or radiation or what have you.Like infra-red rays,electromagnetic waves,X-rays, radio waves and all of those other forms of waves.
I mean the theory of relativity states only that things would "appear" to go slower and then perhaps reverse.But thats because you would be going faster than light.
The image is not the actual substance or material itself but only the reflected image of it by way of light.The light rebounds off the object and into the eye.
So I could be wrong but I bet our normal light waves are not the fastest waves in existence.

We just have to catch a faster wave of energy dude!

Just a thought.
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moementum7, you have a few misconceptions there about Relativity.
I will wait for someone more qualified than myself to give you a
little info, if not I will give it a shot later. In the meantime, check
out NASA's Breakthrough Propulsion Project's website. I will give you
a link to the area that deals with future possibilities for interstellar
Yah, it is definitely possible that I am way off:D
Thanks,I will check that out.
Holy shite, have you checked out that best U.F.O. evidence thread?
"In other words let us have "faith" that they are man-made, it's the same argument as ET "believers" make. Where's the logic?
Assuming they're man-made, why have we not seen the technology publicy? Sure there has always been secret aircraft like the SR-71, Stealth Bomber etc but they are not even close to the technology people have been reporting for some years. If people found out the US goverment has had spacecraft for any amount of time what do you think the result would be, I think most people would be really pissed especially the families of the shuttle disasters. What defence would a goverment have for covering up such technology? IMO absolutely none.
So I'm going to say my logic implies that a significant amount of sightings can't be man-made."

I didn't say for you to have faith, I said that that would be most logical alternative. Why? Because the distance between here and the nearest star is "sick". And the speeds required to get here from there would be have to be "sick" as well. Flying saucers are capable of huge amounts of speeds within millaseconds, still not fast enough though. The government would have one thing that they call "legit defense"... they would say that they kept it all secret for "national security purposes". Then you question why we have nasa if the saucers are man-made, its a big candy as*ed money londering scheme which steals money, AND dupes the general public into believing in either aliens or no saucers at all. (general public meaning most the dupes here on sci-forums and you)

My logic indicates that all sightings are man-made. (exluding birds and bugs)
moementum7, I see no one else has tried to give a general overview
of Special Relativity, so I will give it a shot. I am not a physicist, so
if I make a mistake someone with a better knowledge of physics
can correct it. Special Relativity is based on two statements really.
One is the invarence of the speed of light, which means that it is
always about 300,000 k/s (186,000mi/s). If you are moving at half
the speed of light (1/2c) and shine a light from your craft it STILL
moves away from you at 300,000k/s from your perspective. To an
outside observer (not on the craft) the light you shone from your
craft STILL moves at 300,000k/s, not 450,000k/s. That is relativity,
all measurements are relative to the frame of reference of the observer. The other postulate (statement) says that the laws of
physicis are the same for everyone, moving or not. For these two
statements to work, time dilation and length contraction are
needed. That's where it really gets interesting. When traveling
at very high (relativistic) speeds, something weird happens. You
can move from point A to point B faster than light from your (the
traveler's) perspective. If you had a craft that could travel at .999%
the speed of light, you could reach a planet that was 10 light years
away in .45 light years, less than 6 months, of YOUR time. If you
could travel faster than .999c, you could get there MUCH quicker
than than that, while still not breaking the speed of light. That is
if you don't go fast enough to break down into energy itself. The
problem is, if you made the round trip to the planet, over 20 years
would have passed on earth. You probably would want to take
your wife with you! And your craft would need some kind protection
from the hazards of interstellar space, like the "force field" or
something surrounding the craft. All of this depends on Relativity
being an accurate prediction of reality. This is from a layman's
understanding of Relativity and may not be correct. I'm sure I
will get corrected if I have it wrong. I will give a chart below to
show how time dilation affects different speeds.

Time Dilation Factor
Length Contraction Factor
Mass Increase Fator
Sorry, the chart did not print out correctly???
Here is a link.
I was on a peir with some friends a while ago and we were looking at the stars. Very clear night, 3 in the morning,and one of us spotted this thing moving across the sky really, really high up....to high to be a plane plus it had no lights....it seemed to slow down and speed up and move in eratic movements........then all of a sudden it sped up really really fast and out of our sites.........my friends and i are convinced it was a ufo..........it makes us feel special:D :p :p
Thanks for sharing Guyute.
And thank you too 2inquisitive.

This is really begining to suck.The more I am begining to research more of the hard evidence of extra terrestrial life,the more it is harder for me to stop my interest in it.
It is almost like an addiction.
Even though I know that I will never be satisfied with the end awnser until one of those little greys actually tells me himself, what this is all about.

There is some fucked up evidence available for anyone who looks for it.
And it bothers me even more that I may not be able to make up my own mind on the subject,even with all of the evidence before me,It feels like I will not beleive in the possibilty until our leaders and government say that it is so.How messed up is that.
It's like I don;t want to really beleive it.Even when the hard evidence is staring me in the face.Why is that.
Why do I not want to beleive in something that I know must be true?

I know the hardcore skeptics would like to blow me out of the water on this.I really wished that after looking at all the evidence, That non extra-terrestrial life is the result of all of this phenomena.

I am going to take this one step closer,after doing my own research this last day or so I have come to see alot of other perspectives.
Some of the biggest ones are the relevance of signs around the world.Whether they are crop circles,acient symbols,etc.etc.

But I never realized that what I saw on that day might have been a sign.These crafts were moving in the shape of an hour glass.

o o
o o o o
o o o o
o o o o
o o o o

Pretty bad drawing.sorry.But they were all moving in formation, one right after the other.Like they were drawing the #8.
Whether or not it was a sign I don't know for sure.But my gut tells me that this is a symbol of time.That something is nearing.
An event of some kind.
I could be totally wrong about this.
But I thought I would share this with you anyways.
I am starting to get a little freaked for moments of time.Nothing serious.But anxiety.Like I need to stop coming to this forum,and talking about this,or visiting other sites,or anything to do with this.
I was some what comfortable in my normal life.
Get ahead,save some money,flirt with the women,go to the gym,and focus on my goals.
One day at a time.

Thanks again for taking the time on the relativity issue 2inquisitve.
I am going to check out some more sights.
Peace Out

It messed up my drawing,it was in the shape of an hour glass.
I know that feeling, the wanting, the need to know.......when i saw the thing in the sky i just wanted it to come down and take me away in its beautiful ship, show me the world as id like to see it...."Homesick Subterranian Alien"Radiohead........We will always have the need to know......will it come, I hope so.

Peace Moementum7,
Search on my friend,

I wished I beleived,or had the confidence to beleive that they are actually as nice as you beleive them to be.
It just shoots my anxiety through the roof if I vividly think about making that kind of contact.

Thanks for the kind words Guyute.
I am begining to feel more comfortable with acceptance of this phenomena.Living with it.

Does anyone else share this.....
The more I come to accept that they're is extra terrestrial life, and I allow this to consistently enter into my everyday awareness, That I seem to almost beg to ask the question of every one I make contact with,not so much with words,but just the look in they're eyes,asking........do you know?Do you know they are here?Do you know?

Even I can tell how strange that must sound.
I'm probly begining to share a little to much on this thread.
Peace out
I didn't say for you to have faith
Of course you said..
Now let us believe...
Can you explain the difference again because I missed it.
Because the distance between here and the nearest star is "sick".
Well of course nothing is capble of travelling the grand distance of "sick".
Then you question why we have nasa if the saucers are man-made, its a big candy as*ed money londering scheme which steals money, AND dupes the general public into believing in either aliens or no saucers at all.
Oh so the taxpayers should be happy about their investment in NASA, when something much more efficient is being covered up for "National Security", oh like on Sep. 11:D
Or are they protecting us from aliens O' wise one?
(general public meaning most the dupes here on sci-forums and you)
Is that all you've got? I'm sure you can go lower if that's what makes you feel good.
My logic indicates that all sightings are man-made. (exluding birds and bugs)
So birds and bugs are reporting sightings too, wow you are very well connected:D
Hi Man made.
I can't stop you from posting your views on here,nor do I want to.
If you are determined to look for the facts and truth behind these phenomena,please share it with us.That is fine.
In one way you have it easy not having been strongly influenced by anything like"flying saucers" or "little green men".
If I were you I wouldn't waste my time trying to convince us other wise.You should be out enjoying your life.
Don't get involved with this.
If you don't have to see how far the rabbit hole really goes then don't.
Get out.Do not get involved.
Do not waste your time.
I am not sure if you are lucky or unlucky to still be in your position of uninvolvement.Time will tell.

Just a freindly question, mere speculitive fun.
If it was possible that other intelligent life were visiting us right now,
how would that change your veiw on things in everyday life?
Or would it?
Peace Out
I guess not:p .....

But i will awnser.....

If aliens came to earth and made there existance known....it would definatally change my life....for good, or bad....i dont know...all i know is that it would make life a little more interesting...i Welcome it.....with fear and anticipation......


Originally posted by moementum7
do you beleive in the possibilty of other life?
You know what they say - if there's no other life out there, it seems like an awfully big waste of space :) To answer your question, I definitely believe in the possibility. Who might they be? Well... going out on a limb here... what if "we" came from somewhere else as non-corporeal beings and discovered life here and chose to 'inhabit' whatever the species before 'the missing link' was, so we could experience life in the physical form? But we made some instant modifications, if you will, to 'create' homo sapiens. (possible theory for missing link. what I mean is, there is no missing link.) Now, what if not all of them/us chose to come here? What if some of us went to a different planet and evolved differently, but somehow kept the knowledge of who we are and other places we had been to. Could those 'aliens' in the UFOs be ourselves, watching over us and watching our development? I've never tried putting this idea in words before, I know it sounds far-fetched. And I'm not saying I believe it either. It's just something that occurred to me one day when I was thinking, "Why are we here? Where did we come from? Where are we going?" (We're here to party. We came from our mom, and we're heading for the grave, right? j/k) Well, I'm braced. Do your worst :)
Originally posted by SkinWalker
From my perspective, the simplest answer is that the account is concocted.

Forgive me if I seem overly skeptical, but I'm assuming you decided to post this observation for discussion.

Discussion, yes, and to hear other people's experiences; but not to debate or be subjected to cross-examination. Skinwalker, you are one of the biggest skeptics I have ever met in my life (I've read a lot of your other posts) but I mean that in a friendly way, so please don't jump down my throat :) You have never seen a soul, and you cannot prove it exists by scientific methods. Does that mean, then, that you do not believe in the soul? Just wondering. (she backs slowly and warily away.) Peace