Have you seen U.F.O.'s?

242 posts

Originally posted by janeelsa
this may be a dumb question, and you all know I'm a believer, but .... do UFOs usually leave a contrail? Is that normal?

Not unless they've reverted to Jet Engine technology. Contrails develop when hot, humid fumes from a jet engine meet the cool air of the upper troposphere. Water vapor in the exhaust and atmosphere freezes to create tiny cloud particles, much like the mist that forms when a person exhales on a cold winter day. As turbulence in the upper atmosphere tears contrails apart, they can spread into wispy sheets essentially identical to natural cirrus clouds.

....I disagree Skinwalker... They do leave contrails quite often.. the heat of the craft due to air friction.. the spaceshuttle leaves contrails when returning and as you know it is Gliding with No Power.

heres another of the world trade center before the 9/11 disaster..Its kinda hard to understand, it being translated from Japanese.

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I watched one of the videos that the link you cited had on WTC and during the explosions two birds flew past the camera. I was busy looking for the UFO and missed the fact that these were the UFO.

This is not a rare phenomenon. When I was in the military, we often witnessed birds "getting the hell out of dodge" as we called it during various live fire exercises. The birds in the video appeared to be about 5 - 10 meters from the camera. They are clearly birds exhibiting bird behavior.

As to the other site, it contains a lot of spurious evidence. Things like the deformed skull and photos of aliens in smoke.... nothing there was conclusive or even enlightening. It is unfortunate.

The Japanese site simply breaks down the SciFi Channel production and makes a spurious attempt to describe why it's valid. It would be akin to taking the movie "V" and showing that parts of the footage had to be of a genuine UFO..... it's all Hollywood.
I think I might of seen a UFO other night...
I was walking to the store down the street, and I look up and I see a bright bright white shinging star, seemed close for a star yet far away enuff to not be a plane. Thought it might of been the north star cuz I was headed in that direction. But as I look at it it starts getting smaller and smaller like it was flying away. That eventually it just disappeared. It wasnt moving left or right just moving further away. And it was too high to be a plane and too bright to be a normal plane for me to see it like a star close to earth.
And not too long ago before that I was in back yard... and was looking North again... and I see a ball of light in the distance... in broad daylight the light was shining bright as can be moving ever so slowly to my left then it just disappeared while I was following it in my sights whole time.
And about a month before that I was walking going South this time during the night. And I saw a bright light that was ... moving slighty left and right, like zig zagging. It was the shape of a diamond cept the diamond had a split in the middle going horizontal ... so it looked like to triangles one pointing up and one pointing down with a space in between them. Eventually it just went up up up and up. Almost all the time when I see one when I'm at home I be like MAA!! MAA!! look its a UFO COME LOOK!!!!!! DAMMIT! but she nver does :confused:
those are just a few. I always look at the sky and stars alot nowadays.
I think I may have seen a few UFO's in my life.
The first, while having a cigarette in my brother's garden, I looked up at the stars (I always have done so) and noticed one, brighter than most, moving fast across the sky. I called my b/f to come outside, he did, and we watched the 'UFO' move across the sky in a straight line, turn on the spot, and travel in the opposite direction in an erratic fashion, but also twice the speed of before. This was above Blackpool in the NW of England.
Since moving to the South of England, I have seen the same or similar, up to six times in one night of watching, some of these have been alone, but most have been while with another person!
I haven't been able to read everything that was said in this thread but yes, in my opinion, UFOs do exist.

Insanely so, why not? Many intelligent beings on earth have proclaimed they have seen them. Why the fascination? Because it's nice to know there's something or someone out there other than US. To think that we alone exist in a solar system, or even further is very egocentric.

It's as egocentric as the beginning of man's first encounter with foreign natives in a strange land. Thinking to his self deluded self that "he"is the only one of his kind in this world. That goes the same for those who were uncivilized, in a sense, without the means of civilized tools and machinery but thinking to themselves as well that THEY too were the only ones.

What strangeness even when Cortez came upon the Aztecs and they predicted from the skies that a blond kind of god would appear and change the course of their history.

Oh yeah, it did, it sure did. And I'm sure it would change our history if someone or something came from OUT there.

Super intellects beyond the field of mensa have even proclaimed there are beings out there. Jung had seen them even in his astral dreams--another issue. And the fact that famous producers have used the idea in their films, ie, Close encounters....E.T., even as far as the 60's cult B classics of Aliens. How fascinating....isn't it?

So come on. Whats the problem with not believing?

Ok, moementum7 I've finally replied. ^-^