Have you seen U.F.O.'s?

what if "we" came from somewhere else as non-corporeal beings and discovered life here and chose to 'inhabit' whatever the species before 'the missing link' was...
If that was the case why would the knowledge not be passed down? Why has it taken so long for us to develop technology etc?
Again assuming bona fide ETs are hanging around, it's my thinking that we're being protected by ET environmentalists. Would not we have a "look but dont touch" attitude in the reverse scenario?
And what reason would any ETs have for dropping in and saying "here we are"? We'd be like give me give me give me, because we have nothing to offer.
hi K, well... i'm not saying this is what I believe, but what if 'we' back then were highly-evolved beings (mentally) and we wanted to experience a different way of life. I think knowledge of who we really are and where we came from and what we know/knew might interfere with our development. So we locked that knowledge away behind some door in our brain and it's just ever-so-slowly leaking out through the bottom :) I don't know. Just an idea. Re: the rest of your post- makes sense to me :)
Dear Prudence

*Great and marvelous spaceships enthroned in multi-coloured lights descending and sending everyone running for cover.*

Your description vividly brings back a dream I would describe exactly as this.
I myself was not in panic,more like a mix of awe and concern.
But at the same time I found myself somewhat softly guided by the actions of all the other people around me running for cover.
Kind of just allowing myself to follow the herd mentallity. Everybody else is running for cover so I probly should be doing the same thing.
But at the same time the crafts were not just coming in all nice and slow,or keeping they're distance,they were rushing in.
Doing low flybys.Nothing subtle about it.
However,this was only a dream.Some how significant?Dunno.

This brings me to abductions.This is what really concerns me.
This is what fuels my anxiety about another race.
I feel that abduction is wrong.If I was to wake up from sleep to see an alien or even a person I didn't know for that matter,standing over me,my reaction would be to attack.
If it was human,it would be instant hate and aggresiveness,if it had a big head.........holy fuck.
It almost makes me sick to think about that scenario.
The fear itself would be almost paralyzing.I would just hope that my survival instinct and cockiness would allow me to give them a swift kick in the ass if need be.
What would your first reaction be to seeing this.
A feeling of safety,fear,threatened or what?
This is the type of experience that supposedly a great number of people have had.
Peace Out
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Originally posted by janeelsa
You have never seen a soul, and you cannot prove it exists by scientific methods. Does that mean, then, that you do not believe in the soul? Just wondering.

Pretty much sums it up for me. I see no evidence that a soul exists. I hope one does, but I see no evidence that it is so. As perhaps the only truly self-aware species on the planet, we battle with the idea that our existance could be limited. And so we are frightened that we are alone and will die alone.

This, however, is the most likely circumstance. I think it is more than probable that there is other intelligent life in the galaxy. It is improbable, however, that they visit our little bubble of existance.

We are alone. We should accept it and live our lives accordingly... and that means we (the human species) should stop hoping for some god or alien race to save us from our failures and do it ourselves.

And then, if I was wrong on either assumption or both, we'll be in a better position to welcome them.

If you guys get a few minutes check this site out.
Espeacilly the giant head and the large scratch like carvings in the canals as well as all the photo tampering.
Just click onto the pictures.
Tell me what you think.
I would also like to know what any objective skeptics think of this guys work and his source of references.Check out the evidence archives at the top.
Personaly I am quite impressed with the amount of work he has put into this and his direct source of references.
moementum7, I can only offer my opinion on these images, as I
am not any kind of expert, no better than anyone else. They seem
to be real images to me. The most detailed image sourced from
the other site raises the question of "possible" manipulation, I do
not know. The images he presents of his own seem to come direct
from the governments files. Your guess is as good as mine as to
what they are. I do know that a dark area has been seen though
telescopes for years that seems to expand and shrink with the
martian seasons. If it is vegetation or not, I don't know, but it seems
possible to me.
The other website that had the tube-like structures on it seemed
very suspect to me. The actual images shown from the government
were much smaller and the "tubes" in the crack did look like sand
dunes, as NASA said. The blown-up images of the "tubes" were
different and looked to be altered.
I am only speaking of the "vegetation" images on this website. I
do not think his conclusions are valid concerning any of the images.
He obviously has an agenda to "prove" something that is not there.
edited to add comment after viewing more of the website.
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After looking at more images of the tube-like structures from
different sites, I will have to retract my statement that the larger
images looked to be altered to me. They do look different from
the smaller images at the gov. site, but I see no evidence of
actual alteration. The "vegetation" and "tubes" seem to offer
no reasonable explaination to me. Anyone else have any insight?
have you found any of the images shocking?
There are some photos with so much tampering on them done from N.A.S.A. themselves.That is so messed up.
The masses of water, to many constructs to be natural ,no way.
Just another side note.Did you know that Mars is going to be at its closest ever in more than 60,000 years,and at the same time earth is going to be closest to the sun in it's orbit.
August 27 or 28th,one of these days.
Right now it is the brightest object in the night sky next to the moon.
Peace Out
Yes, moementum7, I find the images very curious. But with all the
accusations going on between researchers and NASA, I don't know
what to believe. These particular images of the "vegetation" and
the "tubes" don't seem to be altered on purpose to me, but that
is just personal opinion, not worth a whole lot. I found a newspaper
articule of a challenge to NASA by the researchers at the Enterprize
Mission website concerning an earlier image that was supposedly
altered by NASA after it was first released. I will give a link.
Originally posted by moementum7
Did you know that Mars is going to be at its closest ever in more than 60,000 years. August 27 or 28th,one of these days.
Right now it is the brightest object in the night sky next to the moon.
do you know when mars rises? when it comes up over the horizon?
If we are discussing alien lifeforms, then id much prefer to wait until i see one and touch one before i come to my conclusion. =)
Interesting website though, i dont really think it deserves all that much thought however.
The images on that site are most likely real images from NASA. I don't think they've been altered. However, I do not believe any of them are what the author says they are.

Images such as the "head" are easy to come by. Humans have a remarkable propensity for picking out things which look like faces, and this is just one more example of a natural formation which looks like a human head.

The "vegetation" pictures are particularly unconvincing, especially given the scale. These are far more likely to be geological formations with various shadows.

There is no evidence at all that any of the things labelled "water" on the site actually are water.

Finally, remember that the surface area of Mars is about the same as the land surface area of Earth. If you look for long enough, you'll see natural formations which look like pretty much anything you want.
Thanks for stopping in Squash.
No, I absolutely agree with you.
If you haven't a good reason to believe in this phenomena,....
There is much more constructive ways to use one's mind than to indulge in something you have never had reason to belive in.
Unforunately ,I myself have had the luck/bad luck of dealing with these phenomena first hand.
And as you know, being strongly objectivest in nature,this experience is enough to really pull the rug out from me.
But hey..I've got good balance:)
Peace Out
Sorry Janeelsa, I am not sure what time exactly that would happen.I am also over here in Canada,so the timing may be a little different.
Thanks for the site 2inquisitive. This topic on altering photographs is going to get interesting.The cat is out of the bag.
Where it goes is another story.:)
And thank you James R for your honesty and mature response.
Peace Out
Do you mean "sleep paralysis"?

I had it once about 5 years or so ago.

You can't move your body until it wheres off.

At least I hope it was sleep paralysis.;)
Originally posted by moementum7

The way they were able to move in the air was awesome now that I think about it.So smooth.Unaffected by any outside influences. solid,smooth mechanical movements.So steady, and they all moved in such an order like they all knew where the other crafts were at the same time. Like they were all peices of the same machine.
moementum7, I came across definition describing the flight movements you witnessed. Thought you might be interested.

A: The term 'Pod' describes the behavior of multiple objects of suspected extraterrestrial origin operating in precision yet independant action of one and another. The term is borrowed from Dolphin behavioral research, whereby the leader Dolphin in a pod communicats group behavior information. It may be likened to the US Navy's precision flying and acrobatics team, the Blue Angels.

Several independant data sources, notably Dr. Harley Rutledge, Dr. Bruce Cornet, and Dr. Paul Hill all describe similar observational 'flight' behavior of suspected extraterrestrial machines. References will be added later. Please check back.