Have you seen U.F.O.'s?

I have seen UFO'S both in England and in Cyprus where I live now.

Two of them, in Cyprus, on account of their speeds and trajectories I can explain as probably being satellites moving across the night sky.

A third one, again, might have been a satellite though its trajectory and speed were unlike the other 2.

But the other one that I saw over London 20 years ago was definetely suspect. It was night time and I noticed this speck of light very high in the sky, travelling horizontally across it at a pretty fair pace. I stood there and followed its path with my eyes until suddenly, it made an instantaneous 90 (sic) degree turn to the vertical and shot away into space at a greatly accelerated speed! Alien? Probably.
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I don't know how anyone could beleive in U.F.O.'s until they have actually seen one for themselves.I mean 100% anyways.
I know exactly what I saw in the physical form.
No if, ands ,maybes or buts about it.

As for having a strong denial against them existing,I don't really get that either.
I see some skeptics on T.V. who are just so strongly against it being even remotely possible that other life could exist.
Like they're whole philosophy on life would crumble beneath them if it were proved true.

Honestly, I am not sure if seeing them for yourselves is even a good thing.

I have seen them.I strongly beleive in the possibility of other life.
But what good does it do me in my every day life now that a I have seen them.Nothing at all.In fact it interferes more than anything when I think about it.

My greatest values are self esteem and survival,and these will never change even if they do decide to make public contact.
Whether they are good or evil, (whether they intend to help us or use/hurt us) I haven't a clue.
I would tend to think that they must be good,or intend to help.
Or maybe they too are just looking out for themselves.

I don't know.Whatever.That's a huge topic and one I would probly like to discuss when I have more time.
Peace Out
Two of them, in Cyprus, on account of their speeds and trajectories I can explain as probably being satellites moving across the night sky.

A third one, again, might have been a satellite though its trajectory and speed were unlike the other 2.

But the other one that I saw over London 20 years ago was definetely suspect. It was night time and I noticed this speck of light very high in the sky, travelling horizontally across it at a pretty fair pace. I stood there and followed its path with my eyes until suddenly, it made an instantaneous 45 degree turn to the vertical and shot away into space at a greatly accelerated speed! Alien? Probably.
Wow! I've seen something very similar 4 separate times. Once 1 slowed "instantly" then looped a few times. Am I now a bona fide nut?
Originally posted by kazakhan
Wow! I've seen something very similar 4 separate times. Once 1 slowed "instantly" then looped a few times. Am I now a bona fide nut?

You saw what you saw... don't make you a nut.
Just some quick input.
I am glad that some other people are talking about they're own experiences.
If there really is pther life ..........and we make public contact.....
everything is going to change.
I don't know how it would'nt.
Like I say,I haven't actually seen actual alien beings, so Just like I was before I saw these crafts I can not commit myself 100% to beleiving in they're existence even as strongly as I belive in the possibility of other life.

I don't want to make this sound trivial, but if I was in anything but my strongest state mentally, I think I would be so scared ,more scared than I could imagine.
Like a wild animal is when they see us.

I think I would lose myself if I kept eye contact.

I don't know.

I have company know, gotta go, but thanks for sharing your thoughts on this.
And please describe what you saw in detail if it is not to much trouble.I am very interested. thanks.I would like to talk about other issues on this subject if any of you are interested.
Peace Out
I am sorry about the last post and this post, both were poorly written.
This post deserves better responses.
If anyone has a link to other posts along the same line as this please post.
And I know that there might be alot of people who might want to poke fun at the content of this post,........I can't stop you.
I saw some sh!t that is not publicly integrated.
Please excuse the words I am using,I want to be as simple as I can without losing the meaning of what I am trying to say.

This is an issue No one can deal with but myself.
I just want to let you know that hearing some of your responses has made me feel alot better.

But I still feel strongly about this post.
That is why I am here now, doing the best I can to make sense.
I think those objects were real phenomena.
It can't be.
But how can I explain the thousands....if not more..of the same experiences that I myself have now experienced.

I can no longer say that all of these reports are full of sh!t.
I am done writing for now.
You will let me know if I should just let this post slip into the past.
Peace Out.
And please describe what you saw in detail if it is not to much trouble.
I had been spotting satellites on & off for a few nights. One night I seen one appear in the SE travelling North, just after it crossed my position so to speak it's velocity slowed to about 5% of it's previous velocity instantly! Then it stopped dead for a few seconds before back tracking a little bit then looped 3x in the horizontal, (loops took about 2-3 secs, fist size loops if you held your arm up to the sky) stopped again & faded as if moving away from earth. I've seen a few others too but that was the best, besides an incident when I was about 10, details of which wont be posted:eek:
Unidentified feeling ordinances.U.F.O's
That is how I feel towards any and all your posts.
Forgive me,I beleive you know how I feel.
Thank you so much for posting.
Peace Out
I'm pretty sure I do know how you feel but what does this mean?
Unidentified feeling ordinances.U.F.O's
That is how I feel towards any and all your posts.
I guess it means.....I don't really know how to feel about this subject when I seriously focus on it. I was just trying to be fancy I guess with the U.F.O. wording.Trying to be relavent and all.
"Unidentified feeling ordinances.U.F.O's"

That is how I truly feel.
My world has to open up so much to consider this possibility of this even being a possibility.
And I saw what isn't supposed to be.
At least that is the way I think I should feel about it.

Let me just look at things the way I should see them if I accepted my view of things if this truly was an encounter with other intelligent life............................................................................
We are a race.
God/someone/I.....help us.
Maybe it will be star trek,........instant chocolate cake in the food maker lazer thingamajiggy.

Thanks for your reply KaZ.

What are your thoughts on whether they mean good or bad.
You don't have to awnser.............is what you saw intelligent.....or just a natural phenomenon.
I already know what you saw.
This is a topic that can not be ended with a sentence.
Wow.What do they want?
Forgive my straight out bluntness.
Any one?
Please try and be a little serious,...just a little bit.

What do they want?
What are your thoughts on whether they mean good or bad.
First of all if what I have seen were man-made we're fucked, think long and hard about why that would be.
Now assuming they were extra terrestrial vehicles then if their intentions were nasty wouldn't it stand to reason that we would already know, given the implications of ancient sightings etc?
With that in mind it's easy to believe they have tinkered about with human affairs(ie religious stories, ancient myths). However what would an alien race have to gain, if they could manage interstellar travel then I doubt we would have much to offer in any shape or form other than a holiday planet perhaps in which case we would have been removed already. So it's more likely that we've been discovered by a benevolent race(s) & are currently under study probably meaning no full-contact until we've achieved some particular capabilty or some such idea(?).
But I really wouldn't know, just speculating:bugeye:
I do not think so.

This thread has developed into the "good"/"bad" thing as a result of certain sighting events. As such it is relevant to the topic.
*And, you know how small and narrow-minded we are. And how boring, too.*

Who's "we"? You got worms?j/k
There's either data you're not sharing, or you've made the whole thing up.

Originally posted by moementum7
And there was a force feild around them.The force feild sounds corny I know, but it was there.

You didn't say what led you to believe they possessed "force fields," nor did you indicate what "force" you believed these "fields" to be.
When I was little(about 5 or 6) I saw a white light streak across the sky.

Don't know what it was. But it went from one end of the sky to the other in about 5 to 10 seconds so it must have moved very rapidly!

Also I know about alot of sightings other people in my family have had.

In the 1960's in Toledo, Ohio. My grandma got up at 2 in the morning to get a glass of water. She looked out the window and saw red and white blinking lights in the distance. This was before any major roads or buildings were built in the area so it was all wild grass and forest. Anyway it red and white lights where in a circle and she didn't know what they were. My grandpa got up and didn't know what they were either and went to bed. My grandma also when to bed before the lights left. In the morning they went to the area and there was a burnt out circle! :eek:
One of my grandmas Aunts came and took pictures but they were lost since then.They didn't know about UFOs much then so they just kind of forgot about it.

In the 1950's my grandmas neighbor was ridding his bike with one of his friends in Michigan. They were ridding through a wheat field and saw a large glowing green disk. It was on the ground in the wheat field and as he was ridding up to where it was it took off and flew away! And when he got to the field he saw that there was a burnt out circle! Later on some firemen came and said it was a regular fire but he knew better.

More recently just a few years ago my dads friends saw a glowing white UFO at work! But it left suddenly so my dad didn't get to see it.

And just last year my dad saw one light being "cased" by many smaller lights also at work. Both work sighting were also in Toledo, Ohio.

So that all the sightings my family and me have had.:)
So sorry Skinwalker. sheesh
You just had to ask.

What led me to beleive they had force feilds was the fact that I could see them. They were like bubbles. Clear,but you could see the outside rim surrounding the crafts. A pefect sphere.

As for assuming what these force fields are exactly I couldn't tell you.My guess is they had something to do with they're ability to fly.

P.S. Thanks for sharing Dino.
I suppose then I would be interested in knowing what you define as a "force field."

What led me to beleive they had force feilds was the fact that I could see them. They were like bubbles. Clear,but you could see the outside rim surrounding the crafts. A pefect sphere.

Yes, but what evidence do you have that some "force field" is at work? This would seem to be an observational assumption and not a report of fact. This type of assumption creates question about all of the observations you've reported. If one huge leap can be made in assumption based on observable phenomena, could not the remainder, or a portion of the remainder, of your anecdotal account be attributed to "observational assumption?" In other words, might one who is willing to make such assumptions see what he/she wants to see?

There are many such cases in the criminal justice field in which witnesses to a crime come to a consensus about what they observed... but an agreed upon and incorrect consensus.

If you state aloud, "I see this, don't you?" Then others in the vicinity look for the criteria you state... and see it.

Occam's Razor dictates a much simpler explanation for what you observed... unfortunately, without impartial and objective data, we may never know what it was. It is at least as likely to be an atmospheric/optical phenomenon as alien craft with "force fields."
HAHA, ...O.K. then.
Like I said earlier, I don't expect anyone to belive me Skin.
And just like you say,okhams razor....the simplest awnser is that they were space crafts.simple.

And if you are expecting me to try and make you beleive what I saw through this thread,it's not going to happen.
It doesn't matter what I saw, how"scientificly descriptive"I explain what a force feild is,I don't know what a force feild is other than some type of energy surrounding an object for some purpose.
I apreciate your interest and all,but I can't justify trying to prove to you what I saw.I know you aren't going to beleive me anyways.It couldn't be any other way.
You will have to see it for yourself.

Like I said.I beleive strongly in the possibilty of other life.
And Even with all of the photos,videos,sightings,from people I both know and don't know, I still could not beleive them 100%.
I don't have that type of faith, or gullibility or what ever you want to call it.

Now I have seen these crafts.
So what.
Big deal.

Just a freindly question,....do you beleive in the possibilty of other life?
Thanks again for your interest.
Peace Out
Yes, Skinwalker, but if you are going to involk Occam's Razor, you
need to state WHAT KIND of atmospheric/optical phenomenon you
speaking of. Ball Lightning? A tempature inversion? Sprites? The
angle was too high to be a mirage reflected from the ground. See
what I mean?
Let me get this straight one last time.
There is no if's,ands,buts,or maybes of what I saw.
Plain as day.
If I was by myself I would have maybe the pleasure of tossing it off as some delusion.
But there was two of us.
The only thing that can be argued is whether or not they were man made or of other inteligence.
Peace Out