Have you ever thought, perhaps we are following a path?

Are we separate from the world then?

Remember, the Universe is, by definition, a unity, hence scientific objectivity is ultimately an illusion.

Is the universe a unity by definition ? What does that mean ? Why is scientific objectivity an illusion ? What you say sounds good but , in my opinion, it is devoid of meaning. Perhaps you knpw differently.
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Reality Where did that come from ? You are misquoting me. I said there is a negative correlation between intelligence and religiousity !!!!!

Because there is no objective evidence to support his existence, the chances of there being a god are highly unlikely. So, on balance, I reject the notion of god.

Those who believe in god accept evidence which does not hold up in a rational debate. That is why I believe they are wrong.

This topic has been flogged to death, covering personal experience, books said to be holy, prophets and so on, none of which can be defended rationally.

You are putting words in my mouth talking of fools and morons , when I have said no such thing. I assume you believe this bolsters your case somehow; it does not.

I believe people who claim there is a god are foolish for entertaining a belief which, to a rational mind, cannot be shown to be true. God is on a par with the tooth fairy. You are, of course, free to disagree but , if you do so, let's have reasons instead of the tired old arguments which are repeated ad nauseam !

If you believe in a creator-god you must surely believe he gave you the ability to reason. Use it !

My apologies - I misread that part.
The rest of what I said still stands, however.
How about addressing those comments, rather then glossing over them, dismissing them with glib comments and ignoring them completely?

Most importantly, you claim that atheists do not share the same level of certainty that theists have.
I am saying that is bullshit.
I have listed my reasons above, so there is no need to rehash them.
However, what I am saying is, even with science, it does not in any way suggest anything for god: whether it be credibility or ridiculousness.

Also Intelligent design is not "crap"; it's very logical.
So far Intelligent Design has required 15+ billion years to get to the point where somebody suspects it. Perhaps an intelligence kick started the universe but that would be it, let the chips fall where they may. Intelligence, highly unlikely.....design, out of the question.
We have first-hand direct evidence of Natural Selection in action.
Of course you could say that God designed Natural Selection - you could also say that God created the Bog Bang, but at some point, it seems to me that this God would be redundant.
So far Intelligent Design has required 15+ billion years to get to the point where somebody suspects it. Perhaps an intelligence kick started the universe but that would be it, let the chips fall where they may. Intelligence, highly unlikely.....design, out of the question.

However, what I am saying is, even with science, it does not in any way suggest anything for god: whether it be credibility or ridiculousness.

Also Intelligent design is not "crap"; it's very logical.

ID is about the dumbest thing in this world.
You claim to be agnostic now but you still seem to heavily lean towards theism. In fact, you sound like a theist that is trying to hide that fact.
ID is about the dumbest thing in this world.
You claim to be agnostic now but you still seem to heavily lean towards theism. In fact, you sound like a theist that is trying to hide that fact.

How is ID dumb?

I'm agnostic but I used to be a theist, remember that; I used to Muslim and then became Christian and then became agnostic
I simply confirmed that yes, I am more on the theistic side, but I consider myself agnostic. I do not pray or go to religious services

Ah ok :)
A LOT of Christians don't go to churches or pray either, they just say they believe in God.. that's it.

You can be a theist without keeping to a religious protocol.
But I'm agnostic; I do not reject or confirm the idea of God

You said you would choose theism if you had to choose between atheism and theism.
How can you pick something you don't believe in ?
At least atheism doesn't make any positive claims.

Do you believe in God ? Yes or no ?
You said you would choose theism if you had to choose between atheism and theism.
How can you pick something you don't believe in ?
At least atheism doesn't make any positive claims.

Do you believe in God ? Yes or no ?

I'd pick it because life as an atheist would be boring; might as well pick some form of faith instead

Do I believe in God? I cannot say. I can say, I hope there is a God