Have you ever thought, perhaps we are following a path?

Why would it be boring ? And it wouldn't be anymore boring as being agnostic..
It'd be a pessimistic, pointless, hopeless life. I'd rather live with some form of hope, even false hope

I don't understand, you either believe in God or you don't..
"Cannot say" doesn't compute..

There is not enough evidence for me to go either way
It sounds to me like you are someone who does not beleive in God, but not ready yet to reject the notion that you have lived with your entire life and has provided you something to believe in and some sort of comfort throughout your life.

Many people no longer believe in God, but are unwilling to commit to teh idea because of fear of what that implies and because their belief in God or their religion was the one stable rock they were able to cling to throughout their lives.
My apologies - I misread that part.
The rest of what I said still stands, however.
How about addressing those comments, rather then glossing over them, dismissing them with glib comments and ignoring them completely?

Most importantly, you claim that atheists do not share the same level of certainty that theists have.
I am saying that is bullshit.
I have listed my reasons above, so there is no need to rehash them.

Now hold your horses ! As you have come at me with the sort of thing I had to endure as a youngster, there is no way I shall address any of your questions. Remarks such as " you are very sure of your self" will get you nowhere because, apart from being insulting, they contain an implied request that I justify myself on some grounds or other. Why should I bother ? If you are not impressed, I can live with that. You can take or leave what I say on its merits. My background and qualifications irrelevant.

My position is simple. I have no reason to believe in god because there is not a shred of evidence why I should do so. What I believe about life is based on objective evidence and reason. You seem to tihnk otherwise. That's fine by me.