Have you ever thought, perhaps we are following a path?

The chances of their being a god are no greater than those in favour of there being a tooth fairy. Why do you think otherwise ?
Why do you think so? Show me your logic behind this.

When Newton discovered the laws of motion and universal gravitation it could have been construed as machine like. An excerpt from wikipedia:

"Although the laws of motion and universal gravitation became Newton's best-known discoveries, he warned against using them to view the universe as a mere machine, as if akin to a great clock. He said, "Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who set the planets in motion. God governs all things and knows all that is or can be done.""

Of course, God is the best engineer you'll ever meet!

Remember Newton had more brainpower then probably the whole of this community combined.
And I'd agree with him; the universe does seem to operate like a machine, in terms of what it is made up of (atoms) and the forces that govern it.

He believed in God big time.

He spent more time reading the bible than he did in science believe it or not.

At the time he was a heretic, scholars are still trying to work out exactly what he believed in theologicially speaking.

(my earlier quote explains it)
He believed in God big time.

He spent more time reading the bible than he did in science believe it or not.

At the time he was a heretic, scholars are still trying to work out exactly what he believed in theologicially speaking.

(my earlier quote explains it)

I suppose. I don't understand why science means god cannot exist. Where do atheists come to that conclusion?
He believed in God big time.

He spent more time reading the bible than he did in science believe it or not.

At the time he was a heretic, scholars are still trying to work out exactly what he believed in theologicially speaking.

(my earlier quote explains it)

I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.

- Isaac Newton.

A classic quote, but what does it mean?
I suppose. I don't understand why science means god cannot exist. Where do atheists come to that conclusion?

Science doesn't prove anything about God, so if someone says science prooves God doesn't exist, ignore them, it's impossible.

Science builds a part of reality that we all live in, some think it answers everything others don't.

Science will never be able to answer the most important question:

Why are we here?

That is when God enters, religion as it stands is dodgy though, come to your own conclusion while using your own intuition.
Science doesn't prove anything about God, so if someone says science prooves God doesn't exist, ignore them, it's impossible.

Science builds a part of reality that we all live in, some think it answers everything others don't.

Science will never be able to answer the most important question:

Why are we here?

That is when God enters, religion as it stands is dodgy though, come to your own conclusion while using your own intuition.

Can I clarify what I believe to be a few misunderstandingd ?

Science does not prove that god doesn't exist. Science proves nothing. All it offers is the best explanation that is available based on what we know at a particular time. It's about trying to make sense of what we observe ( empirical evidence ). Anyone who says otherwise should be ignored. What can be said is that with the passage of time our knowledge becomes more secure. It is unlikely that the law of gravity or evolutionary theory will be proved to be wrong.

No one will be able to answer the question of why we are here. What sort of evidence would be required ? Religious thinkers profess to know the answer but their explanations invariably fall short of what a reasonable person requires.

All the verifiable knowledge we have built up points to the fact that we live in a material universe. There is no solid evidence to suggest otherwise. Talk of spirits, souls and so on is meaningless.

We are, of course, free to believe what we want. The divide between atheist and theist is a matter of what type of evidence is acceptable.
Doesn't stop you asking "Why?" does it?

Why do we ask why?

We ask why because we want to imbue our lives with some externally derived meaning. We can stop asking why, give what meaning we can to our lives and get on with it.

A question does not necessarily have an answer.
Why do you think so? Show me your logic behind this.

And I'd agree with him; the universe does seem to operate like a machine, in terms of what it is made up of (atoms) and the forces that govern it.

There is no logic. You asked the question so I assume you have a reason. What is it ? IOW what is behind your question.
Because everyone asks the same question.

Why do you troll the religion forums?

Not everyone asks the sme question. I gave up on it years when it became obvious to me that it made no sense. I am not alone in this.

I do not troll the religious forums in the accepted sense. I responsd to what I regard as dangerous nonsense posted by religionists in the hope that what I say may encourage a few to ask questions when they are inundated with "received wisdom".

Look at the evolution-denyers, who want to thrust their ID nonsense into schools, thus influencing the minds of the young in what I regard as an adverse manner. Look at idioits like Phelps who preaches hatred based on his interpretation of the Bivble. Then you have the conmen on TVsaying" god wants you to give until it hurts".

Then consider all the killing in the world that is done in the name of god !

Have you noticed how many people on here ask deep questions which have already been answered time and again ? I have suggested some reading matter from time to time without evoking much interest.

I am against organized religion, not the individuals who practise it.