have you critically examined each and every shred of evidence about god's existence?

Josephus the historian who lived during Jesus life recorded him amongst all the other goings on of the time.
there have been many other physical evidence discovered

I have read Josephus writings, what are you talking about?
Also, list any evidence you claim was discovered?
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the bones of caiaphas the high priest are housed in a beutiful box and are kept in a museum in israel.

No they aren't.

The high priest who ordered Jesus' sacrificial death.

So what?
The Queen of England exists, and is found in James Bond stories - does that mean James Bond is real?

Josephus the historian who lived during Jesus life recorded him amongst all the other goings on of the time.

The passage is at BEST corrupted, at worst completely forged.

there have been many other physical evidence discovered

There is NO evidence for Jesus.

So many extremists on one side or the other out here.

Their are many different ways!
We don't need to believe the same things.
It's the lack of love and respect that cause problems.

I don't really care what anyone believes, as long as they don't infringe on other peoples rights. I know what I need to for me. I hope some of you extremists find what you need one day too. ;)
Religion disagrees and rejects physical laws and the laws of nature that science has proven to be true. Then people try to use science to lend credibility to their religious beliefs, wherein, all things came into existence violating the laws of nature and physics. Do rational minds think religiously?

Scripture does not give the date of Adam's lifetime as 4000 BC. That is the generally used traditional date. The geneologies go to 10 to 13000 BC for Adam scripturally and mathematically.
Adam was not living at the time of creation within the six days. Man in some form was created though. Also the earth was not created during the six days but before. Read Gen 1 -3

Many christians need to study the written bible not mens words.
Scripture does not give the date of Adam's lifetime as 4000 BC. That is the generally used traditional date. The geneologies go to 10 to 13000 BC for Adam scripturally and mathematically.
Adam was not living at the time of creation within the six days. Man in some form was created though. Also the earth was not created during the six days but before. Read Gen 1 -3

Many christians need to study the written bible not mens words.

Humankind didn't instantly appear on this planet. I did read Gen 1 -3 and no rational thinking person can accept that debunked nonsense.
Muslims also need to study the bible. Mohamed was raised by Catholic monks as recorded in the book Mohamed
I guess you missed it.

Just watch the history channel these proofs are reported all the time

Just because the history channel airs its biased commentary doesn't make the creation story true. The producers cater to as many viewers as possible.
I guess you missed it.

Just watch the history channel these proofs are reported all the time
M*W: Just because you see something on the history channel doesn't mean it's factual. For the most part, maybe it comes close to reality, but when it's regarding religion (The James Ossuary comes to mind), it's far from the truth.
resorting to attacking me personally shows your lack of self control

aggression should be replaced with expression and deeper thought
M*W: Just because you see something on the history channel doesn't mean it's factual. For the most part, maybe it comes close to reality, but when it's regarding religion (The James Ossuary comes to mind), it's far from the truth.

It is easy access for those who don't care to study the bible or go to israel to see them for themselves
It is easy access for those who don't care to study the bible or go to israel to see them for themselves
M*W: Haven't been to Israel myself, but I have friends that go, some on a regular basis. I have studied the bible however, and I don't put much credit into it. I would like to study a more direct translation from Hebrew into English, since I don't speak Hebrew. I would think the closer to the origial language one gets, the more logical the text.
A translation as opposed to a version is best for research. A concordance or computer to check:
while doing a word study
1. The 1st occurrence of that word in the bible (gives its meaning2
2. The context in which it is used
3. The definition of the word
and a cultural ref book for middle eastern understanding of it

apocrypha is always interesting. Book of barnabus translated by Rags(but they are English muslims and have altered it to their liking)

An Interlinear for the Greek (NT) tells you what words did not occur in which of the eleven MSS used to translat to English or other language
A translation as opposed to a version is best for research. A concordance or computer to check:
while doing a word study
1. The 1st occurrence of that word in the bible (gives its meaning2
2. The context in which it is used
3. The definition of the word
and a cultural ref book for middle eastern understanding of it

apocrypha is always interesting. Book of barnabus translated by Rags(but they are English muslims and have altered it to their liking)

An Interlinear for the Greek (NT) tells you what words did not occur in which of the eleven MSS used to translat to English or other language

That is not what I asked you Mr. Spiritual. Which of the four Gospels I listed stirs your spirit most?