have you critically examined each and every shred of evidence about god's existence?

Why didn't God explain chromosomes then? (Because at the time people wrote the quran, they didn't know about them). I thought randomness can't create anything, but you are suggesting that the random correlation between certain numbers and verses somehow means something.

To me the bible and qu'ran were written providing some associations and references allowing human minds to grasp a handle. There isn't any explaining in the bible or qu'ran about things such as chromosomes, only specifics about protocols designed to control human behavior and minds.
It's one thing to get to know the laws of nature, and another to say that nature governs the world. Who is nature ?! Does nature have self-consciousness ?! Will ?!

Are you serious in reducing the magnificent human experience to nothing ?!?!?!?

Just to inform you of a fact, science has made the discoveries concerning physical laws and the laws of nature. Don't think you can waltz in with your religion now and say God is revealing himself. Bullshit. God can't teach scientific things using the bible or qu'ran, while science can. God doesn’t use scientific methods or skeptical inquiry.
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Heh, this thread got hijacked.

I would say that there are shreds of evidence. Occam's Razor would probably want you to say "Since we have craploads of people believing in a unique set of myths, very similar worldwide, and it seems to be a natural desire to believe in the afterlife, etc, it's probably more likely that those things exist, rather than a giant hoax played on us by nature." Of course, Occam's Razor is a rule of thumb, not a logical law.

And, you have word of mouth, more than just urban myths. If as many people claimed that they have seen a deep government corruption as they have claimed to see angels, fae creatures, etc, then it wouldn't be irrational to look into the claims, right?

Again, these arguments can be argued, but not if the arguer doesn't first look into the claims, and weigh them with a critical mind, which is what the OP is all about.
Occam's Razor would probably want you to say "Since we have craploads of people believing in a unique set of myths, very similar worldwide, and it seems to be a natural desire to believe in the afterlife, etc, it's probably more likely that those things exist, rather than a giant hoax played on us by nature."
Or the Razor would say "Since we're all human we all have a human psychology, therefore all of our myths will have common elements".
Heh, this thread got hijacked.

I would say that there are shreds of evidence. Occam's Razor would probably want you to say "Since we have craploads of people believing in a unique set of myths, very similar worldwide, and it seems to be a natural desire to believe in the afterlife, etc, it's probably more likely that those things exist, rather than a giant hoax played on us by nature." Of course, Occam's Razor is a rule of thumb, not a logical law.

And, you have word of mouth, more than just urban myths. If as many people claimed that they have seen a deep government corruption as they have claimed to see angels, fae creatures, etc, then it wouldn't be irrational to look into the claims, right?

Again, these arguments can be argued, but not if the arguer doesn't first look into the claims, and weigh them with a critical mind, which is what the OP is all about.

The use of Occam's razor would suggest that the fear of death influences our mythology.
The idea that there would be a literal realm beyond death would require too many added explanations, why do we need a body at all? What is the nature of this afterlife? Why do brain injuries seem to affect personality when allegedly death does not? etc...
The simplest answer in this case is the best one. We made it up because we don't like it when our loved ones die.
scifes said:
nothing in our life is more important than either confirming or denying whether life after death exists or not.
Any given cheese sandwich is more important to me than swatting every bogus question someone can create by stringing English words together.

And what does that one have to do with some god's existence?
It's an impossible task.
it's a life's quest, a life span long task. one you should either finish, or die trying.

that's how it's supposed to be at least.

So you think you can think? Try again!

BS. Sooner or later we are going to know it anyhow, so why waste precious time with it?

You get an F....
cuz maybe when that sooner or later comes and you know, it would be too late to do anything about it.
knowing the answer carries with it implications.
What shreds of evidence? :confused:
ones which intelligent people, smarter than me and you, hold to support their religion.

There isn't even a shred to evaluate.
And that is the most correct response to the op.
such denial..:facepalm:

the rest of you;
to be continued...
ones which intelligent people, smarter than me and you, hold to support their religion.
Appeal to authority.
Your question was
have you critically examined each and every shred of evidence about god's existence?
nothing in our life is more important than either confirming or denying whether life after death exists or not.
then you're a lazy loser.
And now you're implying heavily that you yourself haven't (since you can't do anything more to show such evidence than "well smart guys have seen it").
Facepalm indeed.
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Just to inform you of a fact, science has made the discoveries concerning physical laws and the laws of nature. Don't think you can waltz in with your religion now and say God is revealing himself. Bullshit. God can't teach scientific things using the bible or qu'ran, while science can. God doesn’t use scientific methods or skeptical inquiry.

Sure... it can tell you them but you won't understand how that works so you use science to 'teach' it to you. Because science is nothing more than a methodical way of understanding creation. Ever thought of this way? :shrug:

Peace be unto you ;)
There isn't even a shred to evaluate.

Not a shred of good evidence anyway.

Have you critically examined each and every shred of evidence about Xenu's existence?

Have you critically examined each and every shred of evidence about Shiva's existence?

Have you critically examined each and every shred of evidence about John Frum's existence?

Have you critically examined each and every shred of evidence about IPU's existence?

Have you critically examined each and every shred of evidence about Amaterasu Omikami's existence?
Not a shred of good evidence anyway.

Have you critically examined each and every shred of evidence about Xenu's existence?

Have you critically examined each and every shred of evidence about Shiva's existence?

Have you critically examined each and every shred of evidence about John Frum's existence?

Have you critically examined each and every shred of evidence about IPU's existence?

Have you critically examined each and every shred of evidence about Amaterasu Omikami's existence?

All cultures over all the centuries had their gods so they could seek and consider as an explanation to what they saw. Allah YHVA God is the true God. He asks us to abandon all the false gods (including false beliefs such as evolution) and worship Him. He asks all of us Muslims, Jews and Christians to worship Him and treat each other in good ways. Whereas all other Gods declined in popularity, Allah YHVA God has not.

There is plenty of evidence. Consider every single creature God created and you will realize that He exists. It is way too complex to happen by coincidence. Just thing about our emotions: admiration, love and the goodness itself...

I know about many facts in the Quran & the Bible. It is just stunning how God has managed to convey great meanings in sophisticated phonetics, arrange letters, words & verses in such a way that great mathematical phenomena can be seen. I am talking about huge numbers (+300, +1400 and +5000 digit numbers)... Without modern technology we would not be able to see all those things.

It's not only 10 numeric facts. It's hundreds and hundreds! I recall sometimes I got simply stunned and paralyzed of fear of Him as I discovered some phenomena. He is all-knowing and all-powerful.

He talks about Big-Bang and lays the ground for relativity theory. We should consider His word when studying the universe. He gives the time-line in the Quran. Scientists need to consider those verses seriously.
Allah YHVA God is the true God.
That's a supposition.

There is plenty of evidence. Consider every single creature God created and you will realize that He exists. It is way too complex to happen by coincidence. Just thing about our emotions: admiration, love and the goodness itself...
That's also a supposition.

I know about many facts in the Quran & the Bible. It is just stunning how God has managed to convey great meanings in sophisticated phonetics, arrange letters, words & verses in such a way that great mathematical phenomena can be seen. I am talking about huge numbers (+300, +1400 and +5000 digit numbers)... Without modern technology we would not be able to see all those things.
That's specious nonsense.

He talks about Big-Bang and lays the ground for relativity theory.
That's completely wrong.

Scientists need to consider those verses seriously.
They don't provide any scientific evidence.
"Bad evidence isn't evidence."

So, if I looked outside and saw that the entire neighborhood was wet, would that be evidence to the argument "It rained last night?"

Of course, in my hypothetical situation, it is faulty evidence, something else caused the neighborhood to be wet.

Of course, you're going to reply with "No evidence for a god is compelling as the evidence for your hypothetical". But that's a matter of opinion. That "evidence" may convert the apathetic non-believer who hasn't before looked into religion, or, by looking at the same evidence, it may convert the apathetic Theist to another belief system (say...naturalism?).

Either way, it's something to consider.

(Yosef, I can't say that I respect your arguments whatsoever. Sorry)
There is someone who created the animals and the plants. And who directed them into behaving the way they do. There is also someone who wrote the Quran the Bible. If we consider creation itself carefully we realize that intelligence stands behind all of that. Evolution cannot explain how complex things developed out of simpler things. Are you serious in believing that?!

It's very simple: God created everything. There is much truth in His words in a world full of ignorance. You need to make further research!

I know that God does exist.
The Theory of evolution does explain exactly how complexity can emerge from simple rules. In fact, Stephan Wolfram has shown how this can happen in simple mathmatics, apart from biology.

Saying you just know something to exist isn't an argument. I can assert that the world was created by tiny pink fairies, but that doesn't make it true.