have you critically examined each and every shred of evidence about god's existence?

I don't quite understand people, sometimes. There was a belief in Yahweh. Time passed. The belief in Yahweh is followed, along with the belief in tons of other gods. Muhammad came along, and said that God (because yes, Allah does mean "The God", just as we refer to Yahweh by using the phrase "God". That's our word for it.) didn't like it, and they need to cut that crap out.

Paganism has always been a thorn in the sides of Monotheistic religions. Does that mean that those religions aren't Monotheistic?
"Do you know of any book where the author mentions his personal name 2699 times in it?!"

I'm very confused. What does this have to do with anything? I can write a book, and within that book, write a word, such as "Flabbergasted" a random amount of times, such as 45,896 times. So...therefore God exists?
I read the whole Quran and read many pages of interpretation of it by several people. I also read litterateur from that period (1400 years old). I read also about the events / contexts at which verses of the Quran were revealed. THERE IS NO WAY THAT THE QURAN WAS WRITTEN BY PEOPLE. If it was so, then the text would not have survived.

The language is beautiful & flawless. The structure of the text goes beyond the 16 different rhythmical patterns of Arabic language. The words has much TRUTH in them in all respects.

No one could have produced the Quran by their own minds. Impossible! Nothing like that can happen in these days. No human can write such a book today and no human could have done that in the past.

It is flawless logic that leads to thinking otherwise, the same flawless logic that wishes to think that no intelligence lies behind all magnificent creation.

If intelligence is required to make something complex, then who invented English?
If intelligence is required to make something complex, then who invented English?

Languages evolve slowly over time. Each one is "invented" in aggregate by the continuum of its community of speakers.

English is a particularly rich language because the English had a particularly rich culture, with Celtic, Roman, Anglo-Saxon and Norman French contributions.

Anglo-Saxon, or "Old English" as it used to be known, came into existence in the middle of the first millennium CE, when the Germanic Angle, Saxon and Jute tribes occupied southern Britannia after the Roman occupiers left. Middle English arose after the Norman invasion in 1066, when French became the land's official language and exerted a strong influence on the speech of the natives. The transition to Modern English, characterized by enormous phonetic changes, was more or less complete in the 15th century, by which time the French rulers had completely assimilated into the English population and culture, and English was once again the official language.
So basically, what you're saying, Moderator Man, is that the complex English language was not something invented by an intelligent, willful being or organization? That it arose naturally through the laws of a seemingly chaotic culture?

(Objection! Leading the Witness!)

But even then, I don't see how bringing up the English language was relevant...maybe I missed something?
And that was in reply to this:

"It is flawless logic that leads to thinking otherwise, the same flawless logic that wishes to think that no intelligence lies behind all magnificent creation."


Because most of what he talked about, I thought, was just "The Qur'an is too perfect and beautiful, it's totally awesomeness couldn't have been created by man."

Not that men couldn't have come from nature. I dunno, either way, I was just confused. Ya'll continue, or whatever.
not daughters, and the between brackets meanings are rubbish(as far as my info goes)
i stand corrected, they did label them as hisdaughters, although they got them from some other tribe called thaqeef..

I read the whole Quran and read many pages of interpretation of it by several people. I also read litterateur from that period (1400 years old). I read also about the events / contexts at which verses of the Quran were revealed. THERE IS NO WAY THAT THE QURAN WAS WRITTEN BY PEOPLE. If it was so, then the text would not have survived.

The language is beautiful & flawless. The structure of the text goes beyond the 16 different rhythmical patterns of Arabic language. The words has much TRUTH in them in all respects.

No one could have produced the Quran by their own minds. Impossible! Nothing like that can happen in these days. No human can write such a book today and no human could have done that in the past.

It is flawless logic that leads to thinking otherwise, the same flawless logic that wishes to think that no intelligence lies behind all magnificent creation.

That's YOUR interpretation.
Have you any facts at all to support it?
yeah..thats YOUR intepretation, how dare you intepret the quran which you've read the whole of?;
I read the whole Quran and read many pages of interpretation of it by several people.
how could you speak about a book you read? judge an experience you've felt? measure facts you came across? weight ideas you researched?
can't you learn a thing or two from dywyydyr here ?

Scifies & Yosef,

History is the facts of the matter concerning Allah's past and not your erroneous spiritual beliefs.

Research Pre-Islamic Arabia and you will come to know Allah. :D
allah's past??
You're assuming that god is the author.
you are the one assuming he assumes that god is the author, which is the extent anything you do around here climaxes to, rudly i might add..

If intelligence is required to make something complex, then who invented English?
no intelligent humans i might say..
english started off with one letter, straight off the big bang, which one day split up into two letters, which split up into four letters, which kept reproducing till we got the whole set..then toungless humans domesticated the lot and evolution gave them tounges to benifit from them..

This complex thing came about with no inventor.
yup, no inventor.
if no, then you're a lazy bastard.

nothing in our life is more important than either confirming or denying whether life after death exists or not.

if yes it exists, then are there requirementsfor me to be happy there? and if there are any, what are they? then you go on with your life..

if there isn't..then we're all specks, so let's make the most out of it..(which is wrecking havoc for me:D)

if you examined some evidence, sighed at the heap that's left to go, dropped the subject and settled with god doesn't exist,
then you're a lazy loser.

that's all there is to it.

that's all there is to life.

REPLY: Is there some particular god you are fearful of ? Which god is this LAZY BASTARD supposed to concern himself with ? All of them ? There are quite a few that have been proposed over the many years. Which one or ones are you most afraid of ? Most of them seem to me to have the worst of human attributes. I say screw them all. I refuse to live my life in fear of some long dead fools`notion of some god. Whatever, ...fellowtraveler
if no, then you're a lazy bastard.

nothing in our life is more important than either confirming or denying whether life after death exists or not.

What does that have to do with analysing beliefs in divinity? IIRC, the existence of a god does not necessarily mean that there's an afterlife; and vice versa.
If intelligence is required to make something complex, then who invented English?

REPLY: Hello my friend, I assume you are talking about the English Language. It began as a dialect of a German language with many influences. It becomes a bit of history lesson which is far more complex than I wish to delve into. One defining moment in the evolution of the English language was the NORMAN CONQUEST in the 11th century ,which, one could argue, enriched the language with many new words,things like that. The evolution of the English language goes on and on. In fact, more new words are being added at an ever accelerating rate even as we speak. I like you and am sorry if we got off to a contentious start. ...Fellowtraveler
yeah..thats YOUR intepretation, how dare you intepret the quran which you've read the whole of?;
On the contrary: he's talking not about the content but the composition, the use of language and the syntax - and provided no data to support his assertion.

you are the one assuming he assumes that god is the author
Again, no.
His comment was -
Do you know of any book where the author mentions his personal name 2699 times in it?!
God does THAT in the Quran!

A direct implication that he considers god to be the author.
REPLY: Is there some particular god you are fearful of ? Which god is this LAZY BASTARD supposed to concern himself with ? All of them ? There are quite a few that have been proposed over the many years. Which one or ones are you most afraid of ? Most of them seem to me to have the worst of human attributes. I say screw them all. I refuse to live my life in fear of some long dead fools`notion of some god. Whatever, ...fellowtraveler

yeah, the god that exists, if any do.
if no, then you're a lazy bastard.

nothing in our life is more important than either confirming or denying whether life after death exists or not.

Then, please do whatever it takes to confirm it, please! ;)

Those pesky theists, always demanding answers to questions, and when they don't get the answers immediately or if the answers don't jive with their delusions, they make up their own answers by invoking 'things that go bump in the night'

And, that is where you'll really find the "lazy bastards"
What does that have to do with analysing beliefs in divinity? IIRC, the existence of a god does not necessarily mean that there's an afterlife; and vice versa.

part one, when one is fed a belief, then;
either discover it is wrong,
or think to himself why is his better than any one else's religion,
then it is very understandable for frustration to get to them, and they give up on the whole thing entirely.

part two, you're right, from a starting point. but they lead to each other in the end.
the bones of caiaphas the high priest are housed in a beutiful box and are kept in a museum in israel. The high priest who ordered Jesus' sacrificial death.
Josephus the historian who lived during Jesus life recorded him amongst all the other goings on of the time.
there have been many other physical evidence discovered
the bones of caiaphas the high priest are housed in a beutiful box and are kept in a museum in israel. The high priest who ordered Jesus' sacrificial death.
Josephus the historian who lived during Jesus life recorded him amongst all the other goings on of the time.
there have been many other physical evidence discovered

and how is that proof of god?