You know, Max, there is a solution here: Just tell yourself that unmitigated self interest is the purpose of life and society.
But is it really serving your unmitigated self-interest to criticize some other people the way you do?
Criticizing some other people the way you criticize the woman in the OP and those like her - is this really serving your unmitigated self-interest
in the best way possible?
I feel with everyone who suffers under Christian oppression in one way or another.
But so many people are attempting to get from under that oppression in ways where they end up harming themselves and others, and often making the oppression even worse.
So many people are swallowing poison - in the hopes that the other person will get hurt.
Seeking to figure out rational arguments against Christianity takes enormous amounts of time and energy. And the Christians don't care about those arguments anyway.
Don't you think there is a better way to spend that time and energy?
It seems to me that the main fear or problem that many atheists and rationalists have is that if they don't actively disagree with and disprove the theist and irrational claims, that this will imply that they support those claims or that those claims are true.
And of course, many theists will jump in and say "If you atheists and rationalists don't have good arguments against ours, this means that our arguments are true and you are obligated to accept them!" Unfortunately, many atheists and rationalists bite into that bait.
But it is not necessary to bite into that bait. And it's not necessary to feel bad if one doesn't have convicning arguments for or against every claim ever made.