Gravity Propulsion Drive

Definitely belongs in the cesspool.

hey Alex wait up, you know about redshift yes? a photon changes its frequency when it either moves towards or away from a source of gravitational field. Well why not the other way around? Why not the change in photon's frequency have some sort of effect on gravity? Is it not logical to assume that it will be affected, as small as that effect is...
Are you familiar with the concepts of cause and effect?

No, it is not logical to assume that a change in a photons frequency will have any effect on the gravitational field.

It is even more illogical to assume that emitting different frequencies sequentially will have any effect on the gravitational field.

And it is supremely illogical to believe that Aliens and God's voice in Mazulu's head has supplied him with any kind of gravity drive.
Because photons are affected by gravity, their frequency changes. The converse might be true, so that frequency shifts in photons affect the 'gravity' of the vacuum.

But you have to show the relation is symmetric: that is, if A is affected by B, then B is affected by A.
However, photons don't interact with each other, whereas gravity exists because matter is made up of particles that do interact with each other.

Plus there's the problem of reproducing the shift in frequency. Emitting photons each with a different frequency is not the same as emitting photons then shifting their frequency. It just isn't.

The only way we know how to shift the frequency of photons is with gravity, so the argument is circular: to produce a frequency shift and "produce" gravitational fields you need to pass photons through a gravitational field.
Ok you are referring now to a red-shift phenomenon which occurs with photons/light as it moves away or towards an object with gravity field.
Light's frequency changes (thus it color changes) by the gravity field and not the other way around. The gravity field is I understand it is created by a Higgs Boson particle, maybe I am wrong, thou :confused: But of course in the universe if X causes change in Y, than change in Y can cause change in X. Thou maybe thats a far stretched assumption.
I am betting that change in frequency of light has a direct impact on gravity...but how to test this? :shrug:
The velocity of every object in the universe, with respect to every other object in the universe, is gauged against a ratio called beta: $$\beta = \frac{v}{c}$$. In English, that means that nothing can go faster than the speed of light because relativity won't let it. Now a physicist will miss this point, but an electronics technician, like me, will notice it. How can two things be relative to each other if there is no connection between them?

Honestly! I beg for an intelligent answer from the universe, from the human race! How can any two things share a relationship between them if nothing exists between them?

If the maximum speed that any two objects can travel with respect to one another is the speed of light, then an electronics technician like me is going to think: "mmm....well maybe there is some kind of field or something that exists between the two objects, something that depends upon the speed of light?" So I wonder, what are some properties of light? Well, there is an EM spectrum from radio waves to gamma rays. Light is made of photons. Light oscillates. Light travels at the speed of light.

It's a long story and I gotta get back over to visit the family. The trolls want to throw my posts in the cesspool because they don't want you to know that there really is a medium. This medium is made of waves. It's made of every frequency in the EM spectrum. And these waves are set to $$c = \lambda f$$. This equation is important because one cycle of a wave traveling at the speed of light contains a measuring stick and a clock. The fabric of space-time is woven together with waves, each of which is a clock and a measuring stick.

Now the trolls will come forward with their vacuous and insipid insults. They will demand that this thread go into the cesspool, but won't offer a rational explanation why.
They will demand that this thread go into the cesspool, but won't offer a rational explanation why.

The rational explanation why is that this thread and your posts are completely irrational, containing nothing but the voices in your head.

IOW, this is garbage and should be treated as such.
Because photons are affected by gravity, their frequency changes. The converse might be true, so that frequency shifts in photons affect the 'gravity' of the vacuum.

But you have to show the relation is symmetric: that is, if A is affected by B, then B is affected by A.
However, photons don't interact with each other, whereas gravity exists because matter is made up of particles that do interact with each other.

But according to this photons do interact with each other:

And with enough energy, matter can be created...(according to what they say).

Quoting them:

"The photon fluctuates into a fermion-antifermion pair."
Because photons are affected by gravity, their frequency changes. The converse might be true, so that frequency shifts in photons affect the 'gravity' of the vacuum.
One second is defined as said:
the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom.

one meter is defined as: said:
Since 1983, it has been defined as "the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1 ⁄ 299,792,458 of a second".

This is proof that wavelengths and frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum can be used to measure distance and time. Within the EM frequency band, there are 26 orders of magnitude of frequencies, from radio waves (0.1Hz) to gamma rays (10^26Hz). One of the postulates of relativity is that all inertial frames measure the speed of light to be c, regardless of how fast they are moving with respect to one another.

It's like you science people just trip over what should be perfectly obvious: the aether medium is made out of EM waves. But you still don't see it!

But you have to show the relation is symmetric: that is, if A is affected by B, then B is affected by A.
However, photons don't interact with each other, whereas gravity exists because matter is made up of particles that do interact with each other.
Matter interacts because charges exist.
Charges exist because electric and magnetic fields exist.
Electric and magnetic fields exist because virtual photons exist.
Virtual photons exist because EM waves exist.

Plus there's the problem of reproducing the shift in frequency. Emitting photons each with a different frequency is not the same as emitting photons then shifting their frequency. It just isn't.

The only way we know how to shift the frequency of photons is with gravity, so the argument is circular: to produce a frequency shift and "produce" gravitational fields you need to pass photons through a gravitational field.
Don't over think this. Everyone knows that you can synthesize a microwave frequency using DC voltages, it's called a DAC (digital to analog) converter. If you can synthesize one frequency, then you can synthesize a frequency shift between two frequencies. It's probably smart to make the ratio between the two frequencies: $$\frac{f_2}{f_1}>2.$$

Several days ago you asked me about the intrinsic vacuum and gravity. As near as I can tell, this is what you got:
Extrinsic energy exists because aether waves exist across the EM spectrum.
Intrinsic energy exists because aether waves frequency shift across the EM frequency band.

Aether waves that frequency shift cause time dilation to exist. Time dilation causes gravity and acceleration fields to exist - proven by the Einstein Equivalence Principle.

A rational person would try it in reverse to see if frequency shift will generate an acceleration field.

Cause/effect relationships are irrelevant if you are willing to perform the experiment. It's called a hunch.
And remember that Mazulu is not really frequency shifting any photons. He is simulating it. He creates a beam composed of pulses of different wavelengths of light. If you plot the frequency of the beam it is like a stair stepped ramp or sawtooth wave. He believes that this simulation will create a gravity beam or sometimes he calls it an acceleration field or beam. But no photons ever shift frequency. Somehow the universe will be fooled into thinking that a gravity gradient is present and will therefore enforce it with a real one.
And remember that Mazulu is not really frequency shifting any photons. He is simulating it. He creates a beam composed of pulses of different wavelengths of light. If you plot the frequency of the beam it is like a stair stepped ramp or sawtooth wave. He believes that this simulation will create a gravity beam or sometimes he calls it an acceleration field or beam. But no photons ever shift frequency. Somehow the universe will be fooled into thinking that a gravity gradient is present and will therefore enforce it with a real one.

hmm sounds far-fetched and retarded :p of him
The rational explanation why is that this thread and your posts are completely irrational, containing nothing but the voices in your head. IOW, this is garbage and should be treated as such.
Telling people that I hear voices is a LIE! You are a liar! You cannot be trusted to tell the truth. You misrepresent people whose viewpoints you despise.

Go back to your cesspool, troll.

For the record, I am inspired with conceptual ideas. There is no verbal component. Anyone like alexg or alphanumeric who says otherwise is lying.

youreyes said:
But according to this photons do interact with each other:
Thank god someone in the physics community has some integrity.
Thank god someone in the physics community has some integrity.

sh** coming from you I feel like I have just turned into another nut-job...must re-read that wiki article, something out to be wrong with it :rolleyes:
Telling people that I hear voices is a LIE! You are a liar! You cannot be trusted to tell the truth. You misrepresent people whose viewpoints you despise.

Go back to your cesspool, troll.

For the record, I am inspired with conceptual ideas. There is no verbal component. Anyone like alexg or alphanumeric who says otherwise is lying.

Thank god someone in the physics community has some integrity.

Mazulu is playing lawyer here. He never said he heard voices. I think he said he got "beautiful impressions" or something. So the aliens evidently communicated to him non-verbally. In my book it is the same thing. But he evidently thinks that hearing voices is something that crazy people do. His non verbal communication with space aliens is in his opinion quite normal.
Telling people that I hear voices is a LIE! You are a liar! You cannot be trusted to tell the truth. You misrepresent people whose viewpoints you despise.

Go back to your cesspool, troll.

For the record, I am inspired with conceptual ideas. There is no verbal component. Anyone like alexg or alphanumeric who says otherwise is lying.

Thank god someone in the physics community has some integrity.

So the Aliens told you in a letter? Perhaps an e-mail?

God just puts the thoughts right in your head?

Or is the source of your inspiration :m:
sh** coming from you I feel like I have just turned into another nut-job...must re-read that wiki article, something out to be wrong with it :rolleyes:
Just start lying like they do, and you'll be just like them. If you can't win an argument with someone like me using logic and reason, just lie, call me a nut job, and run away. If anyone tells you that an EM wave has a wavelength and a period, call them a nutjob and run away.
Mazulu's original plan called for creating his 'gravity drive' using flashing christmas tree lights and a cardboard box..
So the Aliens told you in a letter? Perhaps an e-mail? God just puts the thoughts right in your head? Or is the source of your inspiration :m:
Are you unfamiliar with what it means to be inspired? Are you so corrupt and foul that you don't know what it means to be inspired with an idea? Do you not understand what the word concept means? Are you unfamiliar with conceptual thinking.

Your slimy cesspool misses you. Go lie in wait for your next victim.
Just start lying like they do, and you'll be just like them. If you can't win an argument with someone like me using logic and reason, just lie, call me a nut job, and run away. If anyone tells you that an EM wave has a wavelength and a period, call them a nutjob and run away.

no I wouldn't call a person a nutjob if they stated that Electromagnetic wave has a wavelength and period, because it does. Problem is that you use words without giving meaning to them much, you bring up aliens out of nowhere for does that help your argument? :shrug: You should focus on one thing and analyze it rather bringing up random unrelated statements.
no I wouldn't call a person a nutjob if they stated that Electromagnetic wave has a wavelength and period, because it does. Problem is that you use words without giving meaning to them much, you bring up aliens out of nowhere for does that help your argument? :shrug: You should focus on one thing and analyze it rather bringing up random unrelated statements.
Fair enough. One EM frequency has a cycle: that cycle has a wavelength and a frequency. Between any two points in space, there exists a range of available frequencies of the EM spectrum, from radio waves to gamma rays. If there is energy at that frequency, it will propagate at the speed of light. Do we agree so far.

This is my idea: there exists a medium that exists everywhere in the universe. This medium makes the EM spectrum available. This EM frequency band is made of aether medium waves. Aether medium waves fundamentally establish distance. The frequencies of the EM band of aether medium waves establish the existence of time, the flow of time.

Gotta go see family. Be back later.
Fair enough. One EM frequency has a cycle: that cycle has a wavelength and a frequency. Between any two points in space, there exists a range of available frequencies of the EM spectrum, from radio waves to gamma rays. If there is energy at that frequency, it will propagate at the speed of light. Do we agree so far.

This is my idea: there exists a medium that exists everywhere in the universe. This medium makes the EM spectrum available. This EM frequency band is made of aether medium waves. Aether medium waves fundamentally establish distance. The frequencies of the EM band of aether medium waves establish the existence of time, the flow of time.

Gotta go see family. Be back later.

all aether theories have been abandoned or disproved:

or are you saying everyone got it all wrong?