Gravity Propulsion Drive

OK, I will answer your somewhat dramatic questions. My perspective is that I want to hear about the space aliens. I am actually less interested in your "theory". I put the word "theory" in quotes be cause it does not seem to be very explicitly defined. Seems more like a few posts in the fringe forums here, mostly wordsmithing and nothing formal. Your question about if I understand the self consistant logic of it is a loaded question. I think I understand your words but they do not seem self consistant, let alone logical. It also violates much of what we know about gravity. I will give you one example. Gravity, like electric charge, is a divergent field. I am not a scientist but Field Theory seems like a very well understood and rock solid theory. Your simulated frequency shifting does not seem to adhere to this idea, or at least your "theory" does not address it. It seems to define some kind of gravity beam which would not be divergent. So no, it does not seem reasonable. About AM, you seem to just be putting the ideas in a blender and pouring them back out as a jumbled mess. It is really horrible.

If you are going to convince anyone here that your theory makes sense, you will need to do a lot of work. I think you should go back to school and learn some real science. Then spend a few years formulating your theory. (I anticipate your whinging about how it is too difficult.)

Now that I answered your questions, tell me about the space aliens. Did they take you aboard their spaceship or were you in telepathic contact? Those are the two most common experiences. Previously you said you "asked" for their (and God's) help so I am guessing telepathy. Did they contact you because you are especially talented at telepathy? Describe your experience. How did they communicate? Did they speak English? Does their ship use your theory as a propulsion? Where are they from (which star system)? We can start with those questions and then later I can narrow my questions to get more info.
You've put me in an awkward position. I can't do the experiment myself. The physics community can't come up with an acceleration field generator on their own. I asked for help, I asked for information about what had to be done to make an acceleration field generator work, to make a gravity field generator work. It's not about the math, it's about understanding how the the vacuum of space acquires the properties that support the standard model and gravity. It's a bandwidth of waves that serve a multitude of functions. An EM spectrum of wavelengths establishes distance between two point; an EM spectrum of frequencies establishes the flow of time between two points. The waves themselves are calibrated to the speed of light $$c=\frac{1}{sqrt{\epsilon_0 \mu_0}}$$.

If the vacuum of space is made of waves, then what do you thing acceleration fields are made of? What is gravity made of? Space will curve, length contract and time dilate to make gravity and acceleration fields available. If all you have to work with is waves, then what do waves have to do to produce an acceleration field? Think about it, or ask the aliens if you like. I asked, and the ideas just came to me. Very crisp and fresh concepts came to me. It's another way of looking at the physics. It's a completely different perspective than what they teach you in physics classes. String theory and M-theory are worthless. Once you see that GR and QM are describing a support system for light, for the EM spectrum, then you can put 2 and 2 together to arrive at this conclusion:

If you want to generate an acceleration field with a photo-electronics device, then you have to transmit frequency shift. Like a sawtooth signal, you have to generate a frequency shift of the form, $$f(t) = \frac{\Delta f}{\Delta t}t+f_0.$$ If you do this, and you get very good at doing this, they you will be able to build interplanetary spacecrafts. You will be able to generate an acceleration field so strong that you will slip out of the space-time continuum, and become a hyperspace object. That will allow us to travel to other star systems. We will be able to meet the aliens face to face.

Extraterrestrials are expected to be vastly superior in intelligence to humans. But do you know what I have found? Raw intelligence is a dead end. Raw IQ only takes you so far. Then you get lost in numbers, you get lonely, you feel paranoid and your life doesn't work. ET is really intelligent. But ET has another side. ET dabbles in telepathy, he paranormal, in metaphysics, in the spiritual, in God, in "meaning of life" endeavors. ET has been at it for a lot longer than we have, and has gotten good at it.

Do you know what the difference is between a human physicist and an ET physicist? An ET physicist would try the experiment just for the heck of it. That's why they fly around in ships that look like this. But a human physicist will scoff and argue and condescend and hurl insults and run and hide and do anything necessary to protect his 0.1% knowledge of the universe. That's why ET travels vast distances to Earth to shut down our nuclear missile silos, to chase planes across the sky and to communicate with human beings who don't have their heads up their ass.
... Then you get lost in numbers, you get lonely, you feel paranoid and your life doesn't work. ...

I think this sounds like a subconscious cry for help. Please see a doctor. Just tell him that you are in telepathic communication with space aliens who are instructing you on how to construct a hyperdrive for a spacecraft out of flashing colored lights. The doctor will know what to do and you can maybe leave this nightmare behind you. And if you are using :m: or other drugs, STOP!

I think this sounds like a subconscious cry for help. Please see a doctor. Just tell him that you are in telepathic communication with space aliens who are instructing you on how to construct a hyperdrive for a spacecraft out of flashing colored lights. The doctor will know what to do and you can maybe leave this nightmare behind you. And if you are using :m: or other drugs, STOP!
If you haven't been trained to be a psychiatrist, then don't presume that you are qualified to know a damn thing about anybody else's subconscious except your own. Do you know anything about gravitational redshift? Relativistic Doppler shift? Time dilation? Length contraction? Relativity? Quantum mechanics? Wave functions? Atomic clocks?

Flashing colored lights my ass, don't be stupid!

What kind of a stupid person would read a forum labeled Alternate Theories, not want to understand the theory, but wants to hear stories about aliens, then accuse that person of being on drugs and insane? Cheezie, you are a truly stupid person.
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r doesn't represent the Schwarzschild [at least learn how to spell his name] radius. 2M does. The remote coordinate speed of light is deceptive to knuckleheads like you. Those two simple equations are derived from the metric master knucklehead.
Does anyone know how to write the remote coordinate speed of light in metric units? I don't have time to dig for it. I have to mow my lawn. If you can do it, that would be good of you.
If you haven't been trained to be a psychiatrist, then don't presume that you are qualified to know a damn thing about anybody else's subconscious except your own. Do you know anything about gravitational redshift? Relativistic Doppler shift? Time dilation? Length contraction? Relativity? Quantum mechanics? Wave functions? Atomic clocks?

Flashing colored lights my ass, don't be stupid!

You're correct that I am not highly knowledgable in those subjects. But I think that if you ask people what they think about someone who is in telepathic communication with space aliens who have given him the secrets of a hyperspace drive, I think the overwhelmingly vast majority of people would question that person's mental state. In this Gravity Propulsion Drive thread (and other threads here and elsewhere) you have time after time been shown to not know what you are talking about when it comes to physics and maths. I think that your high estimation of your abilities is further proof that you are a whacko. Get some help.
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You're correct that I am not highly knowledgable,
It's knowledgeable. Learn to spell you moron!
in those subjects. But I think that if you ask people what they think about someone who is in telepathic communication with space aliens who have given him the secrets of a hyperspace drive, I think the overwhelmingly vast majority of people would question that person's mental state. In this Gravity Propulsion Drive thread (and other threads here and elsewhere) you have time after time been shown to not know what you are talking about when it comes to physics and maths. I think that your high estimation of your abilities is further proof that you are a whacko.
It's spelled wacko, no "h"!
Get some help.

First, you need help from your first grade teacher to learn how to spell.

Second, these experiments have not been performed. So you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

Third, you are trolling; so why don't you pack up your two or three IQ points and troll somewhere else, like
Yes, my spelling is bad and my IQ is not nearly as high as yours. Heck, I even had to look up what a mazulu was on That is one very disturbing mental image. But if the shoe fits ... :eek:
This is the local coordinate speed of light
dr/dt = 1
This is the remote coordinate speed of light
dr/dt = 1 - 2M/r
Three choices: proper speed of light, local coordinate speed of light, and remote coordinate speed of light. Which one is a component of spacetime geometry?
The problem with the remote coordinate speed of light is that it's going to mislead you. It's going to lead you away from the simple truth that, in a vacuum, every photon that travels from the event horizon to the remote frame on earth, is going to travel at the speed of light, locally. As long as the permeability and permittivity don't change, then the speed of light won't change. The remote speed of light misleading.

Aether medium waves make the EM spectrum possible. Permittivity and permeability are characteristics of these waves. If you try to average the speed of light over a large distance from a black hole to the earth, then of course it's going to be different from c.
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Yes, my spelling is bad and my IQ is not nearly as high as yours. Heck, I even had to look up what a mazulu was on That is one very disturbing mental image. But if the shoe fits ... :eek:
This is a more accurate depiction of me.

Next time you bump into an alien spaceship, you should try measuring it's EM emission spectrum. You might be able to detect some frequency shifting. Just a thought.
This thread belongs in the Cesspool.
You've come a long way. 500 years ago, people were burned at the stake for having a new idea. It must be physics blasphemy to say that the EM spectrum is made out of aether medium waves. It must be physics blasphemy to say that the intrinsic energy of the vacuum is made out of frequency shifting waves.

Go back to worshiping your physics books!
You've come a long way. 500 years ago, people were burned at the stake for having a new idea. It must be physics blasphemy to say that the EM spectrum is made out of aether medium waves. It must be physics blasphemy to say that the intrinsic energy of the vacuum is made out of frequency shifting waves.

If worthless people like you ruled the day, cavemen would never have learned to control fire.

1. no one is worthless
2. if people like you had it their way :rolleyes: we would be telling each other fairy tales in the caves about ether making up the universe with the earth in the center supported by a turtle
1. no one is worthless
2. if people like you had it their way :rolleyes: we would be telling each other fairy tales in the caves about ether making up the universe with the earth in the center supported by a turtle
You've got it backwards. I'm the one who is calling for experiments. alexg is trying to discourage experiments.

You make progress by performing experiments, not by dismissing ideas.:)
You've got it backwards. I'm the one who is calling for experiments. alexg is trying to discourage experiments.

You make progress by performing experiments, not by dismissing ideas.:)

progress is made by doing experiments and by doing so dismissing wrong ideas. That is the reason of why it is called a progress, good ideas proven to work are chosen over those that do not work out and new ideas are generated to test if they are good or not.
progress is made by doing experiments and by doing so dismissing wrong ideas. That is the reason of why it is called a progress, good ideas proven to work are chosen over those that do not work out and new ideas are generated to test if they are good or not.
How do you know that emitting frequency shift is a wrong idea that should be discarded? Have you tested it? No you have not! That is why ET has to come to Earth; that is why you can't travel to the stars.
How do you know that emitting frequency shift is a wrong idea that should be discarded? Have you tested it? No you have not! That is why ET has to come to Earth; that is why you can't travel to the stars.

Allright Mazulu, let's analyze your claim and understand it better.

1) Emitting frequency shift is in physics terms saying: a way to cause a change in frequency of a particular particle/wave from distance.

To me that does not make sense, because you cannot emitt/expell something if it is not physical. A frequency shift is a change in frequency, this can be caused by something, not emitted.

2) That is why ET has come to Earth

You are forming an assumption without any proof that Extra Terrestrials have come to planet Earth based on the supposedly change in frequency of something you have not stated of...

3) That is why you cannot travel to stars

I assume you refer to people and not just me traveling to stars. I dont see logical connection between this frequency shift of unknown thing to the visit of aliens on planet Earth and people not being able to travel to outerspace outside the solar system.
Allright Mazulu, let's analyze your claim and understand it better.

1) Emitting frequency shift is in physics terms saying: a way to cause a change in frequency of a particular particle/wave from distance.
No wonder you don't understand. I don't understand what you just said. Look at this picture. Emit that a thousand to a million times per second. If you can't do it with light, then do it with microwaves.
To me that does not make sense, because you cannot emitt/expell something if it is not physical.
Huh? What is not physical about visible light or microwaves?
A frequency shift is a change in frequency, this can be caused by something, not emitted.

2) That is why ET has come to Earth

You are forming an assumption without any proof that Extra Terrestrials have come to planet Earth based on the supposedly change in frequency of something you have not stated of...
We can't get better proof because the physics community hides their head in the sand. I have a better video than this, but I gotta go to see family.
3) That is why you cannot travel to stars

I assume you refer to people and not just me traveling to stars. I dont see logical connection between this frequency shift of unknown thing to the visit of aliens on planet Earth and people not being able to travel to outerspace outside the solar system.
Gravity frequency shifts light. Light is a wave. I am telling you that the fabric of space-time is made of waves. When you frequency shift light, you get back an acceleration field. I'll elaborate more later.
Gravity frequency shifts light. Light is a wave. I am telling you that the fabric of space-time is made of waves. When you frequency shift light, you get back an acceleration field. I'll elaborate more later.

Ok you are referring now to a red-shift phenomenon which occurs with photons/light as it moves away or towards an object with gravity field.

Light's frequency changes (thus it color changes) by the gravity field and not the other way around. The gravity field is I understand it is created by a Higgs Boson particle, maybe I am wrong, thou :confused: But of course in the universe if X causes change in Y, than change in Y can cause change in X. Thou maybe thats a far stretched assumption.

I am betting that change in frequency of light has a direct impact on gravity...but how to test this? :shrug: