Gravity Propulsion Drive

Utterly flawed reasoning, not to mention hypocritical because I've explained to you why people dismiss your claims. It isn't because there's some refusal to consider such things but rather than you provide absolutely no evidence or justification.

It is not an ad hom on you to say your claims have no justification or evidence because that's attacking your claims, not you. Even saying you're making an argument from personal incredulity isn't an ad hom because I'm making a statement about your attempts to justify your claims, which amount to "I don't understand how it could be explained any other way". That's a logical fallacy and it goes by the name of "argument from personal incredulity".

Saying "I have a gravity drive experiment!" doesn't cut it either. Anyone could make up any random 'explanation for anything. For example, gravity is invisible fairies pushing things down. I could then claim that if we pump enough photons into a small region then it'll make a wormhole because the photons warm up the fairies so much that they rip a whole in space-time to get away from the energy. Is my claim about fairies made more viable or note worthy because I can now say "Well if someone uses a bunch of lasers and gets them all to intersect at some point it'll make a wormhole!"? Of course not.

Due to the complete lack of anything other than "Because I say so" your claims are no more valid than the invisible fairies concept. To make it worth considering you need to show how you can go from your basic assumptions to a working quantitative construct. You've failed to do that. You've failed to even show you understand why this is needed.

You may well be taking it personally, viewing all of that as ad hom attacks, but that is because since your ideas are purely your opinion then you have become overly investigated in your own opinion. You've repeatedly said how this is all common sense reasoning etc so if your approach is fundamentally flawed and you accepted that it would mean you'd be accepting your grasp of logic, rationality and even your 'common sense' are all flawed. The whole thing about "What made your god?" you refused to respond to shows you're unwilling to admit when a clear logical refutation of your reasoning is provided to you.

You asserted "no, an aether is needed". It would seem you simply cannot imagine anything beyond what you consider to be 'common sense'. Accepting there are alternative means accepting your entire outlook is flawed.

You completely failed to attack the target. The target was: aether medium waves. You missed, you get an F.
Aether medium waves are unnecessary.
You correctly identified the target. Alphanumeric didn't get that far.

A vacuum does not need [preexisting] Amplitude Modulated waves to support the properties of light. Eletromagnetic fields need no medium.
If you were an electronics technician, you would know that things don't work unless every necessary component is working. You won't get light from a lamp if it's missing a bulb. The bulb is the aether medium.

The heart of your argument is wrong and doesn't even make any sense.
Why does permittivity/permeability exist at all? Why is c invariant for all inertial frames? Why does time dilation and length contraction happen? Why do we observe particle wave duality? All of these are easy to explain if the aether exists and it's made of waves.
It's been done since you started posting, but you simply ignore anything you don't want to hear.
You failed to attack the heart of the argument. You get an F.

I have weeds to pull. I can't just write up an equation, and they get pulled. That's silly nonsense. Similarly, light cannot exist unless something facilitates its existence. That is silly too.
If you were an electronics technician, you would know that things don't work unless every necessary component is working.

Aether is unnecessary, and has been disproved in countless experiments over the last hundred years.
You completely failed to attack the target. The target was: aether medium waves. You missed, you get an F.

Mazulu. You are in no position to judge others here. I have been reading this forum for a while now, even your silly threads. You never answer any questions except with some other question. Whenever someone asks you a question that might require some competence, you change the subject or simply ignore the question altogether. You are a poseur. A fraud. A nutcase.
I'm reminded of something Carl Sagan said when asked "If you could speak to aliens what would you ask?", as well as a comment someone who I forget once said about all the people who claim they talk to aliens. It seems the conversations with aliens always end up providing completely vapid statements like "Love one another", rather than something important and otherwise knowledgeable. Sagan would ask them maths problems or to provide mathematical models which encapsulate all they know.

After all, for aliens to master interstellar travel their level of mathematics would have to be pretty high and their investment in scientific research, which mathematics is a major pillar, would be staggering. So questions like "What is the proof of the Riemann hypothesis? Or is there a counter-example?" or "Is there an odd perfect number? If so, what is it?" would be within their ability to answer. If someone said "Aliens spoke to me!" and could provide an answer to either of those questions (or some other currently unsolved pants wettingly hard maths problems) then I'd seriously consider their claim to have communicated with aliens because obviously they have access to some information source which is not human in origin. Unfortunately Mazulu's just spewing out nonsense any stoned teenager who has spent their weekend watching Donnie Darko, What The Bleep Do We Know? and Through The Wormhole (with Morgan Freeman) could do better than.
Why would the aliens bother talking to people who cannot understand a simple common sense approach to physics? What do relativity and quantum mechanics have in common? Why should aliens come down and talk to you when you can't even answer a simple basic question (after being told the answer repeatedly)? That's the stupid part. You're not dumb if you don't know the answer. Your dumb if you don't recognize the answer after it's been told to you for 3 months. There are people here who don't have college degrees who can identify the answer. The say it doesn't make sense, and that's totally fine. But you can't even get that far? Why would ET show up at your tea parties to discuss warp drive physics when you treat people like crap? You are not friendly! You are not even logical.

Let's try this again. What do QM and SR have in common? Answer: EM waves.

QM approaches with photons. One photon might not have a detectable electromagnetic wave field, but 10 million photons do (of the same frequency).

SR approaches with the invariance of the speed of light for all inertial frames. How is this possible? Answer: the vacuum is made of waves, speed of light waves.

Why waves? Because every cycle has a period and a wavelength. Period, which is related to frequency as $$f = \frac{1}{T}$$ is perfect for implementing the progression of time in a vacuum. When you have 26 orders of magnitude of EM spectrum, then you have nature's clock.

When you have 26 orders of magnitude of EM spectrum, then you have plenty of cycles, plenty of wavelength to establish the existence of distance in a vacuum.

The presence of 26 orders of magnitude of EM spectrum also establishes the wave-like properties of the vacuum which you know of as quantum mechanics. Now add charges, and you get dumbell and clover shaped quantum waves (hydrogen energy levels with angular momentum). It gets more familiar to you.

Find an open field where a saucer can land. Set up a table, chairs, a cooler with beer and soda (I have no idea what ET drinks) and invite them down for a friendly visit. That's a start.
Mazulu. You are in no position to judge others here. I have been reading this forum for a while now, even your silly threads. You never answer any questions except with some other question. Whenever someone asks you a question that might require some competence, you change the subject or simply ignore the question altogether. You are a poseur. A fraud. A nutcase.
I answer all physics related questions. Even you Cheezle made an effort to understand. You said that you didn't understand what I said. Let me find the quote...

I can't find the quote, but you basically said that using the Aether Medium foundation of the EM spectrum to construct the vacuum doesn't make any sense. If that wasn't the question, then please ask again.

Answer: How can something exist without a cause? How can light exist without a medium? How can its properties be implemented in the vacuum? So I looked at wave functions from QM, which are just math. But the ones with V=0 are just waves. Waves (particular ones that travel at c) have useful properties of wavelength and frequency. So I proposed aether medium waves. Aether (aetherial) because they can't be measured directly, they they carry the properties of the vacuum: permittivity (electric fields), permeability (magnetic fields), progression of time (frequency), and they establish the existence of distance (wavelength). wave functions are the math that describes aether medium waves. Aether medium waves allow quantum mechanics to exist.

If I find more questions, I will try to answer them.
Aether medium waves are unnecessary.

A vacuum does not need [preexisting] Amplitude Modulated waves to support the properties of light. Eletromagnetic fields need no medium.

The heart of your argument is wrong and doesn't even make any sense.
Thenyou are arguing that nothingness causes EM fields to exist. Nothingness explains particle wave duality. Nothingness explains the progression of time. Nothingness establishes the existence of distance. Nothingness explains why the speed of light is invariant for all inertial frames. Nothingness causes virtual particles to exist.

I find your argument to be a hazy.
Let us dissect this:

Answer: How can something exist without a cause?
A question. Not an answer.

How can light exist without a medium?
A question again.

How can its properties be implemented in the vacuum?
A question.

So I looked at wave functions from QM, which are just math. But the ones with V=0 are just waves.
OK, finally a statement. Where will it take us?

Waves (particular ones that travel at c) have useful properties of wavelength and frequency.

So I proposed aether medium waves.
You did do that.

Aether (aetherial) because they can't be measured directly, they they carry the properties of the vacuum: permittivity (electric fields), permeability (magnetic fields), progression of time (frequency), and they establish the existence of distance (wavelength).
Non sequitur, pure fiction with no real justification.

wave functions are the math that describes aether medium waves.
Non sequitur. Pure supposition.

Aether medium waves allow quantum mechanics to exist.
Non Sequitur

Another highly illogical and content free post by Mazulu.
Mazulu, your main goal here in these forums should be to make a formal argument in support of the space alien aether theory. "A formal argument clearly states the claim or position it argues and presents a well-developed chain of evidence leading to a reasonable conclusion supporting the claim." It seems that all of your posts just restate the space alien aether hypothesis in different ways. You never give any valid justification. I suspect that you do not have the ability to do this and you probably don't have the ability to acquire this on your own. You should take some classes. You probably will disagree because you have a overly high opinion of your skills. But you should believe me when I say you need to buy a clue.
Then scrap wave functions! I basically copied the characteristics of aether waves from wave functions.
Except that those mainstream models which include wave functions, such as quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, are not aether models. Calling a dog a cat doesn't make the dog into a cat, even if they both have 4 legs, fur and a tendency to piss on things.

Like I said in a recent post, time and distance are measured by EM frequency of the Caesium atom. One second is 9 billion cycles of a 9GHz frequency. It was brilliant of scientists to think of this. Then I realized that the EM spectrum is filled with frequencies, 27 orders of magnitude of frequencies. What could be a more fundamental clock and measuring stick then an EM spectrum?
And I already explained to you why your 27 orders of magnitude was flawed too.

I thought about this.
Oh well, thank god for that because no one in the research community thinks, we just spend our days sticking Skittles up our noses and watching Oprah :rolleyes:

You require that aether medium waves must be made of energy is some way;
You mean "I" there since your 'you' refers to other people and, as already explained many times, other people don't have the same narrow minded lack of imagination and competency as you.

But there is no reason why aether medium waves cannot be made of energy organized in some other way.
And there's no reason it all couldn't be invisible fairies but that doesn't make something unfalsifiable science.

You completely failed to attack the target. The target was: aether medium waves. You missed, you get an F.
Because I've already explained numerous times why your assertions are false, your logic contradictory and your maths laughably bad. My post was to respond to your comments about how anything other than talking about aether is an ad hom. It isn't, you just don't want to listen.

Why would the aliens bother talking to people who cannot understand a simple common sense approach to physics?
I've already given an example of how your own logic is false so you're not exactly Mr Perfect in that regard. Furthermore, speaking as someone who actually does physics rather than just hallucinate about aliens, I can tell you that there are things in the universe which do not follow common sense. I've already explained why common sense is short hand for a particular kind of bias. The fact you cannot grasp that sticking to 'common sense' is flawed on several levels just shows how narrow minded you are.

Your own reasoning about common sense and your beliefs are self contradictory! How much more blatant a problem do you need?

What do relativity and quantum mechanics have in common?
Their governing equations can both be formulated in terms of Bianchi identities on a fibre bundle.

Oh sorry, were you looking for some vapid arm waving response? I sometimes forget people don't know physics.

Why should aliens come down and talk to you when you can't even answer a simple basic question (after being told the answer repeatedly)?
Where to start.....

1. Demonstrate aliens have contact with humans.
2. Demonstrate they provide information to some humans.
3. Demonstrate they picked you.

If they flew light years to convey physics information to us why would they pick you, someone with the maths skills of a bad high school student and with absolutely no practical experience of any physics? You're functionally innumerate, not very well read, without any experience of experiments and completely ignorant of the current state of human knowledge. So if you want to start listing reasons why aliens wouldn't speak to various people your list is going to be the longest.

That's the stupid part. You're not dumb if you don't know the answer. Your dumb if you don't recognize the answer after it's been told to you for 3 months.
Wow, I love the irony. You just demanded people tell you aether waves aren't needed, only to have several people comment about how you've been told that for months! Furthermore I've been explaining to you time and again how your own views are contradictory and your assertions demonstrably false and yet you keep repeating them.

There are people here who don't have college degrees who can identify the answer.
And when they can demonstrate they actually have viable information which leads to working models, demonstrating their accuracy, then they'll be listened to. Until then claims of "Aliens told me!" should be treated like every other "Aliens told me!" claim, like they are ****ing wacko.

Why would ET show up at your tea parties to discuss warp drive physics when you treat people like crap? You are not friendly! You are not even logical.
While my persona is a matter of personal opinion whether or not I'm logical is not a matter of opinion. I've demonstrated your own views are inconsistent and you refuse to respond. I'm actually quite a friendly pleasant guy when I am dealing with people I like and/or respect. When it comes to discussing physics people gain my respect in a number of ways. Showing they are extremely capable mathematicians/physicists being the most obvious. The other is showing they are intellectually honest. This doesn't require them to know any physics or maths, they just have to be honest, open minded and rational. None of those adjectives apply to you. You've become more and more dishonest, dodging questions and refusing to face up to blatant, irrefutable demonstrations of your inconsistencies.

Would aliens fly across the galaxy to come to talk to me? Probably not. Am I the pinnacle example of humanity and thus deserve to be its representative? Not even close. Am I more informed, capable and familiar with maths and physics than you? Damn right.

I'm sorry you don't like being told your views are demonstrably inconsistent. I'm sorry you view being told your work is unscientific because it's unjustified, provides no model, has no logical derivation etc but that's a fact. It isn't an ad hom, I am not saying "It's not science because I don't like you", it's not science because it fails every single criteria which is attached to the notion of science. My comments about you then follow from the way in which you handle being told these things. Were you being dishonest when you just asked "Someone tell me aether waves aren't necessary!"? Yes, because I and others have spent many pages doing just that. Are you being hypocritical when you call me illogical while you simultaneously ignore how your 'common sense' assertion that everything which exists was a cause is inconsistent with your belief in god. Yes. Are you making your claims indistinguishable from the ravings of someone with a mental illness when your only 'justification' is "God and aliens told me". Yes.

If you don't like being told your claims are not science I suggest you stop making them because there's no way to make them science. Even if someone did your experiment and it gave a result in line with your claims it wouldn't mean you have a scientific theory. The fact you don't realise this is a significant contributor to your problem.
Utterly flawed reasoning, not to mention hypocritical because I've explained to you why people dismiss your claims. It isn't because there's some refusal to consider such things but rather than you provide absolutely no evidence or justification.
I given lots of evidence and justification. You ignore it.

Can electromagnetic frequency be used to tell time? Yes. For example: atomic clocks

wiki said:
An atomic clock is a clock that uses an electronic transition frequency in the microwave, optical, or ultraviolet region[2] of the electromagnetic spectrum of atoms as a frequency standard for its timekeeping element. Atomic clocks are the most accurate time and frequency standards known, and are used as primary standards for international time distribution services, to control the wave frequency of television broadcasts, and in global navigation satellite systems such as GPS.

So I proposed aether medium waves that include the whole electromagnetic frequency spectrum. Every frequency in the spectrum can function as a clock. I went further. I said that aether medium waves, across the whole frequency spectrum, produce the flow of time.

If this is not true, then what else is there to produce the flow of time?
I given lots of evidence and justification. You ignore it.

Can electromagnetic frequency be used to tell time? Yes. For example: atomic clocks

So I proposed aether medium waves that include the whole electromagnetic frequency spectrum. Every frequency in the spectrum can function as a clock. I went further. I said that aether medium waves, across the whole frequency spectrum, produce the flow of time.

If this is not true, then what else is there to produce the flow of time?

Mazulu, this is a perfect example of what your problem is. Atomic clocks and the flow of time don't seem to have any connection with your space alien aether theory. Zero. It is not a valid logical argument. It is meaningless.
Mazulu. I am going to help you. Of course I know that leading a horse to water is not always successful but here goes. Coursera has a Intro to Logic course online and free (I think it is free). I can't post a link but search for "coursera intrologic" and it will take you to the course.

"Introduction to Logic
Michael Genesereth, Associate Professor
In this course, you will learn how to formalize information and reason systematically to produce logical conclusions. We will also examine logic technology and its applications - in mathematics, science, engineering, business, law, and so forth."
M said:
If this is not true, then what else is there to produce the flow of time?
Time is an interesting subject.
Why does the Schrodinger equation have a "timeless" (time-independent) solution? Why does entropy increase, and never decrease? Why do we believe that a system can be 'closed' when obviously, everything is connected to something else, so by extension to everything else?
Why does energy 'move' from high to low concentrations, or why does a drop of ink diffuse throughout all the water in a glass?

Why do independent observers have their own time coordinate, and why does time speed up or slow down relative to the motion of observers? Why can't photons have any 'proper' timeframe?

Time appears to change in the same sense (direction) that entropy increases, and in the same sense that information (like, in our brains) increases, as we 'observe'. Why do we remember the past and not the future if the laws of physics say that conservation of energy and momentum is independent of the direction of this change in time? Why do we believe that time "changes", or that simultaneous events occur, so that non-simultaneous events do too?

Using part of the EM spectrum as a clock is one way to mark the 'passage' of time, but there are plenty of other ways. Why are clocks and watches mechanical? Why are planetary orbits 'regular', and why does the earth rotate with a 'fixed' velocity so we can count days? What does the flow of time have to do with counting? Why do we have the capacity to count anything?

I asked the Easter Bunny, but he said he was too busy counting eggs.
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Why would the aliens bother talking to people who cannot understand a simple common sense approach to physics?

There are serious doubts about your sanity. (Actually, I have no doubts about it at all. You're simply wacked.)
Time is an interesting subject.
Why does the Schrodinger equation have a "timeless" (time-independent) solution? Why does entropy increase, and never decrease? Why do we believe that a system can be 'closed' when obviously, everything is connected to something else, so by extension to everything else?
Why does energy 'move' from high to low concentrations, or why does a drop of ink diffuse throughout all the water in a glass?

Why do independent observers have their own time coordinate, and why does time speed up or slow down relative to the motion of observers? Why can't photons have any 'proper' timeframe?

Time appears to change in the same sense (direction) that entropy increases, and in the same sense that information (like, in our brains) increases, as we 'observe'. Why do we remember the past and not the future if the laws of physics say that conservation of energy and momentum is independent of the direction of this change in time? Why do we believe that time "changes", or that simultaneous events occur, so that non-simultaneous events do too?

Using part of the EM spectrum as a clock is one way to mark the 'passage' of time, but there are plenty of other ways. Why are clocks and watches mechanical? Why are planetary orbits 'regular', and why does the earth rotate with a 'fixed' velocity so we can count days? What does the flow of time have to do with counting? Why do we have the capacity to count anything?

I asked the Easter Bunny, but he said he was too busy counting eggs.

One quantum system can evolve in time. There should be a way to decompose the system into a range of EM frequencies. As a group of frequencies, the quantum system evolves in time. One frequency by itself would never have a clearly defined duration of "one second". But a group of frequencies can assert a specific duration of one second.

Aether medium waves interconnect the entire universe into one big system. material objects establish a range of EM frequencies with chemical bond energies, black body radiation, energy of the nuclei, etc. Matter establishes its own frequency range as an inertial reference frame.

There is something that I call the frequency ladder. Reference frames are positioned along the frequency ladder. This gets into the reasons for time dilation.

Why does entropy increase? I dunno, my brain is tired. Maybe increasing entropy is what happens when particles don't know where the hell their going.
There are serious doubts about your sanity. (Actually, I have no doubts about it at all. You're simply wacked.)
A few people kinda get that I'm trying to explain the progression of time as a collection of frequencies of the EM spectrum of the inertial frame.

I don't think anybody here really understands that distance is space exists because of the EM spectrum of wavelengths.

It's probably a lost cause trying to explain how frequency shifting leads to time dilation which leads to acceleration fields.

What can I say, I tried.:shrug:
Mazulu, this is a perfect example of what your problem is. Atomic clocks and the flow of time don't seem to have any connection with your space alien aether theory. Zero. It is not a valid logical argument. It is meaningless.
Atomic clocks, that use Caesium, emit EM radiation with a frequency of 9,192,631,770 cycles per second. That's just one frequency. AM waves include the whole frequency band. The whole frequency band establishes the flow of time for an inertial frame. That's the connection between atomic clocks, and the progression of time. At least that's the way I understand it.:)

Then, emissions of frequency shifting waves is intended to create a time dilation field. The frequency shift is 300 meters long (1microsecond), and then repeats, an acceleration field is supposed to form. It forms because frequency shifting produces a time dilation field. A time dilation field, in turn, produces an acceleration field.