godless people,

Wow! someone pissed off my friend SL.

Tvisitor made an utter jackass of himself, is that so unsual? I rather take The Visistor BS than have Leo back, though Leo was a very interesting fella, kind of weird, but interesting, however You! "the vistor" have nothing really of interest that we've not heard before, same old shit, repeatedly gets people kind of bored. Have you anything new of substance?

This is all sort of fucking rediculous.

Yes, people who go around insulting religious folks simply for shits-and-grins are clearly assholes. People can believe whatever crazyness they want. I thought that was the answer to the "why, why, why?" of the OP.

The rest of it though, is this:

1) People who raise the subject will get whatever is coming to them (and I am happy to oblige)

2) People who push it or push the institution into the public sphere deserve to be countered in whatever fashion suits the moment. Maybe that's a formal debate-ish kind of approach or just a "fuck you, you're clearly a drooling idiot" sort of tack.
SnakeLord said:
Someone give Visitor a pacifier..

The best pacifier for him is to scroll the thread to next post as soon as we seen his post.

Its just not worth wasting time on such morons.
Godless said:
Wow! someone pissed off my friend SL.
S.L. - "but if you didn't talk out of your ***king ass so much I wouldn't have to resort to these one liners."

Tvisitor made an utter jackass of himself, is that so unsual? I rather take The Visistor BS than have Leo back, though Leo was a very interesting fella, kind of weird, but interesting, however You! "the vistor" have nothing really of interest that we've not heard before, same old shit, repeatedly gets people kind of bored. Have you anything new of substance?


What I gave you was of "substance".
"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen".

There is substance and evidence.
Sorry you can't see that.
I've actually given you too much as it is.
You've just hung yourself with it.
This wasn't a contest, or entertainment.
However if it was, I'd say the one that has to resort to throwing obsenities loses.
"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen".

Faith is the substance of wishfull thinking. Wont do nothing to have faith, when an airplane is heading straight into a building. Does it? Faith is not evidence of the unseen, faith is the belief of authorative assertions. ;)

Anomalous said:
First of U r not an Athiest.

Second , there is no need to prove things that are not there, but

If U want to then become a journalist and visit the Genocide sites, go right at the time of mass killing and see if there any god among the millions that are killed together, and ask them if they believe in god before they are killed.

I have seen U here many times lieing, U r a compulsive Liar.

stick to the subject please.

this is not a debate about the existance of god ok. i dont know if a god exists and i dont care personally either,

has anybody even read my origonal post in full? if so why isnt anybody addressing my points,

stop knit picking this is ridiculous now,

i am asking nicely can we stick to the subject please.

superluminal said:
This is all sort of fucking rediculous.

Yes, people who go around insulting religious folks simply for shits-and-grins are clearly assholes. People can believe whatever crazyness they want. I thought that was the answer to the "why, why, why?" of the OP.

The rest of it though, is this:

1) People who raise the subject will get whatever is coming to them (and I am happy to oblige)

2) People who push it or push the institution into the public sphere deserve to be countered in whatever fashion suits the moment. Maybe that's a formal debate-ish kind of approach or just a "fuck you, you're clearly a drooling idiot" sort of tack.

so if we all went around insulting each other all fay long, during schooling, during work, during scientific study, during every momment of our lives we would see more proggress?

so do most of you guys validate and approve of insulting people and calling them harsh names because of personal faith and opinion?

if i were to curse at you all very rudely face to face for your personal opinion, you would all accept that as logical and acceptable behaviour yes?

i dont see wh you can be allowed to insult and be dissrespectfull to a religious person, but not to a scientist when he gives an opinion,

so when a scientist comes up with a new theory, oh i dont know lets say the "string theory" its ok to say shut the fuck up you idiot thats theory is utter bullshit, dont ever give your opinion again because that sounds liek total crap to me, 11 dimensions thats BS (or however many i dont know),

thats acceptable attitude in a scientific place of study is it? is that how you was all taught to treat peoples opinions?

so saying "i dont agree with your opinion" nicely is totally impossible yes?

if people are permited to be rude and dissrespectfull for one reason why not every reason?, why cant we just go around saying and doing whatever we want?

i thought you were the people who preached about "civilized society" and "morals" "ethics" and how you have to follow rules for a civilisation to work, how can you expect a civilisation to work if you cant even respect an opinion thats different to your own, without calling them names like a little child,

you know in my area you learn respect, if you talk to somebody liek tat then your risking your life,

is it easyer to be rude to somebody because theres a computer screen and tyhousand of miles away fromt he face your insulting?

EmptyForceOfChi said:
so when a scientist comes up with a new theory, oh i dont know lets say the "string theory" its ok to say shut the fuck up you idiot thats theory is utter bullshit, dont ever give your opinion again because that sounds liek total crap to me, 11 dimensions thats BS (or however many i dont know),

That's one hypothesis which is part of a mathematical model of a multidimensional universe. The word "know" doesn't enter into the equation.
emptyforceofchi if people are permited to be rude and dissrespectfull for one reason why not every reason?, why cant we just go around saying and doing whatever we want?

we can. thats the beauty of free society, we can go around doing and saying whatever we want within the law, and last time i checked there was no law that said you had to respect people who are tearing the world apart because of their belief in some insane fantasy.

you know in my area you learn respect, if you talk to somebody liek tat then your risking your life,

wow you sound so hard, life on the streets must be real crazy, tell me how it is.

is it easyer to be rude to somebody because theres a computer screen and tyhousand of miles away fromt he face your insulting?

confidently, i would say the same exact things i say here to anyone face to face, i have on many occasions actually. you however, dont even respond to my posts here.

Listen. The bottom line is that religion is stupid and dangerous and is nothing more than primitive superstition. Anyone who takes it seriously deserves to be ridiculed. No proof, no testable theories, but oh yes, its TRUE, I just KNOW IT!!!

Don't talk to me about how valid a religious "opinion" is compared to a scientifically informed hypothesis. That's positively stupid.
charles cure said:
we can. thats the beauty of free society, we can go around doing and saying whatever we want within the law, and last time i checked there was no law that said you had to respect people who are tearing the world apart because of their belief in some insane fantasy.

wow you sound so hard, life on the streets must be real crazy, tell me how it is.

confidently, i would say the same exact things i say here to anyone face to face, i have on many occasions actually. you however, dont even respond to my posts here.


within "the law" so because a law tells you its right that means its right does it?

i dont follow a written book im not christian :),

anyways the law dosent permit you to insult people actually, where do you live? can you walk up to a police officer and say "fuck you asshole, you stupid prick" no you will be arrested, so why say it to someone else over a computer?

you wouldent threatern or insult a cop, so why do it to anouther person,

and what was the need to insult me like that?

also you talk about people destroying the world, so the laws you follow are put across by who?. tony blair? george bush? they enforce your laws, the government, and you think there not destroying the world also? religious dosent destroy the world, idiotic people do, and alot of religious people might fall into that catagory, but i know many zen buddhist monks, they are religious right? howmuch destroying the world are they doiing? when should we fear the zen buddhist attacks on humanity? :)

dont judge so quickly,

superluminal said:

Listen. The bottom line is that religion is stupid and dangerous and is nothing more than primitive superstition. Anyone who takes it seriously deserves to be ridiculed. No proof, no testable theories, but oh yes, its TRUE, I just KNOW IT!!!

Don't talk to me about how valid a religious "opinion" is compared to a scientifically informed hypothesis. That's positively stupid.

was it hard not to be directly rude there? :)

i did listen and i understand what your saying, i am not saying religion is good or it is bad, i dont care about religion it dosent bother me, im not saying how valid religious points are, im talking about rudeness, has anybody read my post, i am not religious.

why is zen buddhism stupid?

so talking about proof as you say. so the big bang theory is proof yes? the string theory is proof yes? quantum theorys are all proof right? black hole theory is proof also?

see why so harsh, you see theorys as valid without real evidence, and you dont insult people for believing in the big bang or black holes do you,

i am not saying the religious books are true atall, they are written by man, they are stories, but you cannot classify allr eligion as BS the books werent ment to be taken so literally, thats just people bieng stupid believing in story books, but thats there life choice, its also very dangerous and stupid to over eat and be obese, but should somebody who eats alot of cake be continuously insulted because of his life choice to feel good and eat lots of nice things? (im actually a personal trainer so im going against my usual teachings here) if somebody wants to be a buddhist to put there mind at ease and feel better inside should you insult them and say your an asshole fuck you?

The big bang and black holes have plenty of evidence. Nobody's building a religion around them either.

So, rudeness. I suppose you just want everyone to be nice to each other, right? I've said that people can believe whatever they want. But if they begin to preach it as fact (like many here do) on the same level as well supported science, then they deserved to be blasted with both barrels. BOOM.
im not bieng cocky or over confident when i state this now but,

you will all fail to win this debate, and it is as simple as that.

i would prefer it if religious people stayed out of this debate please and let me handle it all personally. i do not want this turning into a war between athiests and religious people, so please if you are religious atall dont post to back my side of the debate,


superluminal said:
The big bang and black holes have plenty of evidence. Nobody's building a religion around them either.

So, rudeness. I suppose you just want everyone to be nice to each other, right? I've said that people can believe whatever they want. But if they begin to preach it as fact (like many here do) on the same level as well supported science, then they deserved to be blasted with both barrels. BOOM.

yes politeness, you can tell them there opinions suck balls a nicer way, it is possible, thats all im asking,

and i dont want to directly argue in loopholes about existance here but, i have to dissagree man, no black holes are not proven as of yet,

and again no the big bang theory is still a theory hence the tittle of the theory at hand, "big bang theory" not "big bang fact"

yes there are lots of clues pointing towards the existance of black holes, we do not understand there nature or even if theyr eally exist as we think they do as of yet.

and yes the big bang theory stands tall on its 3 pillars i must say, but are tripods really that stable? i prefer 4 legs, (sorry)
