godless people,

in other words you draw back from your previous comments realising you stated the big bang theory and black holes have "plenty of evidence"

i understand and wont continue to press your mistake,

EmptyForceOfChi said:

within "the law" so because a law tells you its right that means its right does it?

no, what i was saying there was that you can say and do whatever you want within the law because its easier to shut up sometimes than go to jail for murder or inciting a riot. right and wrong arent always reflected in the law. you asked me if it was ok to go around doing and saying what you want, i said yes. its that simple.

i dont follow a written book im not christian :),


anyways the law dosent permit you to insult people actually, where do you live? can you walk up to a police officer and say "fuck you asshole, you stupid prick" no you will be arrested, so why say it to someone else over a computer?

im pretty sure you can do that and even if you were arrested, you could still have a decent chance at winning your case in court because you are allowed an opinion about anyone as long as you arent threatening them with physical harm.

you wouldent threatern or insult a cop, so why do it to anouther person, and what was the need to insult me like that?

insult you like what?

also you talk about people destroying the world, so the laws you follow are put across by who?. tony blair? george bush? they enforce your laws, the government, and you think there not destroying the world also? religious dosent destroy the world, idiotic people do, and alot of religious people might fall into that catagory, but i know many zen buddhist monks, they are religious right? howmuch destroying the world are they doiing? when should we fear the zen buddhist attacks on humanity? :)

well, i live in america first off. secondly, george bush is what i would call a religious fanatic. i didnt vote for him and i wish he wasnt even thought of as representative of our country, but i live where i live, and cant help the perceptions of others who would idnentify him with me just because we both live in the same country. i dont agree with a lot of the ideas that underpin current US foreign policy, or even some of the precepts of established US law. i think the religious right in this country is out of fucking control and we, meaning the rest of us who dont identify with them, are now forced to reap the negative effects of their legislative pronouncements of morality, and their attempts to establish "the judeo-christian/american way of life" all over the world by destroying sovereign nations.
by the way, there are a lot of violent buddhists. zen buddhists, no, but that doesnt make their religion any less of a fantasy.

don't judge so quickly.


i didnt judge quickly, my first two posts attempted to answer your original one, but then i got tired of the fact that you seemingly ignored all of the people who actually tried to answer you and just kept plodding on as if no one was even there. i actually challenge the whole premise of this thread, because i think that most of the time its the religious people on here who are far ruder than the atheists or agnostics, they, after all, are the ones always telling people they will burn in a lake of fire, or that they will forever be without peace, or that they are small minded fools who can never hope to understand god's will as they do. why dont you open your fucking eyes to a little of that?
EmptyForceOfChi said:
in other words you draw back from your previous comments realising you stated the big bang theory and black holes have "plenty of evidence"

i understand and wont continue to press your mistake,


Not at all. I was simply pointing out as politely as I could that you have no fucking clue regarding science or scientific evidence regarding the Big Bang or Black Holes which are what we call "well supported" and not the fuzzy "theories" you seem to think they are. Pressing the point with you seemed futile hence my "it dosen't matter" comment.

charles cure said:
no, what i was saying there was that you can say and do whatever you want within the law because its easier to shut up sometimes than go to jail. right and wrong arent always reflected in the law. you asked me if it was ok to go around doing and saying what you want, i said yes. its that simple.


im pretty sure you can do that and even if you were arrested, you could still have a decent chance at winning your case in court because you are allowed an opinion about anyone as long as you arent threatening them with physical harm.

insult you like what?

well, i live in america first off. secondly, george bush is what i would call a religious fanatic. i didnt vote for him and i wish he wasnt even thought of as representative of our country, but i live where i live, and cant help the perceptions of others who would idnentify him with me just because we both live in the same country. i dont agree with a lot of the ideas that underpin current US foreign policy, or even some of the precepts of established US law. i think the religious right in this country is out of fucking control and we, meaning the rest of us who dont identify with them, are now forced to reap the negative effects of their legislative pronouncements of morality, and their attempts to establish "the judeo-christian/american way of life" all over the world by destroying sovereign nations.
by the way, there are a lot of violent buddhists. zen buddhists, no, but that doesnt make their religion any less of a fantasy.

i didnt judge quickly, my first two posts attempted to answer your original one, but then i got tired of the fact that you seemingly ignored all of the people who actually tried to answer you and just kept plodding on as if no one was even there. i actually challenge the whole premise of this thread, because i think that most of the time its the religious people on here who are far ruder than the atheists or agnostics, they, after all, are the ones always telling people they will burn in a lake of fire, or that they will forever be without peace, or that they are small minded fools who can never hope to understand god's will as they do. why dont you open your fucking eyes to a little of that?

did you now zen buddhists dont have a god for one? and how is a taoist stupid?

without religion you wouldent have been born, we wouldent have a society, i have proven that int he human science forum recently with my post "civilisation without religion?"

and no you are not allowed to walk up to a cop and say fuck you asshole you stupid prick i think your a fucking loser and a stupid police officer you cock sucking pig" that would be against the law, have you studied the law atall?
if you were allowed and it was acceptable then they wouldent do anything atall would they, why arrest somebody who isnt doing anything non acceptable? you dont agree with the government as you stated so why follow there laws ? because your scared to go to jail? or you think there right?

and you insulted me by making fun of me growing up on the streets and having a hard life, what was the need for that i asked previously,

so basically your saying its ok to insult people when ever you feel like it? because your entitled to your opinion? do you know how funny thats ounds to me personally, (bieng nuetral as i am) so you can insult somebody because you have free opinion?, but your insulting them because of there opinion and life choice? so you can insult him because its your opinion of his opinion?, so you should be rude because of his opinion? i dont get it to be honest, ok yes you dont agree you think its stupid, has it ever occured to you that i also might find it stupid? heres the thing, i do find organised religion mostly stupid, but that dosent mean you have to insult people, you can tellt hem there opinion sucks ass a nicer way without insults.

its not that hard, unless you cant control your emotions that is,

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superluminal said:
Not at all. I was simply pointing out as politely as I could that you have no fucking clue regarding science or scientific evidence regarding the Big Bang or Black Holes which are what we call "well supported" and not the fuzzy "theories" you seem to think they are. Pressing the point with you seemed futile hence my "it dosen't matter" comment.


ok then can you say it loud and clear for everybody to see then please,

the big bang theory is no longer a theory, so what is it called now then, just the big bang fact/period/truth/almighty :)

i understand more than you assume, and maybe i understand a little better than you do actually,

can you show me a clear photograph of a black hole then please i would like to see one, no text please, no words, just a picture please i want a closer look, because last time i thought i saw empty space with stars and matter forming arounnd a seeming void of nothingness, could i see a photo of a black hole please, or a piece of it for study, :)

and the evidence for the big bang apart fromt he 3 pillars of wisdom that i have read time and time again,

when i conflict with scientific theorys does it personally offend your ego or something,

like if you found out tommorow that the big bang theory was false what would you say?

and i fail to see people actually addressing my points, would you liek to copy and paste my origonal post please then copy and paste peoples reply to all of my statements please? i must need reading glasses because i failed to see a structured full reply to it,

all i see is people knit picking stalling and changing the subject, liek right now


1) A theory in science, especially a well supported theory (like gravitational theory, or relativistic theory) is more than just the popular conception (your conception) of a "theory" as a kind of idea waiting for something to turn it into "fact" or "law". Google on "scientific theory" and learn. Black holes and the BB fall under the category of well supported theories. No one ever claimed they were "FACTS ALMIGHTY" Mr. StrawMan. When was the last time you saw a photo of an electron? You won't and you probably don't even know why, yet electrons exist.

2) We all answered your OP goddamn it. Reread the posts.
On the topic of the big bang theory, what's the big deal about it religiously? Who's to say it happened and God didn't start it? Who's to say all things in science are true and that God is the one in control of what we observe?
usp8riot said:
On the topic of the big bang theory, what's the big deal about it religiously? Who's to say it happened and God didn't start it? Who's to say all things in science are true and that God is the one in control of what we observe?

No one of course. And who's to say that it's not the flying spaghetti monster running the show? What's your point?
EmptyForceOfChi said:
did you now zen buddhists dont have a god for one? and how is a taoist stupid?

so what? zen buddhism is still a religion isnt it? where did god come into play?
who said it was stupid, i said it was fantasy, and i said it was detrimental. READ.

without religion you wouldent have been born, we wouldent have a society, i have proven that int he human science forum recently with my post "civilisation without religion?"

i dont really rely on you as a source of theory for what could or couldnt have happened in the world if history was reenacted under different conditions. im pretty sure that just amounts to you acting like you know what you dont know.

and no you are not allowed to walk up to a cop and say fuck you asshole you stupid prick i think your a fucking loser and a stupid police officer you cock sucking pig" that would be against the law, have you studied the law atall?

yeah i have studied law. read the first amendment of the US constitution and study case history, you cant be arrested for exercising free speech as long as it does not result in or incite to physical harm. you might get arrested for it, if the cop really is a stupid, arrogant prick, but you wont ultimately go to jail or be remanded for it because it is within your rights to voice your opinion. figure it out.

you dont agree with the government as you stated so why follow there laws ? because your scared to go to jail? or you think there right?
first of all i didnt say i disagreed with every law, or even what it was about the laws that i disagreed with. dont assume what i do and dont agree with. im saying that you can excercise freedom of speech and action within the law, and the law functions as a deterrent, so the only thing that stops people from doing ABSOLUTELY anything that pops into their minds at all times is the threat of forced posed by the law. but there is still no law that demands that you have respect for people in terms of exercise of free speech.

and you insulted me by making fun of me growing up on the streets and having a hard life, what was the need for that i asked previously,

because youre acting like a shithead. who cares where you grew up or if it was tough. if youre saying you only had respect for people because they threatened you physically, then you didnt repsect them, you feared them, and those are different things, showing exactly how little you understand about the nature of respect.
so basically your saying its ok to insult people when ever you feel like it? because your entitled to your opinion? do you know how funny thats ounds to me personally, (bieng nuetral as i am) so you can insult somebody because you have free opinion?, but your insulting them because of there opinion and life choice? so you can insult him because its your opinion of his opinion?, so you should be rude because of his opinion? i dont get it to be honest, ok yes you dont agree you think its stupid, has it ever occured to you that i also might find it stupid? heres the thing, i do find organised religion mostly stupid, but that dosent mean you have to insult people, you can tellt hem there opinion sucks ass a nicer way without insults.

It might well be worth pointing out the case of Larry Flint, (founder of Hustler magazine). He did an article back in the day about a prominent American religious figure. The article claimed that this religious figure used to bonk his mother in a barn. After a long court case, Flint actually won - on the basis that free speech allows him to insult others freely, is entitled to his opinion whether it is factual or not. If people were not allowed to openly voice their opinions without evidence then there wouldn't be one single religious man on the planet that had the right to say anything.
Originally Posted by Anomalous
First of U r not an Athiest.

Second , there is no need to prove things that are not there, but

If U want to then become a journalist and visit the Genocide sites, go right at the time of mass killing and see if there any god among the millions that are killed together, and ask them if they believe in god before they are killed.

I have seen U here many times lieing, U r a compulsive Liar.

EmptyForceOfChi said:
stick to the subject please.

this is not a debate about the existance of god ok. i dont know if a god exists and i dont care personally either,.

Humans are not capable of this.

stop knit picking this is ridiculous now,

i am asking nicely can we stick to the subject please.


Why not, Sure, U LIAR.
All Theists should be abused and Insulted in SciForums for being unScientific in reasoning,

This is fair and absolutely normal, the reason :

by doing this they will personally hate us and thus stop MINGELING in our scientific threads.
superluminal said:
....t if they begin to preach it as fact (like many here do) on the same level as well supported science, then they deserved to be blasted with both barrels. BOOM.

Ooooooooouuuuuu YYAAAAaaaa

Hey, what about me? I try to explain my reasoning through science. And BTW, this is the religious forum. If I went to, say, a forum famous for gaming, and went to a sub-forum entitled, "religion", would that mean you have to explain your views of religion as a videogame, or through videogames? C'mon now, even some of you "scientists" or "i can't theorize something I can't observe" people can figure that out.
Well, if you gave it some thought, would you not consider it most probable that the religion subsection was there with concerns to it's relation to computer gaming? Perhaps there are religious based games, (I know there was a noahs ark game for megadrive as an example), and the idea of that forum is to discuss their worth and value to the gaming community.

Surely even you theists or "i'll believe any old shit I hear" people can figure that out?
Ya this is religion forum but nothing religious about it,

Here we decipher , disect and sabotage religion by getting to its origins and evolution.
Anomalous said:
Ya this is religion forum but nothing religious about it,
Here we decipher , disect and sabotage religion by getting to its origins and evolution.

(S.L.).."Surely even you theists or "i'll believe any old shit I hear" people can figure that out? "

Back to the old "we" thing...whos "we"? .....You, S.L., and grumpy.
It's animal instinct to believe there's saftey in numbers.
Not so to God.......it's to "He that hath an ear, let him hear".
If your science can't see it and your earth bound faith won't let you soar in the heavens, don't try and discourage those who would.
I'm through playing disect and sabotage, in your state any truth I would give you would only make things worse for you.
I'll be checking in once and awhile....so "play nice"
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Back to the old "we" thing...whos "we"? .....You, S.L., and grumpy.

Why bring my name into it when I haven't said "we" in the quote you used?

It's animal instinct to believe there's saftey in numbers.

Personally I fail to see the relevance of your statement, (which is somewhat inaccurate as it's been written anyway). I am a guy on the other side of the world on a computer. Unless you've just created email bombs then I'm as safe as I'm going to ever get. You and your words are hardly a threat to anyone - unless lunacy becomes contagious.

Anyway, glad to see you leaving.
so would you say my predictions in my origonal post and second post were right?

i would say yes.

i could go round in circles and argue about the off topic BS but i will not do that,

and now how about sticking to the subject again?

and anomolous i must not be human then, because im capable of sticking to the point,

there is no need for dissrespectfull trash talk, i can say to a religious person that his opinions are wrong because his book was written by man, and it is flawed,

and if i am not athiest what am i then?, i dont believe in god, so what am i then? i dont believe in anything?

the more defensive and more rude you all get proves my point and argument more and more, i am capable of having a debate without resulting to childish name calling,

if your son/daughter had an opinion that you thought was utter trash, would you curse at her and insult him? swear at him/her? would you be rude and dissrespectfull? or would you explain nicely why her/his opinion is wrong?.

why wouldent you do it to your children? because its not called for and its unreasonable,

i will be completely honest with everyone.

i think many many religious people are in my opinion "stipid" if i have to admit. i find people who believe in the bible wholehartedly are cultists, i do not approve of organised religion, it is a system created by man to control the population and take in money. chruches are fake i wouldent even doubt that most of the vicars/priests and holy men dont even believe the BS themselves, they probably just go along with it to make money etc,
the holy books contradict left right and center, jesus most likely was a fictional person. same with the othe people in the holy books, its not true, i wouldent say it was a lie because you cant call a story book a lie, its just fiction, if people choose to take it seriously its a bad thing.


taking all of this into consideration, you have to realise many religious people were born into it, and fed all of this since they were little children with an early easily persuaded memory. so talking from a psycological point of view they have a structured memory and mind that has been mapped out since childhood, and abusing them further with insults and name calling wont prove much good or use, you must all have a little grasp of the psycology of the mind from childhood experience, i assume you all have anyway, so then i ask you all a question,

if a child is taught something from early age and is born into a religion, is it his fault for his set belief system?. and is it logical to insult someone like that, shouldent we deal with these people in a more subtle way than shouting and hurling abuse at them, because wouldent it just be the wrong approach for this type of situation?
