God should get rid of cancer

Wait... let me try:

God is, umm... Big but Small, Green but Pink, Nice but Mean, A Dick but Cool, Unchanging but Ever Changing, Does Stuff but Dosen't Do Stuff, Has an Anus but Dosen't Have an Anus, Eats Chips but Dosen't Eat Chips...

Help me out here, I'm trying to categorize everything god is/isnot simultaneously in an attempt to bring some order to this mess.
I would just argue that - it would seem to me in my life, god is rather irrelevant most of the time... (unless I'm speaking with someone I care about, who thinks there is god). Then it's relevant because I care about them and wouldn't try to make god a bummer for them.
Yes, but this is an internet forum!
God isn't "unwilling" to end cancer, rather its not in your karma to exist in a universe/reality where cancer does not exist, if it was you already be in that world

Since God is unchanging, impartial to all, and equally treats all, God doesn't really "do" anything

He's not unwilling nor willing to end cancer, cancer and all forms of unpleasantness arise from being separate from God

karma, universes/realities, etc are components of your own belief system, in which I have no reason for believing

if you think that this is a good explanation, fine, here's a cookie *
you can go run along now

and in any case, this thread is aimed at questioning an all loving, omnipotent god

those of us who are not satisfied with that explanation will continue to discuss here
karma, universes/realities, etc are components of your own belief system, in which I have no reason for believing

if you think that this is a good explanation, fine, here's a cookie *
you can go run along now

and in any case, this thread is aimed at questioning an all loving, omnipotent god

those of us who are not satisfied with that explanation will continue to discuss here
The concept of a loving god who sits on his heavenly throne and weeps for the plight of his creations is absurd. Also, the idea of beseeching an almighty creator for mercy when his plan is clearly for you to suffer is also absurd.
karma, universes/realities, etc are components of your own belief system, in which I have no reason for believing

if you think that this is a good explanation, fine, here's a cookie *
you can go run along now

and in any case, this thread is aimed at questioning an all loving, omnipotent god

those of us who are not satisfied with that explanation will continue to discuss here

So basically you just asked the question to ridicule and condemn someone like a typical atheist


What explanation would you be satisfied with then? I'm guessing NONE, the thread was simply meant to judge, condemn, and ridicule theists

Why the fuck did you even ask me the question then? Why?

You don't know that. Maybe he's doing it RIGHT NOW! YEAH! Or maybe his way of doing it is through people. Or maybe there isn't a god. Maybe there's a cruel, spiteful god that enjoys suffering.

saying god isn't doing it isn't saying anything at all is it? really? perhaps you're trying to say there is no god but like, you don't know that for sure - nor do I. I would just argue that - it would seem to me in my life, god is rather irrelevant most of the time... (unless I'm speaking with someone I care about, who thinks there is god). Then it's relevant because I care about them and wouldn't try to make god a bummer for them.

I'm just pointing out that there can't be a god that is good (from our point of view) and at the same time all powerful
you know... same old beat up epicurus argument...
I'm just pointing out that there can't be a god that is good (from our point of view) and at the same time all powerful
you know... same old beat up epicurus argument...
Aren't all of these arguments old and beat up?
I'm just pointing out that there can't be a god that is good (from our point of view) and at the same time all powerful
you know... same old beat up epicurus argument...

yah. round and round we go! :)
I'm just pointing out that there can't be a god that is good (from our point of view) and at the same time all powerful
you know... same old beat up epicurus argument...

But "good" is a subjective opinion, so Epicurus's argument falls apart miserably, just like every other atheistic argument
So basically you just asked the question to ridicule and condemn someone like a typical atheist


What explanation would you be satisfied with then? I'm guessing NONE, the thread was simply meant to judge, condemn, and ridicule theists

Why the fuck did you even ask me the question then? Why?

I didn't ask YOU anything. You have no business posting in this thead.

What the fuck is your problem? Why are you here defending a position that no one is criticising?

And why do you want me to be satisfied with an answer to a question I didnt ask?

You are obviously not asking your god to heal cancer. but many, MANY believers are.
My criticism is aimed at them. Not at you. You are dismissed from this thread.
Go play outside
But "good" is a subjective opinion, so Epicurus's argument falls apart miserably, just like every other atheistic argument

no, dont even try that

the reason I put that parenthesis there was to prevent this route

god didnt even have to be a pinacle of righteousness to know that if you have the power to help a person that is in agonizing pain, you should

an absolute good is not necessary, just plain old nice neighbour kind of good is enough

the point that if you can help and you don't, that makes you an mean motherfucker, we can all agree on that
no, dont even try that

the reason I put that parenthesis there was to prevent this route

god didnt even have to be a pinacle of righteousness to know that if you have the power to help a person that is in agonizing pain, you should

an absolute good is not necessary, just plain old nice neighbour kind of good is enough

the point that if you can help and you don't, that makes you an mean motherfucker, we can all agree on that

You didn't refute anything that I said, good and bad are just SUBJECTIVE OPINIONS

So I guess if I say people dying and having cancer is good then that solves the problem, right?

Is being very late to work a good thing or bad thing to you?

Now on 9/11 many people were late to work (a supposed bad thing), however this turned out to be a supposed "good" thing

Just as the Taoists say, who knows what is good or bad?
i asked anyone who is willing to argument in favor of a god that heals
that doesnt seem to be your case
then what the hell are you doing here?

no you asked me what it had to with God's unwillingness...

God is certainly ready to heal anyone with cancer

dumb bitch
Originally Posted by Varda
so he is willing, but if you ask him to heal your cancer it's "most likely nothing would happen"

No, he can, but the actual true God is within you, and there's the Father who is the physical form of God

If you prayed properly it would work

oh, i see
he heals and doesnt heal
it works and doesnt work

it fits what superluminal was elaborating on earier
