God should get rid of cancer

Anyway, cancer. This appears to be a disease that is programmed directly into our genes. One slip in transcription and BAM, you're hosed.

So, this would seem to me to circumvent the arguments that we are responsible for our own ills. It's clear to me that if there is a god, he's one mean spirited son of a bitch.
i wouldnt wish cancer on my worst enemy
If I was really vindictive and sadistic, I would. It's some bad shit right there.

But what amazes me is the degree of dancing that theists will go through to hide from the fact that the god they praise for the creation and management of everything would necessecarily be the same one that designed cancer into his scheme.

It's pathetic.
How is a design flaw in genetic structure, one that allows for unchecked multiplication, in any way our fault? Seems god is directly responsible for this one.
Usually responsibility is used to indicate because we have desires that can only be fulfilled in the material world (ie the desire to be separate from god), we are responsible for being here
maybe at this point it would be refreshing to examine how a saintly person responds to the issue of cancer --- anyone got anything to offer?
in the sense we were put here to fulfill our desires - what else are we doing in this whole "running around like chooks with their head cut off" business?
I don't know! I thought you knew? You're the guy with the highly trained and theoretically well-grounded perceptions.

Have you been fooling me all this time LG?
They thank god for starting the (agonizing, wasting, drawn-out) process of going to meet him?
actually I was going to mention the incident of one such person who came down with cancer - at a stage where the painkillers were no longer in use (morphine can't enter bone marrow), he made the comment that "things were amazing". He went on further to comment that "this was the best day of my entire life, and what is amazing, is that it just keeps getting better and better everyday".

There's nothing like excruciating pain and the prospect of death to test one's convictions. Most people go to pieces even when a friend/relative comes down with cancer, what to speak if it lands on their own doormat.
actually I was going to mention the incident of one such person who came down with cancer - at a stage where the painkillers were no longer in use (morphine can't enter bone marrow), he made the comment that "things were amazing". He went on further to comment that "this was the best day of my entire life, and what is amazing, is that it just keeps getting better and better everyday".

There's nothing like excruciating pain and the prospect of death to test one's convictions. Most people go to pieces even when a friend/relative comes down with cancer, what to speak if it lands on their own doormat.
Sounds like a terminal patient in the final phase of acceptance. Different degrees for different people.
I try. But you asked "what else are we doing here..." and I was hoping for something a bit more profound.
well everything we do can fit snuggly between two extremes - transient desires and eternal ones - needless to say, we are usually busy with the first end of the share market ...