God proved to me that he exists.

this didn't make any sense at all. none. ducks? what does god walking and talking have to do with ducks?

you think a disbelief in something is paranoia which doesn't make sense but perhaps that a belief in something is not due paranoia. it could be neither, did you ever consider that?

i'm not talking about people's perceptions. we're talking about a separate entity that you call god. you easily forget the subject matter. is your perception god or not? or is god just an actual entity to you? it seems it is. you see, you've conjured up or created your take in a god that fits with your perceptions so that you have no doubts or questions, thus you say you are not paranoid because you have no doubts on the matter. why would you? you've fashion it to mold to you. that doesn't necessarily mean it's actually true when discussing a separate entity.

i need to 'wrap god up' and you don't? that doesn't make any sense considering you are the one so sure of what god is.

see? it's like you could string random words together and make no sense whatsoever it's so convoluted and arbitrary.

i perceive god, just as one perceives the proverbial duck. have you seriously never heard that expression? :confused: i have no paranoia regarding my perception. i'm not afraid to be wrong.
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suppose your mother spoke directly to your father and she also spoke directly with you

does that mean that one person spoke to their husband and a totally different one spoke to their son?

The god of the jews, god of the christians and god of the musilms are all the same entity.

So, Lori, lightgigantic and EmptyForceOfChi, what does God tell you concerning whether Jesus was his Son? Was he, or wasn't he?
i'm not afraid to be wrong.

seriously, the way you think is really strange. have you ever considered donating your brain to science after death so they can study it?

you think when people are uncertain or not sure about something, that it's out of fear. for you, you will pick an answer because you can't stand uncertainty but you call others afraid.

if you are not afraid to be wrong, then you should walk around without a care in the world at all which you won't last long. i know you don't really do this where it "counts".

what your statement really means is you aren't afraid to be wrong about things you don't respect or have no real consequence to you. if you really respected, took seriously and cared about the truth or 'god' as much as you seem to say, you would never make such a statement. you are not afraid to be 'wrong' about 'god' because the bottomline is you really don't care about the truth of god, your perception of god is more important and how it makes you feel.
So, Lori, lightgigantic and EmptyForceOfChi, what does God tell you concerning whether Jesus was his Son? Was he, or wasn't he?

Jesus was The Son of Man-kind born of flesh and not the direct son of The Most High. God is not flesh he has no Earthly seeds only Creations.

Jesus was indeed a "Special Birth" Though he had no Earthly Father because Gabriel directly Carried His Soul To Mary.

His Birth Was Akin To Adams The 2 people that never had an Earthly Father.

All are the creational Spring-Off's Of His Will.

I don't understand what you are talking about ... namely what you categorize as "creational" (like stones too?) and what you mean of "his will" (like they act in accordance with his will, or that its his will that they exist in the first place)?
So, Lori, lightgigantic and EmptyForceOfChi, what does God tell you concerning whether Jesus was his Son? Was he, or wasn't he?

the way god has presented jesus to me, is the human manifestation of god's will on this earth. that he is the perfect human creation (fulfillment of the law), because he is without sin. he is the restoration and redemption of mankind, restoring us to our form prior to the fall of man, so that we may again be in communion with god, with each other, to live in love and peace, without sickness, suffering, and death. he is a king of a coming kingdom, and the inhabitants of the kingdom will be born through him. i'm not sure if that's a literal birth like a bloodline, or something metaphorical.
For some reason I have been deemed righteous enough for him to physicaly show me he exists.

In the sky he wrote to me everything that i wanted to know deep in my heart, That is not a metaphor either he literaly wrote in the sky using contrails and clouds, i saw verses of the quran written in the sky and I am not fluent in arabic but i do study the quran and i can recognize the symbols/characters quite easily. and no less than 7 times in a row did he write the name allah (most high) above my house :bawl, everytime i doubted its authenticity another would appear.

He did the same for me, but my message was Giraffe, Aeroplane, Bunny (if you squint), Triangle, Ocean Wave.

My translation leads me to believe it means "fuck off Eddie you smart alec bastard". ;)
seriously, the way you think is really strange. have you ever considered donating your brain to science after death so they can study it?

sure, though i don't think science will have an opportunity to do that. but if they did, i don't think they'd find anything unusual. what i've realized isn't a product of my physical makeup or my intellect, but of the spirit.

you think when people are uncertain or not sure about something, that it's out of fear. for you, you will pick an answer because you can't stand uncertainty but you call others afraid.

i don't pick answers and attach my ego to them. it's not that i've never done that, but the inclination has been conditioned out of me to a great extent, as it only caused me pain. humility and faith on the other hand have really been driven home as the answer. iow, the answer is to realize that you don't have the answer, and that's ok. that's what communion with god is for and about.

if you are not afraid to be wrong, then you should walk around without a care in the world at all which you won't last long. i know you don't really do this where it "counts".

there's a difference between being careless and unafraid, like the difference between the bliss that comes with ignorance and the peace that comes with knowledge. bravery and peace are aspects of empowerment. from my own perspective, the most fantastic thing that god has done for me, is to almost force me to take a good hard look in the mirror and to examine my intentions, find out what i'm really made of, and to be ok with that; to really love myself, which is what enables and empowers me to love other people, and i do care.

what your statement really means is you aren't afraid to be wrong about things you don't respect or have no real consequence to you. if you really respected, took seriously and cared about the truth or 'god' as much as you seem to say, you would never make such a statement. you are not afraid to be 'wrong' about 'god' because the bottomline is you really don't care about the truth of god, your perception of god is more important and how it makes you feel.

i care about truth, and truth is of god, so i care about god. but i am not god and that's ok. i have my perception and a relationship with god and that's ok because god understands my perception and things are working out just fine.

my relationship with god hasn't always made me feel good. for the most part it's made me feel really bad. it's not the kind of feeling that comes from some emotional attachment, or physical comfort, or pride. it's the opposite of that actually. i've had those things taken away, and it was extremely painful. it's a war between the flesh and the spirit and your flesh is a casualty if you win.

i actually think the idea of someone being afraid to be wrong is funny. i mean if you look at the state of humanity and what's going on in the world, it's got to be comedic irony at it's best don't you think? it's a morbid sense of humor.

i think that your misunderstanding is the result of a paradigm that says that my faith is the result of some intellectual endeavor, and it's not. my faith is the result of experience that i've actually had to live through. and it's not as if my intellect doesn't play a part at all, but it's more of a response than a catalyst, and at least as much of a hindrance as a benefit.

when i was younger, i was the smart one and quite the little approval seeker. i always tested in the 98-99 percentile, got good grades, honors classes, teacher's pet, the whole nine yards. and i constantly had people patting me on the head and telling me how smart i was. as i grew, i attached my sense of self-worth to my intellect and that approval. i suppose i was too smart for my own good though, as that attachment eventually became very boring and unfulfilling.

i also grew into quite the control freak. until about 6 years ago, when i went through a very intense and very strange spiritual experience. and i damn near drove myself insane attempting to intellectualize it and control it. it was by far the hardest thing i've ever been through. i felt like my brain exploded and i was left sitting there staring at the bloody chunks all over the place. i was devastated...destroyed. god had completely turned me and my life upside down and iinside out, and the only thing that was really clear to me is that i would never be the same again. the old me is gone.

that's why i say that god really forced me to find out what i was made of, and it's why i'm not afraid of anything. i've found that intellect is only a benefit to the degree to which you are not attached to it. pride is a wall. and the flesh, well, it can be a real cage. one that with god's help, i've been able to break free from. now i feel, and am, invincible.
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i care about truth, and truth is of god, so i care about god. but i am not god and that's ok. i have my perception and a relationship with god and that's ok because god understands my perception and things are working out just fine.

my relationship with god hasn't always made me feel good. for the most part it's made me feel really bad. it's not the kind of feeling that comes from some emotional attachment, or physical comfort, or pride. it's the opposite of that actually. i've had those things taken away, and it was extremely painful. it's a war between the flesh and the spirit and your flesh is a casualty if you win.

i actually think the idea of someone being afraid to be wrong is funny. i mean if you look at the state of humanity and what's going on in the world, it's got to be comedic irony at it's best don't you think? it's a morbid sense of humor.

i think that your misunderstanding is the result of a paradigm that says that my faith is the result of some intellectual endeavor, and it's not. my faith is the result of experience that i've actually had to live through. and it's not as if my intellect doesn't play a part at all, but it's more of a response than a catalyst, and at least as much of a hindrance as a benefit.

when i was younger, i was the smart one and quite the little approval seeker. i always tested in the 98-99 percentile, got good grades, honors classes, teacher's pet, the whole nine yards. and i constantly had people patting me on the head and telling me how smart i was. as i grew, i attached my sense of self-worth to my intellect and that approval. i suppose i was too smart for my own good though, as that attachment eventually became very boring and unfulfilling.

i also grew into quite the control freak. until about 6 years ago, when i went through a very intense and very strange spiritual experience. and i damn near drove myself insane attempting to intellectualize it and control it. it was by far the hardest thing i've ever been through. i felt like my brain exploded and i was left sitting there staring at the bloody chunks all over the place. i was devastated...destroyed. god had completely turned me and my life upside down and iinside out, and the only thing that was really clear to me is that i would never be the same again. the old me is gone.

that's why i say that god really forced me to find out what i was made of, and it's why i'm not afraid of anything. i've found that intellect is only a benefit to the degree to which you are not attached to it. pride is a wall. and the flesh, well, it can be a real cage. one that with god's help, i've been able to break free from. now i feel, and am, invincible.

you are doing whatever you can to survive and help yourself which is understandable. that's a personal truth or evolution but that's different than the detached truth discussing a separate entity.

also, it's not funny that people are afraid to be wrong and i don't see that as a general theme of society. they are not afraid to be wrong at all usually. they just react.

also, being 'smart' is not about attention seeking. those are two different issues.

also, your distinction of spirit vs flesh and that 'god' helps you to overcome the flesh is counter to your previous idea that creation is perfect.
you are doing whatever you can to survive and help yourself which is understandable. that's a personal truth or evolution but that's different than the detached truth discussing a separate entity.

also, it's not funny that people are afraid to be wrong and i don't see that as a general theme of society. they are not afraid to be wrong at all usually. they just react.

also, being 'smart' is not about attention seeking. those are two different issues.

also, your distinction of spirit vs flesh and that 'god' helps you to overcome the flesh is counter to your previous idea that creation is perfect.

i didn't help myself.

and if creation is perfect, then why aren't we?

i have a riddle for you, and anyone else who would like to try...

how much intellect does it take to figure out how to truly love someone?

hint: doesn't it seem like puppies master this better than the most and least intelligent humans? *wags tail*
i didn't help myself.

and if creation is perfect, then why aren't we?

i have a riddle for you, and anyone else who would like to try...

how much intellect does it take to figure out how to truly love someone?

hint: doesn't it seem like puppies master this better than the most and least intelligent humans? *wags tail*

you just totally missed or dismissed a point. it's like you just have conversations with yourself. lol

the difference was pointed out between diiscussing the possibility of an entity vs your personal feelings.

was there any contention or even mention of love or feelings? i don't think so. read.
you just totally missed or dismissed a point. it's like you just have conversations with yourself. lol

the difference was pointed out between diiscussing the possibility of an entity vs your personal feelings.

was there any contention or even mention of love or feelings? i don't think so. read.

i'm aware of the difference between an entity and my feelings. what do you want me to say in regards to that? it's obvious. :shrug:
For some reason I have been deemed righteous enough for him to physicaly show me he exists.

In the sky he wrote to me everything that i wanted to know deep in my heart, That is not a metaphor either he literaly wrote in the sky using contrails and clouds, i saw verses of the quran written in the sky and I am not fluent in arabic but i do study the quran and i can recognize the symbols/characters quite easily. and no less than 7 times in a row did he write the name allah (most high) above my house :bawl, everytime i doubted its authenticity another would appear.

In my heart he was also writing while I was busy in awe reading his words in the blue sky. I emerged from this experience with confirmed knowledge and he assured me on my instinctive nature and creed. saying i have lived a life as a muslim from birth automaticaly rejecting idol worship and mainstream religions that encourage sin and offence in his eyes. he told me how he was pleased with me in-spite of my numerous mistakes in life.

Obviously i dont expect this story to change any non believers hearts because I cannot teach faith to anyone, nobody can teach faith to another. but i tell you truly this story is not made up it is real.

Still i am a vegetarian and i do not eat even halal or kosher meats and will not eat them even if i know they are pure for most men to consume.


You didn't happen to get a picture of that cloud-writing, did you? Considering how important this claim might be, that seems like quite an oversight. Why do alien abductions and heavenly apparitions always happen to people without cameras?
Batman proved to me that he exists.
You didn't happen to get a picture of that cloud-writing, did you? Considering how important this claim might be, that seems like quite an oversight. Why do alien abductions and heavenly apparitions always happen to people without cameras?

would you guys stop with the patronizing sarcasm please?

*in my best mocking voice* "considering how important this claim might be..."


it's not important to you. :mad:

that's why it didn't happen to you and that's why all the pictures in the world wouldn't mean jack shit to you. to you it'd be just another cloud wouldn't it?
would you guys stop with the patronizing sarcasm please?

*in my best mocking voice* "considering how important this claim might be..."


it's not important to you. :mad:

that's why it didn't happen to you and that's why all the pictures in the world wouldn't mean jack shit to you. to you it'd be just another cloud wouldn't it?

I was actually not being sarcastic at all. If clouds formed words, then I think it would be the most important and interesting meteorological event in modern history. If they existed only in his head, then one must consider his head to be the source of his experience, and we all know heads lie to us, especially when we are in a weakened state from all that vegetarianism, exercising, and meditation.