God proved to me that he exists.

I am all for a spiritual awakening, but if it is a true awakening... if you truly saw God or a vision of Him- it's time to give up your life and dedicate it to deciphering His message. This is a forum- not the best place to describe the impossible. This vision is not a springboard for thoughts, it's challenge upon you to best spread the word.

I have already done what i was told to do, But i didnt need to change much about myself, I already stopped doing all the bad things in my life years ago. I have been living a pure life for ages now.

He told me to go to Mount Sinai to talk to him and thats exactly what im doing, I booked a flight asap to Egypt, I will be landing in Egypt in April.

I thought it couldnt help spreading this message on Sciforums, I cant leave the country right this second anyway its impossible, So I didnt see the harm in spreading it over the internet until im waiting for my flight.

How did you establish that you weren't just imagining all of that?

People claim to see all kinds of extraordinary things in the sky. They see flying saucers, they see visions of the virgin Mary, and apparently now God is writing in Arabic. Heavenly visions have been happening since the stone age.

The philosophical point is that the word 'proof' seems to have a very different meaning when it's referring to one person's private experience than it has when the proof is public, objective and open to everyone. When it's private and subjective, 'proof' kind of collapses together with 'faith' and refers to a sense of one's own personal conviction.

But unfortunately, lots of different people are totally and unshakeably convinced of very different, totally incompatible things. Some of the things that people believe are rather bizarre. The problem is sorting out which, if any, of those things is actually true.

Your being convinced that you are receiving revelations from God (just like your supposed prophet) is certainly interesting (mostly in a psychological but also in a Muslim theological sense) but it isn't likely to be very convincing to others.

I was not raised a Muslim and i dont even like calling myself a muslim even after taking my shahadah, I was raised an Atheist and later on i became a Daoist. I still dont like calling myself religious, Im spiritual i dont care for religion.

Why would i doubt what i see?. I dont doubt seeing a car drive past me, would you doubt seeing a cat that just walked up to you and licked your hand?. would you then say "I think that cat might not be real and is my imagination"

You are doubting me ofcourse because you didnt see it with your own eyes, But i assure you that if this happened to you then you would believe it.

i've had this sort of inclination to feel that the concept of god also depends on category.

for instance, when i think of the universe or life processes as how it operates here, i get the impression that if there were a god responsible for it that it is inherently and at root, pure evil. i see this as the foundation of how 'life' operates here. this is because i have met many people that seem to feel very 'comfortable' and natural here and they seem to be the ones who are the most evil. they seem more animalistic and have that killer instinct with no remorse or scruples, so to speak. they may even get their jollies off this way. i've noticed this uncanny pattern consistently, it's kind of like how if a universe is structured as the base or lowest denominator and that is what is the most vile or base. so one would never really get inherently punished for it by nature for instance if one were to play dirty or the most lowdown as that is what it's built on. it is not based on any morality at all. morality seems to be of another element in play as i will describe below.

but if i were to consider the concept of god as being an element within or caught in this structure which happens to exist here but not necessarily a part of it's design, then i can see that the good can be described as from 'god'. again, this god would not be the creator of the universe or the laws of life here but moreso as part of the struggle for survival and trying to preserve or keep sacred all that is precious and worthwile within the duality and harshness it finds itself in, kind of like making the best of it so to speak. the value and sense of caring for all life or the sanctity of it rather than the disrespect and even downright mockery of it as illustrated before; the energy and values are so different and on a different dimension . it seems to be from an entirely different or opposite source.

Sounds like you are grappling with the morality of existence itself. he is the god of good and the god of evil in human terms.

God is beyond good and evil in his own terms, you are observing god through human eyes, there was no difference between good and evil before seperate sentient beings were created.

God lives above good and evil those things dont apply to him. you could say he is utterly evil or etterly good, both may be true to humans but in reality he is niether.

Hallucinations are reliable predictors of mental disease. A wile imagination is one thing. Hallucinating is another. I'm not sure which happened here. But one thing is for sure. Gods and Goddesses do not exist and you only saw clouds in the blue sky floating along.

If you continue to "see" and "hear" things that no one else sees and hears - I'd strongly advice speaking to a doctor and having an MRI run. If caught early enough, some symptoms of schizophrenia can be treated without medication.

Lol thankyou for your concern.


Lori and EFC have both had direct communications from God. Except that Lori heard from the Christian god and EFC heard from the Muslim god.

How do you two reconcile that?

The god of the jews, god of the christians and god of the musilms are all the same entity.

I am Trying to bring all of them together in London, The muslims are actualy helping me the most, the jews dont want to know and just look at me wierd, and christians seem to not be able to get past the fact that jesus was not a god and they think everything is the antichrist.

I believe that God comes to all those who seek and have faith in God.

Yeah me too, i just never expected any direct communication with him, I was just expecting to live my life and have faith in the unseen. I was content with just having faith aswell I was very shocked to see all of this.

I have already done what i was told to do, But i didnt need to change much about myself, I already stopped doing all the bad things in my life years ago. I have been living a pure life for ages now.

He told me to go to Mount Sinai to talk to him and thats exactly what im doing, I booked a flight asap to Egypt, I will be landing in Egypt in April.

I thought it couldnt help spreading this message on Sciforums, I cant leave the country right this second anyway its impossible, So I didnt see the harm in spreading it over the internet until im waiting for my flight.

Dude- you don't need to go to Sinai to get your personal revelation- it was already given to you. God is everywhere. And BTW- where exactly is Mount Sinai?

Don't piss on my leg and call it holy water.
Dude- you don't need to go to Sinai to get your personal revelation- it was already given to you. God is everywhere. And BTW- where exactly is Mount Sinai?

Don't piss on my leg and call it holy water.

No i believe this is another of his tests to see if i will go there regardless of the upcomming Civil war.

Mount Sinai is on the Sinai peninsular in egypt, it is where the jews were exiled to after crossing the desert and moses recieved the commandments from the most high.

I wondered why he didnt encourage me to go to mecca i thought it was strange, but then i realized that I am of jewish blood and it makes sense to me that he will reveal further things to me there.

I am going to sit on the summit of mount Sinai and wait for him to show himself.

So you are our savior from this upcoming civil war then? And you plan to sit on a mountaintop to await orders from His Most Holy?

Good luck.
what i said is absolutely correct, and makes sense. that's why this is the only retort you could muster. *wags tail*

no, that's not it unfortunately. it's that you assume god is an entity and i don't see that as being a fact. there are too many other possibilities but you take what personally makes sense to you to mean it' a fact. it's the way you wrote your post which is delusional. you, like most theists, exercise not an iota of healthy skepticism.

Sounds like you are grappling with the morality of existence itself. he is the god of good and the god of evil in human terms.

God is beyond good and evil in his own terms, you are observing god through human eyes, there was no difference between good and evil before seperate sentient beings were created.

God lives above good and evil those things dont apply to him. you could say he is utterly evil or etterly good, both may be true to humans but in reality he is niether.

uh, thank you for your opinion on the matter but that does nothing about the existence of life here. that's all we can go by in reality and that is what is dealt with. what something is or deals with somewhere far away is in actuality a moot point. it's what it affects us here.

and no, it's not "observing" god through "human" eyes. the predation is not an abstract idea, it is real and so is a lot of the evil, pain and suffering caused as well as experienced.

in the bible this is depicted as a battle between the flesh and the spirit, or satan's rebellion against god.

and this actually denotes or hints at disparate elements which makes more sense. this would also indicate that it's not a matter of a conscious creation but more a circumstance that was created possibly not intentionally or by one or both parties or by other forces.
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So you are our savior from this upcoming civil war then? And you plan to sit on a mountaintop to await orders from His Most Holy?

Good luck.

I dont plan on doing any fighting but then again i dont exactly know what im going to do, all I know is i have to go to that mountain, its a little confusing.

If I am told to help the people then i will but i dont plan on getting involved.

I dont plan on doing any fighting but then again i dont exactly know what im going to do, all I know is i have to go to that mountain, its a little confusing.

If I am told to help the people then i will but i dont plan on getting involved.

If you are this confused, then you did not get a clear sign from God- plain and simple. Good luck waiting for Biblical prophecy to reveal itself to you and you only. And while you're at it, stop pretending you are our savior.
If you are this confused, then you did not get a clear sign from God- plain and simple. Good luck waiting for Biblical prophecy to reveal itself to you and you only. And while you're at it, stop pretending you are our savior.

I am confused as to what I will see or hear when I get there, If I knew what was going to happen I doubt there would be a point in me going.

Savior? lol, I doubt i can save the world im just 1 person.

I was not raised a Muslim and i dont even like calling myself a muslim even after taking my shahadah, I was raised an Atheist and later on i became a Daoist. I still dont like calling myself religious, Im spiritual i dont care for religion.

That's kind of irrelevant to your so-called "proof" of God's existence. But it is interesting from a broader religious studies sense.

What's your ethnic background and where to you live? Do you live in a Muslim majority community and is your family history Muslim, at least ancestrally? I recall you going on rather insultingly about "kaffirs" in another post and praising your Islamic "brothers" in London, as I recall. Are you in London?

What finally led you to Islam? And why Daoism before that? Where did you encounter Daoism? The reason I ask is that what you wrote suggests that you went through a period of religious experimentation (and may still be in it, if Islam turns out to be just another phase).

Here in California (Silicon Valley) where I live, religious eclecticism and experimentation is routine and expected, but I sense that it wouldn't be quite as welcome in more traditionalist Islamic family and societal contexts. Do young people in Islamic societies even have the opportunity to enter and leave a succession of non-Islamic religious communities in search of something spiritually congenial, or is religious identity established at birth?
no, that's not it unfortunately. it's that you assume god is an entity and i don't see that as being a fact. there are too many other possibilities but you take what personally makes sense to you to mean it' a fact. it's the way you wrote your post which is delusional. you, like most theists, exercise not an iota of healthy skepticism.

if it walks like an entity, and it talks like an entity...

there's nothing delusional about that.

unhealthy skepticism = paranoia.
That's kind of irrelevant to your so-called "proof" of God's existence. But it is interesting from a broader religious studies sense.

What's your ethnic background and where to you live? Do you live in a Muslim majority community and is your family history Muslim, at least ancestrally? I recall you going on rather insultingly about "kaffirs" in another post and praising your Islamic "brothers" in London, as I recall. Are you in London?

What finally led you to Islam? And why Daoism before that? Where did you encounter Daoism? The reason I ask is that what you wrote suggests that you went through a period of religious experimentation (and may still be in it, if Islam turns out to be just another phase).

Here in California (Silicon Valley) where I live, religious eclecticism and experimentation is routine and expected, but I sense that it wouldn't be quite as welcome in more traditionalist Islamic family and societal contexts. Do young people in Islamic societies even have the opportunity to enter and leave a succession of non-Islamic religious communities in search of something spiritually congenial, or is religious identity established at birth?

Forgive me for what i am about to say but you seem like you are asking an awful lot of questions that come off as some sort of police profile attempt. but here is what i shall tell you.

My Bloodline going back 700 years is Jewish, I have not been able to trace my roots back any further than 700 years at this present time.

In reverse order it is as followed, London>Russia>Med>Israel>-Un-Known.

if it walks like an entity, and it talks like an entity...

there's nothing delusional about that.

unhealthy skepticism = paranoia.

right. so 'god' walks and talks?

i'm sure there is nothing delusional about your take.

i thought you were a christian, not some new-ager. some people believe that all are 'gods' so to speak or this must be your metaphor for 'god' speaking through people. guess what? there will be people who swear god is talking or working through them and you will disagree with their ways and what they are doing. so is it just you that must be correct? see how that opens up more question? you have wrapped god up conveniently for yourself and that is more delusional or short-sighted.

there is nothing paranoid about not believing in god.
That's kind of irrelevant to your so-called "proof" of God's existence. But it is interesting from a broader religious studies sense.

What's your ethnic background and where to you live? Do you live in a Muslim majority community and is your family history Muslim, at least ancestrally? I recall you going on rather insultingly about "kaffirs" in another post and praising your Islamic "brothers" in London, as I recall. Are you in London?

What finally led you to Islam? And why Daoism before that? Where did you encounter Daoism? The reason I ask is that what you wrote suggests that you went through a period of religious experimentation (and may still be in it, if Islam turns out to be just another phase).

Here in California (Silicon Valley) where I live, religious eclecticism and experimentation is routine and expected, but I sense that it wouldn't be quite as welcome in more traditionalist Islamic family and societal contexts. Do young people in Islamic societies even have the opportunity to enter and leave a succession of non-Islamic religious communities in search of something spiritually congenial, or is religious identity established at birth?

I forgot to mention, I was in part raised with chinese people and have studied various martial arts since a young age, this is where my Daoist teachings begin.
I have lived in a few different "ethnic" areas, a Jewish Community, an African and Carribean Community and Asian Community.

right. so 'god' walks and talks?

certainly you've heard that old expression...in regards to ducks. did you think it's only applicable to ducks? :confused:

i'm sure there is nothing delusional about your take.

i thought you were a christian, not some new-ager. some people believe that all are 'gods' so to speak or this must be your metaphor for 'god' speaking through people. guess what? there will be people who swear god is talking or working through them and you will disagree with their ways and what they are doing. so is it just you that must be correct? see how that opens up more question? you have wrapped god up conveniently for yourself and that is more delusional or short-sighted.

there is nothing paranoid about not believing in god.

i indeed would have to be paranoid to not believe in god. i am speaking only for myself, but you seem to have no regard whatsoever for an individual's perception or experience, even your own, and i think that's sad. i don't feel a need to agree with everyone's or anyone's ways or what they do. that has no contingence on my belief in god. i don't need to "wrap god up". that's YOU who needs that, not me.
certainly you've heard that old expression...in regards to ducks. did you think it's only applicable to ducks? :confused:

i indeed would have to be paranoid to not believe in god. i am speaking only for myself, but you seem to have no regard whatsoever for an individual's perception or experience, even your own, and i think that's sad. i don't feel a need to agree with everyone's or anyone's ways or what they do. that has no contingence on my belief in god. i don't need to "wrap god up". that's YOU who needs that, not me.

this didn't make any sense at all. none. ducks? what does god walking and talking have to do with ducks?

you think a disbelief in something is paranoia which doesn't make sense but perhaps that a belief in something is not due paranoia. it could be neither, did you ever consider that?

i'm not talking about people's perceptions. we're talking about a separate entity that you call god. you easily forget the subject matter. is your perception god or not? or is god just an actual entity to you? it seems it is. you see, you've conjured up or created your take in a god that fits with your perceptions so that you have no doubts or questions, thus you say you are not paranoid because you have no doubts on the matter. why would you? you've fashion it to mold to you. that doesn't necessarily mean it's actually true when discussing a separate entity.

i need to 'wrap god up' and you don't? that doesn't make any sense considering you are the one so sure of what god is.

see? it's like you could string random words together and make no sense whatsoever it's so convoluted and arbitrary.
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