God proved to me that he exists.

god is god, and what you experience of god depends on your unique perception, just as it is with anything else you experience. what is beautiful about humanity, is that we are all unique, and yet can only survive in communion, which results in a never ending abundance to experience, share, and to learn from together. it is fear that drives us away from each other, and encourages us all to close our eyes.

someone needs to wake your silly, deluded self up.

you better keep your eyes open, have fear and stay away from things that can and will harm you in life and there are many.

you keep on with this delusion that life is this benign and beautiful thing when it's not the whole picture, there is a very dark side to it which is just as strong and just as prevalent.

also, god isn't just "god." wtf kind of statement is that? it's totally meaningless. no one knows what god is, if it exists or what it is because it can be defined in anyway a person decides to. also, what we experience may have nothing to do with god and this universe may have nothing to do with any conceived design. it may have been similar to an accident. i don't like how you state things trying to make it seem as if they are facts. if you could get away with it, you would do that if it weren't for those who exercise some level of intellectual integrity.
For some reason I have been deemed righteous enough for him to physicaly show me he exists.

In the sky he wrote to me everything that i wanted to know deep in my heart, That is not a metaphor either he literaly wrote in the sky using contrails and clouds, i saw verses of the quran written in the sky and I am not fluent in arabic but i do study the quran and i can recognize the symbols/characters quite easily. and no less than 7 times in a row did he write the name allah (most high) above my house :bawl, everytime i doubted its authenticity another would appear.

How did you establish that you weren't just imagining all of that?

People claim to see all kinds of extraordinary things in the sky. They see flying saucers, they see visions of the virgin Mary, and apparently now God is writing in Arabic. Heavenly visions have been happening since the stone age.

The philosophical point is that the word 'proof' seems to have a very different meaning when it's referring to one person's private experience than it has when the proof is public, objective and open to everyone. When it's private and subjective, 'proof' kind of collapses together with 'faith' and refers to a sense of one's own personal conviction.

But unfortunately, lots of different people are totally and unshakeably convinced of very different, totally incompatible things. Some of the things that people believe are rather bizarre. The problem is sorting out which, if any, of those things is actually true.

Your being convinced that you are receiving revelations from God (just like your supposed prophet) is certainly interesting (mostly in a psychological but also in a Muslim theological sense) but it isn't likely to be very convincing to others.
someone needs to wake your silly, deluded self up.

you better keep your eyes open, have fear and stay away from things that can and will harm you in life and there are many.

you keep on with this delusion that life is this benign and beautiful thing when it's not the whole picture, there is a very dark side to it which is just as strong and just as prevalent.

also, god isn't just "god." wtf kind of statement is that? it's totally meaningless. no one knows what god is, if it exists or what it is because it can be defined in anyway a person decides to. also, what we experience may have nothing to do with god and this universe may have nothing to do with any conceived design. it may have been similar to an accident. i don't like how you state things trying to make it seem as if they are facts. if you could get away with it, you would do that if it weren't for those who exercise some level of intellectual integrity.

You're afraid of being wrong, and that seems pretty silly to me.

"god is god" is a statement kind of like "my mom is my mom". i can't define my mom. i can describe her. i don't feel the need to put her in a lab and run tests on her to be able to "study" her, or to prove to someone else that she exists, and she's my mom. and even if i were to, science couldn't define my mom either. i wouldn't consider myself to be studying my mom really, but experiencing her, interacting with her, and having a relationship with her. there are other people who experience her, interact with her, and have relationships with her, and all of those experiences, interactions, and relationships would be different, and all of those people would describe her differently. given that, she still exists, and she's still the same person, and she is what she is.
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You're afraid of being wrong, and that seems pretty silly to me.

"god is god" is a statement kind of like "my mom is my mom". i can't define my mom. i can describe her. i don't feel the need to put her in a lab and run tests on her to be able to "study" her, or to prove to someone else that she exists, and she's my mom. and even if i were to, science couldn't define my mom either. i wouldn't consider myself to be studying my mom really, but experiencing her, interacting with her, and having a relationship with her. there are other people who experience her, interact with her, and have relationships with her, and all of those experiences, interactions, and relationships would be different, and all of those people would describe her differently. given that, she still exists, and she's still the same person, and she is what she is.

talking to you is like conversing with a retarded but happy puppy.
For some reason I have been deemed righteous enough for him to physicaly show me he exists.

In the sky he wrote to me everything that i wanted to know deep in my heart, That is not a metaphor either he literaly wrote in the sky using contrails and clouds, i saw verses of the quran written in the sky and I am not fluent in arabic but i do study the quran and i can recognize the symbols/characters quite easily. and no less than 7 times in a row did he write the name allah (most high) above my house :bawl, everytime i doubted its authenticity another would appear.

In my heart he was also writing while I was busy in awe reading his words in the blue sky. I emerged from this experience with confirmed knowledge and he assured me on my instinctive nature and creed. saying i have lived a life as a muslim from birth automaticaly rejecting idol worship and mainstream religions that encourage sin and offence in his eyes. he told me how he was pleased with me in-spite of my numerous mistakes in life.

Obviously i dont expect this story to change any non believers hearts because I cannot teach faith to anyone, nobody can teach faith to another. but i tell you truly this story is not made up it is real.

Still i am a vegetarian and i do not eat even halal or kosher meats and will not eat them even if i know they are pure for most men to consume.


i've had this sort of inclination to feel that the concept of god also depends on category.

for instance, when i think of the universe or life processes as how it operates here, i get the impression that if there were a god responsible for it that it is inherently and at root, pure evil. i see this as the foundation of how 'life' operates here. this is because i have met many people that seem to feel very 'comfortable' and natural here and they seem to be the ones who are the most evil. they seem more animalistic and have that killer instinct with no remorse or scruples, so to speak. they may even get their jollies off this way. i've noticed this uncanny pattern consistently, it's kind of like how if a universe is structured as the base or lowest denominator and that is what is the most vile or base. so one would never really get inherently punished for it by nature for instance if one were to play dirty or the most lowdown as that is what it's built on. it is not based on any morality at all. morality seems to be of another element in play as i will describe below.

but if i were to consider the concept of god as being an element within or caught in this structure which happens to exist here but not necessarily a part of it's design, then i can see that the good can be described as from 'god'. again, this god would not be the creator of the universe or the laws of life here but moreso as part of the struggle for survival and trying to preserve or keep sacred all that is precious and worthwile within the duality and harshness it finds itself in, kind of like making the best of it so to speak. the value and sense of caring for all life or the sanctity of it rather than the disrespect and even downright mockery of it as illustrated before; the energy and values are so different and on a different dimension . it seems to be from an entirely different or opposite source.
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I am all for a spiritual awakening, but if it is a true awakening... if you truly saw God or a vision of Him- it's time to give up your life and dedicate it to deciphering His message. This is a forum- not the best place to describe the impossible. This vision is not a springboard for thoughts, it's challenge upon you to best spread the word.
Hallucinations are reliable predictors of mental disease. A wile imagination is one thing. Hallucinating is another. I'm not sure which happened here. But one thing is for sure. Gods and Goddesses do not exist and you only saw clouds in the blue sky floating along.

If you continue to "see" and "hear" things that no one else sees and hears - I'd strongly advice speaking to a doctor and having an MRI run. If caught early enough, some symptoms of schizophrenia can be treated without medication.

Lori and EFC have both had direct communications from God. Except that Lori heard from the Christian god and EFC heard from the Muslim god.

How do you two reconcile that?

Lori and EFC have both had direct communications from God. Except that Lori heard from the Christian god and EFC heard from the Muslim god.

How do you two reconcile that?
suppose your mother spoke directly to your father and she also spoke directly with you

does that mean that one person spoke to their husband and a totally different one spoke to their son?
Mom told dad to take out the trash and she told her son to clean up his room. if the dad and son were religious, the dad would start practicing rituals with trash bags, and the son would build a shrine in his bedroom, when all mom really wants is for the house to be tidy.

I don't find any contention with what efc has testified to. I recognize the fruit of the spirit in other people and I recognize the god I know in many other peoples testimony. And those who know god know there is only one and his purpose is one.
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Hallucinations are reliable predictors of mental disease. A wile imagination is one thing. Hallucinating is another. I'm not sure which happened here. But one thing is for sure. Gods and Goddesses do not exist and you only saw clouds in the blue sky floating along.

If you continue to "see" and "hear" things that no one else sees and hears - I'd strongly advice speaking to a doctor and having an MRI run. If caught early enough, some symptoms of schizophrenia can be treated without medication.

If you plucked your head out of the sand long enough to realize how stupid you sound you would stop talking.
I am all for a spiritual awakening, but if it is a true awakening... if you truly saw God or a vision of Him- it's time to give up your life and dedicate it to deciphering His message. This is a forum- not the best place to describe the impossible. This vision is not a springboard for thoughts, it's challenge upon you to best spread the word.

What do you think is the best way to do that?
i've had this sort of inclination to feel that the concept of god also depends on category.

for instance, when i think of the universe or life processes as how it operates here, i get the impression that if there were a god responsible for it that it is inherently and at root, pure evil. i see this as the foundation of how 'life' operates here. this is because i have met many people that seem to feel very 'comfortable' and natural here and they seem to be the ones who are the most evil. they seem more animalistic and have that killer instinct with no remorse or scruples, so to speak. they may even get their jollies off this way. i've noticed this uncanny pattern consistently, it's kind of like how if a universe is structured as the base or lowest denominator and that is what is the most vile or base. so one would never really get inherently punished for it by nature for instance if one were to play dirty or the most lowdown as that is what it's built on. it is not based on any morality at all. morality seems to be of another element in play as i will describe below.

but if i were to consider the concept of god as being an element within or caught in this structure which happens to exist here but not necessarily a part of it's design, then i can see that the good can be described as from 'god'. again, this god would not be the creator of the universe or the laws of life here but moreso as part of the struggle for survival and trying to preserve or keep sacred all that is precious and worthwile within the duality and harshness it finds itself in, kind of like making the best of it so to speak. the value and sense of caring for all life or the sanctity of it rather than the disrespect and even downright mockery of it as illustrated before; the energy and values are so different and on a different dimension . it seems to be from an entirely different or opposite source.

in the bible this is depicted as a battle between the flesh and the spirit, or satan's rebellion against god.
talking to you is like conversing with a retarded but happy puppy.

what i said is absolutely correct, and makes sense. that's why this is the only retort you could muster. *wags tail*
What do you think is the best way to do that?

I would use the Bible as my guide. If God revealed Himself to me on Earth, I would give up my worldly possessions and live like a beggar, going town to town spreading the word of God.

It's soooo easy to post your personal revelation anonymously in an Internet forum, but it's hard to give up your life to serve God. So coming to a forum and spreading your personal beliefs is great, but accomplishes nothing but makes you a kook.

There is this fool in another forum- half of his posts are "revelations made to him directly from God" and the other half are rhetorical, open-ended questions that any religious man can see through. Half his posts assert God and the other half question Him.

Moses did more than write the first five books of the Bible- he also went into exile for 40 years which ended with him finding Israel.

Talk is cheap.
I would use the Bible as my guide. If God revealed Himself to me on Earth, I would give up my worldly possessions and live like a beggar, going town to town spreading the word of God.

It's soooo easy to post your personal revelation, but it's hard to give up your life to serve God. So coming to a forum and spreading your personal beliefs is great, but accomplishes nothing but makes you a kook.

There is this fool in another forum- half of his posts are "revelations made to him directly from God" and the other half are rhetorical, open-ended questions that any religious man can see through.

Moses did more than write the first five books of the Bible- he also went into exile for 40 years which ended with him finding Israel.

Talk is cheap.

i don't know that i agree with the specifics you've suggested (unless god specifically commands you to live as a beggar), but generally i agree.

i think the way to witness is to allow god's work in you, and then BE that change.

i don't think you have to SAY a damn thing. but, that IS what discussion forums are for.
I admit I am a kook too- I had my own personal revelation. And although it has changed my perspective on life, I don't go around dictating my beliefs to others. I made the mistake of doing it here once and did it again when you and I PMmed each other and I went into detail, Lori.

A lot changed in my life with my revelation. And I use that as my guide. But I do not go around telling people to repent, and that is the line that was crossed here.

Once again, if God revealed Himself to me personally, I would surrender my life and go out like a beggar on the streets spreading the good word. I would not be content posting in a forum- I would find my way to the Vatican and the Kaaba and preach what I know to be true.

This is a far cry from that.
i don't know that i agree with the specifics you've suggested (unless god specifically commands you to live as a beggar), but generally i agree.

I think the way to witness is to allow god's work in you, and then BE that change.

i don't think you have to SAY a damn thing. but, that IS what discussion forums are for.

If God appeared to you personally, it would be a life changing event. Your life as you knew it would be over and a new, enlightened life would begin. You would have no choice but to give up your humanity to spread the word of God to all that can hear. The entire Bible is full of people who got the call and did just that. And who can blame them?!! We're talking about GOD!

I already surrendered my life to God and go where He wants me to. And I would gladly lay down my life for any person knowing my reward was already given to me. My most outward change is that I smile more, especially in the face of adversity because I know the nature of life and death- I am enlightened just as the OP claims to be.

There have been many challenges in the past few years but it always worked itself out for me. There have been many times when I was troubled over an uncertain future and gave up the fight knowing God is there for me. And things worked themselves out and I ended up in the light at the end.

Just as scientists claim "extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof", coming anonymously to a forum and espousing personal beliefs is a far cry from the message God gave you- assuming it really was God and not an imaginary delusion. And once again, the Bible is full of stories of men who found their true God and changed their life.

Discussion forums are not the place to speak about personal revelations and it gives you no moral high ground to dictate from. The simple fact that someone is making such extraordinary claims in and of itself is a sign that you got the message and don't know what to make of it.

And if it was God speaking to you, then no man is qualified to decipher God's mysteries, so coming to a forum is a poor choice.

You will know when God truly spoke to you when your life changes for the better; when you realize your words are worth more than your life. This is the path of Jesus and it is a good path to follow.

But last time I checked, I didn't see Jesus on Twitter.