god is god, and what you experience of god depends on your unique perception, just as it is with anything else you experience. what is beautiful about humanity, is that we are all unique, and yet can only survive in communion, which results in a never ending abundance to experience, share, and to learn from together. it is fear that drives us away from each other, and encourages us all to close our eyes.
someone needs to wake your silly, deluded self up.
you better keep your eyes open, have fear and stay away from things that can and will harm you in life and there are many.
you keep on with this delusion that life is this benign and beautiful thing when it's not the whole picture, there is a very dark side to it which is just as strong and just as prevalent.
also, god isn't just "god." wtf kind of statement is that? it's totally meaningless. no one knows what god is, if it exists or what it is because it can be defined in anyway a person decides to. also, what we experience may have nothing to do with god and this universe may have nothing to do with any conceived design. it may have been similar to an accident. i don't like how you state things trying to make it seem as if they are facts. if you could get away with it, you would do that if it weren't for those who exercise some level of intellectual integrity.