God proved to me that he exists.

I will add my similar experience.

My whole family witnessed this together. And I thank my mother for this, as she is the most religious of us all.

This happened during fajr prayer. My mother used to pray in our lawn outside. That day right above our house the sky was full of the names of Allah and Muhammad, the background was full of colorful flowers (yes colorful).

She wanted all of us to see it too so she called us all out. All of us saw it. We saw Bismillah (complete) in arabic written as clear as anyone can write it with a fine pen. Then it transformed into the Kalimah, in Arabic. This was happening on the left side of the sky. While Allah and Muhammad was written on the right side of the sky.

The kalimah then turned into a sword that spanned the length of our house (pretty big in Pakistan). And the sword swung from the left to the right (while the place you hold it remained there) as if someone swung it. My mother said this was the sword of Ali- who knows.

During this time there was also light rain on our house, while taking even a step outside our house there was no rain.

There were no huge clouds there. And on top of our house the only 'clouds' were just the stuff that was written the thickness of which was as if it was written with a pen. With all the Arabic properly dotted.

I was at the time 10 I think.

Now you atheists start laughing. I'm not going to argue though.

Peace be unto you ;)

that is awesome! :)

chi's banned. fuckers...:mad:
Chi's only gone for one day, and is probably writing up 10 zillion words in the interim, although he swears to become more concise.
It's not his concision (or lack of) that's the problem.
It's the coherence that's missing.
I will add my similar experience.
"Oh, shit!" is a good one, Spidergoat.

Lori, thou shalt not curse ("fuckers"), although it's not strictly a curse, but also beware of using the Lord's last name in vain, which is 'Dammit', by the way.

Well, Dywyddyr, once there was Cheech and Chong, and now there is Sci and Chi (to be fair, I listed the names unalphabetically), and so some science may rub off on Chi's empty cup of tea and stir in some coherency.
Lori, thou shalt not curse ("fuckers"), although it's not strictly a curse, but also beware of using the Lord's last name in vain, which is 'Dammit', by the way.

spidermuffin is full of good ones.

but i must correct you on this one. taking the lord's name in vain is actually when one uses his name to satisfy one's own vanity. you know, like many religious people do. using his name to satisfy some personal agenda or thinking it makes them look "good". i'm sure you've witnessed this. they stamp "jesus" on their foreheads, then proceed to parade themselves around like a bunch of clowns pointing fingers. ha!

fuckers. :mad:
BTW, is sockpuppet one word or two?

I thought since there are so many of them here, one of them could tell me.
No, Sci and Chi are opposites, one using information and the other using nothing, but he's likable, on and off, plus he's the one with the big fat cigar full of pot.

Which one is likable? You've got to be careful with pronouns.

And a having the blunt doesn't neccessarily make one likeable. It just makes him temporarily tolerable and accepted. :m:
Time will tell.

Sci does seem to get along and coexist with Chi quite well. The blunt of 'nothing' is really just joshing, but, also, as I told him, that 1 + (-1) = 0 (nothing) could go somewhere if we find that original stuff was not around forever, but was somehow a balance of nothing.
No, Sci and Chi are opposites, one using information and the other using nothing, but he's likable, on and off, plus he's the one with the big fat cigar full of pot.

I've REALLY got to apologize. :facepalm:

I didn't realize until just know that you're talking about yourself in the third person, and so you must be Chi's sockpuppet.

Sometimes, I just overlook the obvious.
On a more serious note I personally have seen some strange things in my life, one which I posted on physics and it got moved to pseudoscience. I really wanted an answer to my brother and I seeing a softball disappear in midair, but unless someone experiences this themselves they are not going to believe it. Having said this I did not automagically attribute this to God even though I was raised in the church. Ultimately, this event just made me curious about the universe and to seek out knowledge everywhere. Funny it kept me from being too dogmatic about anything.
Yes I am, although my puns are puny, for cirrus uncinus clouds would be good ink for writing Arabic. So, the mystery is solved.