God is TRUE - Can this be the proof for God?!

More miracles!

I can see that you picked a bunch of numbers, did a bunch of summing, squaring, concatenating, factoring, serial positioning, and so on and so forth, and chose to present those results which have 23 and 46 pop up a few times (considering 1 in every 23 numbers will be divisible by 23, and 1 in every 46 will be divisible by 46, that leaves you lots of options to pick and choose from doesn't it?). You then decided that the numbers 23 and 46 could only possibly refer to diploid and haploid number in human beings (since people with chromosome disorders don't count as humans I guess), since the chapter in which you're claiming to draw most of these numbers is titled "Human".

That's not the case at all. It would have taken me ages to find all those numbers. I just get ideas about how to approach the text and right there I find the stunning numbers! It's part due to my astonishment regarding the density of such interesting phenomena in the Quranic text that I share these facts here!

Please consider these additional facts that can be seen in chapter 76 "Human":

- The number of words from chapters beginning up to the first word of God - Allah - الله in verse number 6 is 46 words.

- The number of letters from chapters beginning up to the first word of God - Allah - الله in verse number 6 is 199 letters. The number 199 is the 46th prime number in universe.

- The number of letters from chapters beginning up to the first word of God - Allah - الله in verse number 6, including omitted letters of the Othmany script, is 207 letters. The number 207 is equal to 23 x 9. The special thing about number 9 is that the 9th prime number in universe is the number 23.

- The number of letters from chapters beginning up to verse 6 (where the word God - Allah - الله appears for the first time) is 184 which is 46 x 4.

- Counting the letters from chapters beginning up to the first God - Allah - الله word shows that the first letter in the word "Human" (الانسن) letter Alef ا is repeated 46 times (which is equal to human diploid chromosome number) and that the last letter in the word "Human" (الانسن) letter Noon ن is repeated 23 times (which is equal to human haploid chromosome number).

And much more in the chapter that is named "Human" in the Holy Quran. This chapter has only 31 verses and 243 words.

46 is the 31st composite number in universe

Sum on squares of 243, a^2 + b^2 + c^2:
a = 9
b = 9
c = 9

23 is the 9th prime number in universe

Prime numbers & composite numbers are building blocks of the Holy Quran.

In fact, Allah - God says this in the Quran:

I swear by the daybreak,

And the ten nights,

And the even and the odd (Which some researchers now have started to consider it referring actually to composite & prime numbers)

And the night when it departs.

Truly in that there is an oath (evidence) for those who possess understanding.

Come on, I thought many of you here have great faith in mathematics?!
This is pseudomathmatics. Any text can be counted and it's numbers correlated to significant numbers. It means nothing.
That's not the case at all. It would have taken me ages to find all those numbers. I just get ideas about how to approach the text and right there I find the stunning numbers! It's part due to my astonishment regarding the density of such interesting phenomena in the Quranic text that I share these facts here!

I'd like to see how you can prove that other people wouldn't find equally interesting correlations with other numbers in the Quran, even in the same chapters as you're using. I don't know you, so I can't verify how long you spend looking for such relationships or what sort of software you might be using. If you could just pick up a book at random that I could be certain you'd never read before, and every number scheme you concocted ended up with 23 or 46 or something like this, then I'd be impressed. Also, I don't see how the definition of composites and prime numbers necessarily match with nature itself- some people define 1 to be prime, some define it as neither prime nor composite. Changing the scheme you choose here will ruin many of your results.

Come on, I thought many of you here have great faith in mathematics?!

Indeed, I do have great faith in mathematics. Not only is it logical and faithful to whatever axioms you start with, but when applied to real world problems, it has actual predictive power, whereas your numerology attempts have no such power. So given my great esteem for mathematics, it sure would be nice if you could calculate for us the actual probability that the coincidences you're finding are more than just coincidences. Any time now.

This is pseudomathmatics. Any text can be counted and it's numbers correlated to significant numbers. It means nothing.

The fact is that this text "The Holy Quran"

- has a chapter named "Human".

- The word "Human" appears 65 times in the Quran.

- The word "Quran" appears 65 times up to chapter "Human".

- 65 is the 46 composite number in universe. Humans have 46 chromosomes.

- The first verse of chapter "Human" is the 46th verse form Quran's beginning that contains the word "Human".

- This chapter is the 31st chapter that contains the word "Human" from Quran's beginning. Number 46 is the 31st composite number in universe.

- 31 verses containing the word "Human" before chapter number 46 of the Quran and 31 such verses after it too!

- 23 chapters containing the word "Human" before chapter number 46

- 46 words, 46 Alef letters, 23 Noon letters and 199 letters (in total) up to the first occurrence of the word "Allah" - God in chapter "Human" AT THE SAME TIME 199 Alef letters in whole chapter. Number 199 is the 46th prime number in universe.

I ask again what evidence makes you reject the idea of an all knowing God?! Isn't only because of the false conception that religion just puts restrictions on human life?!

What about the 5 huge numbers (+160 digit each) derived from the opening chapter of the Quran that all divide perfectly by key miracle number 19.

There is a chance that ALL of that is not due to chance at all !!!

There is a chance also that it's God's plan for some of you reading this post now to start seeing things the true and simple manner they are. Please open your eyes and hearts and give it all a deeper impartial thought.

Best wishes :)
All of the above is based on highly selective reading apparently.
What's the matter. didn't things go too well on the other forum?

Here's a counter.

Nice work.

There is only one number that's important for Yosef. That number is zero. My name is mentioned zero times in the Quran. If I use Yosef's reasoning then this proves that there is no Allah or any God whatsoever. In fact there are quite a few names with zero mention in the Quran, further embellishing the fact that there is no god.

Take the word Allah for instance. If you let the two A's and two L's cancel each other out then you are left with an H. The H is the 8th letter in the alphabet...why is 8 that important you ask...well take a look at it....it's two 0's stacked one upon one another. Further proof that there is no Allah. How can you not see this?

Even the word GOD has what looks like a zero planted right in the middle of it. This cannot be ignored. Quran begins with the same mark but with a little squiggle attached. Translation: No god for you guys.
So based on the claims in Dywyddyr's article, not only is Yosef playing around with numbers and finding arbitrary ways of getting what he wants and finding significance in it, but he's not even being honest about the actual word counts in the Quran nor the way in which some words are counted and others excluded. Would you like to answer these claims, Yosef?
Quran and Prime Number: 2012 and beyond

بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Benevolent.

The Quran starts with a chapter called The Key (الفاتحة) that consists of 7 verses, 29 words and 139 letters.

“In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Benevolent.” بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ .1

“All praise to Allah, Sustainer of all the worlds.” ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلْعَٰلَمِينَ .2

“The Merciful, the Benevolent.” ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيم .3

“Master of the Day of Judgment,” مَٰلِكِ يَوْمِ ٱلدِّينِ .4

“You alone we worship; You alone we ask for help.” إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ .5

“Guide us to the Right Path:” ٱهْدِنَا ٱلصِّرَٰطَ ٱلْمُسْتَقِيمَ .6

صِرَٰطَ ٱلَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ ٱلْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمَْوَلَا ٱلضَّآلِّين .7
“The path of those whom You have bestowed your bounties upon;
not of those who have brought upon themselves Your wrath,
nor of those who went astray.”

7, 29, and 139 are prime numbers.

Using our default decimal system their digit sums 7=7, 2+9=11, 1+3+9=13 are prime numbers and the sum of the digit sums 7+11+13 = 31 is a prime number
and left-to-right (729139) and right-to-left (139297) are prime numbers with of ocurse as we already seen a digit sum of 7+2+9+1+3+9 = 31.

Such primes that have prime digit sums in the decimal system are called Additive Primes.

Where else in the Quran can we find other primes?

Well when you know there is a verse that repeats so often that is is plainly asking to be counted, you must wonder if the number of repetitions is a prime or not and God behold! The Merciful chapter (الرحمن) has 31 repetitions of the following verse out of a total of 78:

فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
"What other bounties of your Sustainer do you still belie"

But wait a minute 31 is not an additive prime and 78 not even a prime, what are you talking about?

Well 31 was pointed to by The Key chapter above and 78 total verses - 31 merciful verses gives 47 a prime with a digit sums of 4+7=11, an additive prime indeed.

When we reach an additive prime we reach a result, but when it is simply a simple prime number like 31 then this search path is not finished yet.

So I looked at the 31 repetitions positions, i.e. what verse numbers do they have in the chapter? and here are the 31 positions:

13, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 45,
47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77

Hmmm, not primes what else can be done?

How about summing them up (as subtraction is useless for more than two numbers, so is division, while multiplication defeats the very purpose of primes)

And God behold! the sum of the verse numbers is 1433 which is prime number too and its digit sum 1+4+3+3=11 is a prime number too. An additive prime again :)

I was very happy chap for few days thinking I found a new way to dig deeper into the Quran.

First I made a new numerology system based on prime numbers where the 28 Arabic alphabet are assigned the first 28 prime numbers and calculated the total Primalogy value of the 139 letters of The Key chapter and once gain I got 8317 a prime with a prime digit sum (additive prime).

I applied the new Primalogy system to the second most revered chapter of the Quran #112 (Oneness of All = Al-Ikhlaas) with and without the prefix of bismAllah and incredibly found the total PV to be 4201 with bismAllah and 3167 without bismAllah. Both are additive prime numbers.

All details are in my booklet downloadable from
www .heliwave.com/Quran.and.2012.pdf

Then I checked the word "Allah" and got 269. An additive prime indeed.

Few days passed after reaching the beautiful 1433 and suddenly it hit me when I remember that the current Islamic year was the 1429 (in 2008). Now it is 1430 and mush easier to see the connection.

I was convinced that the number 1433 must be pointing to the Islamic year 1433 AH which is the Gregorian year 2012 AD, but only a handful of family members and friends took me seriously.

For few months I was made fun of until I God, Allah Almighty, gave me the proof I needed.

On a flight from China to the UAE, I was asking a Muslim to count the repeated verses of the Merciful chapter and instead he started counting all the words of the Merciful chapter. I corrected him and told him about 1433AH = 2012AD and end of story. Later as he everybody slept and in the middle of calmness, I realized that God showed me the man counting words for a reason so I started counting them myself.

The nearer I was to the end, the more eerie feeling I had that I am closing on 365 (to signify a year) but instead I got 355 (including the prefixed bismAllah).

I recounted and it was the same, 355.

Then suddenly I realized that we are dealing with Islamic years which are Lunar years and they are indeed 354 or 355 days years.

So I check my pocket PC Islamic Calendar (Hijri Calendar) for the year 1433AH and Glory to Allah, there will be 355 days in that year.

I cried a bit and then thanked Allah sincerely and realized the weight of what I have been shown.

EVERY word in the Merciful chapter maps directly to a day is the year 1433AH.

And as the repeated Merciful verse has 4 words (فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ)

Mapping each word of The Merciful chapter to each day of the Islamic year 1433AH shows that the above 31 verse repetitions map to 31 4-day periods between 7th Jan 2012 and 7th Nov 2012.

It is therefore expected that a 4-day event will repeat 31 times:

Quran 44:10 فَٱرْتَقِبْ يَوْمَ تَأْتِى ٱلسَّمَآءُ بِدُخَانٍۢ مُّبِينٍ
“Look out for a day when the sky brings a revealing smoke.”

Quran 44:15 إِنَّا كَاشِفُوا۟ ٱلْعَذَابِ قَلِيلًا ۚ إِنَّكُمْ عَآئِدُونَ
“We are lifting the punishment a little (due to your sincere pleas)
but you will soon be back to your old ways.”

Then a BIG event will take place because Allah continues:

Quran 44:16 يَوْمَ نَبْطِشُ ٱلْبَطْشَةَ ٱلْكُبْرَىٰٓ إِنَّا مُنتَقِمُونَ
“On a day when we seize you with a mighty onslaught;
We are taking revenge.”

The word “مُنتَقِمُونَ” or “taking revenge” can be seen as a revenge on those who belie the bounties (ءَالَآءِ) of their Sustainer.

Evidence that the sun will be blocked out suddenly:
Quran 36:37 وَءَايَةٌۭ لَّهُمُ ٱلَّيْلُ نَسْلَخُ مِنْهُ ٱلنَّهَارَ فَإِذَا هُم مُّظْلِمُونَ
“And a sign for them the night We peel daylight out of it and behold they are plunged into darkness.”

But only Allah Almighty knows and controls what happens and praise to Him He named the chapter The Merciful :)

So let's hope for the best.

Ali Adams
God > infinity

email: alipoland @yahoo.com
silverlight5 @hotmail.com

blog: aliadams .blog.com

website: www .heliwave.com
The incredible phenomena are mounting!

You remember this: 181838 ?! It is the sum of verse numbers of the verses having the word God up to chapter 76 "Human". This number divides perfectly by 46 (human chromosome number). In addition, the sum of the serial positions of its factors (among prime numbers) is 46.

I have also discovered that putting all those numbers side by side (right to left as always) gives a huge number (5664 digits) that divides by 199 !! 199 is the 46th prime number in universe. It's also the number of Alef letters in chapter 76 "Human" and there are 199 letters up to and before the first occurrence of the word Allah - God in this chapter!

5664 is 4665 reversed. Here we see 46 and 65. 65 is the 46th composite number in universe!

The word "Human" that I talked about earlier is ALANSN which means human as distinguished from animals, birds, fish etc... This word appears 65 times in the Holy Quran. At the same time, it appears one time in indefinite form & 46 times in definite form up to and before chapter 76 "Human".

With some basic knowledge of Arabic language you can verify this at:
Readverse - A joined work of Muslim, Jew & Christian Americans for Quran search at: http://www.readverse.com/Root_search_engines/080_quran_root_00.html?x=21&y=14

Bless you God!
Yosef, this is absurd. You could do the same with any similarly written text under the right conditions.
If you enter whole Mobby Dick into the computer, it will give you the structure of DNA, with all those coincidential numbers and everything. If you enter Don Quijote, you will get the corners of the Milky way. That's how those unbelievers keep discovering things. Not because they spent 100 years to discover DNA, after Origin of Species were first published. Not because they did research and experiments, just because they decoded the hints in those books.

Now there are faster computers, and they will extract superb knowledge on the edge of universe; has anybody named Shakespeare, bring him on!
If you enter whole Mobby Dick into the computer, it will give you the structure of DNA, with all those coincidential numbers and everything. If you enter Don Quijote, you will get the corners of the Milky way. That's how those unbelievers keep discovering things. Not because they spent 100 years to discover DNA, after Origin of Species were first published. Not because they did research and experiments, just because they decoded the hints in those books.

Now there are faster computers, and they will extract superb knowledge on the edge of universe; has anybody named Shakespeare, bring him on!

All marvelous creation is mere coincidences according to you. No surprise that you write this...

I want to inform you that the evidence for God's existence in the Holy Quran gets even more complex. It is simply irrefutable. What sort of 1024 core supercomputer can produce this:

Wow, someone wasted a lot of time on that bullshit.

It is the ultimate proof for God's existence :)

All the letter value systems are established by careful independent analyses of unrelated linguists of the Quranic text and of Arabic language.

As I said earlier it is sad that all wonderful creation according to many people here is mere coincidences.

It is not the case. It is all calculated by the great mathematician Allah - Jehovah God. Can anyone ever, man or computer, produce a thing similar to what is presented in the above mentioned article ?! No, we all know that :)

"(4) And the infidels say, "This Koran is a mere fraud of his own devising, and others have helped him with it, who had come hither by outrage and lie." (5) And they say, "Tales of the ancients that he hath put in writing! and they were dictated to him morn and even." (6) SAY: He hath sent it down who knoweth the secrets of the Heavens and of the Earth. He truly is the Gracious, the Merciful."
The Holy Quran - Criterion - 25
I have noticed that some people here are interested in the numbers that I present so here is more:

I got a number for you - zero.

As in this has zero logic in it
this has zero science in it
this has zero relevance.

Have a good day.
It is the ultimate proof for God's existence :)

All the letter value systems are established by careful independent analyses of unrelated linguists of the Quranic text and of Arabic language.

As I said earlier it is sad that all wonderful creation according to many people here is mere coincidences.

It is not the case. It is all calculated by the great mathematician Allah - Jehovah God. Can anyone ever, man or computer, produce a thing similar to what is presented in the above mentioned article ?! No, we all know that :)

"(4) And the infidels say, "This Koran is a mere fraud of his own devising, and others have helped him with it, who had come hither by outrage and lie." (5) And they say, "Tales of the ancients that he hath put in writing! and they were dictated to him morn and even." (6) SAY: He hath sent it down who knoweth the secrets of the Heavens and of the Earth. He truly is the Gracious, the Merciful."
The Holy Quran - Criterion - 25

Hey Yosef, welcome back! Last we left off, Dywyddyr posted this link, and then sadly you vanished from the surface of the Earth before getting a chance to reply. By some divine miracle, you finally found your way back though- so I assume you must have some commentary you want to share with us about Dywyddyr's attempted rebuttal. What say you?
The fact is, such coincidences can be found in other, random, even non-Islamic texts:

بسم الله الخَبِيث الوَحْشِيّ

Translation: In the name of Allah, the Evil, the Savage

Total ANV (Arabic Numerical Value) - 1666

Fact 1: 19 letters - 19 = 19 x 1

Fact 2: Sum of Individual ANV digits (1666) = 1 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 19

Fact 3: One verse, ANV - 1 1666 = 19 x 614

Fact 4: Sequence number, Word Size - 1 3 2 4 3 6 4 6 = 19 x 19 x 36686

Fact 5: Sequence number, Local letter number, Individual ANV Value - 1 1 2 2 60 3 40 2 1 1 2 30 3 30 4 5 3 1 1 2 30 3 600 4 2 5 10 6 500 4 1 1 2 30 3 6 4 8 5 300 6 10 = 19 x 59084389584858068659 53279136864479289495 327913939631900

Fact 6: Sequence number, Cumulative number of letters - 1 3 2 7 3 13 4 19 = 19 x 69858601

Fact 7: Conjoined letter numbers, added - 150426287722 = 19 x 7917173038

Fact 8: Letter number, Sequence number - 1231 45672 89101112133 1415161718194 = 19 x 64813512047900590174 42903248326

Fact 9: Num Words, Num letters, Total ANV - 4191666 = 19 x 220614

Fact 10: 1 sentence, 19 letters, lengths of words - 1193466 = 19 x 19 x 19 x 174

Fact 11: Sequence number, Word Size, Word ANV - 1 3 102 2 4 66 3 6 1143 4 6 355 = 19 x 689591928216544545

Fact 12: Sequence number, Word Size, Word ANV Series - 1 3 26040 2 4 130305 3 6 130600210500 4 6 1306830010 = 19 x 69791591647529137529 47479210769108857900

Fact 13: Sequence number, Word Size, Individual ANV Value - 1 3 2 60 40 2 4 1 30 30 5 3 6 1 30 600 2 10 500 4 6 1 30 6 8 300 10 = 19 x 69791591647529137529 47479210769108857900

Fact 14: Sequence number, Word ANV Series, Letter number - 1 26040 123 2 130305 4567 3 130600210500 8910111213 4 1306830010 141516171819 = 19 x 66336906954226602985 85821063710573211111 64954246473737586927 2201

Fact 15: Sequence number, Cumulative number letters, Word ANV - 1 3 102 2 7 66 3 13 1143 4 19 355 = 19 x 68959350691112811545

Fact 16: Sequence number, First&Last ANV Values, Local letter number - 1 42 1 2 3 2 6 1 2 3 4 3 501 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 = 19 x 74801716439131638076 653217024

Fact 17: Sequence number, Local letter number, Word ANV Series - 1 1 2 3 26040 2 1 2 3 4 130305 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 130600210500 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 1306830010 = 19 x 59118968532811212133 22287164768432131600 649769108857900

Fact 18: Sequence number, Local letter number, Individual ANV Value - 1 1 2 2 60 3 40 2 1 1 2 30 3 30 4 5 3 1 1 2 30 3 600 4 2 5 10 6 500 4 1 1 2 30 3 6 4 8 5 300 6 10 = 19 x 59084389584858068659 53279136864479289495 327913939631900

Fact 19: One verse, ANV, 19 characters - 1 1666 19 = 19 x 61401

As we can see, 19 miracles have been found about this new bismillah "In the name of Allah, the Evil, the Savage".

More examples

Here is another 'miraculous' Arabic phrase:

Translation: The Pig, the Great, the Handsome

8 facts were found in the preliminary analysis about this phrase:

Fact 1 : 19 letters - 19 = 19 x 1

Fact 2 : Individual ANV, letter number - 11 302 6003 504 75 106 2007 18 309 7010 90011 1012 4013 114 3015 316 4017 1018 3019 = 19 x 59487370265658453687 99110368994742684863 22691737648231668957 001

Fact 3 : Individual ANV, letter number, Sequence number - 1 1 30 2 600 3 50 4 7 5 10 6 200 7 1 1 8 30 9 70 10 900 11 10 12 40 13 2 1 14 30 15 3 16 40 17 10 18 30 19 3 = 19 x 59487370265658453687 95700510583684794802 11221654218587579847 464747

Fact 4 : Sequence number, Word Size, Cumulative number letters - 1 7 7 2 6 13 3 6 19 = 19 x 932954401

Fact 5 : Sequence number, Word ANV Series, Cumulative ANV - 1 13060050710200 898 2 130709001040 1949 3 1303401030 2063 = 19 x 59505289847474156954 24784216001025954228 42647477

Fact 6 : Sequence number, Cumulative number letters, Local letter number - 1 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 = 19 x 90123456427959713852 17024

Fact 7 : Sequence number, First&Last ANV Values, Cumulative ANV - 1 201 898 2 41 1949 3 31 2063 = 19 x 6325780216815437477

Fact 8 : Sequence number, Individual ANV Value, Cumulative ANV - 1 1 30 600 50 7 10 200 8982 1 30 70 900 10 40 19493 1 30 3 40 10 30 2063 = 19 x 59505289847474156954 24784216001025954228 42647477

As we can see this phrase The Pig, the Great, the Handsome
(compare to In the name of Allah, the beneficient, the merciful) is also miraculous and we have not even tried other combinations of words and calculations...

Here are some english phrases which also show miracles and are thus truthful by Islamic standards:

"Islam is not from God":

IANVAdd: 209 = 19 x 11

"Allah is an imagination of the mind of Muhammad"

IANV = 378

PNV = 180

378 180 = 99 x 3820

378 - 180 = 198 = 99 x 2

3+7+8= 18 = 9 + 9

1+8+0 = 9

99 is 9 written twice

Muslim phrase: "Ninety-Nine beautiful Names of Allah"

IANV= 333

PNV = 135

333135 = 99 x 3365

333 - 135 = 198 = 99 x 2

3+3+3 = 9

1+5+3 = 9


Anti-Islamic phrase: "Ninety-Nine Nasty Names of Allah"

IANV= 315

PNV = 117

315117 = 99 x 3183

315 - 117 = 198 = 99 x 2

3+1+5 = 9

1+1+7 = 9


Arabic: Allah Al-Moqoof (Lie)

ANV's: 66 + 257 = 323 = 19 x 17.0000


Arabic: Al Quran Al-Mukr(Deception) Al-Moqoof (lie)

ANV's combined: 383 + 291 + 257 = 931 = 19 x 49.0000

257 383 291 = 19 x 13546489.0000

931-257 = 674

931-383 = 548

931-291 = 640

674 548 640 = 19 x 35502560.0000

"Allah is not a God"

PNVAdd: 57 = 19 x 3

"Nineteen is not a miracle"

PNVadd: 99 = 99 x 1

"Muhammad was a very evil person"

IANVadd: 323 = 17 x 19

"There is no Allah"

PNV Add: 66

Same as ANV for 'Allah'

"One hundred and fourteen phony nasty chapters of Quran"

PNVAdd: 228 = 19 x 12

IANVAdd: 570 = 19 x 30

PNVadd: 228 = 114 x 2

"Allah is a false God, a figment of Mohammed's imagination. God may exist, but He is not any god mentioned in any religion"

PNVAdd: 456 = 19 x 24

PNVadd: 456 = 114 x 4​
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