God is TRUE - Can this be the proof for God?!

Wikipedia has an article concerning the Flying Spaghetti Monster (or FSM)
Due to its recent popularity and media exposure, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is often used by atheists, agnostics (known by Pastafarians as "spagnostics"), and others as a modern version of Russell's teapot and the Invisible Pink Unicorn.
Wikipedia has an article concerning the Flying Spaghetti Monster (or FSM)
Due to its recent popularity and media exposure, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is often used by atheists, agnostics (known by Pastafarians as "spagnostics"), and others as a modern version of Russell's teapot and the Invisible Pink Unicorn.

I saw that but I'd like to read the official FSM bible. I don't put my faith in Wiki. If someone has positive knowledge of the true FSM bible could you share it with us? Author, title, publisher, authenticity?
William Shakespeare was 46 years old when the King James Version of the Bible was written. The 46th word from the front is 'shake' and the 46th from the back is 'spear'.

It's monkeys on a typewriter - lengthy works almost always create these seemingly meaningful patterns.
I saw that but I'd like to read the official FSM bible. I don't put my faith in Wiki. If someone has positive knowledge of the true FSM bible could you share it with us? Author, title, publisher, authenticity?

Here you go PsychoticEpisode - amazon.com has it for $11.00

Editorial Review
From Scientific American
An elaborate spoof on Intelligent Design, The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is neither too elaborate nor too spoofy to succeed in nailing the fallacies of ID. It's even wackier than Jonathan Swift's suggestion that the Irish eat their children as a way to keep them from being a burden, and it may offend just as many people, but Henderson, described elsewhere as a 25-year-old "out-of-work physics major," puts satire to the same serious use that Swift did. Oh, yes, it is very funny.

You can do some reading (FSM) without buying at Google Books.
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They do that with the Bible too.
The Bible Code came out how many decades ago? Just like Muslims to show up to the party late :p

Some mathematicians applied "The Bible Code" to War and Peace and found "oh my" God was in there sending secret messages to the "believers" as well! :D
Look beyond the negative views

:)I think people should at least read the Quran after reading the interesting 'miracles' that were shown in the=is thread. It is easy to dismiss something you have not read but is it fair to do so. I believe there are many logical evidences which prove existence of a God.

Also we should not let media spin cloud our judgement about Islam. Also there is a lot of evangelical Christian claims against Islam and the Quran. We need to look beyond their claims and be open minded. I will give you one exaple of their claims and show that it is not fair and accurate.

This is an example of one of their claims which is clouding people's judgements:

The Quran is not from Satan by Yahya Snow
Some Christians say the Quran is from Satan
A more base claim they make is that the Quran is from the Devil. Christians who tend to make this claim are the extremely lay but tend to be the very devout Christians. These Christians make such base claims out of their own lack of knowledge and the fact the their extreme devotion to their faith renders them with a very ‘black and white’ perspective; they generally view things that oppose their faith as evil and devil-inspired’.
The Christians who do make such a claim do expose their own ignorance of Islam and Christianity. This is because whenever a Muslim intends to read the Quran he/she will seek refuge from the Devil and if we look into the Quran we realise that the Quran in chapter 2 and verse 168 teaches us that the Devil is an enemy to mankind: 2:168. O ye people! Eat of what is on earth, Lawful and good; and do not follow the footsteps of the evil one, for he is to you an avowed enemy. (1)
So the obvious conclusion we draw from this knowledge is that the Quran is not from the Devil as the devil would not teach such teachings. The Christian may continue to make this claim despite this information, if this is the case then the humiliation and exposing of a lack of knowledge on the part of the Christian who makes this claim continues as the Muslim can easily point to the misery that alcohol causes mankind (including the misery that is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome). Christianity allows the drinking of alcohol while the Quran forbids the consummation of alcohol. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) occurs "when a woman drinks alcohol during pregnancy, she risks giving birth to a child who will pay the price — in mental and physical deficiencies — for his or her entire life" (2). Some of the symptoms of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome affecting the child are delayed development, organ dysfunction, failure to thrive, facial abnormalities and can lead to mental helath problems and troubles with the law in later life (2).
Why is all this relevant to the Quran? Well, the Christian claims that the Quran is from Satan yet the Quran has saved millions of children from this horrendous disease while the Bible has not. So this is further humiliation and refutation poured upon the mindless claim of the missionaries.
The question to ask them is; how did the Quran (which they say is from Satan) save millions of children from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (and from other alcohol related diseases) while the Bible (which they believe to be fully from God) allowed the drinking of alcohol and allowed Fetal Alcohol Syndrome to affect millions of children? Surely God gives us wholesome teachings (ie forbidding alcohol) and Satan teaches us impure teachings (ie drinking alcohol). This would leave the Christian speechless and Insha’Allah (God Willing) the honest Christian will realise that this is a sign that the Quran is from God.
This argument (that Satan would not teach/promote teachings which are good or against Satan) is supported by the Bible in Mark 3:23 where the Christian is taught that Satan does not drive himself out (3). Thus the Christian would accept this Muslim response and recognise that the Quran is not from Satan.
It is also important to note that you wil always come across Christians who will not relent and will continue in their unscholarly ways despite all the logic and fine refutation you point them to.
1. Abdullah Yusuf Ali translation of the glorious Quran (2:168)
3. New International Version of the Bible, Mark 3:23

Also, are most people on here Christians or Atheists?
Most of them are Christians, but they don't realise it.

A few are Atheists, but largely agree with Christian mores.
If you take Richard Dawkins as their figurehead, he's hardly sex drugs and Rock'n'Roll is he?

A few are Muslims, Buddhists or other faiths.

Occasionally, some are Fascists, but are usually kicked off fairly quickly.
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Not really. The morals from which most laws are derived, and by which most abide, have their seeds far further back in antiquity than Christianity does. The Abrahamic religions (they are, after all, very similar to each other) are merely a universally recognisable point of historical reference.
Yes, Christianity can be looked on as a subset of Judaism. Fair point.
But I didn't get this bit:
The Abrahamic religions (they are, after all, very similar to each other) are merely a universally recognisable point of historical reference.

I will be posting some facts here, you're free to make your mind about. All facts can be found at site: Science and Mathematics in the Holy Quran.

More to come later.

Must you? It's been done to death by other Islamic propagandists already.
Miracles of key chapter.

I have noticed that some people here are interested in the numbers that I present so here is more:

A new arena involves prime numbers. A new letter value table has been developed. Arabic letters are arranged alphabetically (Alef, Baa, Taa, Thaa...) and each letter is given a prime number according to order of appearance. So Alef gets 2, Baa gets 3, Taa gets 5 and so on.

Taking the opening chapter of the Quran, giving each letter a value according to the primalogy table mentioned above and summing the values gives the number 8317 which is a PRIME number. Summing the digits of this number gives 19 which is a PRIME too and is a key miracle number.

That's not all, here are even greater miracles concerning the opening (key) chapter and the key miracle prime number (19):

Taking each letter and giving it a value according to letters' order of appearance in this chapter, putting the values side by side right to left (as is Arabic language), we get a number (165 digits) that divides perfectly by 19.

Even starting the process at opening verse and taking the number representing the 6 verses without the bismallah (opening verse) (163 digit number) gives a number that divides perfectly by 19 too.


"God has revealed the Quran"

123 456 789851083 1148 12137514

Yet another one:

We use some letter-number value systems derived for the Holy Quran and substitute each letter in the opening chapter with that number value. As always we put the values side by side right to left.

a. Quranic initial values (each letter gets a value according to how many times it appears among the mysterious Quranic initials)

Here we get a number consisting of 169 digits. This number divides by 19 perfectly.

b. Quranic Gommal (letter values based on Quranic meanings)

Here we get a number consisting of 316 digits. This number divides by 19 perfectly.

c. Letter value table based on 99 names of God - Allah:

Here we get a number consisting of 163 digits. This number too divides by 19 perfectly!!

At the same time:
Taking each word and writing below it how many Alef, Lam, Haa letters it has (the ones making the word God), putting the values side by side right to left gives a huge number that divides perfectly by 7. Note that there are 49 Alef, Lam, Haa letters in this chapter. 49 is 7 x 7.

SEVEN is key miracle number, also in the Bible.

Yet another one:

Taking each word and writing below it how many Alef, Lam, Meem letters it has (the ones making the first Quranic initial in Quran and the one that comes right after opening chapter), putting the values side by side right to left gives a huge number that divides perfectly by 7.

Another one:

Writing each verse number, number of words in that verse, number of letters in that verse, doing the same for all verses and putting values side by side (again right to left) gives a number that divides perfectly by 7

Another one:

Incremental count of letters in words, writing values side by side, gives a big number (57 digits) that divides by 7 THREE times!


First letter appearing in key chapter is Baa: it appears 4 times in this chapter.
Last letter appearing in key chapter is Noon: it appears 11 times in this chapter.

Side b side right to left gives 114 which is equal to number of chapters in the Quran. As the Prophet says "The key chapter or as it is referred to in Quran (Doubler Seven) equals to the whole "Quran". In fact if we take Quranic initial letter value system (mentioned above) and sum the values for this chapter according to this table we get a round 1000 !! As God, in Quran, challenges unbelievers to come with 1 chapter as those of the Quran or to come with 10 like them.

And much more in this chapter of 139 letters. Interestingly 1 + 3 + 9 is 13 which is a PRIME number and that 139 is the 19th such prime in universe (Prime and digit sum as prime too) (called additive prime).

Have a nice day.
Oh look, that cloud up in the sky looks like a bunny. Must be another Quran miracle!
Yosef, instead of all this piddling about, why doesn't God simply appear on the top of Mount Everest in the form of a giant fire-breathing blue giraffe, and send out his holy messages as smoke rings?

why even do that? why not create us believing in him by default?

Hahaha. Yosef, the fact that you actually think this is a convincing argument that is worth sharing is proof of how deranged your thinking is.
well, i was gonna flame you for your rudeness and stupidity, i mean you could've been like:
Must you? It's been done to death by other Islamic propagandists already.
but then i read this:
I have noticed that some people here are interested in the numbers that I present so here is more:


anyway, my personal opinion about this is, well, with the atheists, i don't care much for all this, for me, if it's all true somehow, then it's mere sprinkles on a piece of cake, if it's all "monkeys on a type writer", or as cellur door or psychotic episode demonstrated, then the cake still tastes great.

there is room for more proof, but what i already have is more than enough.
I remember someone came to the math and physics section pointing to Yosef's arguments and asking us to debunk them. I guess now the source of the rubbish has come in person to hear for themselves how retarded the whole thing is. Welcome Yosef to a world full of people with actual educations who will critically analyze you and pick you apart to the bone. Avast, ye swabs! I say we make this scurvy scoundrel walk the plank and send him swimming home to his imams.
The Bible Code came out how many decades ago? Just like Muslims to show up to the party late :p

Some mathematicians applied "The Bible Code" to War and Peace and found "oh my" God was in there sending secret messages to the "believers" as well! :D

Of course. If you start out with the premise that there is something there, you will find these relationships between numbers. Scientists even did it with some so-called constants of the very small and the very big.