God is TRUE - Can this be the proof for God?!

It's not like anything else? Did you even look? I maintain that numerology is common, and it's common to find interesting things in various books of a radically different nature. Did Islamic scholars also apply their numerology to the works of Shakespeare? No, of course they didn't, because they are scientifically disingenuous. They only want to show their book is great.
From Dywyddyr's source:

The first example mentioned is that the word for ‘man’ (rajul) and
the word for ‘woman’ (amra’ or mar’a) both occur in the Quran
exactly 24 times each. The article claims this shows that man and
woman are equal. However, at least two Islamic websites inform us
that ‘man’ and ‘woman’ occur 23 times and they call this a miracle
because they say that this is also the number of “the chromosomes
from the egg and sperm in the formation of the human embryo. The
total number of human chromosomes is 46; 23 each from the mother
and father”. Please refer to these two webpages:
So, whether these words occur 24 times or 23 times, it is called a
miracle in each case!

The whole argument is baseless in the first place. The number of
times the words ‘man’ and ‘woman’ occur has absolutely no relevance
to the teachings about men and women. Imagine that a book contains a
sentence saying: “A man is vastly superior to a woman. A man has all
rights, a woman has no rights at all.” The words ‘man’ and ‘woman’
both occur in this sentence the same number of times, but does that
mean this sentence is saying that men and women are equal?


Certainly they do occur 24 times each in this form but these words
occur in other forms as well. Also, there are other words in the Quran
for ‘man’ and ‘woman’ apart from these two. The word imra’a has a
masculine form mar’, and although it usually means human being (for
example in 8:24 “Allah comes in between a man and his heart”), there
are cases where mar’ means specifically a male. These are:
1. “between a man and his wife”, 2:102.
2. “If a man dies who has no son”, 4:176.
3. “your father was not a wicked man”, 19:28.
4. “The day when a man flees from his brother”, 80:34.
So why is this word not counted as an occurrence of ‘man’? It is
most strange that they count the word imra’a for ‘woman’ and yet they
do not count its masculine form (mar’) for ‘man’, when this form, on
four occasions, can only mean a male human being.
Plurals are also not counted by them. Hence the words rijāl (men)
and nisā’ (women), occurring so frequently, are not included despite
their usage in fundamental verses like 4:1 about men and women. The
words rajul and imra’a also occur in dual forms rajulān (2:282, 5:23,
16:76, 18:32, 28:15) and imra’atān (2:282, 28:23) meaning ‘two men’
or ‘two women’. They do not count these dual forms. But,
interestingly, if they did include them then the question would arise
whether each of these is to be counted as one occurrence or as two
occurrences because the word means ‘two’, men or women!

I hate having to post this information, but I'm not going to sit here and watch it be deliberately ignored while Yosef gets to preach on as he pleases. Dywyddyr provided this link , I asked for a rebuttal, but instead Yosef conveniently vanished back into the inky black void, waiting until the naysayers moved on and he could come back to repeat the same falsehoods some more. If you have to cheat to make your point, you don't have much of a point to make.

The Quran was revealed over a 23 lunar years period. It started on a night in the month of Ramadan in the year 610 A.D. For more information about the History of the Holy Quran please visit:

Who wrote the Quran - interesting reading:

"And when my servants ask thee concerning me, then will I be nigh unto them. I will answer the cry of him that crieth, when he crieth unto me: but let them hearken unto me, and believe in me, that they may proceed aright."​
The Quran - The Heifer - 2:186 (verse in image above)​
Hi Yosef, thanks for the links. I looked on them but I can not find the day, month and year that the Qur'an was completed (I mean completely finished as in the form it is in today).

Could you post up that information for me? I think it would be useful to know exactly when the Qur'an was completed.

If you could just post of that very simple information I'd really appreciate it.

From Dywyddyr's source:
I hate having to post this information, but I'm not going to sit here and watch it be deliberately ignored while Yosef gets to preach on as he pleases. Dywyddyr provided this link , I asked for a rebuttal, but instead Yosef conveniently vanished back into the inky black void, waiting until the naysayers moved on and he could come back to repeat the same falsehoods some more. If you have to cheat to make your point, you don't have much of a point to make.

Sorry mate I just replied to the other people here and did not say anything about that. I have looked couple of months ago at some claims that opposing words in the Quran appear equal times and I have looked at some of the claims mentioned in the link. Yes, it's true, not all information circulating around is accurate and some people are very enthusiastic about presenting miracles to a degree that don't conduct reliable and systematic research.

Leading researchers of the Holy Quran are well aware of that. One of the prominent people in this field who has written hundreds of articles about miracles of the Quran has written articles at his personal site to present the accurate information regarding word occurrences of the Quran. Some facts are not as accurate as some people would like them to be and this man along with people at the international committees for Quran studies write and talk about those unfortunate publications.

Still, there is much accurate and interesting information available on the web:


The Quran was assembled in final form by the third khalifa (Othman) after Muhammad's death (peace and blessings be upon him and upon his followers). The work finished by the end of the year 645 A.D. (start of the year 25 after Hijra - migration from mecca to madina). The arrangement of the verses and chapters was inspired by God (based on sayings of the prophet in his life time).

The Kahlifa asked that 6 authorized copies be distributed in the Islamic realm
and that all copies thereafter should be based on them. The Quran was referred to as the Othmaic Quran or Al moshaf al Imam and it is the one that we have in our hands today. This is an image of one of the original authorized copies:


God promises in the Holy Quran that He personally will preserve it (Al Hijr 15:9 ). This verse has 28 letters and has remarkable mathematical structure. In Islam, it is clear what is Quran (God's word) and what is prophet's sayings. No one ever has managed to introduce or take away a letter of what is the Quran!

All analyses of the text by modern computer software testify that the arrangement of the chapters and verses is divine in origin. Systems relating to odd/even and prime/composite numbers have been discovered, along with many features relating to scientific facts such as atom properties and chromosome numbers (Iron metal properties, human chromosome number (46), bee chromosome number (32), hoopoe chromosome number (126) etc...)
Hi Yosef, thanks for the links. I looked on them but I can not find the day, month and year that the Qur'an was completed (I mean completely finished as in the form it is in today).

Could you post up that information for me? I think it would be useful to know exactly when the Qur'an was completed.

If you could just post of that very simple information I'd really appreciate it.


And that date will undoubtedly have major implications and proof embedded in it. :eek:
The work finished by the end of the year 645 A.D.
Thanks Yosef.

While I have to say I'm surprised we didn't get the day and month, as I thought it would have been celebrated, but at least now we all know that the Qur'an was completed in 645AD. I've asked many Muslims this and you're the first person who finally knew what the year was. That's great. I almost think we need to make a sticky and post it on top :)

OK, another date I was wondering about. What day did Mohammad die?
Last edited:

Muhammad peace and blessings be upon Him died in 632 AD. The Quran was assembled and arranged in the form that we have today by the year 645 AD. All the leafs / papers were gathered at that time along with many people who knew the Quran by heart and they put all the Quran together.

4 people were responsible for the work: 1) Zayd bin Thabit 2) Abd Allah bin Alzobayr 3) Sayed bin Alas 4) Abd Alrahman bin Alharith bin Hisham.

The placement of the verses and chapters in their places was inspired by God. Those people could not have known at that time that humans have 46 chromosomes (or that humans would land on moon in 1969 etc..).

Did you know that the Quran asks Muslims to believe in the Bible ?! And did you know that it asks Christians to live their lives by the Gospel ?!

Muhammad peace and blessings be upon Him died in 632 AD. The Quran was assembled and arranged in the form that we have today by the year 645 AD. All the leafs / papers were gathered at that time along with many people who knew the Quran by heart and they put all the Quran together.

4 people were responsible for the work: 1) Zayd bin Thabit 2) Abd Allah bin Alzobayr 3) Sayed bin Alas 4) Abd Alrahman bin Alharith bin Hisham.

The placement of the verses and chapters in their places was inspired by God. Those people could not have known at that time that humans have 46 chromosomes (or that humans would land on moon in 1969 etc..).

Did you know that the Quran asks Muslims to believe in the Bible ?! And did you know that it asks Christians to live their lives by the Gospel ?!
That's very interesting. I've asked SAM and other Muslims when the Qur'an was written and who wrote it and they had absolutely no idea when it was written or who did the writing of it.

Did Mohammad know when he had finished his revelations? I mean, did he continue right up until his death bed, or, did he say something to the effect: this is the last revelation. Done. If so, do you know when the last of the revelations was reveled?
All the leafs / papers were gathered at that time along with many people who knew the Quran by heart and they put all the Quran together.
4 people were responsible for the work: 1) Zayd bin Thabit 2) Abd Allah bin Alzobayr 3) Sayed bin Alas 4) Abd Alrahman bin Alharith bin Hisham.

So this lullaby is written by humans...

The placement of the verses and chapters in their places was inspired by God.

Is there any evidence for the inspiration? Of course there is not... How can you show an evidence for an inspiration, while you can not show an evidence for God...

Those people could not have known at that time that humans have 46 chromosomes (or that humans would land on moon in 1969 etc..

Including your Allah, he had no clue how many chromosomes or what type of plans these apes had...

Summary: Utmost rubbish, pure nonsense, deep insult to human intelligence, and a place in the history next to the followers of Zeus and similar other crap.
Sorry mate I just replied to the other people here and did not say anything about that. I have looked couple of months ago at some claims that opposing words in the Quran appear equal times and I have looked at some of the claims mentioned in the link. Yes, it's true, not all information circulating around is accurate and some people are very enthusiastic about presenting miracles to a degree that don't conduct reliable and systematic research.

Leading researchers of the Holy Quran are well aware of that. One of the prominent people in this field who has written hundreds of articles about miracles of the Quran has written articles at his personal site to present the accurate information regarding word occurrences of the Quran. Some facts are not as accurate as some people would like them to be and this man along with people at the international committees for Quran studies write and talk about those unfortunate publications.

Still, there is much accurate and interesting information available on the web:

Cool, I appreciate that you took time to address the issue.
You lost me at post 1 paragraph 1 which started "Blah blah blah Numerology".
This bit though:
God promises in the Holy Quran that He personally will preserve it (Al Hijr 15:9 )
So, we just have to destroy your original copies of the Quran manuscript, and that would be sufficient proof for Muslim's that their religion is fake/the god doesn't exist?
You lost me at post 1 paragraph 1 which started "Blah blah blah Numerology".
This bit though:

So, we just have to destroy your original copies of the Quran manuscript, and that would be sufficient proof for Muslim's that their religion is fake/the god doesn't exist?

Nah, "preserve" can have many meanings and I'm sure they would be invoked. And anyway where/which are the originals?
It's not like anything else? Did you even look? I maintain that numerology is common, and it's common to find interesting things in various books of a radically different nature. Did Islamic scholars also apply their numerology to the works of Shakespeare? No, of course they didn't, because they are scientifically disingenuous. They only want to show their book is great.
Excellent point. I sometimes forget that people don't even notice these MASSIVE holes in their arguments. OTOH it seems so obvious to most people, you'd not even think to mention it, but, in actually, it really needs to be pointed out - repeatedly.