God is TRUE - Can this be the proof for God?!

I am pretty convinced that there is an intelligent designer back all what have been told about so far. I would love to hear from you "Scifes" about the proof when you say "there is room for more proof, but what i already have is more than enough."?! Proof for lack of designer? Would like to know more.

What about this:

The Word "Human" appears 65 times in the Quran and the word Quran appears 65 times up to / before chapter 76 "Human". Interestingly, number 65 is the 46th composite number in universe (and 46 is, of course, human chromosome number). Yet even more, the verse where the word Quran appears in chapter 76 "Human" (verse number 23) is the 65th verse form Quran's beginning that contains the word "Quran". Pay close attention that this special word appears in verse number 23 of chapter 76 "Human". 23 is equal to human haploid chromosome number. This is the only verse numbered "23" in whole Quran that contains the word "Quran" and amazingly it appears in chapter 76 "Human" !

There are several structural systems in the Quran, two central ones are prime number series and composite number series. We see for instance that chapter 76 "Human" is the 31st chapter in the Quran that contains the word "Human". At the same time, chapter 76 "Human" has 31 verses. Interestingly 46 is the 31st composite number in universe. The phenomena are consistent as we see that the 46th verse with word "Human" in from Quran's beginning is verse number one of chapter 76 "Human" !

And some say there is no designer? Of course there is. He is Jehovah - God - Allah whatever your religious background is or was!
And you decided 46 is more important to consider than 76 on what grounds? What a joke. Let's see you predict something about science that isn't already known, that's the only way to prove you're not just picking and choosing numbers and patterns as you please.
I am pretty convinced that there is an intelligent designer back all what have been told about so far. I would love to hear from you "Scifes" about the proof when you say "there is room for more proof, but what i already have is more than enough."?! Proof for lack of designer? Would like to know more.

What about this:

The Word "Human" appears 65 times in the Quran and the word Quran appears 65 times up to / before chapter 76 "Human". Interestingly, number 65 is the 46th composite number in universe (and 46 is, of course, human chromosome number). Yet even more, the verse where the word Quran appears in chapter 76 "Human" (verse number 23) is the 65th verse form Quran's beginning that contains the word "Quran". Pay close attention that this special word appears in verse number 23 of chapter 76 "Human". 23 is equal to human haploid chromosome number. This is the only verse numbered "23" in whole Quran that contains the word "Quran" and amazingly it appears in chapter 76 "Human" !

There are several structural systems in the Quran, two central ones are prime number series and composite number series. We see for instance that chapter 76 "Human" is the 31st chapter in the Quran that contains the word "Human". At the same time, chapter 76 "Human" has 31 verses. Interestingly 46 is the 31st composite number in universe. The phenomena are consistent as we see that the 46th verse with word "Human" in from Quran's beginning is verse number one of chapter 76 "Human" !

And some say there is no designer? Of course there is. He is Jehovah - God - Allah whatever your religious background is or was!
That means absolutely nothing.
Many believers claim God exists outside science because there isn’t any scientific evidence for the existence of a creator. Then they turn right around attempting to use science for promoting God's existence.
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Chapter 76 is titled "Human". In 1776, America declared its independence, and in 1976 Jimmy Carter, the Great Humanitarian, was elected as its president. Clearly the Quran is telling us that America and its televangelists are the way of the future. In fact, I'm already mailing in my first cheque. Interestingly enough, 76 is the 55th composite number. 55 is the idealized retirement age for Americans, the symbolic end of the Human life cycle. Again, this is proof that the Quran is telling us something very important about living like Americans.
Even more miracles!

Many believers claim God exists outside science because there isn’t any scientific evidence for the existence of a creator. Then they turn right around attempting to use science for promoting God's existence.

How can you say there is no evidence for the existence of God?! Many scientists exclude God at first place so they don't see his wonders in front of their eyes and under their microscopes.

I see God's hand everywhere. All living things are designed. Planets are placed at their places and universe is right size, right expansion rate and right physical constants so we will be able to live on earth.

He created everything and he revealed the Quran. Did you know that the only verse in the Quran that talks about the moon been touched by hands of man is the 1390th verse from the end of the Quran and that the year that completed 1390 years in Islamic calendar is the year 1969 when man landed on moon?!

Some claim landing on moon was a hoax by the US but yet The Quran testifies that the US and NASA are right!

Back to chromosomes:

Number 19 is key miracle number in revelations of God. Chapter 23 of the Holy Quran is named "The Believers". As said earlier, 23 is human haploid chromosome number.

19 "Insan" words (meaning Human) appear up to and before chapter number 23.


19 "Bashar" words (synonym for word Human) appear up to and before chapter number 23.

No coincidences in the Book of God.

I am not sure how many hours a million type-writer monkeys will need to work in oder to write a flawless page of the Quran and how many more hours it will take them to produce all those numerical and scientific phenomena. The alternative is one all knowing unlimited God! Much simpler.

BTW do you know that some evolutionsits went so far to say that the one million monkeys need some one "correcting erasing and adjusting" monkey?!

Do you know that Dawkins accepts the idea of aliens might have planted intelligence on earth?! I hope he and many more will eventually replace the aliens they have in mind with the one almighty God.

Best wishes.
How can you say there is no evidence for the existence of God?! Many scientists exclude God at first place so they don't see his wonders in front of their eyes and under their microscopes.
They exclude it because (as yet) it is an unnecessary in understanding the workings of the universe.

I see God's hand everywhere.
All living things are designed.
Evidence for this being...?
Planets are placed at their places and universe is right size, right expansion rate and right physical constants so we will be able to live on earth.
Lol! You see humanity as special, and thus we are the purpose of the universe? Rather than the possibility that we are just a natural part of the universe, nothing special, and had the universal constants or planet placement been any different we would not have existed?
Wow - very conceited of you.
Of course, you have evidence to support your position?

He created everything and he revealed the Quran. Did you know that the only verse in the Quran that talks about the moon been touched by hands of man is the 1390th verse from the end of the Quran and that the year that completed 1390 years in Islamic calendar is the year 1969 when man landed on moon?!
No coincidences in the Book of God.
Any large enough book can contain "codes" and coincidences for almost anything if you look hard enough.
Did you know that "Moby Dick" contained a code that detailed the death of Princess Diana??? :eek:

I am not sure how many hours a million type-writer monkeys will need to work in oder to write a flawless page of the Quran and how many more hours it will take them to produce all those numerical and scientific phenomena. The alternative is one all knowing unlimited God! Much simpler.
False dilemma fallacy.
A far more likely scenario is that the Quran is man-made, and that the "numerical and scientific phenomena" you mention (moon landings, chromosomes etc) are mere coincidence.
God once again does not pass Occam's Razor.
Originally Posted by earth
Many believers claim God exists outside science because there isn’t any scientific evidence for the existence of a creator. Then they turn right around attempting to use science for promoting God's existence.

Originally Posted by Yosef
How can you say there is no evidence for the existence of God?! Many scientists exclude God at first place so they don't see his wonders in front of their eyes and under their microscopes.
I see God's hand everywhere. All living things are designed. Planets are placed at their places and universe is right size, right expansion rate and right physical constants so we will be able to live on earth.

The fact is you cannot make a case for the existence of God without using religious text such as the bible or the Qu’ran. Therefore you have no scientific evidence. Here again in your post you use science by referring to the universe and the accumulated scientific knowledge about it. In doing so you deny that science had made it known they have no evidence and present none for the existence of God. That is when you pretend science it is wrong and refer to your Qu'ran. And then you try to fit in science to your religion again. Your science isn’t science at all; it’s simply religion masquerading as science. And you have a nonsensical circle going.
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How can you say there is no evidence for the existence of God?!

Because, there IS NO evidence for the existence of gods. Simple, really.

I see God's hand everywhere.

No, you don't. That would be a lie.

All living things are designed. Planets are placed at their places and universe is right size, right expansion rate and right physical constants so we will be able to live on earth.

Medieval thinking.

Did you come here in a time machine?

He created everything and he revealed the Quran. Did you know that the only verse in the Quran that talks about the moon been touched by hands of man is the 1390th verse from the end of the Quran and that the year that completed 1390 years in Islamic calendar is the year 1969 when man landed on moon?!

Complete nonsense.

The Quran testifies that the US and NASA are right!

That is a bold-faced lie.

No coincidences in the Book of God.

Just myth and superstitions.

BTW do you know that some evolutionsits went so far to say that the one million monkeys need some one "correcting erasing and adjusting" monkey?!

Do you know that Dawkins accepts the idea of aliens might have planted intelligence on earth?!

More bullshit lies.

All you've demonstrated is that Muslims who spread Islamic propaganda are liars.
It's no lies at all. I heard Dawkins saying that he accepts aliens have planted intelligence on earth. I heard that in "Expelled". And yes some evolutionists such as Eugenie Scott proposed that a correcting monkey is needed to solve the one million monkey problem.

Design is simply a set of integrated components that all work in harmony and that function of the system as whole depends on the accurate work of each part. This can be seen in all living things. A designer is thus needed. You need to face the fact that it is very hard for evolutionists to explain how information can raise from "lower levels" and increase in complexity.

Sorry to hear that some think there is no purpose and goal back all this life. You really should start looking for God. Your life won't be the same again after finding Him. Good luck :)

That 19 "Bashar" (meaning Human) and that 19 "Insan" (Human too) appear in the Quran up to and before chapter number 23 is not the only thing. There are 2673 verses up to chapter 23 and interestingly there are exactly 2673 "God" words up to chapter 76 ""Human"!

The verse number total of those 2673 occurrences of the word "God" that appear before chapter 76 "Human" is 181838:

This total divides perfectly by human chromosome number (46). It's equal to 46 X 3953

The factors of the number 181838 are given below with the serial position they have among the prime numbers in universe:

2 is the 1st prime number
23 is the 9th prime number
59 is the 17th prime number
67 is the 19th prime number

The intriguing thing is that the sum of the serial positions of these prime numbers (factors) is human chromosome number 46.

The nearest number to 181838 that would show the same phenomena described above is +8000 plus/minus 181838.

Numbers with factor positions adding up to 46 is seen in other totals up to chapter 76. I Will talk about later.
It's no lies at all. I heard Dawkins saying that he accepts aliens have planted intelligence on earth. I heard that in "Expelled". And yes some evolutionists such as Eugenie Scott proposed that a correcting monkey is needed to solve the one million monkey problem.

So, you lie about lying and then spread more lies.

Design is simply a set of integrated components that all work in harmony and that function of the system as whole depends on the accurate work of each part. This can be seen in all living things. A designer is thus needed.

You are confused at that which is designed with that which may appear designed. A designer is not required for that which appears designed.

You need to face the fact that it is very hard for evolutionists to explain how information can raise from "lower levels" and increase in complexity.

You need to get an education to understand facts.

Sorry to hear that some think there is no purpose and goal back all this life. You really should start looking for God. Your life won't be the same again after finding Him. Good luck

You really should stop lying, your life won't be the same again. Your cult is not a purpose.

I Will talk about later.

You mean you'll lie about it later.
It's no lies at all.

I thought I'd ask an expert and this is what I got in return...

"Some atheists here say there is no GOD"
"Yosef says, 'If you see it in THE NUMBERS it's so.'
"Please tell me the truth; is there a GOD?

"Your friend, Psychoticepisode (PE)"

PE, your atheist friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except [what] they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, PE, whether they be men's or children's, are little. In this great universe of ours man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge.

Yes, PE, there is a GOD. He exists as certainly as arithmetic, calculus, geometry and physics exist, and you know that they abound and give to your bibles all the number proofs you need. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no GOD. It would be as dreary as if there were no PE. There would be no blind faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which SciForums fills the world would be extinguished.

Not believe in GOD! You might as well not believe in numbers! You might get your atheist pals to hire men to watch in all the churches on Christmas Eve to find GOD, but even if they did not see GOD, what would that prove? Nobody sees GOD, but that is no sign that there is no GOD. The most real things in the world are those that neither atheists nor theists can see. Did you ever see numbers dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that's no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the numbers there are unseen and unseeable in the world.

LG would say, 'You may tear apart the baby's rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart.' Only blind faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, & lots of beautiful numbers can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, PE, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding.

No GOD! Thank Yosef and his buddies that he lives, and he lives forever. A thousand years from now, PE, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, He will continue to make glad the heart of the members of SciForums.

I guess I was told
It's no lies at all. I heard Dawkins saying that he accepts aliens have planted intelligence on earth. I heard that in "Expelled".
I would like to hear the specific source of that statement by Dawkins.

Design is simply a set of integrated components that all work in harmony and that function of the system as whole depends on the accurate work of each part. This can be seen in all living things. A designer is thus needed
This is false. Although the components must all function in harmony, there is in fact a great deal of wiggle room as to the specific "design" of each part. Natural selection explains how this can come about without a designing agent.

Dawkins said that at the end of a documentary called "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" from 2008. He said that aliens might be those who planted the seeds of life on earth.

Dawkins said that at the end of a documentary called "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" from 2008. He said that aliens might be those who planted the seeds of life on earth.

You are a liar. Here is what Dawkins said - emphasis mine.

"highly unlikely event that some such 'Directed Panspermia' was responsible for designing life on this planet, the alien beings would themselves have to have evolved"
My Jimmy Carter interpretation of the Quran is far more accurate, direct and obvious than everything Yosef's been doing with his numbers. Rejoice world, for soon ye shall be blessed with mountains of beer, popcorn, and an eternity of baseball.


Dawkins said that at the end of a documentary called "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" from 2008. He said that aliens might be those who planted the seeds of life on earth.

(Q) is right as usual. There is nothing in science that would make such an event impossible. Aliens aren't supernatural beings. Directed panspermia is a possibility, as is life first evolving on Mars or somewhere, and it traveling to Earth in a chunk of rock. Rocks from Mars have been found in Antarctica. Or life evolved right here, as the Miller-Urey Experiment confirmed was also possible.
Believe me Yosef, u make us a joke no more .
I know thats hard to say and u'll report but i should reply.
How can a Muslim to believe that, let alone an atheist.
Do u think that balderdash is a Mathematics, according to me and to every conscious Muslim that is sophistry.
Please, dont write anything with foolishness because u'll distort the image of Islam.
Nowaday, the Muslim enthusiasts are multiplying everyday or every minute, they r specially in america or europe... and they r contemptible because they r Muslim, so they try to proof that Quran have Miracles (and thats true) to have more respect but they make from islam and themselves a joke.Like those Pakistan guys they said that the tree is kneel to GOD........(i think u see the pictures)
In my opinion i see that GOD is greater than show his power in a way like that and Quran is a holy book not a scholastic book.
And, i dont say that Quran is not miracle but we should linger before writing, and try to understand what we write