God is TRUE - Can this be the proof for God?!

Quran have Miracles (and thats true)

And, i dont say that Quran is not miracle but we should linger before writing, and try to understand what we write

If a person goes away by themselves for a period of time and returns to exclaim they've been talking with angels, would you not have them see a psychiatrist?

Or, do you believe everything anyone tells you?
in Holy Quraan there are Allah's characters

and allah promised the muslims who obey and admire the islam's regulation , he will see Allah in heaven !!
Even more interesting phenomena!

I can understand that the facts presented so far might seem arbitrary but numerous findings support the idea that prime number series and composite number series are main building blocks in the Holy Quran. Number systems underly every letter, word, verse and chapter of the Holy Quran.

Again word "Human" (all forms) appears 47 times up to chapter 76 "Human": 46 times in definite form and one time in indefinite form.

Interesting phenomena can be seen when applying same methods. For example: concatenating chapter number with verse number for the 47 occurrences of the word Human (all forms) up to chapter 76 "Human", and summing the values gives the total 145167 (concatenating is a well supported method, see note at bottom).

145167 divides perfectly by 83 and 83 is the 23rd prime number in universe. At the same time the sum of the serial positions of the factors of 145167 among prime numbers adds up to 46 (human chromosome number).

If we do the same with the 46 occurrences of the word Human up to chapter 76 "Human" (i.e. excluding the one and only occurrence in indefinite form in chapter 17 "Israelites" verse 13), that is to say subtracting 1317 from 145167, we get the number 143850. The sum of the serial positions of the factors of this number among prime numbers adds up to 46 too (human chromosome number).

Let's introduce some "error" in the first number. What result would we get if the total 145167 was 145166 instead?! The sum of the serial positions of the factors of this number among prime numbers adds up to a huge 1277 !!

Let's introduce some "error" in the second number. What result would we get if the total 143850 was 143849 instead?! The sum of the serial positions of the factors of this number among prime numbers adds up to 57 !!

It might be due to coincidence that the total for word "Human" in all forms up to chapter 76 "Human" gives an interesting 145167 but for both sums (all forms and only definite) to give two numbers that the serial positions of the factors of among prime numbers add up to 46 is quite remarkable. Let alone that there are exactly 46 "Human" words (in definite form) up to chapter 76 "Human" (in fact chapters name is Alansn which means "The Human").

I remind that these phenomena are seen within the 65 occurrences of the word "Human" in the Quran. 65 is the 46th composite number in universe. In the same manner as 65 "Human" words (all forms) appear in the Quran, the word "Quran" appears in all forms 65 times up to chapter 76 "Human".

All of this is up on web and I can refer you to places where you can verify and analyze the totals mathematically. But I need to reach 20 posts before being able to post links. I will be around!

Note: concatenating chapter and verse number is a well supported method. It gives interesting prime numbers, verse totals, phenomena relating to human chromosome number, human chromosome number discoverer and so on...

Best wishes :)
All of this is up on web and I can refer you to places where you can verify and analyze the totals mathematically. But I need to reach 20 posts before being able to post links. I will be around!

You lying curs should be banned. Instead, you'll be welcomed and nurtured by the admin team for your agenda. You'll probably find sciforums as a new home base to spread your propaganda as many other Islamic propagandists have. They get kicked out everywhere else, of course, but find a haven here.
Let's introduce some "error" in the first number. What result would we get if the total 145167 was 145166 instead?! The sum of the serial positions of the factors of this number among prime numbers adds up to a huge 1277 !!

Let's introduce some "error" in the second number. What result would we get if the total 143850 was 143849 instead?! The sum of the serial positions of the factors of this number among prime numbers adds up to 57 !!

Hey, if I was cute, furry, had a tail, climbed trees and hoarded nuts, I'd be a squirrel. But I'm not those things. When something doesn't give you an interesting result, you just give it a little nudge, "error correction" as you say. And you do it a dozen times to get a semblance of a vague argument. This is the same game all numerologists play, what makes your numerology better than that of the Hindus and Kabbalists?

Only one way to prove that your fudges, error corrections, summations, divisions and concatenations are better than what others have already done for all the other ancient books. Tell us what the biggest technological invention/discovery of the next decade will be, and some details about how it will be found and what it implies, since you think there's so much information there on genetics.
More miracles!

Hey, if I was cute, furry, had a tail, climbed trees and hoarded nuts, I'd be a squirrel. But I'm not those things. When something doesn't give you an interesting result, you just give it a little nudge, "error correction" as you say. And you do it a dozen times to get a semblance of a vague argument. This is the same game all numerologists play, what makes your numerology better than that of the Hindus and Kabbalists?

Only one way to prove that your fudges, error corrections, summations, divisions and concatenations are better than what others have already done for all the other ancient books. Tell us what the biggest technological invention/discovery of the next decade will be, and some details about how it will be found and what it implies, since you think there's so much information there on genetics.

No it wasn't a correction at all. I meant "let us see what results we will get if the numbers were little bit different than what they are (i.e. from what God wanted them to be)".

The numbers derived from the Quran without any modifications are numbers that the sum of the serial positions of their factors among prime numbers add up to 46 (human chromosome number).

Q: It no lies at all. I would have found a better way of spending my time than fabricating numbers...

Here are additional facts:

Chapter 96 "The Clot" - This chapter is named "The Clot" and refers to the fertilized egg as it gets attached to the uterus wall. God says in this chapter: "Createth man from a clot".

This chapter has as many as 72 words yet it is written using only 23 unique Arabic letters (out of 28 letters in Arabic language). Number 23 is equal to human haploid chromosome number.

Chapter 76 "Human" has 243 words and is written using all Arabic alphabet yet we find that the 2 verses with the two occurrences of the word "Human" in this chapter are written with only 23 letters.

At the same time the 4 verses with the 5 occurrences of the word "God" in this chapter are also written using 23 unique Arabic letters.
you must be copying this from a web site. the same thing was done with the bible codes and even nostradamus.
No it wasn't a correction at all. I meant "let us see what results we will get if the numbers were little bit different than what they are (i.e. from what God wanted them to be)".

Welcome to Sciforums, a haven for cult nutters. You'll receive five star treatment, complimentary soap and towels and a continental breakfast. Dinner is black tie or bhurka. Check out time is never.
No it wasn't a correction at all. I meant "let us see what results we will get if the numbers were little bit different than what they are (i.e. from what God wanted them to be)".

The numbers derived from the Quran without any modifications are numbers that the sum of the serial positions of their factors among prime numbers add up to 46 (human chromosome number).

Ok, I misunderstood the purpose of you adding error corrections there, it was to demonstrate how things could go wrong if you made small changes. Fair enough. So then it doesn't trouble you when you look at sentences like the following?

The sum of the serial positions of the factors of this number among prime numbers

That's an awful lot of mixing, mashing, slicing and dicing you do there for a single number, especially considering you're free to cherry pick the numbers you use in the first place. And if something didn't work out, what's to stop you from doing more factoring, summing, subtracting and concatenating until you find a number that 46 divides perfectly or some such?

Considering how excited you seem at the ambiguous relationships and parallels you're drawing, I'm surprised you guys aren't snapping up all the patents for new inventions before the greedy corporate atheists manage to do it.
More interesting wonders!

The method of summing up the serial positions of factors is solid and numerous observations support it. Let us rather consider some simpler facts:

Chapter 96 "The Clot": This chapter is named "The Clot" and refers to the fertilized egg as it gets attached to the uterus wall. God says in this chapter: "Createth man from a clot". This chapter is the only one with a name with direct reference to human creation.

This chapter has as many as 72 words yet it is written using only 23 unique Arabic letters (out of 28 letters in Arabic language). Number 23 is equal to human haploid chromosome number.

The word God - "Allah" - الله -appears only once in this chapter: in verse number 14. This occurrence of word God is the 2691st from Quran's beginning. This number, 2691, divides perfectly by human haploid chromosome number 23. It's equal to 23 x 117.

At the same time, this verse (number 14) with this occurrence is the 117th from the end of the Quran !!

Even more interestingly is the fact that exactly 117 letters pass by in this chapter as the phrase "Verily, to thy Lord is the return (of all)" ends (in verse 8). This corresponds to what God says other places in the Quran that in same way He has created Man and put him on earth, He would bring him back to him. Our origin is 23 pairs of chromosomes and the 117 number signifies end state of being raised from the dead to meet Him.

This occurrence of the word God - "Allah" - الله - (in verse 14 of this chapter) is the 9th "Allah" from the end of the Quran (i.e. when counting from back). The interesting thing is that the 9th prime number in universe is 23.

The word "The Clot" appears only one time in this chapter: in verse number 2. This word is the 9th word in this chapter. Again the 9th prime number in universe is 23. At the same time, this same word is the 64th from the end of the chapter. The number 64 is the reversed form of the number 46 (human chromosome number). Reversing is natural since we counted from back.

There is a designer back all creation and back all these phenomena in the Quran. I remind you that the Quran was revealed 1430 years ago and human chromosome number was discovered in the year 1955.

There are many more such interesting phenomena in the Quran that ALL testify that it's, in fact, word of Allah - Jehovah God.

I would like to mention also that all numbers have been verified. It's all true! Do you really want to accept the ignorant idea of non existence of an all knowing God?! A God that will guide you and make your life much richer?!

Best wishes.
Now you are just preaching. You posted the same unconvincing garbage several times now. Saying we came from a "clot" is no different than saying we came from a "lump". Both words are no real explanation. If the Qu'ran had explained about chromosomes, that would be one thing, but to simply have the same number of words means NOTHING. Books contain letters and words and are divided into chapters, meaning that all sorts of corresponding numbers can be generated. All sorts of meaningful numbers are also generated by science. To connect the two shows nothing.

If you can, explain how anything in the Qu'ran reveals information that could not have been known at the time. Let them explain that Jupiter is made of gas, and Mars is made of rock. Let them say something about the spiral structure of DNA, or genes, or even cells.

There is no "Allah".
There is no "Allah".

What evidence you have for that?! What microscopic or cosmic evidence you have?!

Maybe you don't know that God says in the Quran that heavens and earth were one piece and that they have been parted asunder?! He has mentioned Big Bang 1430 years ago !! Who is the one who stood back Big Bang?! Do you know that the Big Bang is a highly & carefully calculated plan?! Exactly as it's described in the verse of the Quran.

Just bring a text of 139 letters that would give, using different and meaningful letter value systems, huge numbers (+160 digits numbers) that all divide by 19 perfectly. The challenge is there. God challenges everyone to write only a chapter like those of the Quran. No one has managed to do that in 1430 years.

You see those letter value systems, they should also give (huge) numbers (+1400 digit numbers) that divide perfectly by 46 (human chromosome number) when applied to chapters "Human" and "Clot".

What is presented here is only a fraction of the miracles found out there.

Is it also a coincidence that:

Chapter "The Bee" is the 16th chapter of the Quran?! Bee haploid chromosome number is 16.

or that the only verse where the word "Bee" appears in chapter "The Bee" consists of exactly 16 unique Arabic letters (out of the 28 letters in Arabic) i.e. repeated excluded. (Exactly the same can be seen in chapter 76 "Human")

or the fact that as the word "Bee" ends in that same verse, 16 letters would have passed by (in verse).

That chapter "The Bee" consists of 128 verses and that 128 is equal to 32 x 4 or 16 x 8. (32 is total chromosome number in bees).

What about the apparent size of moon and sun?! How many earths are needed to find one like ours so we will have a sun and a moon of apparently same size on the sky.

Allah - Jehovah God makes much more sense!
Maybe you don't know that God says in the Quran that heavens and earth were one piece and that they have been parted asunder?! He has mentioned Big Bang 1430 years ago !!

No. Or else bring your proofs, if ye be truthful.

Just bring a text of 139 letters that would give, using different and meaningful letter value systems, huge numbers (+160 digits numbers) that all divide by 19 perfectly. The challenge is there. God challenges everyone to write only a chapter like those of the Quran.

It would be astoundingly simple. The problem with all these number counts is a) that they only work in one language and b) that they can be done for almost any book ever written, if one only changes the base number.

Chapter "The Bee" is the 16th chapter of the Quran?! Bee haploid chromosome number is 16.

And? Bee diploid number is 32. Coincidence. Why doesn't each chapter start with the chromosomal number of its subject?

What about the apparent size of moon and sun?! How many earths are needed to find one like ours so we will have a sun and a moon of apparently same size on the sky.

How do you know this was Allah's doing?

Allah - Jehovah God makes much more sense!

On the basis of the arguments you have offered, only to the mad.
More proof from chapter 76 "Human".

GeoffP: It's the ratio pf phenomena to text that counts. As can be seen systems are consistent in several parts and places in the Quran.

Here I will present numeric facts concerning the linguistic structure of chapter 76, named "Human", of the Holy Quran. Can it be that this marvelous piece of literature is built, letter by letter, on the key number related to human creation, namely human chromosome number - 46 - ?! Let's consider these facts:

- A simple fact is that this chapter has 199 Alef letters. Alef is the first revealed letter of the Holy Quran and many great numeric & scientfic phenomena in the Holy Quran become evident by way of this letter. The special thing about 199 is that it is the 46th prime number in universe. Prime numbers are building blocks of the Holy Quran (Search Wikipedia for "Prime number" for more information).

- Some chapters of the Holy Quran are initiated by mysterious strings of letters, such as A, L, M or E, S. These letters convey no semantic meaning and no one is 100% sure what is the ultimate purpose of these letters but many researchers maintain that these are challenging keys that hide numeric systems & phenomena that prove the Divine origin of this Book. There are 29 Quranic initials (14 unique ones - i.e. repeated excluded) which are made of 14 unique letters out of the 28 letters in Arabic.

- Here are the letters making the word "Human" along with a number representing how many times each letter appears among (within) the 29 mysterious initials:

A - 13
L - 13
A - 13
N - 1
S - 5
N - 1

The sum is 46 : which is human chromosome number discovered in 1955 !

- Let's take each word of chapter 76 "Human" (243 words) and under each word we write how many Quranic initial letters it has (of the 14 letters). Then we put all values side by side right to left as is Arabic language:

The result is a huge number (278 digits) this number divides perfectly by 46 (human chromosome number)

- Now let's use a letter-value system (Based on the names of Allah - Jehovah God mentioned in the Holy Quran). We substitute each letter of chapter 76 "Human" with its numeric value according to this table. Then we put all values side by side right to left as is Arabic langiage:

The result is a huge number (1501 digits) this number divides perfectly by 46 (human chromosome number).

- Now let's take each letter of this same chapter and give it a numeric value according to how many times each letter appears among the mysterious initials (for example A gets 13, S gets 5 and so on..). A COMPLETELY different system than the one described above. Then we put all values side by side right to left as is Arabic langiage:

The result is a huge number (1429 digits) this number divides perfectly by 23 (human haploid chromosome number). it divides also by:

29 (which is the number of Quranic initials)
31 (the 31st composite number in universe is 46)
83 (this is the 23rd prime number in universe)

- This is a very recent discovery. Calculating how many times each letter of the 14 mysterious letters appears in chapter 76 "Human", making squares of these numbers (number of occurrences) & summing up all squares we get:

79879 which is 23 x 23 x 151 (pay attention to 23 squared) !!

That's not all. Here's sum of squares set (a, b, c, d):

253 which is 23 x 11
115 which is 23 x 5
46 which is 23 x 2
23 which is 23 x 1

The sum of the factors multiplied by 23 is the key miracle number in The Quran and The Bible, number 19 !!

The sum of the serial positions of the factors of 798879 is 54 which is 27 x 2. Word "Human" appears 27 times in the Quran in Mansoob form and 27 times in Marfooa' form (grammatical forms - object or subject form of word)

- The sum of the serial positions of the factors of the number corresponding to the other 14 non Quranic initial letters is 253 which is 23 x 11 (23 is human haploid chromosome number). The number is 9498.

Cannot you see that this Book is a revelation of the all knowing God?! I am not expecting you to become Muslims but I hope that some of you will start considering the possibility of God and ultimately, perhaps, start believing truly in God (Whether you're Christian or Jew or Muslim).
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I can see the book is the work of men and pretty stupid men at that. Its not even worthy of serious consideration. About on par with the book of mormon and dianetics.
More facts from chapter 76 "Human" of the Holy Quran.

I can see the book is the work of men and pretty stupid men at that. Its not even worthy of serious consideration. About on par with the book of mormon and dianetics.

I totally disagree!

I believe that every single letter of the Holy Quran is written down by the knowledge and the goals of God. All numbers put aside, it's an incredibly beautiful piece of literature.

Here I will present some simple and not so complicated mathematical phenomena, again from chapter 76 "Human:

- The first letter in this chapter is "Ha" and the 23rd letter is also "Ha".

- At the same time, the last letter is "Alef" and the 23rd letter from back (end of chapter) is also "Alef". Letters match at key position 23 !

- I have mentioned earlier that letter "Alef" is key letter in Quranic wonders. This letter appears 199 times in this chapter and number 199 is the 46th prime number in universe. Humans have 46 chromosomes (or 23 pairs).

- The 46th letter is this chapter is "Alef": Which is the last letter of the word "K'lqna" (Created) in the phrase: "We have created Man.." i.e. it's the letter right before the second & last "Alansn" (Human, Man) in chapter.

- At the same time, the 46th letter from the end of this chapter is also "Alef": Which is the last letter of the word "A'lema" (All-knowing) in the phrase: ".. Allah is All-Knowing, Wise".

- The 46th letter form the beginning of this chapter, letter "Alef in word (Created)", is the 9th Alef letter from the beginning of this chapter. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes and the 9th prime number in universe is 23 !

- At the same time, the 46th letter form the end of this chapter, letter "Alef in word (All-Knowing)" is the 9th Alef letter from the end of this chapter !

- Pay attention how the letter at key positions, 46 from start and back, relates in wonderful ways to the contextual meaning (Creation and unlimited knowledge) !!

- Meanwhile, the 46th letter form the beginning of this chapter, letter "Alef in word (Created)", is the 23th letter of the 4 letters making the word "Alansn" (Human) from the beginning of the chapter! (Letters: Alef, Lam, Noon & Sin)

All of these phenomena and many more are seen in EXACTLY the one chapter of the Holy Quran named "Human".

This chapter was revealed 1430 years ago and human chromosome number was discovered in the year 1955.
William Shakespeare was 46 years old when the King James Version of the Bible was written. The 46th word from the front is 'shake' and the 46th from the back is 'spear'.

It's monkeys on a typewriter - lengthy works almost always create these seemingly meaningful patterns.

Is that true?
I will, from now on, praise William Shake Spear as teh God of humans.
God does refer to himself as "I Am" does he not?

Will I Am?
Cannot you see that this Book is a revelation of the all knowing God?! I am not expecting you to become Muslims but I hope that some of you will start considering the possibility of God and ultimately, perhaps, start believing truly in God (Whether you're Christian or Jew or Muslim).

I can see that you picked a bunch of numbers, did a bunch of summing, squaring, concatenating, factoring, serial positioning, and so on and so forth, and chose to present those results which have 23 and 46 pop up a few times (considering 1 in every 23 numbers will be divisible by 23, and 1 in every 46 will be divisible by 46, that leaves you lots of options to pick and choose from doesn't it?). You then decided that the numbers 23 and 46 could only possibly refer to diploid and haploid number in human beings (since people with chromosome disorders don't count as humans I guess), since the chapter in which you're claiming to draw most of these numbers is titled "Human".

So I see what you've done, and I ask how you would demonstrate that such coincidences can't be found by other people using other methods and other books. What's the probability of me picking a large book of similar size to the Quran, choosing and playing with numbers in the same fashion as you do, and not finding my own results to be as satisfying as you claim to find yours? Got any way of calculating that, exactly? On the other hand, the probability of you predicting something complicated and revolutionary about science that wasn't already known is nearly zero, unless you truly were on to something worthwhile and weren't just randomly mixing and matching numbers to get what you like.