jayleew: The one thing I know is that a story was and is told of a man named Jesus Christ. It was said that he performed miracles and that he was the only way to an afterlife.
M*W: You're correct. It is just a "story." In that "story," the main character named "Jesus" did many wonderous feats that the other fictional "characters" were said to have witnessed and then wrote about their own stories. In the end, the "hero" saves the day. This is a very common theme in literature.
jayleew: Fact or fiction, I would rather believe in everything the Jesus said and find out that I was wrong, than to not believe in Jesus Christ and find out that I was wrong.
M*W: The character "Jesus" never wrote anything. None of the stories ever written about "Jesus" indicated that he wrote anything as even part of the main story. I would rather believe that everything Mark Twain wrote was factual, than to find out I was wrong and his literary heroes were just fictional.
jayleew: What is truth anway? Every truth is temporary with science and logic. The day Columbus crossed the ocean without falling off the edge, man's truth about the world changed. Then, the world was round. Science says there is no God. In the end, what is the truth?
M*W: There is no god.
jayleew: When we Christians argue about God's existence and the meaning of the scriptures, we limit God. We attempt to explain the unexplainable. Who would want a God that we could figure out, examine, label, and measure? What would we be if we could scientifically prove God's existence? Would we not be God's ourselves?
M*W: I didn't think Christians argued "about God's existence" or the "meaning of the scriptures." This is new news. Sorry, but the unexplainable in ancient times is readily explainable today. What ancient man believed to be a higher power than himself, today we can figure it out, examine, measure and label it. Ancient humans saw themselves as powerless. I've said this a zillion times already, but once again, they feared the elements, because the elements were out of their control. Today we call it the science of meteorology. Early man feared and awed the sun, moons, stars and planets which were out of his intellectual reach. Today, we have the science of astronomy. We don't fear the sky gods anymore. With the development of the science of aeronautical engineering, we now go there.
jayleew: God's truth is evident for those that irrationally hope that there is purpose behind the choatic nature of the world because they seem to work together more than apart. What is random and a scientific mystery is proof of the living God, as cheesy as it sounds. Our personal truths are biased toward ideas and experiences we gather throughout this life, so everyone follows something. Whether it's Isaac Asimov, Thomas Eddison, Albert Einstien, or Jesus Christ. We all follow the beliefs of someone else. No truth is the truth permanently with science. At this point, no one can scientifically prove the existence or the non-existence of God. Evidence points both ways, but it is all circumstantial.
M*W: Our personal truths are biased, as you stated, but not just through the experiences we gather throughout "this life." Our personal truths are based on millions of years of genetic and cellular memories. Even modern man still has the fear and awe of the sun and solar system in his genes. That was the mother of invention that sent us into outer space. Science cannot prove what "IS." Science can only prove what "ISN'T." Therefore, science will never be able to prove the existence of God. Science is only able to prove that there is no God.
jayleew: As for me, a life of complete rationality is a dull one. If everything was explainable, life might be easier, but the wonder of it all would be dead. Remember, if there is a God, we can choose to believe or not, but God is anyway.
M*W: The rationality of the scientifically explainable would not be boring at all! There still remains a whole universe out there that we don't know. As modern humans, we should accept what science has given us and learn to believe in what "IS" and stop believing in what "ISN'T."