God is a Moron

Medicine Woman,

You are right when you refer to the Founding Fathers of America as FreeMason.
Since your mind is so shallow however, you could not see that I was referring to time more then 1000 years ago.

And you really think that human culture and behaviour could have been sculpted less then 300 years ago? Oly now are we seeing Demonists like you forcing your beliefs on the rest of the world when a small child can see that what you and people like you believe in is a Fairy-Tale.

And once again, all human beings are creations of the True God, so regardless of what kind of Sinful activity they are involved in, they are still human beings and must be treated as such - This a Christian Teaching - Surprise!!!!

But for Demonists like you, human subjectivity should be one of your main agendas and your kind will indeed "flourish" in these end times.

I am looking forward to meeting my Maker when He comes in the Final Days.!!!

The question is, are you ready to meet yours- THE DEVIL???

I am looking forward to meeting my Maker when He comes in the Final Days.!!!

The question is, are you ready to meet yours- THE DEVIL???

What? Lucifer (AKA the Devil) can creat life too? What? Huh?
Medicine Woman,

And please stop pre-supposing your Intelligence to be greater then what it actually is.

There has been no true Genius in this world - Scientific or otherwise - for a long time now.

Atheists are actually worshippers of the devil, and technically, they 'profess' their maker to be the devil. By refusing to worship the True God, they let themselves be counted as one of the devils.

Call it whatever you want. To me, the devil is the devil.
Jadon said:
I believe the word Homophobe means the fear of homosexuals.

Fear often breeds hatred. The word also means hatred for homosexuals.


n : a person who hates or fears homosexual people


The Sriptures clearly state that we should not fear any man rather we should fear The Creator who can destroy both Body and Spirit.!!!!

Rather, fear your own ignorance.

You are no better than the people who you're talking to here, and you definitely don't seem like a Christian! A Christian should try to follow Christ (to be like Christ) Truly, by your behaviour, you are defiling the holy name of Christ. But this is what the Christ foresaw...

He also said:

"They honor me with their lips but their hearts are far away from me." (Jesaja)
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Ignorence is that you have not been able to see or understand what I have been saying, and I can confidently say that it is people like you - stickers for the particulars - who are the very ones that go around taking the lives or destroying the lives of such misled ones.


Atheists are actually worshippers of the devil, and technically, they 'profess' their maker to be the devil. By refusing to worship the True God, they let themselves be counted as one of the devils.

Call it whatever you want. To me, the devil is the devil.

Jadon, you are an ass. And stupid.

Are we worshippers of the devil? Do atheists really say this?

Or are we just counted among devil worshippers because we "refuse to worship god"?

Which is it Jadon? God, I'm getting tired of stupid theists (Ha! I made a joke!)

Firstly, I was accused of being a Homophobe, I believe it was by you? And then when I try and plainly or clearly state that I am not, you keep on accusing me of this Lie.

What is the problem? I will not recant my statement that homosexuality is a sin because it is, but that does not mean that I will Shun such lost souls. On the contrary, what they do with their lives is their business, I could not care less.

But I still hope that they will realise the errors of their ways.

And by the way, The Christ and I are like Brothers, and I would not dare Blaspheme his name.

When Atheists refuse to believe in The Creator, they automatically shift their allegiance to the devil. If you did not know this well then, I AM TELLING YOU NOW.

When our Forefather Adam disobeyed, he comitted the Great Sin - LIE. But did you know what was more dissapointing to the Creator - the fact that Adam was a downright COWARD, and couldn't take responsibility for his Actions.

Superluminal, every human being has to choose. Either you are for The Creator or you are fo the devil.

OR you can pretend to choose the other option( your own making)- sitting on the Fence, which in Scripture Talk means a Born and Bred Down to the devil COWARD!!!

The Scriptures are Clear -- If you be not for me, then you are against me.
This just highlights the stupidity of theists and Jadon in particular.


You are a COWARD for relying on a fairytale with no viable evidence to support it. Your precious scriptures are ancient fairytales for children. You are giving your one and only life over to the intellectual sewer of religion. Think of all you will miss out on. Nothing less than the intellectual opening of the universe!

Repent, and you can start masturbating right away! Guilt free!
Yorda and Superluminal,

The Creator did not make Adam a COWARD any more then your parents made you both COWARDS.

I see that Superluminals primitive instincts are getting too strong for him. Once again, he is talking about masturbation.

Comeon Yorda, don't be selfish !! Share some bananas with him, or he'll resort to playing with himself again.

Oh and Superluminal, you needn't worry!!. If you do become a BABOON again, I'll take on some of your Daddy responsibilty.

Would you like my address?? (show this to your friends!!)

As in what you doing this very day? Every word that falls from your mouth condemns you.

"you are like your father, the devil, who try to distort The Truth, thinking yourself greater then The ONE who gave you life" - The Christ


Reality: After the Second Coming, I will be honoured to be taught by The Creator himself and learn the True Science behind Everything.

As for you? You will be nothing.

That was pretty simplistically stupid (there's that word again). Do you have any ability to defend your faith? You are failing miserably. I think god will be displeased with you.

I don't have to defend my Faith! Thats the difference between you and Me. I KNOW I AM RIGHT - 100%.

You have to defend yourself because you are not even sure of yourself.

All you have are "borrowed 'wise' words". Forever true to your evolutionary thinking, you are just displaying some of your ape-like ancestral traits.

Had your bananas?


I don't have to defend my Faith! Thats the difference between you and Me. I KNOW I AM RIGHT - 100%.

You have to defend yourself because you are not even sure of yourself.

All you have are "borrowed 'wise' words". Forever true to your evolutionary thinking, you are just displaying some of your ape-like ancestral traits.

Had your bananas?

Once again, LMFAO!

You fool!

Yes you DO have to defend your faith!

Apologetics is the practice of defending the Christian faith against those who raise objections to its validity. We are commanded to be apologists (those who defend the faith) in 1 Pet. 3:15 - ". . . always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you. . . "

You are COMMANDED to do so by your bible! You fool you! How are you going to make it into Jesus' good graces if you don't even know what god wants you to do?

And how long are you going to embarrass youself with the monkey/banana thing? I love bananas!
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