God does exist.

Re: My turn

Originally posted by Adam

Die sinners! U all must believe in God coz you atheists have no proof! You say lies and no evidence without facts and so must accept god is real like adam said as car accidents! You say "mobile telephones" and think milkshakes and fish people have no rights in atheist morality! There IS NO ATHEIST MORALITY! Atheists have no proof! Because I have a cell phone ina 5-story building with kids, and there are earthquakes, so god is real, because you have no proof!

I just wanted to join in the fun. Does it look like I went to the same school as Muscleman?

Adam adam adam, child, LOL. your funny, first of all your the one who brought out the car accident analogy, and whats up with a 5 story and a cell phone? Your last resort is to an ATTEMPT to make FALSE ACCUSATIONS AGAINST ME like earlier, your making a fool out of your own words, the analogy i made about the cell phone is the claim of YOUR CHANCE, u think its ridiculous? Then why are u an atheist? LOL

I feel so effectively chided now.


God damn my poor grasp of spelling and grammar.


Damn my complete lack of facility of logic too!


*Pats Adam's head and attempts to console him until -*

HEY! Get your hand off my arse!

*Hits Adam*
just stepping by

Greetings all Scifers. A friend whispered me about another victim showing up in your comfy and scientifically secured sanctuary. It pains me much that such a blasphemy was held out.
Don't get me misunderstood- I love to blasphem and sex on a chruch's altar is somthing unfergetable, but in you case the blasphemer appears to be an idiot. It is very tragical- it blasphems the blasphemy and that is what stroke my dark, dreamy heart. Pain is extasy if you are able to taste it, but this is just sick.

Now some words to so called muscle man
(are you sure you don't have any complex about your poor body built?)

I see your need to prove that there exists a god. Particulary you mean christian god i.e. Jahve.
It is very funny and interesting. Of course all atheists here say that there doesn't exist a god and they are right, but wrong are those who think Jahve never existed. I'm a member of a one society that has good reasons to believe that what you people in the western world generally call as demons or spirits, got rid of your god. Unfortunately a god can not be fully killed till it is remembered by any, thus the "12 Lords of Kxakthan" locked it in such a place even Tartar would be afraid of. Tis only a legend, but our society has knowledge of it for a long long time, thus you can not say, we have imagined it.
See- there is no use of following or worshipping your god, it won't help you (a little secret- gods are above "he" or "she"), because it can't. And he would only be released after this universe ceases to exist. I won't fool you- we have no idea why the 12 Lords decided to lock Jahve away. Maybe they had some active philosophical debate with Jahve or maybe they go fed up with that particular god, or maybe Jahve locked himself away from our universe, because he got fed up with the 12 Lords, but they just told their view on the story. Whatever is the case- your god is dead to our universe. We once suggested to carry on Javes' burial at one Spring Solstice, but the local church (local to our convent) didn't appreciate it :(. How do you think, could it have beem carried out in your western world- I mean America and EU countries?. Some people just don't like fun- all our ceremonies involve sexual and spiritual pleasure. The problem with you, christians, is that you don't want to admit your god is dead for you and us and don't want to live on. We don't care much about the 12 Lords, they have done nothing for us to be loyal to them, we care about this life, we sacriface and drink from life- it's beautiful, much more pleasurable than pouring ash on your head, in the end you in any way return all what you have drunk from it back to the fire from which you were born. But don't worry- no christian has ever joined us, you don't have a chance- we don't forgive.

have a nice day, we hope you will be used in some cool looking ritual with no deeper meaning, except just fot that it looks cool and makes one blind christian less and as Avatar put it - the world will be a little bit happier place.

I think you will like it- die with a thought that you make this world a better place.

My damnation to all of you,
enjoy your life

As far as debate is concerned, I'd be happy to just as soon as I see you post something that even resembles debate or a clearly posited argument. Thus far I'll I've seen from you is inane ranting and rambling. You claim evidence and argument towards God but present none. In fact, you present no indication that you are in the least bit interested in discussion or debate. Contrary to your challenges and request for counter-argument you have thus far ignored those arguments that have been presented and simply continued in rambling.

Although I seriously doubt it, if you are indeed interested in an intelligent discussion you will need to change you manner and present one. Otherwise, your method belies your intent quite clearly. Thus far, all you have proven is that you are not worthy of the time and thought required for an intelligent discussion because you bring nothing of value to the table. I daresay that shortly, if not already, you will be viewed here as a mere amusement and object of ridicule. We have seen such displays before… we have a little fun with them, generally ignore what they say, and eventually they get bored and leave.

In short, if you are interested in a real discussion then change your manner and present a lucid argument or query… some spacing, proper grammar, and correct capitalization would also help. If not, then thank you for providing such a large target, several members here have a wonderful way with words and a sharp wit. I will enjoy reading their ripostes and perhaps even joining in the fun.

Atheist people.

Again, for ther ummm 2nd time....You are so quick at responding concerning my grammar and spelling, and its amazing how you call facts "rambling" ohhh, rambling. But its also amazing how NONE OF YOU have responded to the evidence aforementioned, but instead you called it "Rambling", LOL. Listen to yourself, why dont you go ahead read what i said, listen, then post something about it to prove that it is rambling, LOL. Your all good at calling me names, recognizing grammars and spelling, umm whats next? Why dont u recognize the fact that Intelligence is proven, The mind behind the physical universe even great scientist such as Einstein believes. I know why you wont, because your last resort of being an atheist is to hang on to "Chance" or "Super accident", your friends call "common life" what was NEVER even demonstrated, LOL, why do u have to lie? Is it because that your only Chance? Yes I have posted for you to debate with, and in response u call it "rambling" and talked about my grammars instead.And your friend Primeeval beauty also talked about her God I never heard of, LOL, can her nobody God compared to ours? LOL, amazing atheist. YOU GUYS DO A GOOD JOB AT MANEUVERING AND CHANGING TOPIC, I TALK ABOUT CHANCE, THEN YOU TALK ABOUT GRAMMARS, I TALK ABOUT FACTS, THEN YOU TALK ABOUT HOW IM RAMBLING, IM TALKING ABOUT SCIENCE, THEN YOU TALK ABOUT PURPLE SQUID MONKEY OR JEVAH GODS, YOUR ALL STRANGE.

ANYWAYS Ill b back tonight to have real debate, got to go to school children
I'm not a frequent visitor here, but can't you clasify that moron as a threat to ones intellect and ban him?:bugeye:

why dont you go ahead read what i said, listen, then post something about it to prove that it is rambling

Rambling - To talk or write in a discursive, aimless way. Tending to depart from the main point or cover a wide range of subjects. To speak or write at length and with many digressions.

Rant - To speak or write in a angry or violent manner; rave. Violent or extravagant speech or writing. A speech or piece of writing that incites anger or violence. To rave in violent, high-sounding, or extravagant language, without dignity of thought; to be noisy, boisterous, and bombastic in talk or declamation.

The above definitions are indicative to everything you've posted so far.

ANYWAYS Ill b back tonight to have real debate

Yeah, sure. I'm on pins and needles. :rolleyes:
Seriously, can we just ignore him now and let him go on his mindless life?
Come on guys, you cannot prove anything to a guy who thinks lack of evidence is proof of something be false.
It obvious that muscleman is retarded. WE need to treat HIM with respect for that same reason.

Muscleman do you want some applesauce?:)
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Originally posted by muscleman
You are so quick at responding concerning my grammar and spelling,

Actually, my comments concerned the spacing of your posts, your grammar, and your use of caps but not your spelling. These factors make your posts rather difficult to read. They also suggest that you're not spending much time in consideration of what it is you are saying. Your "arguments", such as they are, are jumbled throughout with nary a hint of ordered thought… such is considered to be "rambling". They hardly comprise anything even close to what would be considered a reasoned and well presented argument.

and its amazing how you call facts "rambling" ohhh, rambling.

Facts are facts. Rambling is an intransitive verb that gives proper description of your posts. Please see (Q)'s reference above…
(thank you Q!).

But its also amazing how NONE OF YOU have responded to the evidence aforementioned

Actually, there have been several posts responding directly to the aforementioned "evidence". You ignored them.

Listen to yourself, why dont you go ahead read what i said, listen, then post something about it to prove that it is rambling, LOL.

I don't need to prove what is evident to everyone but you.

Why dont u recognize the fact that Intelligence is proven,

Whose intelligence is proven? Are you trying to refer to the argument from "Intelligent Design"? Why should I have to compose your own arguments for you? Try actually presenting an argument.

The mind behind the physical universe even great scientist such as Einstein believes.

Actually, Einstein denied what you are claiming:

"It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it." - Albert Einstein

Of course, this hardly matters as using Einstein's beliefs as an argument towards theist or atheism is simply an appeal to authority and is a logical fallacy. In other-words it's an invalid argument.

I know why you wont, because…

Wrong again. It's because you have yet to present an actual argument.

Yes I have posted for you to debate with, and in response u call it "rambling" and talked about my grammars instead.

No. Actually, I suggested that if you actually wanted to debate an issue that you should present one properly. As yet, you have not.

ANYWAYS Ill b back tonight to have real debate

That'll be a first.

As far as I'm concerned that's strike two, muscleman. Present a rational argument or just go away. I'm giving you more of a chance than you deserve.

I think you're right, Coffee!

Muscleman want play with ball? Or go outside? Muscleman want eat? Everybody love Muscleman big hug. :)
?? how old are you guys?.

Why do atheist always go back to Galileo event to prove they are right? How does the human historical mistake prove that there is no God? Are we going back to that “Christian guy sinned, therefore God is a myth”, are we going back to that lame atheist attack again?

What do u expect them to say in the 1400’s? “Oh Galileo, all this years we thought the earth was flat & we r dead wrong and you are right, I will believe your claim and we don’t need proof but we shall have great faith in thee O Galileo”, Stupid atheist, did u really think the prideful Bishops and the prideful people in the church will say that at the time? Besides, bishops are bishops, not astronomers and scientist, what do they know about astronomy? To them the earth seems flat, and so it is flat, until science proved them wrong, THAT’S WHY I ONLY LISTEN TO SCIENTIFICAL FACTS, NOT HUMAN ERRORS IN THE PAST.

That’s a ridiculous thing to say, I can pretend to be stupid and say “One time mike was walking in Laurel Ave., a police told him to turn around because there is a shooting ahead, Mike said ‘No, prove that to me officer then ill believe you’ and the officer said ‘what else do u think I’m doing here and many other cops, were here trying to prevent people like u from walking ahead’ Mike said well that doesn’t prove it to me, then the officer said “are u sure there is no shooting ahead? Can u prove your opinion? But Mike said “nope I have no proof, the burden of proof is on u” and he kept on walking, later on we found out that he got shot on the butt, therefore Atheist are wrong and God is real”, see, LOL, I can be as stupid as an atheist and use that analogy to prove there is God, I’m not stupid like that, I’m here to give FACTUAL evidence, not some human errors or historical event but SCIENCTIFIC FACTS, if anything it’s the atheist that need to make a better argument.

That’s why science is helpful, science reveals lies, such as the lie that series of earthquake wind and lightning can gather atoms and molecules together then form and shape it into mitochondria, ribosome, nucleus, membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, and thousands of cell parts, each part waiting maybe even 1,000,000,000,000 years until it became a fully develop cell then bring it to life by “ACCIDENT”, that’s your stupid belief THANKS TO SCIENCE YOUR CLAIM IS PROVEN FALSE, IF SCIENTIST WITH FAR GREATER ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY CANNOT CREATE A CELL, WHAT MADE U THINK EARTHQUAKES DID IT? And even if scientist were succesfull, I still believe in an Intelligent designer as the cause (Scientist effort) not some lightning and earthquake gluing the parts together and shaping and molding it and bring it to life by “chance” which is a lie.