God does exist.

Why is it that christians always say "IL pray for you." I always thought that that was a way of saying, go to hell, or fuck you.

Muscleman ive got some words for you but Im above that. I can however tell that your a very repressed homosexual.

You don't have a girlfriend, do you? That's not the way to talk to, or about, women. Or anyone else, for that matter.

Want to know a secret? I know that if I drive my car at 200km/h (if my car could ever get that fast, which it can't without going over a high cliff) directly into a big concrete wall, I will most likely die. I've never done it, but I know that is the likely outcome. How do I know? From past experience of driving, from observing other drivers and crashes, and from understanding something about the human body and forces. I've still never done it myself though.
Originally posted by Xev

Who let the trolls out?
Rant, rant, rant rant rant
When the forum was nice, and discussion was rational
And everybody havin' a ball (Hah, ho, Yippie Yi Yo)
I tell the fellas "start the name callin'" (Yippie Yi Yo)
And the fundies start to troll
The poor "sanity o meter" go down

Who let the trolls out?
Rant, rant, rant rant rant
Who let the trolls out?
Rant, rant, rant rant rant
Who let the trolls out?
Rant, rant, rant rant rant
Who let the trolls out?
Rant, rant, rant rant rant

Avatar sings this cool but sad song together with Xev

(got to go now- damned school)

edit- btw, muscleman, I challenge you to a ring. You can take that heavy bible of yours with you. But it won't help you much, I'm afraid.

Just YOU and Me, AND all my atheistical friends:D:D

okok- I can take you on for myself. I'd do much to get Sciforums rid of SUCH a stupid troll.

anyways adam, thats a good point, because evidence proves such claim that there is a possibility u can die because of the fact many has before. LOL.. i came to the conclusion that u guys are finished, nothing more inteligent to say, I rest my case, u all losed, MEN CANT U GUYS BE A BETTER ATHEIST? LOL, why dont u guys question the bible, and how we are not the first religion and that other religions are this or that, Common, even I can make a better atheist than u guys, LOL u guys are amateur, anyways Im looking forward to better arguments ok kids
You don't have a girlfriend, do you? That's not the way to talk to, or about, women. Or anyone else, for that matter.

That's right Adam, be all chivalrous and beat him up!
anyways adam, thats a good point, because evidence proves such claim that there is a possibility u can die because of the fact many has before. LOL.. i came to the conclusion that u guys are finished, nothing more inteligent to say, I rest my case, u all losed, MEN CANT U GUYS BE A BETTER ATHEIST? LOL, why dont u guys question the bible, and how we are not the first religion and that other religions are this or that, Common, even I can make a better atheist than u guys, LOL u guys are amateur, anyways Im looking forward to better arguments ok kids

Am I the only one thinking... "What?"?
Originally posted by muscleman
anyways adam, thats a good point, because evidence proves such claim that there is a possibility u can die because of the fact many has before. LOL.. i came to the conclusion that u guys are finished, nothing more inteligent to say, I rest my case, u all losed, MEN CANT U GUYS BE A BETTER ATHEIST? LOL, why dont u guys question the bible, and how we are not the first religion and that other religions are this or that, Common, even I can make a better atheist than u guys, LOL u guys are amateur, anyways Im looking forward to better arguments ok kids

please read above^ SCIFORUMS
now read your edu certificate -> DUMBASS

SCIforums is not suited for DUMBasses
(not that we haven't got some asses)
muscleman your only 21 so shut up. My sister is older then you. My cat is older then you in cat years. My cat also has better points then you.

U uderstan?
Originally posted by GB-GIL Trans-global
Somehow I think this is a member trying to play a trick on us.
I think you could be right GB, using troll math I think...

muscleman = Futurist = Platipus = trolls
My turn

Die sinners! U all must believe in God coz you atheists have no proof! You say lies and no evidence without facts and so must accept god is real like adam said as car accidents! You say "mobile telephones" and think milkshakes and fish people have no rights in atheist morality! There IS NO ATHEIST MORALITY! Atheists have no proof! Because I have a cell phone ina 5-story building with kids, and there are earthquakes, so god is real, because you have no proof!

I just wanted to join in the fun. Does it look like I went to the same school as Muscleman?
GOD will not be mocked! All of you sinners will burn in a lake of fire-ey goodness while I sit in heaven singing the Tequila song with attractive women draped over my arms! Jesus is my lord and personal saviour and will protect me from the demonic forces that try to steal my soul! Eeeah! The bubbling pit! The colour out of space! The crawling chaos! Demon pizza is evil! Good night, and God bless Azjerbistan!
GOD will not be mocked! All of you sinners will burn in a lake of fire-ey goodness while I sit in heaven singing the Tequila song with attractive women draped over my arms! Jesus is my lord and personal saviour and will protect me from the demonic forces that try to steal my soul! Eeeah! The bubbling pit! The colour out of space! The crawling chaos! Demon pizza is evil!

Well your a better speller then muscleman.
Originally posted by FoxMulder
GOD will not be mocked! All of you sinners will burn in a lake of fire-ey goodness while I sit in heaven singing the Tequila song with attractive women draped over my arms! Jesus is my lord and personal saviour and will protect me from the demonic forces that try to steal my soul! Eeeah! The bubbling pit! The colour out of space! The crawling chaos! Demon pizza is evil! Good night, and God bless Azjerbistan!

I thought tequila was demonic.


erm... wait... did I get that right? :confused: