God does exist.

It's just depressing when the nutters don't read my posts...
how stupid are atheist? ratio from 1 to 10 ill give them 1,000

Ill make it easier for atheist, lets make a magic step over the impossible of the impossible, let’s just pretend that scientists were able to successfully build a cell together! (LOL) Even then Ill still believe in God for the fact is, intelligence is the cause of the detailed & complex effect (scientist effort) not series of tornado, earthquake, & lightning. If the super impossibility of creating a cell were made possible, how then did u expect it to multiply from a single cell considering the lifespan of it is very short? If the dinosaurs with ultimate defense mechanism became instinct, how did u expect a defenseless delicate cell survive & replicate? By accident, coincidence, "chance", magic?
Trying to find a way through the idiocy...

For many years of observation & study, biochemists can only limitedly identify & label what’s contained in a cell, but never successful in creating one. Considering all the technologies modern science has to offer (electron microscope, etc.) they can even split an atom into half! Yet even then NOT ONE scientist are able to successfully create a single cell, NONE! If this was the case, why then do atheist claim that series of earthquake, wind, & lightning created life forms by accident "chance" when scientist with far better technology than wind & sunlight can't?
Think about it. I mean, drop your bible and your cum-stained icon of Jesus, and actually think about it for a minute. Scientists have been learning with cells and dishes for how long? A century or so? ou could probably count up the number of experiments done involving cell manipulation. Now compare that to the number of cellular manipulations done on Earth by nature since the planet's beginning. Think about it.

First of all I believe in theories or any claims with proof, read what i previosuly posted bro.
Don't call me "bro". One, I'm far too groovy to be related to a fundy idiot. Two, my actual brothers are about a million times smarter than you. Three, I don't like the term "bro".

Strange,atheist u learned big bang theory,evolution,law of physics, STUPID, its taught in Christian college, its good education, it explains & teaches "How" life began, but science teaches "Nothing is caused w/o reason" God is the reason & cause, intelligence is proven, super luck isnt.
First, PLEASE go and take a course in English. Get some spelling and grammar lessons under your belt. Learn to construct proper sentences.

Second, you have no idea what I have learnt.

Third, you say intelligence is proven, and include your god as an aside as though that also is proven. Prove it.

LOL, Atheist r talking like president Bush or catholic president Kennedy never went 2 universities,lol, they did&learned all bout Big Bang,evolution,physics,etc. bcame presidents & believes in God.
Could it be that they were raised in a nation settled by christian fundies who earlier slaughtererd eight million unbelievers in their efforts to create a christian nation?

99% of universities r founded by Christians (harvard,princeton,ucdavis,stanford,georgiatown, etc.)so why do atheist claim they are so smart when the fact is most of them get their education from us?
1) This would explain the sad state of USA education.
2) Prove it.

Fact is natural resources cannot gather the atoms/inert compounds, molecules together & shape it to become a cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, mitochondria, etc. & thousands of other parts to form a cell...
Fact is, nature CAN do that, and our existence proves it.

Don’t try to compare organisms to automobiles...
Um, until now, you are the only one who has made such a comparison.

If the super impossibility of creating a cell were made possible, how then did u expect it to multiply from a single cell considering the lifespan of it is very short?
It is precisely the short lifespan of single cells which promotes evolution from the earliest, simple organisms to more advanced life. A shorter lifespan means greater turn-over and variation.

If the dinosaurs with ultimate defense mechanism...
What "ultimate defence mechanism"?

If the dinosaurs with ultimate defense mechanism became instinct, how did u expect a defenseless delicate cell survive & replicate?
You never read anything at all about the extinction of the dinosaurs, did you?

Once again, because apparently you need it:
how stupid are atheist? ratio from 1 to 10 ill give them 1,000

What about an agnostic? Or what about a Zen Priest?

My biology teacher once told me something and I didn't like it, IL try to reconstruct it from memory:

A scientist walked up to God and said "We don't need you anymore." God said "Why?" The scientist said "We can make our own life now out of dirt." God said "Okay then lets make life, IL make mine my way, you make yours your way." Then God made life from dirt...just plain dirty dirt. The scientist said "Okay give me my dirt." God said "Nope. You gotta get your own."

I thought that this joke was stupid first of all. Wasn't there dirt before life?
uhh... obviously YOUR intelligence is based on the weather patterns, unlike OURS. It's much more complex than that. Billions of years of mutations... micro-evolution*10=macro-evolution.

I think you'll find the attached photo of our friend MuscleMan amusing :)
Fact is natural resources cannot gather the atoms/inert compounds, molecules together & shape it to become a cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, mitochondria, etc. & thousands of other parts to form a cell...


Fact is, nature CAN do that, and our existence proves it.

Fact: 1.) Scientist AND BIOCHEMISTS HAVE NOT created any life forms, from cells to insects to any creatures.

Fact: 2.) The most scientist can ever do is clone off EXISTING CELLS.

Fact: 3.)Our existence doesnt prove that that Mr. earthquake, lightning, wind, & sunlight can gather the atoms/molecules together and shape it into a tiny and delicate nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm, mitochondria, & thousands of other parts of the cell together & then bring it to life? that is like assembling human parts together,the wind will carry the arms, then the earthquake will shake the heart, &then the lightning will glue them together, &later on the spare parts became a living breathing person!? LOL, your stupid, thats "Chance" which have no evidence! As I was saying did u actually think there’s a brain lying around waiting for the rest of the parts to develop? Your stupid you know that, u watch too much cartoon network! How can lightning or earthquake create mitochondria first then it will wait for even maybe 1000 years until nucleus appear?
the problem with people like you is that u have brain but your not using it, u call fact wwhat is yet to be proven.

my cellular phone formed a custom 2 story 5 bedroom house complete with doors, fireplace, windows, and toilets in 10 years of hurricane and earthquake, or my shoes shaped a sandcastle modeled after the white house in 8 years of flood and tornado, how can I disagree with that if I claim that series of earthquakes, hurricane, sunlight, and lightning gathered the atoms together, then formed and shaped it into a mitochondria, ribosome, cytoplasm, nucleus, and thousands of other parts all at once to become a living breathing cell, a detailed and complex life form?

the problem with people like you is that u have brain but your not using it, u call fact wwhat is yet to be proven.

I think yours might have something wrong with it bucko.:D

my cellular phone formed a custom 2 story 5 bedroom house complete with doors, fireplace, windows, and toilets in 10 years of hurricane and earthquake, or my shoes shaped a sandcastle modeled after the white house in 8 years of flood and tornado, how can I disagree with that if I claim that series of earthquakes, hurricane, sunlight, and lightning gathered the atoms together, then formed and shaped it into a mitochondria, ribosome, cytoplasm, nucleus, and thousands of other parts all at once to become a living breathing cell, a detailed and complex life form?

Here il ask my sister, a microbiologist, if this makes any sense.

"Hey April does this make any sense."
"Maybe If he could costruct a sentence. And no it doesnt make any sense."

Actully April, my sister, said that a living cell can be formed from several acids if mixed right...Im not using her exact words but she said something like that.....needless to say she doesnt believe in God.... does that piss you off?

(this is my 500th post!!!)
LOL, atheist always make me laugh, if we bring up the topic "intelligence" then they will talk about "mortality", if the topic is "chance" then they will talk about "wrong grammars" u atheist are so good at maneuvering facts.

<Actully April, my sister, said that a living cell can be formed from several acids if mixed right...Im not using her exact words but she said something like that.....>

Fact: 1) Little child, born in 1983, I dont care what your sister believe and what kind of lies your sister is going to make. FACT REMAINS, NOT ONE a microbiologist or any biochemist scientist have created a living breathing cell. We are not talkiing about amino acids being gathered, or cloning. We are talking about the existence of life, when science claimed that it all began from atoms. There is no evidence that earthquake lightning and wind gathered the atoms together and create a living breathing Cell. Your sister, let me talk to her, she is a liar.
I guess u wont comment on my cell phone forming a 2 story 5 bedroom house with windows doors and toilets in 8 years of earthquake, lightning, and wind and I know why u wont comment with that, because you cant! Face it, this is chance, this is like your belief.

The only thing u r good at is changing topic and escaping FACTS, even to the point if its necessary to LIE and use peoples testimony. Reality triumps over guesses, Fact triumphs over opinion PERIOD
Fact: 1) Little child, born in 1983,

Im not little. I can assure you whatever your age is it isnt reflected in your post. Let me put this in a way you can understand, R U RETARDEDDED?

I dont care what your sister believe and what kind of lies your sister is going to make. FACT REMAINS, NOT ONE a microbiologist or any biochemist scientist have created a living breathing cell. We are not talkiing about amino acids being gathered, or cloning. We are talking about the existence of life, when science claimed that it all began from atoms. There is no evidence that earthquake lightning and wind gathered the atoms together and create a living breathing Cell. Your sister, let me talk to her, she is a liar.

Heres my sister:
Im sorry did you go to college for 7 years and get a degree in microbilogy? Did you go to school at all for that matter?

Where is your proof that YOUR GOD excist? We dont make cells because we already have them you jackass. If funding permitted it I would try to make cell out of nothing, but that would cost a lot. Im here to cure diseases you mindless fuck. So go to YOUR HELL, because I don't have one sweety.
Thank you april. Dont you guys just love her?!:D
I guess u wont comment on my cell phone forming a 2 story 5 bedroom house with windows doors and toilets in 8 years of earthquake, lightning, and wind and I know why u wont comment with that, because you cant! Face it, this is chance, this is like your belief.

The only thing u r good at is changing topic and escaping FACTS, even to the point if its necessary to LIE and use peoples testimony. Reality triumps over guesses, Fact triumphs over opinion PERIOD

You have to give people time to read through your post that doesnt make much sense in the first place. Your a troll. Your not very good at it either. FLAME ON!
<We dont make cells because we already have them you jackass. If funding permitted it I would try to make cell out of nothing, but that would cost a lot.>- April.

hahahaha, excuses excuses, who do u think you are april? The best scientist in the universe? LOL, who are you? The best scientist in the world have not succesfully created cell out of gathering atoms. And your stupid for saying "We dont make cells because we already have them you jackass" U JUST PROVED YOURSELF THAT YOU LIED BY CLAIMING THAT A CELL CAN BE BUILT, so thank you for proving yourself to be A LIAR FOR US.
the first life form to evolve from earth is cell, the building blocks of life. Thats the whole topic, the whole point of the subject, how did it exist? LOL, little child...So so so...ummm...never mind:p
Coffee: Can I marry your sister???

She just now broke up with her boyfriend of over 2 years.... shes 24. Ive talked to her about joining sciforums but she would rather just help me out.
And yes, I believe Muscleman has just proven himself a troll.
<We dont make cells because we already have them you jackass. If funding permitted it I would try to make cell out of nothing, but that would cost a lot.>

LOl, excuses exxcuses, FACE THE FACT, ITS IMPOSSIBLE, O i didnt have proof there is no God because science have not yet discovered it, LISTEN LITTLE CHILDREN, I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR PROPHESY OR OPINIONS OR THEORY WITH NO EVIDENCE, I only listen to FACTS, otherwise think before you speak, April will try to create a cell, HAHAHAHAHA, who does she think she is? Super scientist?:D

You have refused to answer all questions I have posed.

You have ignored evidence I have supplied.

You have refused to read the links I posted.

You ignore the words of someone specifically educated in a field you questioned.

You insulted that person because her informed opinion does not match your superstitious views.

While dishing out insults, you demand proof yet say god exists, without providing proof of such.

In short, you're a waste of oxygen. Go hide under a rock.