Hey Dark fearing God is like being afraid to take the antique car for a spin with the guys because when dad comes He won't be very happy. Something like that.
Umm...ok, your interpretation is vague. Can people be more intellectual instead of emotional???
Everyone sshould ask what does God want of me? But in asking that you get the idea that God wants you to tell the world the right thing. How to be a good person. Being a good person means obeying God. Every religion states that.
It was to 'show' religious people that to self-glorify themselves is just as the story in Mark about discipleship. One did not learn I see. What do you mean by "God wants you to tell the world the right thing?" You need to more specific of "right thing." But what I see of it now is, "my religion is better then yours crap." Did you get my point?
The more logical Luke through his gospel shows that he is more theological then Mark and Matthew, universalism, everyone can be saved and everyone should live in peace. You saying that God wants you to tell others the right thing is very similiar to self-glorification, that doesn't tell people specifically how people to live in peace?! Again people would misinterpret that, a MISTAKE many do with the Bible, interpretation. Let me ask you this, what is the right thing to you? Everyone being a Christian? That would be arrogance if one was to say that.
Have you ever tried to consider what it would be like if God reveiled himself as plain as the sun in the noonday sky?
Uh yes, to be more sarcastic, "I better live by Gods rules because I don't want my ass to burn in hell!" Comprehend that? Boring place...hmmm maybe, depends on one's
perspective. If God reveals Himself, crime will be reduced greatly because humans will then know what they do affects WHERE they go.
You know in Genisis when God created man, he reveiled himself to him. But then man get led astray and took his own path [Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil].
Uh huh, yeahhh, so this is your basis to conclude the world would be a boring place???
It is like backing upon God in a argument with evolution.
Then now you end up with thousands of religions and people questioning if God exists at all.
Scholars you can call them. And the others, atheists searching for answers, having questionable faith. Many have their reasons to not believe in a God, but I, I believe in a creator. But what many QUESTION are denominations.
God just said hey if he wants to go it alone well... Let him.
Again human interpretation of God.
The point is now you need faith to believe in God. Bevause since we got independent and went our way we can't see him anymore. But faith is the solution. You just have to put it in the right place. Lata Dark Master.
Unquestionable faith, I believe, is a very foolish solution.