God does exist.

Originally posted by GB-GIL Trans-global
omg folks...

I think he left!


And there was much rejoicing :)
The bible maybe less than 2000 yrs ago, but the original scrolls in the old testament date older than 2000 yrs ago.

Yes the Old Testament may be over 2000 years old, but we were discussing Jesus dipshit.

Why can't you just say, "Ok, I was inaccurate on that part?"

But instead you choose to make yourself look more like a fool. Not accepting your mistakes.

O that King Henry and King James have made a big influence in the world, and God havent? HAHAHAHA, hmmm, i wonder who started the christianity and said "Go on make disciples of all nation" which resulted into billions of followers, the last time I heard it was Jesus.

Moron, why do you think I stated I do not deny Jesus existed??? Again you prove your stupidity.

So WHAT are you ranting about?

Yes Billions of eyewitnesses, living or not, for the past over 1000 yrs of christians, there r probably over trillions of them who testified.

Billions of eyewitnesses to what? Last time I checked you mention billions of eyewitnesses about that "Lady of Guadaple and that oil crap. And when did those stories come? So thus I can RATIONALLY (something muscle-brain can't obviously do) conclude that there cannot be billions of eyewitnesses for those current stories.

Tsk tsk, trying to broaden your mistake?


I can imagine him wearing earphones closing his eyes yelling. :D

Not very intelligent and I do not desire to lower myself arguing with an idiot.

End of discussion.
And the Lord said "Let there be drinking and parties and celebrations throughout the lands!". And it was done. And the Lord saw that it was good. The Word of the Lord. Amen.

Wouldn't it be fun if church was simply a place to hold parties on Saturday night? Have a little prayer at the beginning, "Lord, bless this Beer, bless those who made this Beer, and bless us who are to consume this Beer. Amen" and then par-tay! :p
I don't think god is really the issue here. Immortality of the soul is the core of the equation. And no, that doesn't exist either.
Does God Exist?

I sympathise with muscleman. He is very zealous for his God. Or should I say our God. Hey I'm a Christian too. And it seems that all you loudmouths [bigfingers] are Atheists.

Can we prove that God exists.... NO!!!. If it were that easy everybody would be a Christian, noone would lie, everyone would fear God, there would be no atheists, cause everybody would be smart.:)

In the human mind the existence of God relies on faith. Some people just don't have that. Then again some do, but are just pitifully confused. Scientists will sit and argue the existence of black holes - has anyone ever seen one? No they see the results of a black hole. I have to admit, I don't see how an atheist can be a scientist. Atheists are - man they - can't even find a word. They are just wierd. Atheists don't believe in anything. As far as I can see an atheist is a person who is depressed. They have no exalting view of themselves.

Noone can disprove God's existence. None can prove it either [ not undisputably anyway]. Believing in God is a matter of FAITH. Even scientists have faith. That is why many of them believe in God. Physics had gone to the point of explaining that particles just "pop into existence" - in my opinion that's just paraphrasing 'God brought these particles into existence'.

Here is a link to a good book. You all should have a read. Everyone.
A Debate between an avid physicist and zealous religionist
Reasons for those atheists who do not fear to go here
And you think it's a good thing to fear your god? You think the human animal in it's most perfect state should exist in fear?
"Can we prove that God exists.... NO!!!. If it were that easy everybody would be a Christian, noone would lie, everyone would fear God, there would be no atheists, cause everybody would be smart."

Nice Job. With this paragraph you have:

a) Proved Muscleman wrong.
b) called anyone who doesn't believe in God a lier
c) made God look like some sort of dictator like Hitler and
d) called atheists and non-christians stupid.

"Atheists are - man they - can't even find a word. They are just wierd. Atheists don't believe in anything. As far as I can see an atheist is a person who is depressed. They have no exalting view of themselves. "

First off, I'm an atheist and to me Christians are weird. Atheists don't believe in God, that doesn't mean they don't believe in anything. I believe in science. I am not depressed, in fact I am far from it. A lot of the people I see depressed are Christians, I come across many more "Please pray for me I think I'm going to commit suicide" threads than I do "I don't believe in God and my life is miserable because of it" threads. If by your last statement you mean to say they are not conceited, stuck up, I'm-higher-than-you-because-I-believe-in-God types then yes, you're right.

"Physics had gone to the point of explaining that particles just "pop into existence" - in my opinion that's just paraphrasing 'God brought these particles into existence'. "

God must be one bored guy to be popping trillions of virtual particles into existance every second for the last 15 billion years don't you think? I assume that's what you're talking about, because that's the only time physics says particles simply "pop into existance".

Here's a good link for you to explore, maybe you'll see what most Christians look like from our (atheists) POV (or at least, mine):

K.. Xelios... some of the arguments on the site you posted... they are some of the most lame I've ever seen. Most of them are reaching. And they are prone to strong rebuttals.

"["Can we prove that God exists.... NO!!!. If it were that easy everybody would be a Christian, noone would lie, everyone would fear God, there would be no atheists, cause everybody would be smart."

Nice Job. With this paragraph you have:

a) Proved Muscleman wrong.
b) called anyone who doesn't believe in God a lier
c) made God look like some sort of dictator like Hitler and
d) called atheists and non-christians stupid. ]"

Thank you X... can I call you X? Part a - maybe you r right. Part b - you obviously misread. [not everyone who is not a christian is a liar*(duh) - there are other religions which promote truthfulness - don't worry I'm not THAT stupid. Part c - well You know God and Hitler are a bad comparison. If God was like Hitler well all atheists would be dead, and you typed your thing after I did mine so, I guess that's not the case. If God was like Hitler only Christians would exist that was a very challenmged statement. Part d - No. Not really. Not stupid - more - mislead. But that's a whole other argument. But I didn't mean that non-christians are stupid. Fools fall along the full social spectrum. GOTTA GO... FINISH THIS LATER
"K.. Xelios... some of the arguments on the site you posted... they are some of the most lame I've ever seen. Most of them are reaching. And they are prone to strong rebuttals. "

Good, you are starting to see how we atheists feel about Christian attempts to prove God.

"Part b - you obviously misread. [not everyone who is not a christian is a liar*(duh) - there are other religions which promote truthfulness - don't worry I'm not THAT stupid"

Riiighht... see this is what we reasonable people like to call 'being conceited'.

"well You know God and Hitler are a bad comparison. If God was like Hitler well all atheists would be dead, and you typed your thing after I did mine so, I guess that's not the case. If God was like Hitler only Christians would exist that was a very challenmged statement."

But you agree that God is like a dictator? Stalin perhaps? Musollini?

"No. Not really. Not stupid - more - mislead. "

And how do you know you're not the one being mislead? Let me guess, the Bible told you so right? It is your opinion that atheists are mislead, just as it is my opinion that theists are mislead.


I'll be here waiting, this should be fun.
Oh god (um ya), This guy sounds like muscleman, just smarter.


You say that you think atheists are weird, but think about this. Us Atheists see you religious people as people who believe that some purple squid monkey (to use muscleman's thing) that magically created the universe. Instead of learning how the universe works to help our civiliation, why don't we just "accept" that god makes everything work and leave it at that.

"Noone can disprove God's existence. None can prove it either "

This is where you differ from muzzleman. Im glad you can accept this fact. God must be hiding pretty well. The reason why atheists don't believe is because the "theory" has no evidence. Atheists only believe in what has evidence.

The very thought process of atheists and Theists are complete oposites. You believe in Faith, which i think is stupid and a waste of time. I believe in evidence and you think that I am stupid because I can't see whatever "light" you can.

You say athiests are people with no hope, but I see it as the religious people who have no hope. They have to invent spectacular after life things so they can feel better about their life NOW. Atheists see it as that there is no after life and to live as best they can, which could be potentially good. Atheists think that religious people must have bad lives, because they need some after life to counter it.

So you do religion so you can go to heaven right? Well, isn't that a bit greedy?

Oh ya, do you believe in the bible as truth, or do you just believe in a god?

"well You know God and Hitler are a bad comparison. "

He was NOT comparing hitler to god, he was saying that you made god sound like hitler. You fear god, Why? Why would you fear the only true good in the universe?
I would just like to say that Im thankful that MarkAC is nothing like muscleman.

"Can we prove that God exists.... NO!!!. If it were that easy everybody would be a Christian, noone would lie, everyone would fear God, there would be no atheists, cause everybody would be smart."

So if there was a God then everyone would be Christian?! What about Catholics, Jews, Protestants, or even Methodists.

That's what I don't like about Christians they think that their religion is better then everyone else's... makes em' kinda stuck up.
"some purple squid monkey (to use muscleman's thing)"

Hey!!!! That's my thing!! And it's "giant, invicible, purple squid-monkey hybrid" thank you very much!!
I live in Louisvile Kentucky in the South End. Also known as Fairdale (a city within the city of Louisville). Most of the christians that I know come from the East End, the rich side basically. So you can say that Im poor and most christians treat me differently when I USED to go to church. I stopped going, great way to meat chicks though.