God does exist.

Originally posted by wet1
Actually, between God Is Real and Muscleman, I much prefer Muscleman. At least he has something to say, not to mention a bit of maturity.

God Is Real seems to be able to show how immature he is and seems to be a poor example of how Christians should live, if I understand the tenants of Christain living. Further his language seems to be way off par for the what he would profess he stands for.

From what I have seen, at least Muscleman knows how to act in pulbic. I don't think God Is Real has been long out of housetraining...

Sorry for being an Asshole, wet1... I won't say that stuff anymore, you are right. I just realized that what God say's applies online too :x
Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
God Is Real Im agnostic, your a troll. Im reporting you and I hope all your post are edited.:D

I apologize Coffee... I was rude... and mean... :(

Sorry... God does not like it when we are like that... So I have to keep my anger pent up inside. For God to deal with. :)
you cannot meat others in hell read my previous post fucker.

Meat them? I don't want to "meat" anybody. That sounds perverse and like it might be dangerous.

Hmmmm.....not that I mind.

Thanks for the spelling tips... Could you tutor me? Please?

Sure. First, insert your fingers into your anus until you find your ears. Then, pull firmly until your head comes out of your arse. :rolleyes:

Then, learn to capitalize the first letter of the first word of a sentance.
As you can tell, I am not much into religion. I realize that my opinion is just that. My opinion. There is a lot that can be said without ever resorting to foul language to say it and many ways to say it.

God Is Real, I say this to you because it is a wonderful way of using language. You, have brought up the very thing I think I was trying to say. If you believe in your tenants, your faith, the way you should conduct yourself, then it should show. Too all, by the way you are. This can stand you in good stead. You are right, even on line it should show.

Why should you have anger because someone does not agree with you?
Originally posted by Xev
Meat them? I don't want to "meat" anybody. That sounds perverse and like it might be dangerous.

Hmmmm.....not that I mind.

Sure. First, insert your fingers into your anus until you find your ears. Then, pull firmly until your head comes out of your arse. :rolleyes:

Then, learn to capitalize the first letter of the first word of a sentance.

Sorry for I was mean Xev :(

I will go iron my hand :(

Or maybe hold it over a candle. Because I have sinned and I repented. And God told me I needed to punish myself. :(
Originally posted by wet1
As you can tell, I am not much into religion. I realize that my opinion is just that. My opinion. There is a lot that can be said without ever resorting to foul language to say it and many ways to say it.

God Is Real, I say this to you because it is a wonderful way of using language. You, have brought up the very thing I think I was trying to say. If you believe in your tenants, your faith, the way you should conduct yourself, then it should show. Too all, by the way you are. This can stand you in good stead. You are right, even on line it should show.

Why should you have anger because someone does not agree with you?

I agree wet1.

But I think maybe Theism is not as logical as I thought before.

Thank you Xev and Tyler and Adam and GB-GIL Trans-global for helping me find the truth... maybe I will become an Atheist :(
Originally posted by God Is Real
I agree wet1.

But I think maybe Theism is not as logical as I thought before.

Thank you Xev and Tyler and Adam and GB-GIL Trans-global for helping me find the truth... maybe I will become an Atheist :(

Oh by the way Xev the correct spelling is "sentence". I know that. Because in 5th grade English it was a spelling word and I always got it. Wrong until my teacher said it looks like "sin tinci" (latin for without tinches) except Es are replaced by Is. :)

And Xev and Tyler and Adam and GB-GIL Trans-global I say this. Because your posts convinced me so now I will. Convert to Atheism. Because now I think Theism is illogical. Because of what I saw in your posts. That you said about God and Theism. And Atheism. Thank you :)

But I am afraid, what if I was right before and I go to hell? :(
Or maybe hold it over a candle. Because I have sinned and I repented. And God told me I needed to punish myself.

Your God is an *******, luv, if He asks that of you.

But I am afraid, what if I was right before and I go to hell?

Your God is an *******, luv, if He does that to people simply for not believing in him.

Hurting people without their full and unwavering consent is wrong unless it is absolutely necessary.
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seeds was thrown your way, but none of you ever recognized it because u were busy looking for a date(preoccupied), because u were either blind (not paying attention and dont care), or just dont want it at all (so faithfull and loyal to your blind faith atheism 'proofless belief'). U have ears but u cant hear.

My faith in God is as solid as a steel. NOTHING you say will break through my faith in God because of FACTS SCIENCE POINTS OUT. I have studied evolution, laws of physics, microbiology, asked biochemist and the more i learn, the more it points out solid proof back to God the creator, I only accept facts and logic, lies and proof less claim are not welcome for there was a saying the devil is the master of illusion and father of lies. I WILL DEBATE WITH ANY ATHEIST IN THE UNIVERSE AND GUARANTEE VICTORY WITH NORMAL AUDIENCE WHO ARE LITERATE AND HAVE GOOD JUDGEMENT. note: I said "Normal audience", Not retards. I had supernatural occurence in my life, my step dad's cancer was healed through prayers, and many other miracles happened, events as such made my faith as HARD AS A STEEL..

You’ll be better off in saying, "George Washington is not real", then Ill say "he is". Here it goes…

Atheist say "prove to me George Washington is real, I haven't seen him or touched him, so he is NOT real, I don't take peoples word for it, I ask for logic physical proof".

Christian answer by sayings "Millions believe George Washington is real, there is location, history,& signature of him, handwritings, his house is even still here in this present day, & his very tomb "(Jesus Christ & the Egyptian rule over Jews, old & new testament, Jerusalem, have location & history proof & exist here in present day, like Jesus crucifix, the 12 apostles signature, Moses hand writing, St. Peters tomb, the scrolls, etc.)
Athiest say "that don't prove anything to me, I’ve been to the state where his tomb was & so called hand writings & signature, how do I know its not someone else? It can b somebody else corpse or handwritings, his house may even have been someone else’s house, a fraud, they just lie & say it's George Washington’s house for financial gain, when I went there I see this so-called tomb of his, I haven't touched his corpse therefore it could be a clay or if its not, it could be someone else, so no that doesn't prove to me George Washington is real".

Christian say " Historians, like the scientist whom u believe have studied & researched signature physical evidence which proved that he did wrote the constitution physically present today. There’s millions who are under it partly written by George Washington. Even his families handed down are here alive u can talk to who carried George Washington’s last name till this day, so your being stubborn, evidence are already presented (Millions in the present day are Christians, there is still Pope, bishops etc. who are handed down from St. Peter one of the 12 apostles who witnessed Jesus risen. Historians have studied & researched the 10 commandments in which the constitution is based on is from the bible, & the bible is from Christianity, scrolls have been dated back to the time of Egyptian rule during Moses time.)
Athiest say "whatever, your a stupid idiot, George Washington is NOT real & you cant prove to me physically, I haven't touched or seen him therefore he is not real".

Christian say "then that's your own personal opinion for I have presented to you evidence left & right yet you refuse to accept facts, I had enough of your stubborn head, I have evidence u refuse to accept, I’m done, now its your turn, prove to me George Washington is NOT REAL'.
Athiest say "like I was saying, my proof is I’ve been to the state where his tomb was & so called hand writings & signature, how do I know its not someone else? It can b somebody else corpse or handwritings, his house may even have been someone else’s house, they just lie & say it's his, his corpse could be a clay or someone’s body.

Christian say "U assume it could be someone else corpse, but u cant prove IT IS someone else corpse, U assume it MAYBE someone else signature but u cant prove IT IS someone's signature. I don't care what u assume or what u think, I ask for logic evidence that George is not real, listen to yourself & know your stating opinions not facts"(Athiest thinks/assumes heaven, hell, angles, devils are fake but they CANT prove it's fake.)
Athiest say "Ok, maybe your right, maybe George Washington is real, but I don't think he was a president." (Some atheist admit Jesus was real but don't think He is God)

Christian say "If George Washington isn't president, how then will he have the knowledge of governing America, if he wasn't a president would u think his writings will have followers? Will his writings even last if it was written of an ignorant man? Look today, America is very successful, this shows that the constitution is written by professionals/intellectual presidents, not an ordinary man" (If Jesus wasn't God, why would the apostles be martyred for that belief? On top of that millions later on. If Jesus wasn't God, will the church even last? Why would different race leave their cultures in which they were adapted all their life & become Christian a new concept? Why would millionaires give up their wealth & obey his teaching if there was nothing genuine about it? Why would presidents and world leaders use Jesus teaching & method of governing if its not effective? If Jesus wasn't God, how do u explain the cancer victims were healed through prayers? Etc., etc.)
Atheist say “If George was really a president, why would some citizens of his country break the law? Why are there thieves and murderers in the same government he rule in, even in the white house where he stays. Besides George was corrupt and a sinner, he doesn’t fit the description of a person who holds the title ‘president’, a nationwide leader.
Christian respond “So if president Clinton cheated on his wife to a girl by the name of Monica, does that mean Clinton isn’t president? Furthermore does it make him a myth? So what if some citizens under his rule commit crimes, why do you blame their actions to George, they have freewill; George however punished them after the crime. If a well-disciplined teen intentionally beat up his classmate and claimed his father gave him the permission, does that mean it’s the teen’s dad who beats the classmate up? You’re stupid, everyone have freewill. (Atheist will say there is no God because bishops, priest, and the popes in the past and present makes mistakes and are sinners, such as the inquisition, wars, therefore there’s no God, stupid atheist. All humans regardless of belief makes mistakes, being atheist doesn’t make you free from committing wrong either, all people makes mistakes regardless of belief, Christians, Buddhist, Muslims, etc. Even the bible said that clearly, we are all sinners and have freewill. They have so much misconception about God that they said “My mom died of cancer, where was God when I prayed for His help?” stupid, if you acknowledge God, then you acknowledge life after death, so what seems to be the problem?)
Athiest say "you're an idiot. George Washington is not real, I have not seen him or touched him physically. Besides, the burden is on you to prove George is real".

Christian say "No, the burden is on you to prove your claim George isn't real, for there’s millions who believe he is real & only few of you believe hes not real" (Christian outnumbered atheist, billions of Christians, few atheist).
this is another convo u will likely face.....

Athiest will say "You guys created heaven in your mind bcuz of your bad life on earth".

Christian respond "Sammy Sosa, Evander Holyfield, Mike Tyson, President Bush, President John F. Kennedy, etc, & much much more live a wealthy life, fame, money, power, so much loved, yet they believe of heaven, so b quite & next time think b4 asking ok?"(U just proved them wrong but they will change the topic like always)
Athiest then say "U & the rest of your kind are brainwashed".

Christian respond "We all learn what we are taught; if u call that brainwashed then you & the everyone else in the world are brainwashed, the only difference between us & your kind is that we only believe what’s logic, true, with scientific physical evidence, unlike you and the rest of your kind who is so superstitious to believe on a claim w/out evidence at all, so illogical to only believe what you see, therefore king Henry Shakespeare, and queen Elizabeth must be myths for even factual historical proof and millions of testimony isn’t enough for you. You have heard & seen people miraculously healed through prayers in actual life or on television practiced by millions, slain through prayers & yet even then you still refuse to believe, seen or unseen you refuse to believe, you only believe what you want to believe, you don’t care about reality, you deny physical reality of healing even if its scientifically investigated labeled as “Mind over matter” & “the unexplained” so you’re the one who is being superstitious.

Atheist will say "If God is not fake because u want proof he is, then prove to me tooth fairies/unicorns don’t hover around earth every night".

Smart Christian will say "A claim can b proven fake by lack of evidence. What evidence do u have of tooth fairy? How many eyewitnesses? Millions? If tooth fairies plucked out a teeth, is there any scientific investigation done to it?/ If so can u show it? How many testified? Show me healing, supernatural/miracles documented in the name of tooth fairy. How many died for tooth fairy to verify its value? / Thousands? Is there a Historical location of it? If so, where? Give up? Well tooth fairy because of its lack of evidence is fake. Period...

Athiest will say "Your right, there is no proof God is fake, u can never prove a negative"

Christian say "You can prove claim is fake by lack of evidence. God is full of evidence u refuse to accept, cancers cured/healing/millions eyewitnesses/prophesies, etc./ U may call it coincidence, etc. that’s your opinion FACT is they TOOK PLACE. Ur opinion can’t change reality. Sorry...
Athiest will say "The difference between proving King Henry is real & God is that God is supernatural, king Henry isn't, face the fact there are many kings like that of King Henry.

Christian will say "U view God as supernatural, well how does this prove God is not real? Definition of supernatural means "Beyond laws of nature: miraculous" it doesn’t mean "myth" or "fake" u dummy/ U say it is understandable a king exist, your right as much as a creator exist for atom doesn't create itself. Is internet/computers/satellites natural or supernatural? Natural 2 those who understand it: supernatural 2 those who don't/ Its supernatural when an incurable cancer is healed which science cant explain, though its supernatural, its REAL

Logic- Christian: Incurable cancers are healed numerous times when people pray to God "their faith healed them"- Jesus; sed over 2000 yrs ago, FACT.

illogic- Atheism: If incurable cancers r healed which science cant explain, bcuz we don’t believe in God, lets label it as "Mind over matter" for atheist sake/ lets say "Their faith healed them/if they really believe it will heal" we call it "mind over matter", FACT "atheist ppl, that’s been said 2000 yrs ago by Jesus, your a copy cat."

Fact: Jesus never said only Christians get healed of their sickness, that’s why few non Christians r also miraculously healed as well bcuz of their faith. Jesus said "YOUR faith has healed you"/ He didn’t say "My power has healed you", power of God is manifested through those who have FAITH. A Roman soldier (gentile: like non christian today) have asked Jesus to heal his sick daughter with great humility/ Jesus said "Truly I have not seen a man who have greater faith than he in Jerusalem (chosen ppl), becuz of YOUR faith, go on home, your daughter is healed"...
There was never a written guarrenty in life. No one can hand you a paper saying you will die tomarrow, (unless special circumstances apply) or you will live to be 180 years old. Each of us must decide what we see and what that means.

In spite of the way it may have looked in my first post in this thread, I harbor no ill will towards Muscleman, nor you, God Is Real. You will believe what you believe. Others may affect your thoughts and beliefs but in the end it is you who must decide. Whatever that means to you. Each of us are faced with the same situtation. That is part of belonging to the human race. May your run be long and fruitful...
You're truly an idiot, muscleman.

No self-respecting Atheist would ever say those things. Because they are stupid and their spelling and grammar is so bad. Even compared to mine which. Is bad. :p

Plus there is not nearly as much proof for the existance of God/Jesus Christ as for George Washington. :rolleyes:

But you won't believe me. Because I am a mindless child. :p

About your father how do you know. It was really the prayer. That helped him recover? I could even say that. It was the alignment of X planet with X planet. Even if they were planets. In different galaxies. So where is your proof. That it was really the. Prayer that helped? :p
sorry but I just have to respond to Godisreal (a disguised atheist)

One time I stated to an atheist guy that healing of incurable diseases is good proof of God, after all science accepts it’s existence claiming "faith" caused "brain chemical" in other words "mind over matter" to heal the cancer, that’s their theory (which was said by Jesus 2000 yrs earlier, LOL) Healing is proven to take place countless times. The atheist guy then told me "Miracles of healing proves healing, not God. Scientifically God isn’t proven there".

I asked the atheist guy, prove to me scientifically that a criminal shot and killed a person. Scientifically, it was the gunpowder and the iron that penetrates the human body, which caused it to bleed to death or body malfunction. Scientifically u can’t prove the criminal who pulled the trigger killed the person. Or prove to me your doctor healed your sickness, scientifically it was the medicine prescribed by doctor that healed you but u cannot scientifically prove the doctor was behind the cause. If this is so, why then do u ask proof God is behind the healing of cancers? When u cant even prove doctors r behind medicines? < Did you read that child?

Few yrs ago,some scientist observed a christian man in prayer to observe what is faith, they said "Hmm...Ill x-ray his head & see what it looks like" LOL, & so they did, only 2 see the man's head have a lot of heat (LOL, so?), then they say "Let me open his head & look closer to observe it", LOL, so they opened his head only to see this guy's brain have alot of liquid thingy that they believe caused the heat, they named it "Brain chemicals", they cant decapitate the guys'brain otherwise he'll die, so no further study was done, they named the brain chemical "Parapsychokenetic", Wow! Deep words huh...So theres no God? LOL, Cuz you named it? therefore theres no God? Let me guess, u named that after your butt itched last night. Im suprised you didnt name it "Parascratchomybutto".

U cant even find a cure for acnes on your butt, & u tried to find God by science? LOL

DO U GET WHAT IM SAYING? (if not dont worry Im not surprised)
Re: sorry but I just have to respond to Godisreal (a disguised atheist)

One time I stated to an atheist guy that healing of incurable diseases is good proof of God, after all science accepts it’s existence claiming "faith" caused "brain chemical" in other words "mind over matter" to heal the cancer, that’s their theory (which was said by Jesus 2000 yrs earlier, LOL) Healing is proven to take place countless times. The atheist guy then told me "Miracles of healing proves healing, not God. Scientifically God isn’t proven there".

You have yet to give actual proof of God to us.

Oh, and I'm not a disguised Atheist. I was a true Christian until your stupidity and the convincing statements of Xev and Tyler and Adam and GB-GIL and Raithere made me stop believing in that horror you worship. I hope he isn't real, because if he is we're all doomed to die horrible deaths because he is an evil sicko.

I asked the atheist guy, prove to me scientifically that a criminal shot and killed a person. Scientifically, it was the gunpowder and the iron that penetrates the human body, which caused it to bleed to death or body malfunction.

Yes, however the penetration is the fault of the shot fired. If the shot were fired none of this could've happened.

Scientifically u can’t prove the criminal who pulled the trigger killed the person.

If it weren't for him pulling the trigger, the bullet wouldn't be able to penetrate the person's skin. It's their fault that the person died, they chose to set off a chain of events leading to the victim's death.

Or prove to me your doctor healed your sickness, scientifically it was the medicine prescribed by doctor that healed you but u cannot scientifically prove the doctor was behind the cause.

Yes however without the doctor the medicine would never have been perscribed to me. It is his fault I took the medicine, it was his choice that set off that chain of events which cured me.

If this is so, why then do u ask proof God is behind the healing of cancers? When u cant even prove doctors r behind medicines?

I can prove they are behind medicines. If it weren't for them, nobody would perscribe the medicines. DUH.
Did you read that child? :p

< Did you read that child?

What child? Where? I don't see any child... :bugeye:

Few yrs ago,some scientist observed a christian man in prayer to observe what is faith, they said "Hmm...Ill x-ray his head & see what it looks like" LOL, & so they did, only 2 see the man's head have a lot of heat (LOL, so?), then they say "Let me open his head & look closer to observe it", LOL, so they opened his head only to see this guy's brain have alot of liquid thingy that they believe caused the heat, they named it "Brain chemicals", they cant decapitate the guys'brain otherwise he'll die, so no further study was done, they named the brain chemical "Parapsychokenetic", Wow! Deep words huh...So theres no God? LOL, Cuz you named it? therefore theres no God? Let me guess, u named that after your butt itched last night. Im suprised you didnt name it "Parascratchomybutto".

They did this study to find if prayer actually appears on tests differently than normal thought.

It didn't, because prayer is people talking to themselves. When God responds to you, it's really just the part of you that wants there to be a God responding in your head to yourself. It's you talking to yourself, except one of the "yous" thinks the other is God.

U cant even find a cure for acnes on your butt, & u tried to find God by science? LOL

Attacks ad hominium... unfortunately this is very immature.

DO U GET WHAT IM SAYING? (if not dont worry Im not surprised)

I can't help but think that you're a creation of Tiassa or GB-GIL or somebody mischevious like that.
Originally posted by muscleman
you can prove God's existence by science but you cant use science to find God

All the proof you have given us so far was your telling us why Evolution couldn't be real. Those arguments gave were very weak, but even if they were all true and strong arguments they would not be proof for the existance of God.
With the addition of the incredibly pointless and worthless God Is Real, this thread has become absolutely worthless.
Hey Godisreal (lying atheist), thanks for saying that you desire proof before considering a claim, in this case a claim of God. So why dont you start practicing what you preach you hipocrite! Why do u claim there is no God when the fact is no evidence supports such claim (Though I have proof), so b quite and stop claiming "God is not real" for that claim have no proof as well BY ADMITTANCE. I never admit God have no proof.I HAVE SENT U GUYS PROOF BUT ALL U DO IS CHANGE TOPIC AND TALK ABOUT HOW BY PROVING EVOLUTION WRONG DOESNT PROVE THERE IS GOD AND ABOUT ABOGENESIS, WHEN I DIDNT EVEN BROUGHT THAT TOPIC OUT. U KNOW HOW STUPID U R KIDS? DOES UR BRAIN FUNCTION? I NEVER CLAIMED EVOLUTION IS FALSE IN FACT I SUPPORT EVOLUTION.


Fact: Atheist ask proof of God, answer=healing,eyewitness,unexplained events,all REAL,etc. they reject proof bcuz they r stubborn, then they say there is no God/ u ask them proof of it & they have NONE, their choices &ignorance is their proof God is fake, so to b stupid & ignorant proves theres no God

Fact: belief atheism is delusional, just in their mind. Christianity is environmentally visible.

B]Fact: Atheist ask proof of God, answer=healing,eyewitness,unexplained events,all REAL,etc. they reject proof bcuz they r stubborn, then they say there is no God/ u ask them proof of it & they have NONE, their choices &ignorance is their proof God is fake, so to b stupid & ignorant proves theres no God[/B]

What r the requirement to be an atheist? O well thats very easy.

1.) Be the stupidest person in the whole universe, the more your stubborn, the better. Reject all scientific factual evidence possible if it supports "God", deny it and change topic and talk about historical human errors (Talk about how christians in the past made mistakes, this and that blah blah blah etc.)

2.) If you cant find a good response to the topic, change the topic (tell him about how your sister is an atheist and she is smart), if he noticed you change topic, then reserve to name calling (tell him hes gay, etc. etc.)

3.) Lie, always lie to prove your point, this is a necessity of being an atheist. After all no atheist can prove their claim there is no God, just say that its possible a laptop computer can possibly formed through series of earthquake and lightning by chance. If he says that claim of chance need proof, then change topic and talk about how the earth was believed by all as flat until theyre belief was proven wrong by science. And if they say "thats why i only accept in scientitific fact because it reveals lies" then go back to number 2, reserve to name calling, its a must, tell him that hes gay.

If this requirements are being lived up to then congratulations, you are now a member of the Atheist club.