God does exist.

Requirements of being a christian...This is going to take some hard work...

1.) Be strong, and hang on for you are about to confront the stupidest kind of people in the world (atheist) who will reject every piece of scientific evidence possible. Be aware for atheist are so stupid that they are clever, the next thing you know they will change topic.

2.) Pray for their soul because its necessary. Atheist are so stupid that they will claim the nature of life is "chaos" and not a design, they are so faithfull to a proofless belief that they will lie, they are not aware that the whole time they are so faithfull to the master of illusion and the father of lies, satan himself (Satan exist because atheist exist, LOL Im using atheist concepts, its like Evil exist therefore God isnt good) This is chaos to atheist> Trees and plants cleansed the immeasurable air, the air is breathed by incalculable creatures, when creatures die it fertilizes the soil, the soil in turn will provide all sorts of plants different flavors for different creatures, each omnivors inturn becomes the carnivors diet. And the carnivors have competition (lion vs. hyenas, or tigers, etc.) then carnivors can also die. Then when the earth revolves, the other side still have light (at nighttime) because the stars and reflection of the moon shed its light. FOR BILLIONS OF YEARS earth’s nature and life existed and survived. Can you calculate how many different species? TRILLIONS AND TRILLIONS. Can you calculate how many human beings existed on earth past and present? TRILLIONS AND TRILLIONS AND NOT ONE OF THEM HAVE THE SAME DNA , DIFFERENT FINGER PRINTS, DIFFERENT PERSONALITY, DIFFERENT TASTE, EACH PERSON ARE SPECIAL AND UNIQUE IN THEIR OWN WAY. I can take up maybe one million pages describing the complexity of nature and life.< this is all “chance” but don’t dare ask atheist proof of chance, otherwise they will reserve to name calling and will call you gay, therefore pray more.

3.) Praying is not enough, do some fasting and good works (atheist need some serious help, they need counseling reach out to some of them, prayers is not enough). Educate yourself with science & philosophy.
Originally posted by muscleman
I asked the atheist guy, prove to me scientifically that a criminal shot and killed a person. Scientifically, it was the gunpowder and the iron that penetrates the human body, which caused it to bleed to death or body malfunction. Scientifically u can’t prove the criminal who pulled the trigger killed the person.

That like saying, if I threw a metal ball at your head and hit you, would you have a bruise from the ball? Course you would. Now would you have a bruise if I hadn't thrown the ball?

Admittidly the bullet killed the man, yes. But the bullet would not been in the person, if the criminal had not pulled the trigger.

Originally posted by muscleman

Or prove to me your doctor healed your sickness, scientifically it was the medicine prescribed by doctor that healed you but u cannot scientifically prove the doctor was behind the cause. If this is so, why then do u ask proof God is behind the healing of cancers? When u cant even prove doctors r behind medicines? < Did you read that child?

Didn't God give us 'free will' to create things both good and bad? You don't give credit to the humans who made these things, you give credit to 'God'.

Originally posted by muscleman
FOR BILLIONS OF YEARS earth’s nature and life existed and survived.

Sorry but I thought by the old testament, the world was created in 4046 BC? So the world is only just over 6000 years old yet you say the world has lived FOR BILLIONS OF YEARS. It came from the same testament that tells you about adam and eve so it must have some truth?. You believe 'God' so you must believe the bible?

More reasons why I don't believe in 'God'.
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Desertrat, your an old school

Everybody listen, we dont think the earth is 6000 yrs old ok children? LOL, we accept any theories WITH EVIDENCE, u got that? WITH EVIDENCE and nothing less. The Pope and the church agrees with evolution, if u talk about Adam and Eve, they are not LITERALLY the first human race, but are the first human race GOD REVEALED HIMSELF TO; My personal translation is, since the word "adam" means "man" he speaks for the human race in general, not a particulare being, Im sleepy, anyways the bible is parables that are to be translated, and Im not a theologian so I dont really know (Well actually I have an answer for this I just have to look for it), O Trust me, I know your future question atheist kids, the noah's ark, and the classical "man is evil therefore there is no God", but i will deal with that sometime later ok, as of now read below....


When the bible was first compiled out of many scrolls, the church scholars, the pope and the magisterium believed that its inspired by God, therefore its “free of moral errors” in Latin “Nihil Obstat” or “imprimatur”. The pope altogether with the magisterium has not only had the bible signed as free of errors, but also signed other books as well. People however thought of the bible being free of scientifical error, mathematical error, and geographical error, which is ridiculous. When you seek of science, look for the book of science. If you desire learning square root, get a math book. If u desires to be morally good, then get a bible, which is free of moral errors. The bible is thousands years old, how did u expect their language to be applicable in present times? That’s why we have the church, the Roman Catholic Church in which the bible originally belongs to translate the bible for us.
The bible is infallible & free of errors in the sense of morality. Not in the sense of math, health, science, & physics. Sure there’s moral errors in Old Testament, but not the WHOLE bible. Jesus God himself addressed the errors in the new testament, for one "U have heard eye for an eye, but I say offer your right cheek". We see these things, priest doesn’t go to school for 8 yrs & not see these. It’s obvious, lets pretend that the bible said the earth was flat at the time (though it never said that) & now was discovered to b round, (that's geographic error). What man who accepts God doesn’t make mistakes?? We all sin!! Physics, math, geography, science. Etc. is not what keeps the bible away from errors but it’s free of errors in the sense of its MORAL TEACHING, how to save yourself/ The Bible in all its context & teaching is free of moral errors. The Old Testament in itself has moral error, yet the New Testament fulfilled it. Priest can even "Imprimatur" "nihil obstat" certain written modern books, meaning "free of errors", in a sense of its moral value. Maybe the person who wrote that book may have even said 5+5=3, & misspelled the word "Ignorant atheist" that's math & spelling error, its moral teaching in the book is still free of errors, I mean the book isn't telling u its ok to be gay. The same with the pope, we do believe the pope is infallible in teaching the moral value of the church. Not math, geography, science, health, etc. we are not profession in those subjects.
Re: Desertrat, your an old school

Originally posted by muscleman
LOL, we accept any theories WITH EVIDENCE, u got that? WITH EVIDENCE and nothing less.

Looks like christians and atheists have something in common.
[GodIsReal:]Yes however without the doctor the medicine would never have been perscribed to me. It is his fault I took the medicine, it was his choice that set off that chain of events which cured me.

The Bible is the medicine prescribed to cure evil and death. The reason you don't believe is that God doesn't force it down your thoat. It is your choice to take the medicine, the doctor simply prescribes it. If you don't believe in doctors you won't go to them, and you won't know what's wrong or what medicine to take.

Acts 15:11 - "We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved..."
Ephesians 2:8 - "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith–and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God..."

[Xev:] Your God is an asshole, luv, if He does that to people simply for not believing in him.
Colossians 2:23
Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their selfimposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.

LOL, we accept any theories WITH EVIDENCE, u got that? WITH EVIDENCE and nothing less.

>Looks like christians and atheists have something in common.
1 Corinthians 1
21For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. 22Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, 23but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles...
Re: Re: Re: The proof of God. (Atheist I warn you, this requires u to use your brain)

Originally posted by muscleman

*sigh* Our education system is in serious need of improvement.

Electrostatic charges are caused by friction, which is caused by wind, which is caused by atmospheric temperature changes, which is caused by heat from the sun. Any more questions?


Sure… give me a test tube the size of an ocean and a billion years and I'll get back to you.

Originally posted by muscleman

Re: Re: Re: Re: The proof of God. (Atheist I warn you, this requires u to use your brain)

Originally posted by Raithere

*sigh* Our education system is in serious need of improvement.

Electrostatic charges are caused by friction, which is caused by wind, which is caused by atmospheric temperature changes, which is caused by heat from the sun. Any more questions?

Raith, Child I dont think u get what Im saying, my point is that ok it came from this then from that and so on, it keeps on going and going, Im asking a infinite never ending question and the topic GOES BACK FROM THE BEGGINING, IS IT "CHANCE"? OR IS IT "INTELLIGENCE"? thats where it comes down to but you didnt get the point child. Then it comes down to me asking your aligator brain "prove the possibility of chance" which u dont have, and if u ask me "prove the possibility of intelligence", I will respond "Its not possibility, and its not 'fitting' but its PROVEN!" Every complex and detailed form is an effect of intelligent cause (as observed and studied), from biological to technological. WE CAN DEBATE ABOUT CHANCE AND INTELLIGENCE AGAIN IF U WANT.


Sure… give me a test tube the size of an ocean and a billion years and I'll get back to you.<

Raith again can you read? What part of the word "IMPOSSIBLE" DONT U UNDERSTAND? Below is how the nature will create life..

"The nucleus was luckily made first by tornado, this guy u wont believe it, he was very strong & was waiting until Mr. cytoplasm appeared. Then later on mitochondria accidentally appeared, he then said to cytoplasm & nucleus "sorry guys it took me 100,000,000,000,000,000 yrs to exist, its just that Mr. earthquake didn’t shake me right at first but it doesn’t matter, I accidentally appeared now, thanks for waiting guys", then ribosome accidentally appeared, then thousands & thousands of other parts accidentally appeared to join the rest of the crew until it became a fully develop cell.

FOR THE SAKE OF RAITH, let’s just pretend that scientists were able to successfully build a cell together! (THOUGH ITS IMPOSSIBLE BY SCIENCE, AGAIN NOT IMPOSSIBLE 600 YRS AGO(LOL) Even then Ill still believe in God for the fact is, intelligence is the cause of the detailed & complex effect (scientist effort) not series of tornado, earthquake, & lightning.< tHIS PROVES INTELLIGENCE EVEN MORE,its a win and win situation. Intelligence isnt fitting, ITS PROVEN.

note: Ok I sinned for i thought that was my last post, wwell let God b my judge, and dont say God is myth because I have sinned ok children?
~Raithere [/B]
Praise Satan he's gone:p

edit- damn- he's back:mad:, posted while I was writing

baaad Satan:bugeye:
they named the brain chemical "Parapsychokenetic", Wow! Deep words huh...So theres no God? LOL, Cuz you named it? therefore theres no God? Let me guess, u named that after your butt itched last night. Im suprised you didnt name it "Parascratchomybutto".

Parascratchomybutto...LOL, that's funny!:D

Sorry, that had nothing to do with this thread...:eek:
Does God exist?

Does anything disprove the existence of God?

Is there anything that can consistently prove that God is not real?

Nothing as far as I know... but if you know something I don't; enlighten me please.

Does anything prove the existence of God?

Well... as a Christian and a young scientist I have realised something; You can't prove if God exists or not. No matter how much you argue. Both sides will always have 'proof' that he exists or doesn't

Any of you read the Bible?

Well one thing I do know. Faith is the key where God is concerned. That's why faith isn't easy. 'Blessed are those who believe in what they have not seen'... or some paraphrase like that. If we could solidly prove God's existenc or disprove it. We wouldn't have to argue. As long as argument continues... 'proof' is not sufficient.

I guess God is to me like dark matter and energy are to scientists... you know it's there... butcha just can't see it. See? Even scientists have faith.

You either accept Him and you pass on to the next stage of existence... or you don't and well you pass on to the next stage of existence. Just one difference;

Hey 'if' He exists and I believe I have no problems after I die... if he doesn't... I'm safe anyway... what the hell... pun intended;)... I'll just keep believing.:)
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Re: Does God exist?

Originally posted by MarcAC
I guess God is to me like dark matter and energy are to scientists... you know it's there... butcha just can't see it. See? Even scientists have faith.
If you can feel the heat from a heat lamp, and anyone one the street you pick can feel it too. Then why do you need faith to believe in energy. Just because you can't see it?
Re: Does God exist?

Originally posted by MarcAC
Hey 'if' He exists and I believe I have no problems after I die... if he doesn't... I'm safe anyway... what the hell... pun intended;)... I'll just keep believing.:) [/B]

Pascal's Wager isn't valid if God truly exists, knows all, and you're believing "just in case". Seems to me you'd have to believe regardless. If you do, fine...but using the word "safe" implies you're trying to trick your way into Heaven. And an all-knowing being would see right through that. Besides, what if you're wrong, and there's a God, but it's a different religion's God. Uh oh...

I much prefer the version...

"It is better to live your life as if there are no Gods, and try to make the world a better place for your being in it. If there is no God, you have lost nothing and will be remembered fondly by those you left behind. If there is a benevolent God, He will judge you on your merits and not just on whether or not you believed in Him."