God did not create heaven and earth.

Ok if God creates all Matter then who or what created GOD where did God come from.

I was researching and listening, and I once heard a satisfactory answer to this. However, you aren't going to like it. lol

If you are familiar with fractals and infinite geometric patterns, this is a good image and metaphor for the reality of the situation. It is a circular reality that, in its own consciousness is without beginning or end, but always was and is.

For example, we are aware of the particles the made up the universe seconds after the big bang, but are searching for their cause. For this, we have constructed gigantic super-collides to smash particles together and make tiny "explosions" from which more of these particles are released in an effort to understand their origins. To date, we haven't been able to get the "perfect" collision, but the colliders get bigger and bigger, and we get closer and closer to the origin of these particles.

. . . And yet, weren't all these particles the result of a "big bang?" And here WE are making. . . . little bangs as it were, trying to get it closer and closer to the exact conditions of the beginning. What if in the bizaar world of happenstance we got it absolutely perfect. . . only to in the end, re-create exactly the big bang. Well, there you go, you have the explanation of "our" big bang. At some point in the past, a civilization (identical?) to ours was searching for that answer to origins, when they mistakenly produced it! Are we in the midst of producing some other universe's civilization. . . . just so they can adapt, evolve, and someday try to solve these questions by creating their own colliders? Now, you can see how this could go on forever. It certainly isn't an argument in favor of continuing the research into these questions at CERN. Let us just hope that if this were the case, CERN is not big enough to generate the required speeds for that final all revealing, "bang." lol
M*W: I still say it didn't take any deity to create or separate the heavens and earth. It was all about ancient man's perception that led him to create star myths for his own entertainment purposes. Ancient woman may have had a totally differing interpretation of the heavens. The heavens and earth were perceived to be separated "as above, so below" due to ancient human need for a higher power.
I was researching and listening, and I once heard a satisfactory answer to this. However, you aren't going to like it. lol

If you are familiar with fractals and infinite geometric patterns, this is a good image and metaphor for the reality of the situation. It is a circular reality that, in its own consciousness is without beginning or end, but always was and is.

For example, we are aware of the particles the made up the universe seconds after the big bang, but are searching for their cause. For this, we have constructed gigantic super-collides to smash particles together and make tiny "explosions" from which more of these particles are released in an effort to understand their origins. To date, we haven't been able to get the "perfect" collision, but the colliders get bigger and bigger, and we get closer and closer to the origin of these particles.

. . . And yet, weren't all these particles the result of a "big bang?" And here WE are making. . . . little bangs as it were, trying to get it closer and closer to the exact conditions of the beginning. What if in the bizaar world of happenstance we got it absolutely perfect. . . only to in the end, re-create exactly the big bang. Well, there you go, you have the explanation of "our" big bang. At some point in the past, a civilization (identical?) to ours was searching for that answer to origins, when they mistakenly produced it! Are we in the midst of producing some other universe's civilization. . . . just so they can adapt, evolve, and someday try to solve these questions by creating their own colliders? Now, you can see how this could go on forever. It certainly isn't an argument in favor of continuing the research into these questions at CERN. Let us just hope that if this were the case, CERN is not big enough to generate the required speeds for that final all revealing, "bang." lol
Yes I have heard of this before how wevery it does not explain the Mistical creature called God now does it. And yes One day the Little bang will indeed become bid and then we will truly be screwed.
Yes I have heard of this before how wevery it does not explain the Mistical creature called God now does it. And yes One day the Little bang will indeed become bid and then we will truly be screwed.

In this explanation, even the term, "God" loses meaning. It is an explanation of cause that eliminates from it any need for conscious being with some sort of attributable ego.

It only leaves in it's wake, the unending question of . . . "why?" And, raises the notion of free will, does it exist, and is this pattern doomed to infinity?
M*W: I still say it didn't take any deity to create or separate the heavens and earth. It was all about ancient man's perception that led him to create star myths for his own entertainment purposes. Ancient woman may have had a totally differing interpretation of the heavens. The heavens and earth were perceived to be separated "as above, so below" due to ancient human need for a higher power.

The laws of the universe ARE a higher power MW. That's no myth, that's rather obvious.
The laws of the universe ARE a higher power MW. That's no myth, that's rather obvious.
M*W: I didn't say that they weren't. Hopefully, laws can be tried, tested and reproduced, to be accurate and effective. If you're talking about a "higher power" such as a diety, I believe that is up to each individual's interpretation. Personally, I think it's a myth. The only higher power I have is me. If you could have walked a mile in my shoes, you'd probably agree.
M*W, it is true what you said about women during those times. tbh, i dont think anyone ever asked.
Well it would be fundimental to the answer of what was created and when I would think. and if God indeed had a creator then the creator had a creator and so on.

Unless, of course, you accept that God and potential has always existed.
Unless, of course, you accept that God and potential has always existed.

Yeah but I cannot eccept that if he or it created everything he it they had to be created too from somewhere something or some time.
Yeah but I cannot eccept that if he or it created everything he it they had to be created too from somewhere something or some time.

If God and potential always existed, God didn't create everything - nobody did.
Think of a little kid in a sandbox building things from sand.
He creates his own world, but started with a box full of sand.
M*W: I didn't say that they weren't. Hopefully, laws can be tried, tested and reproduced, to be accurate and effective. If you're talking about a "higher power" such as a diety, I believe that is up to each individual's interpretation. Personally, I think it's a myth. The only higher power I have is me. If you could have walked a mile in my shoes, you'd probably agree.

The higher power IS the law.

And we are all a part of something much greater than ourselves.